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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 88 KB, 800x285, Vegetarian-vegetarians-572517_800_285.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4233758 No.4233758[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do vegetarians (not all but most) think its ok to eat fish?

Seems like a hypocrisy to me.

>> No.4233760

Also OP here, I am not a vegetarian.

>> No.4233762

Probably because they never developed a fond attachment to the kind it self.
Fish are pretty cool, except for the freaky ones.

>> No.4233765

In the past people thought fish cant feel pain but I am pretty sure that has been debunked some time ago.

>> No.4233768

Because they're retarded, OP.

They do it for the attention.
And because fish aren't fluffy and cute, much like a plant.

I once met a girl who's vegitarian due to animal rights and "farm standards". She said she ate fish, but that she wouldn't eat farmed fish. This is what vegetarians are actually like. Retarded.

>> No.4233770

I read that whilst fish can feel pain, they just forget that they're in pain every three seconds.

>> No.4233772

If they eat fish they're not 'vegetarian', and actual vegetarians and vegans despise them just as much as you do. Not a vegfag, but I have friends who are and nothing makes them rage harder than attention seeking whores claiming to be vegetarian while still eating fish or even chicken.

>> No.4233783

Mythbusters did a thing to test goldfish memory, and found out that the whole 3 second thing was bullshit. The goldfish remembered this little maze thing the mythbusters made a week later.

Its all about the attention. Most vegetarians just want to be special little snow flakes, but they don't want to put much effort into it, and they want to do something that will get noticed a lot. Being a vegetarian is easy, just don't buy meat and buy something else instead. And showing off that you are a vegetarian is also easy, people notice every time you eat something weird during lunch or when you complain that 'such and such restaurant' doesn't have anything they can eat so the entire group has to go somewhere else.

They rage because other people can pretend to be in their special little club but don't have to put as much effort into it.

>> No.4233784

I don't eat fish either, but it's not all or nothing for everyone and I respect that.

>> No.4233788

it often comes fromt he thought that they cant feel pain. Though, I could understand someone eating fish every so often for its great health benefits as opposed to eating red meat every so often.
The biggest problem I see in veganism, is how do you know plants dont feel pain? Sure the dont have a central nervous system like we do, but they have organs and responsory mechanisms to when we do things like cut of a limb or pull out of the ground.

>> No.4233790

People don't deserve respect just for eating broccoli instead of steak. Respect should mean something.

Also, here is the fish memory thing.

>> No.4233796


I kinda would feel bad for plants if they could feel pain :( I am not a vegetarian.

>> No.4233797

No, they rage because it makes vegetarianism look like some sort of club or fun quirk when in reality it's an ethical decision.

>> No.4233805

being a vegetarian for ethical reasons is a misguided decision.

>> No.4233808

You're an idiot, and this is coming from a meat eater.

>> No.4233814


What else reason then? Health benefits?

Saying eating meat is bad for health is just pseudo science and nothing established.

>> No.4233816
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Its ok to eat fish because they don't have any feelings.

>> No.4233820

Environmental reasons is the only valid pro vegetarian thing I've every heard. For the resources needed to produce 1 pound of beef, you could instead produce 10 pounds of grain. So you are producing less pollution, essentially, when eating grain instead of meat. However its not an answer to world hunger, the issue of world hunger is one of logistics and transportation, not production. The USA alone could feed over 10 billion people, but distribution of the food and slippage of the food stop us.

>> No.4233821

Why? Animals are dicks. They'd dick people around if they were on top.

>> No.4233825

Fish don't look pretty.
Nevermind that the fishing methods are incredibly environmentally destructive, unethical, unsustainable and worse than farming practices.

Same reason people care about saving tigers and pandas and not insects.

>> No.4233828


My digestive system is very bad so I'm a pescetarian since 6 months or so.
I eat fish because it's easy on my stomache and has a lot of essential nutrients.

>> No.4233829
File: 81 KB, 399x359, 1340993317006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have a vegan friend that regularly eats gummy bears
>mfw I'm not sure if I should tell her or not

>> No.4233833

People who eat fish but no other meat are called pescatarians, not vegetarians.

>> No.4233839


Well there are also vegetarian gummy bears, but most likely your friend is too stupid to know that.

I am pretty sure he also guys the Hallal gummy bears and supports sandniggers with it.

>> No.4233843


I meant buys.

