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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 5 KB, 231x218, chicken patty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4217643 No.4217643[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You know what I miss from school food? It's not the slab pizza or Fiestada pizza. It's not those weird gearwheel-shaped soyburgers. It's not the hard-as-rock burritos or flavorless taco meat.

It's Chicken Patty on Bun. That perfectly shaped, molded disc of chicken on a bland white bun. No cheese, certainly, and no condiments unless they gave you a mustard packet or something.

God I miss it.

>> No.4217657

I miss getting molested by my male teachers.

>> No.4217659

>American school food

absolutely disgusting

not even Jamie Oliver could get you wankers to stop being fat.

>> No.4217662

To be fair, he did turn a few schoolboys into raging faggots though.

>> No.4218051


Jamie Oliver went from pudgy to outright fat, though.


I miss spaghetti most. Recently found out how to make it. It was just cooked ground beef added to crushed tomatoes with sugar. Maybe some exotic spices like salt were also added, but chances are it was just those three things.

>> No.4218084

The at our schools here, we got fruit salads and healthy stuff.

The occasional Pizza Hut Pizza on fridays and some pidgeon nuggets

>> No.4218087
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I miss taking the cheese from the pizza, rolling it into a ball, and bouncing it off the cafeteria floor.

>> No.4218089

Wasn't a fan of those. I usually just got a hamburger.
The only time I didn't was when my school served crispitos. They were just tortillas filled with ground beef that were cooked a little longer so they were crispy, obvious. Then you dumped nacho cheese, salsa, lettuce, and sour cream on them.
Pretty much cheap as fuck burritos

>> No.4218094

Once in a while they would just serve us PB&J for lunch. I have to say...elementary school PB&J kicks ass. I actually looked forward to it.

>> No.4218102
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>implying Americans answer to anyone other than Food Gangsta #1
>those incredibly practical and sanitary pieces of jewelry

>> No.4218176

the thing that disgusted me most about that program was how completely retarded the people who made and enforced the guidelines were.

>they kids need two serves of fruit and vegetables at lunch
>but you only have one
>the bread counts as a vegetable

Bread is a vegetable? Seriously America this is why you are all ham beasts.

>> No.4218350

The cheap chicken sandwich at Jack in the Box is very similar. And cheap. Just order it without lettuce and mayo.

>> No.4218412
File: 157 KB, 867x715, IMG_2186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom made my lunches most of the time, but whenever they served the chicken patty melt or French toast sticks I got those.

>> No.4218440


Wow, that's terrible.

>> No.4218451

I swear to god, they're growing clones of him. Saw a commercial about this obnoxious bacon oriented show on the Food Network and thought the host was him.

>> No.4218459

Does every American school provide lunch? In Canada that's unheard of, you pack a lunch or go home for homecooked.

>> No.4218464

Holy moley, that looks disgusting.

>> No.4218468

They do but you have to pay a small fee for it. Like 2 bucks.

>> No.4218472

lol, why wouldn't you just bring something then? All these horror stories about school food can be easily be fixed by parents who give a shit about their own child's nutrition.
For a country who hates universal healthcare and taxes, there seems to be a high sense of entitlement.

>> No.4218473

Oh hey, we had those too!

Worst lunch food:
A slice of really stringy ham (possibly not a real 'slice', since it seemed to be...composed of different stringy parts and THEN made to look like a slice?)....covered in warm pineapple juice and two or three soggy pieces of pineapple.

The Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. A piece of friend chicken, mashed potatoes probably made from powder, and a sugar cookie. I don't even know why it was my favorite. I'm a skinny leaf eater now and the idea of SPECIFICALLY this school meal seems good to me. Not like...Popeyes or KFC or a decent restaurant's friend chicken and mashed potatoes--this meal.

We couldn't pick and choose things at my school. We all just had to kind of...hope it wasn't that pineapple ham day.

>> No.4218475

The whole system boggles my mind. How many kids did you have in your elementary school? We had like 350, tops. And that was in a larger metro area.

