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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 40 KB, 400x300, triumphjapan_chopsticks00[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4224394 No.4224394 [Reply] [Original]

Your pet peeves?

>People putting their used chopsticks into the clean serving dish

>> No.4224419

>people creating autistic pet peeves threads.

>> No.4224423

Whenever I'm using chopsticks it's with the Asian half of my family. Nobody gives a fuck unless you're sick.

>> No.4224424


Wow I just got the image of an incredibly obese and naked neckbeard eating the rice out of those bowls like a pig. Fuck you OP.

>> No.4224431

>people who grab the chopsticks wrong

like that stupid jap

>> No.4224440

I'd like to see your thought process on coming to that conclusion.

>> No.4224446

We have family cook outs countless times throughout the summer. We have a few family members who are convinced they are the only ones who know social etiquette. We're out-fucking-side, nimwits. Eating with your hands is 100% acceptable. Yet they act like pretentious dolts commonly found posting on /ck/ berating them for being classless red necks.

"OMG bbq red necks. Enjoy your backwater aids."

Go fuck yourselves, children.

>> No.4224535

and this


it's over

and let it burn

>> No.4224550

>Hanging out with friends at Outback steak house
>Order awesome blossom
>They double dip
>One of them has a slight cough but says "I can't be sick. I never get sick."
Death would be too lenient.

>> No.4224576
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>date half asian girl
>tells me off for not using the back of my chopsticks when taking from a communal plate
>eventually break up and date full asian girl
>laughs her ass off at me for using the back of my chopsticks when taking from a communal plate

>> No.4224584


Keep in mind this varies by family, formality of the meal in general, individual, and on and on, just like anywhere else.

>> No.4224591

>Not preparing your ingredients beforehand
>Not washing the dishes in ascending order

>> No.4224595

Actually, the less hygienic parts of asia dip into communal plates (vietnam, cambodia, etc) while places like japan, hong kong, americanized asians don't.

>> No.4224601

>Not preparing your ingredients beforehand

>Not washing the dishes in ascending order

>> No.4224609

The girl that got mad at me was half Thai and grew up in Indonesia, the girl that laughed at me was Japanese.

I know some Japanese people are anal about it but in casual situations no one seems to care.

>> No.4224612

>americanized asians don't.
lol not true
also they love to take food from other peoples plates using their chopsticks

>> No.4224615

>americanized asians
>not asian americans

>> No.4224627

If it's a food that would be easier to eat with your hands, it's okay to eat with your hands in my book. So many times have I seen people try to eat things like naan and curry with a knife and fork.

>> No.4224637

Person I know eats burgers by separating each layer and using a knife and fork

>> No.4224692


>eating out a steakhouse
>order ribs
>family berates me for eating ribs with hands
>struggle with knife and fork

>> No.4224743
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>Eating with friends
>Asshole friend takes choice pieces from dish and leaves rest of 'filler'
>Later says he's full and still has a shitton of choice pieces on plate

>> No.4224751

>>I am too much of a fag to eat off my friends plate

>> No.4224787

1/10 please see me after class

>> No.4224798

Using a knife to scoop jam onto toast.

>> No.4224806

??? But that is common and quite normal.

>> No.4224816


It just seems ineffective to me. It's difficult to get a good amount of jelly on the knife compared to a spoon.

>> No.4224821

Adults that eat rice with a spoon. Makes me cringe.

>> No.4224827

Getting the jam off is much easier with a knife. You just have to "wipe" it along the side of your toast.
It's much harder to do that with a spoon because of it's concave shape.

>> No.4224834


Probably Dragonball and the fact that you're on 4chan, be glad he didn't call you a weeaboo.

>> No.4224846

What is exactly wrong with eating rice with a spoon?

>> No.4224849

I know a guy who eats noodles with a spoon.

>> No.4224868

That's just plain stupid rather than annoying.

>> No.4224872

It's something that children do because they're not skilled enough with a fork yet.
It looks kinda weird when adults do it, unless they suffer from Parkinsons or Arthritis.

>> No.4224893

how come it's common in many middle eastern restaurants

>> No.4224903

rofl, its called convenience. the eating rice with a fork is retarded unless you are eating other things on the same plate with a fork and cant be bothered to keep switching utensils.....but if you have a bowl of rice and your first choice is a fork youre retarded.

>> No.4224905
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you know asians eat rice with a spoon too, right
not all of them bring the plate to the face so they can shovel the rice into their mouth with the chopsticks.

>> No.4224908
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I agree.

>> No.4224918

My biggest pet peeve when it comes to food is Asians. All of them it seems and I've met many seeing as I live in Vancouver have very bad table manners.

My current manager is a women from Taiwan. She's in her late 30's and has a masters degree, seems pretty intelligent. And then when she's eating lunch she'll talk with her whole mouth full. And by that I mean like completely full to the point where you can barely understand what she's trying to say.