>> No.4233850

I am a vegetarian most of the time, but I will eat fish and bacon on occasion because it tastes really good and I don't give a fuck about animals, and fish is really good for the brain; I only care about my body (eating more vegetables and less saturated fat), and what tastes good, so it just kind of turned out this way.

>> No.4233858
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what I don't understand is vegans who don't eat free-range eggs. The hens are happy, and they are not harmed in any way, so what's the big deal?

>> No.4233860

Well it is indeed

>> No.4233861

It's flawed reasoning most of the time though. Sugar, carbohydrates, water, and most vitamins are bad for you in abundance, but that doesn't mean you need to completely eliminate them from your diet. All it requires is a little moderation.

The human body CAN process saturated fat just fine, it just can't process huge amounts of it over a long period of time.

>> No.4233865

See, that I can fucking respect.

>> No.4233869

Problem is nobody knows what the fuck "moderation" is. Moderation for shit like that should be "once or twice a week," not "once a day between lunch and dinner". At least 50% of what you eat should be vegetables, PERIOD.

>> No.4233879

Short answer is they don't. They are pescatarians. Some claim the vegetarian label for attention - others cos they got bored of explaining what pescatarian meant to everyone who asked - and others who don't know what they're talkin' about..

>> No.4233880

There is nothing wrong with cooking with butter or glazing with brown sugar every day.

Anyway, there's a lot of drift in people's perceptions of what constitutes animal abuse. I know a vegan or vegetarian, I can't recall which she is, who's okay with animal byproducts that don't harm the animal; she wears wool, but not leather or silk.

>> No.4233887

People do vegetarianism for all kinds of reasons, it is just that the attention whores give it a bad rap.

>> No.4233910

Because vegetarians aren't usually doing it because of animal cruelty. If they did they'd be vegan.

It's probably for health reasons. And fish is actually pretty healthy.

>> No.4233913

Free range just means that they're put in barns with a bit more space than non-free range hens. There isn't a set policy on how much space they're needed to be given (and even if there was the USDA probably wouldn't enforce it). The hens aren't happy. They're just as crowded as the hens that aren't free range.

>> No.4233916

What about the outdoor hens on my grandparents' farm? Would a real vegan eat their eggs?

>> No.4233919

And I'm pretty sure there is a set policy on the space differences; otherwise, why would an unscrupulous farmer increase the size at all, if he/she wanted to label their product “free range”?

>> No.4233917

A Level 5 vegan wouldn't.

>> No.4233920

If they treated the animals humanely, then yes.

>> No.4233921

Vegetarians are also hypocritical by not being vegan. Producing dairy products is absolute torture for the animals, and they don't even die as fast. So if you're going to be all proud of yourself for being a vegetarian then you can fuck off.

>> No.4233923 [DELETED] 

Well, your wrong. Google is your friend.

>> No.4233927


>> No.4233928

>your wrong
>not you're

You made the extraordinary claim, mate; it's up to you to back it up!

>> No.4233930

Fish aren't real people

>> No.4233933

This is the thing that gets me, too. If you're vegetarian for bullshit "ethical" reasons yet you still eat dairy you can fuck right off.

>> No.4233934
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>free range
>Really all that’s needed is a door to the outside that gives the chickens “access” to an outdoor area, whether they actually use it or not. This is a meaningless term.

>having absolute freedom to roam the outside world is meaningless

>> No.4233938

That outdoor area isn't very big, though. The farm needs that space for production of other things.

>> No.4233939

This is pretty moot any which way, as I am not 'murrikan.

>> No.4233950
File: 119 KB, 989x957, irish free range.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4233955

In saying that, I would be very surprised if 'murrika didn't have maximum densities (and thus minimum outdoor areas) like Ireland has.

>> No.4233956
File: 246 KB, 880x2004, ss (2013-02-13 at 01.45.17).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong pic…

>> No.4233960

Well, I have been to a free range hen range and they usually like it crowded anyway and they dont even use half the space.

>> No.4233963

What your saying is you're too damn lazy to spend 30 seconds on google. It doesn't. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is owned by businesses. Half the words used on food products are just marketing and not actually regulated, or are regulated in such a shitty way its meaningless. Don't talk bout murrika when you don't know how fucked up we are.

>> No.4233986

>Not knowing how to sage properly
gb2/b/ kid

>> No.4233989

>not recognising ironic saging

We've got a live one!

>> No.4233991

>the hens don't even use half the space

Maybe because they don't want to⁉ LOL. You are stupid.