>> No.4218479

I worked at a school cafeteria for a few years. Once one of our cooks misread the serving count printed on the bag (she barely spoke a lick of English) and wound up making 2.5x the amount of popcorn chicken we needed. We all walked out of there with a pretty sizable bag.

>> No.4218481
File: 63 KB, 500x675, frenchbreadpizzajamaicanbeefpatty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and fish patty stuffed with cheese

>> No.4218482

I guess we just had to be grateful. We were an NYC Catholic school that still got free government lunch, which was a HUGE bonus to parents. The neighborhood was kind of shitty so having a private school that was as affordable as possible was a big deal.

We were a 1-8th grade school, so more than 350, but still pretty small.

>> No.4218486

Yeah that's about average size in S. Ontario. Also, our Catholic schools are publicly subsidized just like other public schools, if you went to a private school you were a rich fuck.

>> No.4218495

Because American parents are lazy. They don't give a shit about nutrition if they have to put any effort into it.

>> No.4218514
File: 72 KB, 550x412, oh god it hurts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4218538

I miss taking ketchup packets and twisting them into a bowtie shape until they explode into the air and rain all over the people sitting next to you.

>> No.4218546

I miss the school curry. We actually had some pretty decent stuff for cafeteria.

>> No.4218633 [DELETED] 

Custard everyday with hot puddings

How often do you get to eat custard as an adult?

>> No.4218650
File: 11 KB, 257x196, boscosticks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of you motherfuckers had these at school? the GOAT

>> No.4218688

We had this, but with scrambled eggs, a small cup of maple syrup, and the fruit cup was actual fruit put into plastic cups (that one looks like one of those pre-made liquid fructose cups).

Also there was no fruit juice option, white or chocolate.

Despite the small difference, that picture is just sad in comparison.

>> No.4218697
File: 21 KB, 274x295, 94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My high school school had a culinary faculty, lead by some top French chef. They created different dishes every day. Once I had pan-seared mussels.
There were some usual every day things though, like
>raspberry scones
>turkey sub sandwiches on baguettes
>daily soup
>daily garden and caesar salads

It was seriously restaurant-quality stuff. Actually, there was also a restaurant in the school that the culinary students ran as well.

>> No.4218698

How fucking lazy do you have to be

>> No.4218734
File: 52 KB, 978x550, 1288457341419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Americans, you so funny.

>> No.4218766

They were too expensive and I didn't like wasting my parents money

>> No.4218781

I'm not stupid enough to let myself be so blinded by nostalgia that I miss something as unappetizing and disgusting as school lunch was. I don't miss a damn thing of it and I don't miss the fucking teachers who would cry to me when they saw me sitting there, not eating, talking to my friends, because I didn't pack a lunch that day and I would rather starve than not eat their food. Then they'd call me picky. Because I simply don't want to eat. Then they'd ask if I like french fries and pizzas and hamburgers and patties. Yes. When they're done right. And no, I'm not asking for gourmet 5-star restaurant quality food. If I could make something in 5 seconds at 10 years old that tasted better than school lunch then I think paid workers should be able to do it. What happened to the mental aspect of food? Is this something I sit down and eat like a dog? Like a fucking dog, only thing I care about is easing my starvation, doesn't matter if it tastes awful right? Prisoners get better food. British prisoners get better food than American prisoners. This is saying a lot about our system when we complain about unhealthy food and kids with zero taste in food when we serve them unappetizing and unhealthy food. Adding more canned corn isn't going to do anything. But who cares anymore, I don't go to school anymore, I can eat what I want and just leave the past behind right? What's the use anyways, this is America. Land of the free. Go buy a gun.

>> No.4218784

Mm gotta love all that gristle!
Seriously the cafeteria food at my school sucked ass. I could barely eat it. I'd just go to Subway (which thank God they had there) and get a turkey sandwich or something. They should have had a salad bar with apples or something, I'd go there every day.

