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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 420x333, GordonRamsayYelling2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4220333 No.4220333 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me /ck/, what is the general consensus on this man, and more importantly, his internet followers?

I litterally have no clue on how he's though of here, /tv/fag you see. Do you appreciate his businesslike commitment to his food? or do you feel you'd rather eat from a bro like Ainsley.

The reason I ask on his followers is, on youtube you're always reading comments from fascist like idiots claiming anyone who disagrees with him deserves all the shit they get because he's so godly etc.

>> No.4220337

We don't take him too seriously, but then again you shouldn't take /ck/ too seriously. We think Alton Brown is some kind of latter day Escoffier. I'm pretty sure /b/ has a higher percentage of people who actually know about food.

>> No.4220343 [DELETED] 

He is a renowned chef, and owns several 3 star michelin restaurants.

>> No.4220345

When he first started out I liked him and found his quick temper hilarious. Now I think he completely overdoes it and it's all a "character".

>> No.4220347


Ainsley all the way, food is meant to be enjoyed not turned into a money making business.

>> No.4220350

He is a good chef with a perfectionist streak and I loved his early TV work.
However, as a US TV "celebrity" I don't rate him at all.
The screaming angry man routine he and/or some marketers have thought up doesn't appeal to me.
I feel most shows he's involved in nowadays are sub-par remakes of great shows like Kitchen Nightmares UK or Masterchef Australia, focusing not on a passion for cooking but on interpersonal drama.
I wish he'd go back to a more involved style but he's probably getting rich as fuck selling Gordon Ramsay brand steak knives or something.

>> No.4220369

ausfag here who can safely say tat the us masterchef focusses on food WAY more than the aus versions (versionS we've even had a GD kid's masterchef), the drama makes our shows unwatchable.

>> No.4220395

Kitchen Nightmares and Hell's Kitchen are fake reality television garbage, The F Word is alright, and any show involving him where it's 100% cooking is boring and uninteresting.

He's really quite one of the most boring chefs that's hugely popular.

>> No.4220415

A blowhard failed chef who fortunately got lucky in the world of television.

>> No.4220417



He got on television because of his cooking back on Boiling Point

>> No.4220419

-10/10 He's never ran a successful restaurant in his mediocre life.

>> No.4220420

>Gordon Ramsay apprentice to Marco Pierre White
>Marco Pierre White is now the head chef of hells kitchen

Gordon Ramsay should sponge on all the money from his adventures because sooner or later people are going to get tired of his attitude.

Marco Pierre White was a huge alpha male cock that fucked women left and right and smoked like no ones business. Now its over

>> No.4220425


but he has

>> No.4220427

Excellent proof, bro

>> No.4220434


i dont need to show you proof you can google this to find out

or live in ignorance

>> No.4220441

>He's never ran a successful restaurant in his mediocre life.
Maybe you should look at how many stars he has.

Mediocre? He is one of the most recognizable chefs, has a huge bank account, multiple television shows, etc.

Those grapes must be pretty sour if you think he lives a mediocre life.

>> No.4220442
File: 7 KB, 455x325, 1359648063160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He has run 30 successful restaurants and has 15 michelin stars. What the fuck kind of retard juice are you drinking? If you're going to troll, at least try a little.

>> No.4220452

b-b-b-but he seems mean!!!! The meek inherit the earth, r-r-r-right???

>> No.4220458

It's not the meanest I object too. In high stress situations that demand consistent high performance, one must adopt such a way of dealing with people.

But you can see in contrasting older shows, esp. the English ones with the new stuff that he plays up a character a lot more. Back then, he got angry when it made sense. Now he's just a walking stereotype.

>> No.4220461

>recognizable chefs

During the 80s but no longer the same man that he was and warms up to sponsors. Has been legal battle after legal battle is now the head chef for one of Gordan Ramseys kitchens.

Former glory but going through nasty divorces and not keeping with his appearance really has hurt him. Pierre Koffmann made the choice of living a quite life after retirement and is happy on his decisions.

>> No.4220465

I think there is just an *assumption* that he is like that, but his newer shows, like Ultimate Cookery Course, that jail thing, and the "travel to asia" stuff from last year are almost devoid of temper tantrums. I think TV producers, especially american ones, kind of play up his temper for dramu, but he's not really changed much himself.

>> No.4220468

>he is like that

He is like that but has to change his appearance or face a life of hardships

>devoid of temper tantrums

Nice guy goes well for the tv audience

> especially american ones

No? The tantrum comes from U.K/France/Italy the three main culinary countries.

> temper for dramu

Look through the video archives of the 80s when he was a souse chef

>> No.4220476

He's a brit. Therefore his cooking is on par with Chef Boyardee. Nothing less, nothing more.

