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4217202 No.4217202[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do americans eat crumpets ?

If you what do they think?

>> No.4217207

We call them English Muffins. They are delicious with sausage patties. And can make easy mini pizzas with a toaster oven.

>> No.4217206


>> No.4217208

I've had a few crumpets before (found them in a store), they're pretty good. I enjoyed it with runny eggs and sausage.

>> No.4217211
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OP here but this is what we call a muffin in England
It's completely different from a crumpet

>> No.4217212

I believe that is just a biscuit.

>> No.4217217
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Na its what we call a muffin it's bready
Not crumbly
And a crumpets more chewy holey on the top, flat at bottom

>> No.4217218


English muffins and crumpets are completely different things.

>> No.4217220

I'm more into tea a strumpets

>> No.4217221


>> No.4217223
File: 73 KB, 549x366, misc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, don't think I've ever eaten that. we have 'english muffins' though.

>> No.4217226

They're pretty damn good.
I don't know why they're a steryotypical british food though.

>> No.4217248

Canadafag here. Love crumpets. Home made is god tier.

>> No.4217257

England is a shit tier country but I will admit that crumpets and English muffins are amazing.

>> No.4217264

Nothing alike.

>> No.4217265

They are in no way alike.

>> No.4217266

How else does everyone have theirs? I either have them with butter or sometimes I toast them to a crisp and then cuth them in half, put cheese and tobasco sauce between them like a sandwich.

>> No.4217277
File: 8 KB, 304x166, crumpet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was watching a movie (cinema?) where everybody talked that London talk and one guy (bloke?) says he was hoping to go to town (shire?) and get a bit of crumpet.

So he just wanted an English muffin? I thought he was talking about meeting (shagging?) some girls (birds?).

I like English muffins but now am confused.

>> No.4217280

also canadafag they are awsome but sourdough english muffins are better

>> No.4217296

A shire is a division of land, now used mostly in the names of Counties.
Movies are films.
Guy is English in origin.
Shagging is sex.
Birds is a vulgar way to refer to women.

>> No.4217332

yeah crumpet is a pretty outdated way of saying a bit of a slag/slut so you were right

it's probably rhyming slang but i dunno what for

>> No.4217333

it's rhyming slang for strumpet which again is pretty outadted in itself

>> No.4217391


>> No.4217393

I do, on occasion, eat crumpets. I think they are fantastic. I am an American from the gulf south.

>> No.4217420

English muffins are nothing like crumpets. Saying crumpet in that context means he wanted to pull (get laid).

>> No.4217455
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I saved a thread last year where a guy put beans on an english muffin because he wanted to have a very british breakfast.
I cant seem to find it now.

>> No.4217456

Americans are dumb as fuck, somebody please send help.

>> No.4217487

Do english muffins exist in england?

>> No.4217491

to pull doesnt mean to get laid. it means making out.

>> No.4217500

They're only good when made into a egg mcmuffin.

>> No.4218380

Yeah, but we just call them "muffins"

>> No.4218394
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So what do you guys call pic related?

>> No.4218395
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It's called an english muffin and it needs moar pic related

>> No.4218397

Fruity tootie puffy stuffers

>> No.4218398


>> No.4218403
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>> No.4218410
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>> No.4218421

Crumpets aren't split in half and buttered, like English muffins. They're not English muffins.

>> No.4218434

Inform us.

>> No.4218446

For that matter, what the hell do the British consider to be American food? (That isn't maybe hotdogs or just fast food)

>> No.4218452

Probably burgers, fried chicken and (American) biscuits...

>> No.4218480

I'd imagine cookout food and soul food.

>> No.4218492

Not mushy enough.

>> No.4218748

a toasted crumpet with peanut butter is the best breakfast imaginable

>> No.4218785

This stuff


>> No.4218805

>what the hell do the British consider to be American food? (That isn't maybe hotdogs or just fast food)

The British consider American food synonymous with fast/junk food.