>> No.4218791

aint nothing like that chicken patty thats a weird shade of gray when you bite into it

>> No.4218817

>not putting them under the toilet seat so when someone sits to take a shit they get ketchup all over their legs

did you even middle school

>> No.4218818

My school's food was pretty legit. They had those crappy burgers, pizza, and chicken patties like everyone else, but their spaghetti and tacos and whatnot were damn good. They also had a salad bar at all times.

>> No.4218824

Sometimes i miss school food, it's such a hassle to cook for only 1 person. Too lazy and i have bad problem of eating good food immediately so that rules out making bigger amounts for few days.

I miss that weird green chicken sauce with rice/potatoes from school.

fuck you now im hungry for glass of cold milk and rye bread with butter and shit on top of it

>> No.4218845

>god tier mashed potatoes, smoky links, and a cinnamon roll meal
>Mexican pizza(dat hexagon)
>square Sausage pizza rolled up with the side salad inside
>peanut butter sandwich dipped in chili
>beefnbean burrito with that perfectly crispy and chewy school bus yellow tortilla
God damn i loved elementary school food

>> No.4218880

oh god my old high school had this one brand of muffins they'd serve warm that were fucking fantastic. I don't think they made them there because they came wrapped in plastic. they were always warm and gooey and almost not "muffin" like- no dryness, each bite was a mouthful of chocolate chippy heaven.

and I will never have it again because apparently they don't serve them anymore- asked my younger friend out of curiosity. they have these gay-ass muffin tops instead.

I wish I knew what fuckin' muffin that was.

>> No.4218884

Top of the muffin to you!

>> No.4218889


I just want to know the brand, damn it. I'd buy a fuckin' case of those muffins.

>> No.4218893

sorry it was a seinfeld reference

they had those at my hs too i know how you feel

>> No.4218896

the closest i've found are those lil' bites

>> No.4218905

I still have Bosco stix where I work. Jealous?

I miss the neon orange Mac n cheese.

We also had these delicious, undercooked chocolate chip cookies that the special needs students would bake. Those things were god tier.

>> No.4218908

How bad is it that I seriously have no idea whatsoever what I ate in any part of elementary school? I know I always brought lunch, but I don't even know what kind of stuff I brought. I'm assuming some kind of sandwiches, but I don't even know.

>> No.4218912

Fiestada, eggrolls, crispitos, and rib sandwich. Shittiest food that tasted good. Salads weren't bad either and were pretty huge.

>> No.4218923

Vitamuffins are like the muffin top things. Also they are all terrible except doubt chocolate. Seriously my the apple cinnamon....BURNED my mouth and was...BITTER?

I really want those muffins in plastic you had.

>> No.4218936


Let's try to find them.

They must've come from some distributor, right?

>> No.4219019

Some sort of private school or something? What's it called and where is it?

>> No.4219049
File: 127 KB, 801x1200, 11735725-cute-eating-spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fish patty stuffed with cheese

Fuck you for making me remember those.

>> No.4219054

Duuude. My elementary school got spicy jalapeno cheeseburgers every so often. That was, hands-down, the best lunch food. Whenever it showed up on the month's menu, we were all overjoyed.

Cardboard pizza, on the other hand... hurrrhgghuehuerble. D:

>> No.4219075



the people who control this stuff are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO STUPID

>> No.4219165
File: 199 KB, 1522x824, gt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently my high school briefly posted the menus at their website. Fuckloads different from when I went there

>> No.4219219

People do bring stuff, just some of them are too retarded to know how to make anything and their parents dont give a fuck

>> No.4219244

Is that a fucking jamaican patty? You lucky bastard.

>> No.4219245


>rainbow variety bar

Can someone explain this to me?

>> No.4219247

it says it at the bottom. sounds like it's just a salad/random shit bar.

>> No.4219254
File: 12 KB, 200x189, RosieQueda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP: fiesta pizza was before my time, but I do remember the chicken sammich.