>> No.4220477

I'm not sure I really understand your point. He busted his ass and worked his way up by his own graft to the point where not he is as rich and famous as a chef can be; obviously he is going to be somewhat different. Hell, I'm different than I was in the 80s, and I didn't get rich *or* famous int he meantime.

>> No.4220478

Go back to /b/ and let the grownups talk.

>> No.4220487

He's right though. No reason to get so mad.

>> No.4220491


Just because you say something incorrect and then back it up with "its right" that does not make it right at all.

Also marco pierre white would like a word with you

>> No.4220496

Marco is Thomas Keller's long haired bitch.

>> No.4220516
File: 36 KB, 396x198, 27750e46-f317-47f4-a0d6-5f370bf03b58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer gentle chefs

>> No.4220545

Saying people are mad is the lowest form of trolling. It's like crapping your pants at a party and saying "oh, boy, I got you!" to the host.

>> No.4220554

I kinda like the kangaroo version of masterchef. Except when they repeat the same shit in nearly episode. Nervous (the way australians say that is pig disgusting and really gets on my nerves) and the bland descriptions for good food - beautiful and a couple of other words repeated nearly every time.

>> No.4220555

>getting madder when someone calls you out on your angry emotions.

>> No.4220557

The GR haters in a nutshell:

"Boohoo he's mean so I don't like him."

>> No.4220560

He's scottish you silly cuntfart.

>> No.4220562

Not really. He's a no talent assclown.
I've worked in kitchens with much worse than this pussycat.

>> No.4220563

What's the difference?

>> No.4220566


two different countries bro. it's like asking what's the difference between USA and Canada.

>> No.4220570

It's okay, I can be patient with you. I understand that one of the things that is hard about autism is that you don't understand how other peoples' emotions work. Don't worry, I won't get upset with you. You can't help how you were born.

>> No.4220572
File: 1020 KB, 230x165, Girl-crying-baww.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it easy, sweetie. You're going to melt down.
Have a nice glass of wine and turn on Oprah.

>> No.4220573

It's perfectly fine if his yelling makes you uncomfortable because you are a delicate flower, but it's just ignorant to call him no-talent. There is literally no basis for calling him that; you're embarrassing yourself. I mean, you can hate OJ Simpson because he's a murderer, but that doesn't mean he had no talent at football, and trying to argue that he didn't would just make you look retarded.

>> No.4220579

A screaming drag queen doesn't make me uncomfortable in the least.
You don't know shit about the culinary world if you think GR is any kind of good chef.

>> No.4220581

I am sorry, I can tell you really want to do the "take it easy, honey" schtick and use your gifs and so forth, and I am not being considerate of you by nor reacting the way you want. It must be very hard for you. here, I will do what you want.


>> No.4220585

You spend a lot of energy worrying about not worrying about what people think of you, hon.

>> No.4220589


>> No.4220628

Marco Pierre White, Michel Roux Jr. and Brdr. Price are far more interesting to watch.

>> No.4222626


>> No.4222650

he's a highly talented chef but not much as his reputation lets on. His saving grace is he really knows restaurants and fine dining. He could dictates almost every aspect of how things are done in his restaurants. This man really set the bar for what should be quality control. His cons are his pallet is a bit simplistic and so is the food he makes. I'd gladly eat something of his than something of alton brown's. I don't think alton brown is much of a chef anymore. He's just kinda of a food network personality they parade around because he's the one fucking person on their network with any sort of class.

>> No.4222653


I hate to say it, op, but lurk moar. These threads bore almost everyone to tears.

inb4 /ck/ asperger's

>> No.4222655


Ramsay is something else.

You really have to see his Cookery series. He's something else. More in the realm of Blumenthal than any other chef.

He's just something else.

>> No.4222707

Scotland is part of Britain.

>> No.4222708

>his pallet is a bit simplistic

Was reading an article about the horsemeat scares and one of the lines was about how the French had gone down the complex path to hide inferior ingredients and the British had gone down the simple path to emphasise quality ingredients.

>> No.4222709

Kitchen Nightmares was originally a UK thing... Just sayin.

>> No.4222712

I think F-Word was his best series.

>> No.4222714

Was that the one in the working Kitchen with celebrity diners, and Janet Street-Porter doing vt segments about rearing cows? That was my favourite Ramsey show by a long way.

>> No.4222719

Yep. Combination of doing the cooking, researching the cooking and judging the cooking.

>> No.4222724

No. Great Britain is England, Scotland and Wales. The difference between UK and France would be like the difference between USA and Canada. The difference between England and Scotland is small, less so than the difference between states.

>> No.4222727

>durr you make my argument for me

>> No.4222729

That's a perfectly fine reason to not like somebody.

>> No.4222755

Have you ever considered that he pretty much acts the same way all the time, and the editing of the particular show you're watching determines which Gordon Ramsay you're going to see? On shows like Kitchen Nightmares, of course it's going to be a highlight reel of his anger. I also hope you don't think that they film the entire show in an hour as well.