>> No.4233996


>Maybe because they don't want to⁉

That was the point idiot.

>> No.4234004

>have you ever herped so hard… you derped?

Now I have!

Soz for the misunderstanding.

>> No.4234006

>still not citing a source

>> No.4234024
File: 8 KB, 275x183, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is absolute bullshit. I live in the countryside with dairy farms all around me. Do you know that if dairy cows are left too long without being milked they actually line up in their field to go get milked? Because if they aren't milked, it's really goddam uncomfortable for them.

>> No.4234074

I wonder how cows lived on their own before humans, can they even live without humans?

>> No.4234084

Are you two legitimate idiots? If they didn't remove the calves from the cows after birth and kill them so they could sell their milk instead there wouldn't be this problem.

>> No.4234088

If they weren't constantly impregnated and kept separated from their babies, they wouldn't produce an abundance of milk.
They'd feed them when they were hungry and would gradually produce less milk as their offspring grew, like most mammals.
On dairy farms, the continued action of milking the cows makes them produce milk for a longer time than intended.

>> No.4234098

>Doing anything ironic
confirmed /b/tard

>> No.4234106


Well I love calf meat so no prob for me.

>> No.4234112

Cows never ever existed before humans.Nor did apples or just about everything we eat.

>> No.4234122


You know what I don't get about that picture?

Vegetarians and vegans who believe that and are pro abortion. Can someone explain that?

>> No.4234131


Or pro choice- whatever makes you happier calling it. Isn't a late term foetus about as unaware as a fish or insect?

>> No.4234137
File: 240 KB, 500x500, vhemt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


babies are gross and poop all over everything, animals can be safely admired from glossy magazine photos

>> No.4234158

What's the big deal about coming through the vagina? Why not kill one year-olds, if regretted?

>> No.4234197

It should be legal to kill anything which hasn't moved out of the family home.

>> No.4234294

fish aren't as animated and endearing as terrestrial animals

>> No.4234924

Vegetarian then. Vegans don't do animal byproducts.

>> No.4234963

But that's wrong. Only a minority of "vegetarians" thinks it's OK to eat fish.

>> No.4234974

becasue you support the animal industry and all hens are sent to slaughter once they are no good for the egg industry any longer.

What's so hard to understand?

>> No.4235003

You sounds like a asshole friend, I don't eat veal, and any of my friends would tell me that something have veal before letting me eat it.

>> No.4235026
File: 9 KB, 350x260, Dead_Chicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because male chicks are literally put into a woodchipper directly after hatching since they do not produce eggs and you do not want to feed this many roosters.

>> No.4235073

I'm just going to get replies about how edgy I sound, but that's pretty funny to me.

Is there a video of it happening?

>> No.4235120

0:30 onwards. Knock yourself out.

>> No.4235161

never really got why they do that instead of selling the chicks as something to be deep fried whole like quails

>> No.4235170

I would eat all of those except for the macaw, which is endangered.

>> No.4235182


Worth a watch. Its on worse side of the meat industry.

I'm not a vegi but i do believe that people should be aware what happens.

>> No.4235210

I dont eat dogs or cats...

>> No.4235260

which is why i'd eat it as much as possible before it's gone

>> No.4235383

I was actually thinking about this today.

I gave up meat for lent, and i discussed it with my friend

>inb4 Christfag
>inb4 vegetarian fag

I ain't even religious. I am just doing it for shits and giggles, after 40 days, im going straight to a steakhouse.

>> No.4235453

Christ, you city retards don't even know how your food gets on your plate.

And that is exactly the same level of cruelty that warrants vegetarianism. No reason to be a vegan. The cows don't even remember the had a calf after a while and then they're goddam happy to be milked.

>> No.4235500

This thread is why I never tell anyone about it

>> No.4235524
File: 32 KB, 477x349, 1336442341635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill all the vegans!

>> No.4235577

it is hypocrisy. a vegetarian eats no animal meat but may choose to eat eggs or dairy products (ovo-lacto vegetarianism). don't believe the bs about a "semi-vegetarian", wtf is that shit? that's like saying someone is a semi-faggot

>> No.4236117


I don't think it's OK to eat fish.

>> No.4236124

They're pescetarians. Not vegetarians.

>> No.4236267

Religious reasons.

>> No.4236370

Vegetarian here, and every single other vegetarian I know does not eat any animal product - people who eat fish are just called a different thing, and that's all there is to it.