Just last week I got around to eating some frozen chicken patties I got from Walmart. They came in a red and clear plastic bag/sleeve, maybe 8 or 10 patties (Tyson maybe, the plain not spicy try-hard style). First two I had we fried in oil and they were meh. They sat in the freezer for 2 months until I found myself with some buns I needed to finish. I put them in the toaster over until crispy.

Its now 4 days later and I've eaten two of these every night since then. Nice and tender, and the breading is crispy and crunchy like nothing I've ever had. I was astounded.

Chicken sammiches is the one thing I really like to dress up with various vombinations of pickles, tomatoes, onions, iceberg, mayo, mustard, buffalo, various cheeses, and even sauteed mushrooms if I have just the right cheese. But jumpin jesus on a pogo stick if these things aren't perfect just as they are.

>> No.4219255


Well can't they just call it a fucking salad bar? Sounds like they're trying to turn all those kids gay or something.

>> No.4219261

>$3.10 for lunch

Jesus christ, I remember when it was $1.50 for a decent lunch. This shit all looks about the same and they charge more than double for it.

>> No.4219267

loved crispitos up until Junior year. Then got a bad on and wound up puking in the bathroom for about 10 mins while friend got the teacher

until my senior year they served us french fries erryday then decided to get healthy and give us some kind of fruit

>> No.4219272

i never understood why they breaded the chicken when it was consistently soggy and never remotely crispy. the one in your pic looks considerably better than the 'spicy chicken' things i remember mainly because of the plain white bun over the whole grain abominations

>> No.4219275

And the whole reason I bring this up is that I was shocked... I'm so used to quality slowly going down hill that I'm startled when it doesn't. Usually chicken patties suck. Reminds me of comparing the old JTM steak sandwich from Dominos to their mediterranean veggie sammich. And the new vs old pan too, damn. I worked there from 93-96 and that pan was embarassing. We used a paint brush to rub salted vegetable oil on this rubbery par-baked frozen shit that looked like the innards of an ergonomic pillow. The best you could hope for was some cheese would fall down around the edges after the crust shrank and would burn and cleave to the sides, giving it a little bit of flavor beyond "eating a tube of Chapstick". The new stuff has a flavor/crisp that is heading in the direction of the old 80's pizza hut pan (olive oil and handmade bread).

Its great to see something finally going the other way.

>> No.4219278

Didn't eat school lunch much after around 6th grade, but man, those french toast sticks were the shit. But pretty much the usual freezer-brand taste.

My high school had alright pizza, if I forgot lunch I'd buy some cheese pizza sticks with no sauce and put a shitload of jalapenos on em. That was all they served that I could eat. Really makes you think about people who peak in high school.

>> No.4219289

I miss the tangy French dressing.

>> No.4219309





>> No.4219329

if you live near a ShopRite that has a "Foods to go" section, they sell something very similar to it

>> No.4219343
File: 78 KB, 800x532, pretzel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easily the best chicken product my HS's shitty lunch staff offered. How I looked forward to Wednesdays.

>> No.4219348

lol what the fuck? That is a travesty to both chicken and pretzels.

>> No.4219371

taste one before judgment, fucker.

Also, OP, fuck you, the craving for shitty frozen food struck after going through this thread. Currently have chicken fries and waffle fries in the oven.

>> No.4219372
File: 50 KB, 500x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italian Dunkers. It really annoyed me when my 4th grade teacher pronounced it I-talian.

Also, everything else on this page: http://www.lps.org/post/detail.cfmd=2724

>> No.4219384
File: 170 KB, 500x375, Salisbury_Steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahahaha I feel terrible for American kids. No wonder they are obese.

>> No.4219391
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>vegetables are for terrorists

>> No.4219400
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>> No.4219405

Oh god what

>> No.4219410

Because poor people exist and school lunches are a socially acceptable form of welfare.

Most of America's health problems can be directly attributed to our bizarre pride in our own poverty and how we refuse to be helped.

