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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4236109 No.4236109[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you like Spaghetti Napolitan (spaghetti with ketchup sauce)?

>> No.4236144
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It’s delicious.

>> No.4236375

I haven't had it. Do you have a good recipe?

>> No.4236422

LoL Boo Boo HoNEY EPIC MAYWAYS!!!! xD LeL bg2 reddot!!!!!!!!!!112345678910!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.4236435


My roommates' spaghetti sauce recipe and university (2 chicks):

- empty a jar of Ragu into saucepan
- heat up
- chop up yellow onion and add to sauce
- grate light cheddar into sauce
- remove from heat
- boil pasta in water and rinse in cold water
- place pasta on plate, and heap a snoop of sauce over top, like it shows on the Ragu bottle

I'm Italian, by the way. They would ask me to join them for dinner and I'd try to be polite but I'd say "Nooo thank you" and I'd laugh. They got really upset at that, but what can you do?

>> No.4236854

I though ti was called spagetti napoleon

>> No.4236947
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History of Spaghetti Napolitan.


>> No.4237038

>ketchup sauce

Dude that's fucking disgusting. What's so hard about a tasty tomato sauce or bolognese?

>> No.4237041

I've been using some pasta water, canned tomatoes, onions, garlic, "crushed red pepper" and simmering with some dried herbs, then adding red wine (and possibly pureeing if I don't like the texture) then putting it on low-ish heat and adding the almost-cooked pasta back in for a few minutes, then adding some fresh basil

Is this an offense to italia?

>> No.4237048

The red wine in the sauce does not fit in my opinion.
My Italian mom fries garlic in olive oil in a deep pan, then adds chopped canned tomatoes without any additional water (just a little to get all the sauce out of the cans), adds one or two whole hot chillis (not chopped, just the whole thing), fresh leafs of basil, salt and a little pepper.
When it's done take out the chillies and cut them on a separated plate, sauce on pasta, add some chopped chillies and fresh parmesan cheese (not the disgusting powder you buy in the supermarket - invest in some real parmesan, it's worth it).
Done in 20 minutes and a great dish.

>> No.4237051


>stovetop temp never exceeds '3'

>1 white/yellow onion minced/chopped
>cook in oil
>add salt pepper and garlic to taste
>1/2 tsp parsley
>cook some more
>when nice and brown, add 2 tbl tomato paste
>stir until mixed
>add 1/2 cup red wine from favorite winery
>cook until starting to thicken
>chuck in a 28 oz can of diced tomatoes
>let simmer until pasta and chicken are done

>> No.4237052

>ketchup sauce
>My roommates' spaghetti sauce recipe
>spagetti napoleon

>this much rustling

>> No.4237055


>2 defrosted chicken breast
>cut in half depthwise, so you have 4 thin breasts
>season to taste- i usually rub some salt and pepper on
>oil up pan and slap them on for about 8-10 minutes, until the side is crispy and golden, but not burnt
>flip and repeat
>once done, cut into 1/2 inch wide strips
>cut each strip into 3
>if spaghetti, spahghetti obto plate, then chicken, then sauce then cheese
>if short pastas (penne) put everything into the same pot, stir and serve

>> No.4237056

I also use this same sauce for meatball casserole

>> No.4237082

i think the wine is essencial in a pasta sauce, lust as much as the basil.let's say you use a half a glass of good quality red wine to remove all the tomato from the can. let it reduce. it really adds flavor to the sauce.

>> No.4237108

i think too that the wine isn´t fitting, also for cooking it´s not essential to take a good quality red wine, it shouldn´t be the worst but to think that a high quality red wine makes the food essentially better is nonsense. Good wine is for drinking not for cooking
My mom made them with onions and garlic in oil but the rest is the same. When there was sauce left we used it for pizza.
I´m german by the way, no italian relation.

>> No.4237437
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Spaghetti Napolitan.

>> No.4237696
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>> No.4237702

it tastes awesome if you let arround 20g butter melt in the sauce somewhere in the process.
also olive oil!

>> No.4237703

and do not use ketchup, thats disgusting. tomato paste and water makes a good base

>> No.4237757

Japan likes sketti? Fucking...mayonnaise-on-pizza retarded.

>> No.4237794
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>Sherry with spaghetti
I seriously hope you guys don't do this other than for the aperitif. And I seriously hope you guys chill it first.

>> No.4237804

back to /v/. /ck/ is a good board.

>> No.4237813
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>/ck/ is a good board
ha ha, nice one

>> No.4237836


/ck/ is simultaneously the best and worst board on 4chan. We're relatively nice, helpful, and on topic, but when we get riled up...

I've seen beans vs. no beans in chili threads end up more vicious than a cut/uncut thread on /b/ or /pol/

>> No.4237875
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hilarious but true.

>> No.4237889



so true, ive seen people get their feelings genuinely hurt and i've lold heartily at a good amount of butt hurt

>> No.4237895

To be fair though, beans in chili are mostly just filler. A good no bean chili typically has lots of delicious meats in it, and in my opinion, is much better.

>> No.4237905

I troll them both and just called it beef soup.

>> No.4237926

How to Make Spaghetti Napolitan


>> No.4237953
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Spaghetti Napolitan.

>> No.4237972
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Bean v No Bean is tame. The real knives come out when a European goes off about Americans not knowing how to make beer.

>> No.4238012
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United State.

>> No.4238018
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>> No.4238024
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>> No.4238030
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>> No.4238063

So it's basically college food that somehow made its way to japanese comfort cuisine?

>> No.4238134


>> No.4238135

This man speaks the truth. I've had some damn good chili before with beans it it, but beans have NEVER made a chili taste any better than it already did. Doesn't ruin chili but neither does it bring anything to the table, rather it detracts. Like you say, filler.

>> No.4238300
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Spaghetti Napolitan (spaghetti with tomato ketchup).