Other fine examples of Asians eating including slurping dishes that you shouldn't be slurping(yes I know all about eating soba noodles), eating rice so quick that it flies all over the place, the concept of double or quadruple dipping doesn't seem to exist in that part of the world either, saliva everywhurr.

>> No.4224925

I have a "friend" at school that is a "celiac raw vegan"..... Oh I know, i know. She always brings food she makes and eagerly wants me to taste her concoctions. I'm not a picky eater and Im quite adventurous when it comes to food so I can appreciate her "cooking" for what it is. Such as raw vegan celiac pizza... Deffinately not close to being good as regular pizza but for it was still good considering the ingredient limitations. HOWEVER......

>Naming every fucking ingredient, how it was utilized, the vitamins and minerals in each fucking ingredient and how your body is benefiting from everything.

For fuck sakes bitch I know what nutritional yeast and Spirulina are. Look into my small Asian eyes, I obviously know what nori, edimame, young coconut and sriracha are. Please shut the fuck up.

>vegans that speak to you like you're stupid and act like they are smarter than you in every field.

>> No.4224959

You can do as you like, and your family be damned for telling you different, but I personally prefer to eat ribs with utensils. It's not that I don't enjoy eating them with my hands at home, or in a casual environment, but I always feel so messy afterward and I hate feeling like that if I'm still going to be out and about after the meal.

>> No.4224979

Imported asians are prone to BM

>> No.4225018

>eating out a steakhouse

Every bitch in the place? Damn, dude.

>> No.4225040

people who eat spaghetti with a fork AND spoon. Only children and retarded people eat that way in Italy.

>> No.4225056

Why not just go to the restroom and wash your hands afterwards? Seems like an easy enough solution.

>> No.4225058

I lived in Japan for 8 months, 4 of those with a host family, and I never saw a single person use the ass end of their chopsticks. I don't know who does that.

>> No.4225061

I live in Vancouver myself and I've seen many white people talk with their mouth full.

The double-dipping is unsettling though. The only way I could possibly show some lenience is if they dip a side that hasn't been touched by a mouth.

One thing that I do notice with many Asians is that they put their elbows on the table. But that one's not so bad since it's such an antiquated rule.

>> No.4225064

I've never understand the whole no elbows on the table thing.
I've tried to stop it but it seems impossible to do.
Maybe it's because of my short arms ._.

>> No.4225065

>white people who lack sushi etiquette
No, I am not having this argument. If an Italian told me I was eating spaghetti improperly, I will listen to him. End of fucking story.

>> No.4225070

I always put my hand in front of my mouth when I talk with food in my mouth.
But normally I won't talk with food in my mouth

>> No.4225071

The idea is that you don't want to put any weight on the table, it makes you seem lazy or something. It's a stupid rule unless you're going to a super formal dinner. I don't even consider it bad manners.

I don't really understand your post. Who are you quoting? (no meme intended)

>> No.4225074

Not quoting anyone. Just pointing out that I hate it when white people lack sushi etiquette.

>> No.4225076

I don't really get what that has to do with the italian thing, though. Are you Japanese?

Sushi etiquette also depends a lot on where you're eating it. If I go to an all-you-can-eat joint in my hometown I wouldn't expect the same conduct as an actual sushi bar in Japan.

>> No.4225077

Don't you just eat sushi with hand?

>> No.4225078

Some people eat it with chopsticks. I've found eating it by hand to be both more common and easier.

>> No.4225081

>hong kong

is dis nigguh srs?

>> No.4225088

Free market idiots and Milton Friedman

>> No.4225094

In the countless sushi etiquette threads I've been in, there was always one side that would say "Who gives a shit, it's not like we follow etiquette for any other food."

What I'm trying to say is, if there was a proper way of eating another kind of food, I would fucking follow it. And just because many foods lack some form of governing doesn't mean it justifies intentionally making an ass out of yourself with sushi.

Once again, I am not gonna start another sushi debate. There is proper etiquette, and following it would be preferred. Other foods not having etiquette does not mean you can throw out existing etiquette for the applicable food. If other food had some form of etiquette, I would be willing to learn and practice it.

That's it and that's all.

>> No.4225095

I don't understand why you are steeling yourself against a debate that isn't even occurring in this thread. You're the only one who seems to care. Whatever though.

>> No.4225107

Oh. So that's how it works, most of the tables i sit at are higher than the chair so rarely my elbows are on it. It's more of the forearm that leans on the table rather than the elbows.

>> No.4225116

as long as you eat pizza with your hands. and corn on the cob. you're good in my book.

inb4 advanced faggotry

>> No.4225135

so...all of Korea then.

You hate the entire country of Korea?

>> No.4225221

I'm pretty sure the majority of Asians (including Middle Easterns) eat rice with spoons instead of forks.

>> No.4226181

I eat corn on the cob by picking off each kernel. we grew up taught not to waste good food. It takes a while and I usually hold up people but fuck wasting food.

>> No.4226190

don't talk about asian food culture as if you understand it.

no one in fucking asia actually cares if you use your chopsticks in communal plates. The whole idea is that everyone you're sharing meals with is "family", ergo doesn't matter.