>> No.4219419

But it would literally be cheaper and healthier to make your own lunches. It cost like 25 cents for a PB & J sandwich, some milk, and some fruit.

>> No.4219428

>Mexican pizza(dat hexagon)
Goddamnit yes

>> No.4219441

Jesus god I can taste it as if it's in my mouth

fuck you sense memory, fuck you

>> No.4219444

Which is great, except your parents are either at work all the time, don't know how to cook, or are drug addicts, because you're POOR.

>> No.4219447

>America in a nutshell.

>> No.4219458

Most fast food ...wendys, mcdonalds...have a shit tier chicken patty sandwich on the dollar menu. It's absolutely not the premium one. That's what you want. $1

The Morningside brand is a decent healthy alternative.

>> No.4219461

mcdonalds junior chicken is most comparable, but even still it doesn't quite touch the 'sterilized' taste of school chicken patty

>> No.4219604

Kid are afraid of veggies

>> No.4219623
File: 249 KB, 368x414, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just had those for dinner

>> No.4219630

Do you eat them like the picture with butter and parmesan? It makes them even more awesome. I was thrilled when I found out that they were available outside of schools and bought a giant box of like 40 of them when I first moved into my own place.

>> No.4219634

A few years ago I lived in a mountain ski town during the summer, which meant that most of it was shut down. The gas station was one of the few places open and they had these things. I liked them with some ketchup.

>> No.4219639

If it's anything like how it was when I was there, the majority of people that had the full meal were the poorer kids who had it paid for via financial aid type stuff. There were also 3 other lines that served more expensive a la carte things.

One line had nachos, cheese fries, pizza puffs and a fucking blizzard machine.

I usually ate extremely little at lunch time but it was hard not to grab an oreo blizzard or shake every once in a while.

>> No.4219650

i miss the manicotti the lunch lady used to make, shit was so fuckin delicious.

good thing i can make it at home
it's not as good since i'm not as good a cook as her though. :(

for reference i went to a small school and so they made a lot of our lunches home made.

>> No.4219665

I also hated that meat thing (which I no know was supposed to be salisbury steak, thanks)

>> No.4219681


>> No.4219691

You bet your ass I do. The gas station down the street from my apartment sells them, and they go great with their chicken chili.

>> No.4219693


>Poor people can't smear a paste over bread. They too dumb.

>> No.4219743

Once a week my school had this thing of lo mein noodles and some small slabs of beef with a fucking egg roll. Most of the shit they served was meh-tier, but that stuff was GOOD.

>> No.4219750


Err... if you're poor, chances are you're on the free or reduced lunch program. I ate lunch at school every day because that shit was free for me. Breakfast too when I had time for it.

>> No.4219764

Morningside? Or Morningstar?
I get the Morningstar fake chicken patties just because real processed chicken is gross and Quorn is more expensive.

>> No.4219767

That was actually my favorite school lunch.

>> No.4219774
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This motherfucker for breakfast. Everything else was shit.

>> No.4219775

Our school had a contract with Pizza Hut where there was a line dedicated to just their pizza. $2.50 per slice. I think you could get cheese or pepperoni and I usually got pepperoni. Then there was an a la carte stand out in the cafeteria where you could get cheesesticks and breadsticks, and there were also soda machines.

>> No.4219779
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jamaican beef patties for me. i can eat them all day.

>dfw one of the local supermarkets has them but irregularly so every time i go to check it could be either a happy surprise or sad surprise

>> No.4219803

The school down the block from mine (one of the largest in the country) has a pizza hut inside the lunch room, but it might just be a line like yours or something. That place is like an economy of its own, there are a metric shit ton of restaurants surrounding it despite otherwise there being nothing that interesting about the neighborhood.

It was kinda annoying that my school didn't have off campus lunch as an option especially with so many places close by.

>> No.4219811


Oh fuck Christ, THAT.

Did you go to LAUSD school?

>> No.4219816


>> No.4219834

otis spunkmeyer maybe?