>> No.4236418

vegetarian here
I don't eat fish.
although I am considering invertebrates

>> No.4236452

[citation needed]

>> No.4236484

If vegetarians love animals so much why do they eat all their food?

>> No.4236492

Not technically called vegetarians, but essentially they believe fish have a different level of consciousness than land animals like pigs, cows, etc.

It's all up to personal belief at which point an organism is conscious enough to forgo eating. I know Jains don't even eat bugs and consider certain bacteria life.

>> No.4236506

Is /ck/ thinking what I am?

Yep. . . .


Cow stuffed with pig stuffed with lamb stuffed with dog stuffed with cat stuffed with hen stuffed with parrot!!!

With veggies on the side.

>> No.4236531

It's a mystery. I was brought up by my hippy mother, who is a veggie. I eat fish now, but I can't eat other meats without being sick. Shit's weird.

>> No.4236547

I expect a response

>> No.4236550

>it's better than eating the animal
>we're not going out into the wild and taking all of the food that they would eat
>no u
pick three

>> No.4236618

Or maybe his friend is too retarded to actually research what he/she is supposedly dieting aka the friend just became a vegan because its a fad.

>> No.4236624

>four woman broke my heart
>all women are whores

>a few meat places are trashy abusive scum places
>all meat places are the same


>> No.4236652

"free range" is a marketing gimmick, and doesn't actually mean much of anything. Also, eating eggs supports the slaughter of millions of male baby chicks, who are useless in the eyes of the industry.

>> No.4236695

Well i didn't want to eat animal that suffered from overpopulation or slaughterhouses...
So now i have some chickens running around my house, feeded everyday, happy and living free till i chop their neck without making them suffer. They don'T even know that they are going to be killed since i make them comfortable to be taken in my arm since they are chicks. I get some hare when i go in the wood when i use my crossbow. Sometime i go fish a little and cook whatever i get.
It's messy but i know and realize if i made them suffer and accept it. I also do my best to use everything i can in the animal i kill. Maybe i'm crazy, but at least i feel ok with what i eat.

>> No.4236714


>free range doesn't mean anything

Confirmed for not understanding modern animal husbandry, free range is exactly what it sounds like: when an animal is given a relatively spacious amount of land to roam and graze on, rather than being forced to eat feed from a dispenser.

>> No.4236741


The term you are looking for is "free run". That is in fact the marketing gimmick. In order for a company to be able to print a label that states "free range" they actually have to pass a certification to prove the animals are housed to the regulations that certification requires. At least here in my province that is the case.

Free run means nothing, however. It only means the animals are allowed to physically move around.

>> No.4236776


OP, I've been a vegetarian for seven years and know quite a few, none of them eat fish. That said, a lot of people do ask my friends and I if we eat fish, so in my experience it has been a misconception on the part of the omnivores. In fact, a lot of vegetarians are not keen on those claiming to be veggies but eating fish, rare as they are (like this anon said >>4233772)

Also, there is a name for what you are talking about, it's pescatarian. Hope this helps, and please, don't hate on vegetarians. Most don't do it for the attention but because they have fond love for animals, the environment, or the ethics behind it.

Happy eating

>> No.4236853

I'd eat a parrot.

>> No.4237074

Why is it wrong to support the animal industry?

>> No.4237080

Because moral vegetarianism is bullshit.
And The fact that jesus said it was cool to eat fish during a time when you're supposed to not eat cows and stuff.

>> No.4237091

I think if I was going to head in the direction of vegetarianism, I'd stop eating mammals first. Fish and poultry are unintelligent enough that I don't have the same respect for them as for a pig or a cow.

>> No.4237099

That's where you're wrong, mate. Cephalopods are more intelligent than any cow.


>> No.4237101

Fish doesn't have big black baby eyes, smell and are disgusting to a touch.

It just exposes them as idiots.

>> No.4237111

>in a discussion about fish

>> No.4237113

>i would stop eating mammals first
>but octopi are smarter than many mammals

>> No.4237121

Quit cherrypicking examples. I avoid eating octopuses, and I wouldn't eat a Kea, either.

As I said, out of the animals I actually eat, fish and poultry are a good bit less intelligent than pigs and cattle.

>> No.4237122

How do you know? Have you talked to them?

>> No.4237127

Yes. They whisper sweet nothings to me while I beat them to tenderise their meat, before slaughtering them with a blunt knife in front of their children and discarding the offal.