>> No.4218855

American here, and yes, I eat crumpets. I even make them myself. (because, they're really easy to make) Anyway, I love them. I like them more than scones or what we call "English" muffins. I'd rather have fresh crumpets. Damn, now I want to make some, lol. Anyway, I make them and love them I guess because my mom always made them. She learned to make them from a recipe book someone gave her when she had her first baby, it was a book of foods specifically for children and toddlers. That's the same recipe I use, and it's fantastic.

>> No.4218870

They can fuck off. It's not like british food isn't terrible for you anyway.

>> No.4218879

Yeah, the country that brought the world "starry gazy pie" and "jellied eel" has no room to talk about eating junk.

>> No.4218919

My opinion is that when you live in a country where it's extremely easy to become a 600 lb landwhale,and hard to stay 150 lbs you know you've got it good.

>> No.4218930

Canadian here, we usually eat them either toasted with butter and condensed milk or toasted with condensed milk and peanut butter. Man havent had one in ages though, might go pick some up tomorrow

>> No.4218946

Taste awful.

It's like someone was handed cinnamon sugar buttered toast and told to remove everything about it that makes it edible.

Anything that needs jam to be edible is just something that ruins perfectly good jam.

>> No.4218962

yes we have pancakes

>> No.4219044

I've had crumpets a couple times before. They're fairly meh-tier compared to English muffins.

>> No.4219068

canadian here too... whats with all the condensed milk?? Newfie? Native?
Native Newfi.... wait...stupid question... you folk killed all the natives on the rock.

>> No.4219072

oh! and yes, I do enjoy crumpets. My wife on the other hand... not so much

>> No.4219079

Why the fuck is everyone talking about English muffins?

>> No.4219121 [DELETED] 

Judging by OP's crappy grammar and sentence structure, I have come to the conclusion he speaks German.

>> No.4219545

It's not hard at all you fat fuck.

>> No.4219563

i like english muffins

i eat them with peanut butter and honey

fucking things go moldy in a day though, when bread stays fine for a week.

i've yet to figure this out

>> No.4219571

I love crumpets. My local grocer also carries English clotted cream. Keeps me fat and happy at breakfast like a good American

>> No.4219605

Just for the record. English muffins as we have them in America were invented by the Pennsylvania Dutch, who are German. They never had nor were intended to have anything to do with England.

>> No.4219648

Okaaaay, so where did the English get THEIR muffins?

>> No.4219658

>not marmalade

>> No.4219663

the germans, you do know the queen is of germanic descent, right?

>> No.4219667


Also heavily intermixed with the Tzars. Europe is all really one big interbred mess of mutts.

>> No.4219700

You're missing the point.
Our "English" muffins are the same thing as the English's muffins. So the Pennsylvania Dutch didn't invent them. They may have popularized a resurgence of them, but English muffins would have already arrived, as they were in England already, and no doubt arrived with immigrants from there as well. Understand?

>> No.4219716
File: 19 KB, 360x360, krimpets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't have crumpets, we have Krimpets

>> No.4219725


>> No.4219733

Living in Philly has its fattening perks.

>> No.4219735


England was ruled by a german who barley spoke any english at one point, the name escapes me but you can google it.

Before ww1 broke out the royal families would write to each other using pet names because they were all cousins.

>> No.4219742

William of Orange

>> No.4219810

Oh no you misunderstand.
I meant it was financially easy to turn into a 600 lb landwhale.
I'm not fat.
And I'm not wrong. We have it good.

>> No.4219840
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>> No.4219956

That was good man.
I liked it.

>> No.4220067


I have a bit of milk left. Might try to make those this weekend.

>> No.4220111

As a Brit, I would say to pull is to be successful in picking up a girl.

>> No.4220121

Crumpets are pretty popular here in Australia, I think I can get about half a jar of Nutella on two crumpets so it works well for late munchies.

>> No.4220176

Thanks. I'm visiting England in June, so I need to be prepared.

>> No.4220187

I'm English and I had never heard of an English Muffin until my teens, I think they are more of an American thing. Crumpets on the other hand are fucking delicious when all the butter runs into the holes. Nom nom nom.