>> No.4219843
File: 206 KB, 738x848, holyfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graduated 4 years ago
>go check high school menu
>see this

Holy fuck they went from one options of shitty industrial food to 7 different options a day that my brother says is actually good.

What h happend here?

>> No.4219847

my college cafeteria was the same way. I went to the university of iowa, ate in the Burge dining hall. 1997-2001. All industrial shit, slightly higher tier than high school but definitely cut from the same cloth. we had good beef n cheddar melts, and chicken kiev (those processed chicken shells!), and grilled cheese sandwiches, and slab pizza, and little individual round pizzas

That's all gone now though, replaced by a bunch of different "stations" where you can get pizza or burgers or chinese or whatever.

I just don't know why any of it is necessary for an institution of higher education, really.. you're there to learn not to enjoy gourmet food. if you want good food walk to campustown and patronize some local business

>> No.4219858

I grew up poor and got my lunches for free and I liked it.

>> No.4219871

Fuck, me too.

>> No.4219947

The things miss most were called Pot-Smiles.
They were potato processed and molded into smiley faces.

I still miss the food from my first highschool, it was positively decent. Then I had to move to a different county, and it was hardly even prison food standards.

>> No.4221704
File: 125 KB, 603x599, Herp-Serp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> America's health problems can be directly attributed to our bizarre pride in our own poverty

If by poverty you mean me deprivation of cooking sense, then yes.

Mom has no skills when it comes to getting a kid to eat something out of a brown paper bag that had sat in the fridge overnight and then in the locker for 4 hours until lunchtime, especially not unsupervised.

Supervision wouldn't be necessary if it didn't taste like ass. It wouldn't taste like ass if mom had some cooking sense.

Its the proverbial pic related.

Cmon parents, you are responsible for providing services and training for a potentially highly-creative task (providing food) that you will practice daily, involves several senses, can be highly pleasurable/painful, and your whole family participates in it 2 or 3 times a day, every day for the rest of their life, under threat of death. They are a captive audience.

Isn't it worth spending more time learning to cook some good food than you spent leaning how to use your dvr remote?

>> No.4221708

you can totally buy this shit. generic brand breaded chicken patties from the frozen food aisles. I like mine with mayo and some pickles.

>> No.4221745

> in the bathroom for about 10 mins while friend got the teacher

What did the teacher do?

In 2nd grade my friend zipped a small piece of his stuff up into his zipper and he was suddenly out of sorts and beside himself, fraught with distress. I panicked and got the teacher and she took care of it. Puking was always tough though, they immediately sent you out of the room and you weren't seen for a few days and were shame thereafter.

>> No.4221837

My school had ethnic week occasionally. Jesus, it was so fucking bad.

One day it was Chinese day, it was literally an overbaked fat burrito with fucking cabbage. Another day was Vietnamese day with just normal bread with ham and just cut up carrots and American mayonnaise. The worse day was Somalian pizza. Jesus Christ, I mean, in good hands, it had to be good. But the lunch ladies made it so fucking terrible. Fuck.

>> No.4221852
File: 32 KB, 400x300, chicken nugget day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only thing I miss.

>> No.4221863

Did you dip the nuggets in the mashed potatoes and gravy? It was delicious.

>> No.4221882

On certain days in high school we had a baked potato bar filled with at least 12 different items to load the potato with. Glorious. Also everyday there was pizza. Ranch was mandatory.

>> No.4221892
File: 49 KB, 346x341, 1307476663000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw putting ranch of my pizza for the first time

>> No.4221898

oh god

those school cafeteria rolls and mashed potatoes with yellow gravy

i also miss turkey day, with the green gravy.

>> No.4221909

how fat are you

>> No.4221911
File: 43 KB, 480x321, 15diners_school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

school food
>french bread pizza had a unique crispiness
>chocolate milk
>tater tots

minus the vegetables. yuck.

i would trade my 4 years of college ramen and pb&j's for this stuff

pic related
american school food looks exactly like this

>> No.4221916

How stupid are you?

