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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4225995 No.4225995 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have fat people stories?


From /fit/

>> No.4226034

but /ck/ are fatties

>> No.4226036

do they have anything to do with food or cooking?
really FPS should stay in /fit/ since it is a health and fitness issue.
That and they are gross.

>> No.4226051

A fat person once asked for second helpings right in front of me. It was disgusting.

>> No.4226323

I saw a fat person consume those giant pepperoni/sausage rolls in five minutes before.

>> No.4226339
File: 13 KB, 75x281, Nathans-BeefCheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was at a Speedway once with a fat woman in front of me. She purchased her shit and exited, then I paid for my shit and walked outside.

I find her hovering over a garbage can with three of those foot-long beef and cheese packs eating ALL THREE OF THEM AT ONCE. That's three foot-long beef sticks and three foot-long yellow plastic cheese sticks. Together. Over a garbage can. Let that sink in.

>> No.4226342

This. I wished /fit/ would stay off our board.

>> No.4226381


they are mean yes.

>> No.4226409

while i love FPS, they aren't really ck related and definitely belong on fit.

>> No.4226427

I don't have a problem with fat people what I do have issues with are people like the following person who happens to be fat:

>The only topics she ever talks about are diets, how much weight she lost and how fat other females are.
>She's been on a diet for the past 15 years with less than zero results.
>Constantly sneaking food of other peoples plate.
>Claims to love food but is unable to cook even the simplest of dishes.
>Only buys "Healthy Foods"
>Will go on endless tirades how meat is unhealthy and mean while eating a steak.
>Will start rubbing her belly and thighs in public to "prevent fat buildup"

Her weight is the least of mine concerns, it's her mannerisms that tick me off.

>> No.4226441

Today I ate-
> cup of oatmeal, banana, 1/4 cup almonds, tbsp honey, tbsp butter
> 8oz yogurt with 1 package blueberry belvita, 2tbsp pb, 1tbsp honey
> 4oz steak with mushrooms on lettuce
> 2 small potatoes and 4 large carrots, half with 2tbsp butter and garlic salt,
>half with a a cup of leftover spicy rice and pepper mix with 1/4 cup of cheddar cheese on top
> 2 more packages belvita breakfast crackers with tbsp peanut butter and 1tbsp normal butter
> 2 cups whole milk
> 96oz of water

Fuckkkkk. Oatmeal always ends up so much and then I'm still hungry and ugh.. I tried eating protein to stave it off and then potatoes to get full, but no. And the fucking butter got me as always.

3600cals. Why. That's 1300 over maintenance and it's ice raining outside so I can't go out for a run.

>> No.4226454

it's a lost cause, they're firmly lodged in it. saging anyway out of spite

>> No.4226472

you have no clue what sage is used for on this site.

>> No.4226483

My god, I know that /ck/ doesnt like to be reminded that most of you are obese but these threads are firmly the realm of both /ck/ and /fit/ and as such they should be welcome on both boards.
Fat whiny bastards.

>> No.4226487

Not sure if trolling, but it's not about food, it's about fat people. This board is for conversations about food and cooking, not about how much you weigh.

>> No.4226494

you constitute the lowest nadir of human debris.

>> No.4226496

>fat people
>pick two that are related to /ck/
Of all the FPS threads I have seen on /ck/ this is one of the first I have seen get saged by the board. Did /ck/ recently change?

>> No.4226540

>roomates are a whale and her mate
>be not very good at cooking
>be offered some food
>accept it
>look into pots
>mushy noodles with butter
>mushy corn with butter
>chicken baked in butter
>must have used four sticks for all this
>ate all the food on my plate to be respectful of my new roommates
>gained 10 pounds

>whale decides to cook a big dinner
>i cook my own meal
>clean dishes when finished
>put in drying rack
>doesn't look like i have even used the kitchen
>go to watch a movie
>come out of my room to get some water and fruit
>kitchen has been ransacked
>boxes and crumbs everywhere
>pots of food left out
>give it a day to be cleaned
>get back from class next day
>still there
>clean to prevent from bacteria and icky stuff
>they do it again and don't confront me about their mess
>they are 5 years older than me
>i have become their mad service
>clean up the kitchen so I can use it
>happy to help them clean if they can't do it or don't know how
>whale sits in her nest instead of helping me
>have become a live in maid

>> No.4226548

It shifted terribly about a week ago, when MULTIPLE people defended Sceak starting like his third "hurr durr what should I eat/hurr durr I ate this" thread in a day or two

>> No.4226561
File: 760 KB, 259x214, nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe /fit/ can be entertained by this shit, but really to everyone else we get bored of hearing the same generic, cookie cutter stories about how some lardass was a slob or ate disgustingly over and over again.
We really don't care about your indignation towards these people.

Oh and most of /ck/ are kind of overweight cave trolls themselves, so there's that too.

>> No.4226570

...you lie
Go back to arguing about tipping you fat fuck.

>> No.4226572

Sorry, no1curr bout this topic or you.
>bawwww plz respond ;_____;

>> No.4226608

By accepting our shortcomings, we deny our strengths.

>> No.4226960

>i have become their mad service
How very fitting.

>> No.4227020
File: 226 KB, 463x402, 1359991056067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know she had to have some of the most hardcore bowel movements a person can experience after doing something crazy like that.

>> No.4227045

Because he understands how sage works? Ha ha, ur a faget.

>> No.4227052

There's this whale of a man with a neckbeard who I sometimes see on the bus and around town. I'm pretty positive he posts on /v/ because once I saw him in Gamestop muttering to himself angrily as he browsed. Basically, I now imagine all /v/ posters as him.