Sage goes in the email field, by the way.

>> No.4237130

Non-humans can't have children.

>> No.4237138

Sorry, their spawn.

>> No.4237155

Plants are alive, too.
Why is it okay to kill plants and not animals?
Because vegetarians are hypocrites.

Me, I kill and eat indiscriminately.

>> No.4237163

Yeah, I never got this. Plants to feel desire, and pain, to some extent. They will move away from noxious stimuli and towards desirable ones. This discriminitive ability, to me, says something about a will to live.

>> No.4237165

*[…] Plants do feel […]

>> No.4237179

>They will move away

No, they grow.

>> No.4237183

Meh, I was vegan for a few months for the purpose of getting laid. I really didn't mind it that much and felt healthier during that time, although it was nice to return to animal products afterward.

>> No.4237211


>it was nice to return to animal products

take beastiality to /b/, please. i have nothing against it per se, it's just a rule that makes sense.

>> No.4237217

No they move. If you ever grew peas you would know this, they move very quickly (for plants).

>> No.4237219

*No, they move too.

>> No.4237223

The Californian Poppy's flower opens during the day and closes and night. This is another example of easily-observable plant movement.

>> No.4237226

There are a million more, but I'm no botanist, so I can't give them to you off-hand.

>> No.4237234

That extent being very small. Plants do not have brains or a central nervous system, so their ability to feel pain is practically non-existent.

>> No.4237250

I'm not sure how you drew that conclusion from those axioms.

>> No.4237252

D'you know those automated milking machines that are starting to become more popular in dairy farms? They have a system where the cows enter the milking booths on their own schedule and are milked by a robot. A lot of those places they had to tag the cows with microchips that are scanned by the machine, to limit the amount of times the cows could enter the booths. The cows, you see, kept going back to get milked even after they'd run out of milk. They clearly enjoy it.

>> No.4237256
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foie gras

>> No.4237258

I think you're operating on two different wavelengths here. He's saying that they only produce milk because their calves are artificially weaned, and you're saying that they like getting milked. Those aren't mutually exclusive observations.

>> No.4237263

My definition of pain is an aversion to noxious stimuli. Plants clearly have this a they can be seen to move and or grow away from them. My definition of a noxious stimulus would be one likely to cause death, such as drought. Plants feel this pain, and act upon it. A plant in drought will spread its roots looking for water. One would be a hypocrite if one did not eat animals out of empathy, yet continued to eat plants, despite them also feeling pain.

>> No.4237264

Why are they calling Sean Penn Ingrid Newkirk?

>> No.4237280
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But OP... people who eat fish aren't vegetarian, so therefore your question is irrelevant by itself.

>> No.4237331

im to ethnical to ate fellow manimals

>> No.4237347

The only answer

>> No.4237404
File: 5 KB, 206x249, 1346035258257s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if a tree falls in the forest with nobody around to hear it, it still says ouch?

>> No.4237405

The problem with amerifats is that people are either full retard vegans, or they don't give a fuck at all how the animals are treated. There is no middle ground making any decent humane animal husbandry regulations and making sure they are enforced.

>> No.4237407


I think you confused /ck/ with real life.

>> No.4237416

no, you are wrong. there is a whole "traditional food" movement that only eats grass fed-family-farm raised beef, they often raise their own backyard chickens for fresh meat and eggs from freely roaming birds, and game.

>> No.4237431
File: 431 KB, 522x503, 1360000195103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My point was, the cows don't just like being milked because they produce excess amounts of milk, because they keep lining up even after they've been milked dry. The argument started because someone claimed that dairy farming is like torture, which doesn't really mesh when the cows are treating the milking booths like some sort of massage parlour.

Whether the process would occur in nature or not isn't really relevant. What SHOULD matter is the animals' quality of life.

>> No.4237434

Fish have no fucking legs. Vegetarians don't eat shit with fucking legs. This makes fish a vegetable.

My logic is bulletproof.

>> No.4237436
File: 130 KB, 640x480, wargames2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha, Something like that.

>> No.4237444

I love animals, I just love to eat them too.

>> No.4237470

Snakes don't have legs. Are they vegetables too?

>> No.4237523

Yes, why?

>> No.4237579

Sixty times stupider than any other reason possible

>> No.4237706

good god this.