>> No.4222079

Do any of you guys remember mozzarella sticks from school? Those were the shit.

>> No.4222089
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT poorfags that didnt get mcdonalds for lunch because they went to shitty public school

lol stay ghetto

>> No.4222098

bump for nostalgic interest

>> No.4222134

My high school offered those every day, and I'd say I ate them three out of five days a week. One of the other days was pizza day, and the other I usually got some chicken nuggets. They always had really good barbecue sauce, so that was nice. The daily "specials" were about as appealing as someone vomiting on a tray and handing it to you.

>> No.4222381
File: 7 KB, 196x212, 025465.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clicked the link
>scrolling, scrolling, scrolling
>looks oddly familiar
>MFW that LPS
>MFW former Elliott Elementary student
>Oh shit

>> No.4222407

>yfw you are in the mood for ossetra and your butler brings you beluga

>> No.4222422


>brag about not being poor

u wot m8?

>> No.4222462

I went to one school district my entire life. Breakfast and lunch was such shit most of the time - until high school.

From kindergarten to 6th grade, it was always the same mush

My most hated foods at that place.
>turkey tetrazzini - god awful dish
>chicken enchiladas
>any type of soup they made.
>french fries - they would just dump them in luke-warm grease and they would come out as soggy clumps of greasy potato. not crispy at all.

My beloved foods. (the only dishes that were made fresh)
>taco salad with cornbread - seriously it was the best dish they ever served.
>chicken salad
>sometimes, the pizza was good. we actually had hot sauce we could put on it at the serving line, so no ketchup pizza for me.

shittiest meal experience:
>went on a field trip
>had to bring our own lunches
>teacher loads them into her van she's driving and follows the buses.
>van breaks down half-way to the destination and is towed back to the school.
>we ate convenience store sandwiches - gross.

My most memorable meal.
>on a field trip.
>went to see a theatrical performance in the DFW metroplex
>had to go eat before the play.
>pulled up to several restaurants
>teachers and some students go to a family friendly one.
>since we were around 18, we went to twin peaks.
>ate like kings
>viewed cleavage.
>that was a pretty good day - why couldn't my groundhog day be THAT day?

>> No.4222469

evry thursday in the bin we got those..
i always got 2! fuck em all

>> No.4222479

I miss those too.

Best meal of the month man.

>> No.4222489


>> No.4222578

I personally loved the blueberry coffee cake that was served as a breakfast item at one of the primary schools I went to. I have never been able to replicate the recipe.

>> No.4222642

The school food I missed most from high school is probably either fried saimin or beef stroganoff. And the fact that it was buffet style, but that's unusual for a school. Yay private schools.

>> No.4222652
File: 70 KB, 500x333, 2531e81c543c6fe6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think I've ever had/seen this outside of school. Ovenbaked pork pancake.

>> No.4222688


>> No.4222717

Nice fläskpannkaka, but you are too old to be on the internet.

>> No.4222728


>> No.4222736

What are you talking about? (I'm not him.)
I'm nineteen, and I've eaten it regularly for as long as I can remember.

>> No.4222746

My school got so much better my last year
Actual made the day of, paninis
They were pretty big, so you didn't need much else to get full.

>> No.4223739
File: 214 KB, 500x375, Cheese_Stuffed_Breadsticks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4223767

>have lunch money
>school lets kids get PB&Js or hot lunches even if they aren't poor
>lunches are okay
>eat school lunch when I want to save my dosh
>spend the ten bucks at hale & hearty if I feel like eating something resembling actual food.

>> No.4223793

I'm so glad this is not a thing in Denmark.

>> No.4223845

Now you're getting it

>> No.4223877

St. Sebastian's?

>> No.4223886

god damnit, every time I go on /ck/ I crave fast food. just returned from some organic hole-in-the-wall grocers, and now I wish I dropped by Micky D's on the way back