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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4221335 No.4221335 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, I just found out I'm underweight. What's the best way to put on weight, while still maintaining a healthy diet? Rather a simple question, but I know very little about nutrition. Also, I'm a vegetarian, so meat isn't an option.
Thanks, /ck/.

>> No.4221339

Did you actually have an MD tell you that or is it just speculation based on your BMI?

>> No.4221341
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Well there's your problem. Cut that shit out.

>> No.4221345

Speculation, if that's what you say it is. Why might my BMI be wrong?

>> No.4221354
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>> No.4221358

People can still be overweight and vegetarian. Especially if all they eat is carbs and sugars.

>> No.4221361

>I just found out I'm underweight
>I know very little about nutrition
>I'm a vegetarian

>> No.4221366


BMI is, to put it generously, a very rough estimation of your actual health. Consult a doctor, legit nutritionist or dietician before assuming you're underweight.

>> No.4221368

BMI was intended and is still only useful as a metric for measuring populations. On an individual scale the Body Volume Index and Body Fat Percentage are useful.

>> No.4221370


I've seen people balloon after going vegetarian because they overcompensate with shitloads of bread. They end up taking in more calories than before.

>> No.4221377

delicious, juicy murder

>> No.4221454

>What's the best way to put on weight, while still maintaining a healthy diet?

Healthy weight gain can be achieved by eating meat. Humans evolved to be omnivores eating a mix of vegetables and meats.

Less healthy vegetarian weight gain can be achieved by eating fried foods and sugars.

>> No.4221545
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first of all OP ask your doctor about everything im about to say:

no artificial ingredients/colors/flavors/or chemicals that are in your food. just say NO.

try to buy locally, and if you can- buy organic/ non GMO, as monsanto wants to expermient on you and everyone else.

>1, no bad things in your food.
>2, eat like a bear. nuts berries honey fish and romain lettuce as iceberg supposedly has no nutritional value.
eat fruits and vegetables any way you want.

drink fat free milk, and do at least one push up every day. drizzle a small amount of olive oil or coconut oil on anything your comfortable with, very little, because you will be doing it with plenty of things.

do GAIN weight: put a little butter on everything.

butter as long as its all good and natural, and comes from a good place, is good fat.
your body needs fat, don't ever deprive yourself of it.

>> No.4221551


also OP

look up WHEY protein

NOT: creatine or other bad things.

whey comes from milk (remember the old story, curds and whey)

find some natural whey protein with no other ingredients, and add it to some milk and drink that.

poor cows, why can't we just use them for milk and NOT kill them :(

>> No.4221566



No, first of all. Creatine is a naturally occurring substance. It's actually beneficial to the body because it promotes energy supply to and between cells. Most of the time, you won't ever get enough creatine from food or whey protein powder to amount to anything anyways, so it's not even an issue.

Second, if you're vegetarian or vegan, you can also look into soy or hemp protein. Both exist in powder form, although both are generally less bioavailable than whey or even egg protein. That is to say, you won't get as much out of them from a nutritional standpoint.

>> No.4221572

Simplest, no-frills, ezmode: Drink more milk. 1 gallon a day = 1 pound a day.

>> No.4221571

If god didn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat.

>> No.4221575

>>4221572 you're about 1000 calories short assuming whole milk

>> No.4221579

just eat a little bit more than you usually do with each meal. drink wholesome shit with calories. don't go nuts and try and gain all in one meal or you'll just make yourself sick.
try and work up an appetite. maybe some bullshit exercise like powerwalking.

>> No.4221582

What the fuck is this shit.

Get the fuck out you conspiratard hippie mongoloid.

>> No.4221596

>you're underweight because you're a vegetarian

>> No.4221598

Cook with Avocados. They are full of healthy fats and chock full of vitamins

>> No.4221604
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yea i know, but usually they add tons of other horrible borderline steroids and shit to that stuff.


? you you hate being healthy ?

>> No.4221607

>being an anti-science leftard is healthy

Whatever makes you happy buddy.

>> No.4221612

since when did eating food need to become a science
common sense op. peanut butter, whole milk, avocados, healthy fats. olive oil. since ur a fruit you can combine it w/ vegetables and shit just make sure you eat frequently enough anyway.

>> No.4221661
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>makes up a load of crap i didn't even say
>whatevr murks u heppy

hue hue

>> No.4221662


good point.

>> No.4221669

Blindly accepting anything to be a contrarian doesn't make you "pro-science" or less ignorant.

>> No.4221680
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check this out, just for entertainment

>> No.4221712

Avocados, nuts (peanut butter!), bananas, grains (oatmeal, bread), olive oil on everything... switch to a greek diet, spanakopita if you can have eggs and cheese.

>> No.4221732