>> No.4237715

They are actually pescetarians. They call themselves vegetarians because it avoids certain conversations they'd probably rather not have.(because too often it leads to people getting butthurt) It's been around a long time the most popular of which is known as macrobiotics. It has wavering popularity though it probably had more people than just regular vegetarianism in the 90's (in the US) but now the vegetarians surpass them in numbers and the vegans are probably 3rd.

>> No.4237750

I was a pescetarian for awhile. No one knows what the fuck that is, though. Fucking spell check doesn't even know its a word. But when people ask you why you won't eat their hamburgers, you gotta say something, so you say you're vegetarian. It's easier.

Anyways, being vegetarian is tough, you have to eat carefully to maintain good nutrition. Pescetarian is waaaaay easier. Eat a fish a day and you know you're getting your protein and fat requirements.

>> No.4237776

>eating gummy bears
>get a hair in my mouth
>thick coarse hair, black
>look on to back of gummy package
>30% bear juice

>> No.4237792

I never really understood the whole nutritional side of that. You can get all 8 essential amino acids and protein requirements by just mixing a couple protein sources. (beans and a grain, seed or nut which also [also a source of dietary fat]) It's hard not to get that stuff unless you're eating only those processed frozen dinner shits.

>> No.4237843

Because fish aren't fluffy and cute. Vegetarians are like fucking 7 year old girls.

>> No.4239118

I apologize for coming across this thread rather late so I'll be polite and use sage


>> No.4239999

>>4239118: too late (>>4233816)

>> No.4240018

Not all vegetarians are so for moral reasons. Some people just don't like meat.

>> No.4240042
File: 381 KB, 875x657, 1358564890112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a source on the "most" thing? I'm vegetarian, don't eat fish
Pescatarians eat fish.

>> No.4240060

>Vegetarians are like fucking 7 year olds

Super tight and cry a lot?

>> No.4240072

I don't want to be killed, and there's no reason other conscious things have to be killed for me to eat.
Meats besides fish are pretty much just a negative score to your overall health. You don't need the amount of protein that meat provides, hardly anyone does, so it's just going to calories unused. The fat content is bad for you if you're not a starving kid in Africa, and the cholesterol is the bad kind. The vitamins or minerals they provide can be better provided by things like cereal, fruits and vegetables.

>> No.4240076


>no reason other conscious things have to be killed for me to eat.

if you understand science and evolution, you know that there is no reason for animals to exist except to be eaten alive by other animals.

human beings are the only animals that make any effort to lessen the pain. i could show you a youtube video of a baboon eating a young gazelle from the ass end first, holding the hind legs spread eagled while the front end watches and hopes it dies faster.

>> No.4240087

I want to see this video.

>> No.4240095


>> No.4240098



>Now I'm hungry
>Also, learn to google

>> No.4240099

soda tits

>> No.4240100

Any vegetarian or vegan who hasn't had their canine teeth removed is a hypocrite.

>> No.4240112

Would you kill a fly?

>> No.4240118

>if you understand science and evolution, you know that there is no reason for animals to exist except to be eaten alive by other animals.
You talk about science yet you are clearly clueless.

>> No.4240168


this is how i feel about vegetarianism

>> No.4240170

Canine teeth evolved for holding fruit you fucking retard

>> No.4240189



>> No.4241785

>cos they got bored of explaining what pescetarian meant to everyone who asked

This. I started off as a pescetarian for a year, stopped eating meat completely for three years, then went back to pescetarian two years ago. When people ask I usually just tell them I don't eat red meat and try to leave it at that. If they ask if I'm vegetarian or something, I tell them I only eat fish. I try not to preach about it and give them my special snowflake term.

I went back to pescetarian because I really missed eating tuna subs from Subway (yeah, I caved). Also, I wasn't eating many supplements and always let the tofu expire. I enjoy eating fish, but I won't cry if I forget to take a slice of pepperoni off the side of my pizza slice.

>> No.4241786

>You don't need the amount of protein that meat provides, hardly anyone does, so it's just going to calories unused

/fit/ would like to have a word with you

In any case, I agree with the general idea that you don't need to have meat every day, especially red meat. Completely eliminating it is silly though.

>> No.4241789

Ooh, ooh, I like playing this game too.


Seriously though, animals have been committing rape, murder and genocide long before we have.

>> No.4241790


>I went back to pescetarian because I really missed eating tuna subs from Subway

I'm going to bed now. Fuck all of this.

>> No.4241816