>> No.4226194

It's not poor etiquette in Asia, that's why.

You're putting western ideas of "etiquette", on top of an asian person, obviously you think she's going to have poor etiquette.

>> No.4227144
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People who taste while cooking without using a fresh, clean spoon with every taste.

Saliva is not a seasoning, losers.

>> No.4227156



>> No.4227158
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Yes. It's about the same as having the waiter spit in your soup before you dig in.

>> No.4227197

I'm assuming they are broken up into smaller pieces, like I used to do to make lunch, up until the shops threw us out for refusing to pay for cups

>> No.4227206

I use two spoons when I cook. One to taste from, and one to pour samples onto the tasting spoon.

>> No.4227212
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/ck/ers who don't know the difference between marinade and marinate.

>> No.4227219

I don't know if this counts, but every time I eat anything I have to wash my face (the lower half at least) and hands right after.
even after a cup of tea,

>> No.4227220
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>> No.4227226

or you feel icky right? Me too

>> No.4227231


I chock it up to lazyness. They should have payed for a more upper class culinary education, but they spent most of they're time in chef school layed out on the floor playing xbox. Its ok though, in the its the palette you were bourne with, not the one you were tought.

>> No.4227236

no, my brain just tells me I have to.
same reason I have to rub everything.

if there was logic behind it, I could figure out how to stop.

>> No.4227242

all these things I see in white people too, but it bothers you that asians are committing these faux pas lel

>> No.4227284 [DELETED] 


"uuuhuuuhuuu people are using their used chopsticks to pick up the food i'll get cooties!"

only ocd gwailos have a problem with that unless, as >>4224423 said you're sick

>> No.4227285


"uuuhuuuhuuu people are using their used chopsticks to pick up the food i'll get cooties!"

only ocd gwailos have a problem with that unless, as >>4224423 said you're actually sick

>> No.4227290

people posting recipes that involve "1 box cake mix" or the like
If I'm looking for a fucking recipe then I want an actual goddamn recipe, not some weird Sandra Lee bullshit

>> No.4227294

In Japan, they eat rice with chopsticks.

In parts of India, they eat rice with hands.

I actually prefer the Japanese method. When I eat, I use the chopsticks for obvious reasons, and I am often given a spoon to use for my rice. By eliminating the spoon entirely, I save on dishwashing.

>> No.4227298

I think my pet peeve is Sandra Lee.

>> No.4227313

we don't shovel half the jar onto a slice of bread, fatty

>> No.4227328
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exasperation mode enabled.

well done.

>> No.4227337
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yeah fuck wasting SINGLE KERNELS OF CORN

do you boil the cobs down to a digestible paste? What are you, a rockafeller?

>> No.4227345

Why thank you.

>> No.4227533

>save on dish washing
>one fucking spoon

>> No.4227538

>not taking future spoon uses into account every time you eat rice
>not saving the planet by using less water
why do you hate the earth, anon?

>> No.4227545
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>> No.4227559

Your pet peeves?

Yellow people. They're so fucking nasty and disgraceful.

>> No.4227560

When grown men start taking off vegetables from their foods. It's not even just specific ones like mushrooms (I can get that). It's literally just every vegetable, like onions and tomatoes off of pizza, and lettuce off of hamburgers.

Just what the fuck.

>> No.4227565

They really do smell like BO constantly. And quite the racists as well.

>> No.4227586

Try reading up on Obsessive Compulsion. I'm the same way.

>> No.4227599

I like vegetables.

But sometimes there's just way too much lettuce on my goddamn burger. I didn't order a fucking salad.

>> No.4227605

My grandfather is Sicilian, moved to America when he was twenty. I've never seen him eat spaghetti without a spoon, and that whole side of my family eats spaghetti with a spoon. They taught me that that is the "true" way to eat it.

One could argue that Sicily is not Italy, but officially it is, so no, not only children and retarded people eat that way in Italy. It depends on what part of Italy you're in. Generally when I've been there I go by if you're served with a spoon or not. Different strokes for different folks, Anon.

>> No.4227606

yeah i hate it when people dont like what i like. fucking disgusting these children. i wish they were as grown up as me.

>> No.4227613

Anon has a point. Being afraid of vegetables is fucking pathetic. Being proud of being a manchild..... I don't know what to tell you. Your parents really fucked up.

>> No.4227619

>implying it is impossible to dislike all vegetables.
´theyre just fucking disgusting mang

>> No.4228119

>using less water

how exactly do you use water?
every time I put it to any task, it doesn't go anywhere and anyone can use it again.

>> No.4228155

>implying eating spaghetti with a fork and spoon to twirl the spaghetti up with is retarded and not highly functional

god some of you autists need to go back to /v/

>> No.4228158

This is the only pet peeve I can understand in this thread. I know plenty of grown men that wont eat anything green. What the fuck.

>> No.4228196


An English teacher's worst nightmare.