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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 224 KB, 1611x1008, beerbuzz600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4216221 No.4216221[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What have you been drinking lately? Favorite beer, worst beer and what you've been wanting to try.

>> No.4216251
File: 123 KB, 640x427, Chipotle Porter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today i bought 4 packs of
Founders Imperial Stout
Central Waters Bourbon Barrel Barleywine
Tyranena Imperial Chipotle Porter

>> No.4216259
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The Third Man is a great Orson Welles movie based on a Graham Greene/Carol Reed story. A western writer goes to post-war Vienna to visit his pal Harry Lime, a man he has always looked up to. Upon his arrival he discovers his friend was just killed in a car accident. The truth is, the friend isn't dead; he has faked his death to elude the police. They're after him for selling diluted penicillin to hospitals, which is killing children. Harry Lime is one of the all-time super creeps, and when we first see him, he's a sniveling coward. Greene and Welles wanted to make him the most despicable criminal imaginable. They couldn't think of anything worse than someone who'd kill children out of pure greed. They never met the people that don't like Black Butte Porter.

>> No.4216266
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i wish i was lying

>> No.4216273
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Kona Pipeline at the bar and cheap vodka at home.

>> No.4216277
File: 1.44 MB, 2592x1936, Bells-Hopslam-Lineup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also have some Hopslam and Central Waters Peruvian Morning

>> No.4216280
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Aww yeah, picked up a 12-pack on the way from work. Love this shit.

>> No.4216286

Coors light here, feels drunk man.

>> No.4216291
File: 85 KB, 569x1023, KodiakRidgeLt0411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been picking up 30packs of this on the regular, motherfucking $$$7.99$$$

fuck i got a box sitting downstairs might crack it open and bake a pizza right now

>> No.4216321


i MUST respect every single shitty thing this man dreams up to do to people because he says it is going to be percieved as a correhent whole with a hands on sort of feeling about the stark truths about life that stood out to me.

excuse me sir, this might be possible.


>> No.4216326


in what type of social circle is it valuable to talk about this type of thing the way you are talking about it?

nvm it's not a question that i personally really want an answer to, plz just get censored from any network that i am connected to please. thank you.

>> No.4216328

>in what type of social circle is it valuable to talk about this type of thing the way you are talking about it
gonna guess 1st two years of college

>> No.4216343

Straub, because I'm broke.

>> No.4216344
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Drinking this tonight. Mostly wine lately, first beer in a couple weeks.

>> No.4216346

Not in my experience.

I guess it depends on the peers you attract.

>> No.4216348
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>> No.4216355
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Ok since that's not actually beer, I'll post the beer i had, which was last night. It's delicious. I wish I had more right now.

>> No.4216359
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Been drinking pic related recently. I really enjoy it.

>> No.4216407
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>Drinking lately: Innis & Gunn Rum Cask and Trappistes Rochefort 10
>Favorite Beer: Founders CBS or Bell's Black Note
>Worst Beer: fuck, I don't know. Budweiser is pretty apallingly bad, but I don't know if that even counts.
>Wanting to try: Cigar City Hunahpu. Fuck that looks tasty. That or Three Floyds Dark Lord.

>> No.4216530

>Trappistes Rochefort 10
Thanks for reminding me that I have one of these left.

>> No.4216568
File: 900 KB, 3264x1836, drinks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's what i just poured
>before i knew about this thread
still getting used to the taste of beer, but the horrible after taste is finally gone for the most part

>> No.4216590


Yeah, same here unfortunately, I'm drinking my last one as we speak.

Thankfully my liquor store has some of them in still, so I'll go this weekend to grab a few and some Deschutes Black Butte.

>> No.4216617

>in what type of social circle is it valuable to talk about this type of thing the way you are talking about it?
lets see... me and my neighbor like to split a box and get hammered on a tuesday
hes a fisherman (but all his money goes to a dui lawyer, lol)
and im on unemployment stretching money cuase i broke my arm and cant work my old job

im 25 you little piissuedo intellectual scarf wearing faggot

>> No.4216622


Wow, that sucks. Your life sounds like Trailer Park Boys. Are you the guy with the black shirt and the goatee, or the guy with the corvette and the gun?

>> No.4216629

Or the guy with the coke-bottle glasses who loves kitties?

>> No.4216640

cali baby

>> No.4216659

Tiger beer tastes good.

>> No.4216703

Blue Moon and Bud Light Lime and Dinkey Wheat

>> No.4216729
File: 519 KB, 2048x1536, keg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried their torpedo?

Fav: Right now, Palate Wrecker from Green Flash. Or Pannepot Reserva 2009.
Worst: Well, the dogfish head chicory stout was so disappointing that I didn't finish it.

I have 5 gallons of IPA on tap that I made as well. Brewed with Apollo and Simcoe hops. Thinking about keg hopping with some nugget or summit.

I have another empty keg-not sure what to put in it. Maybe another IPA.

>> No.4216767
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This shit just came into town. It takes a long time for good beer to get to Oklahoma...

>> No.4216777

cool guy here,
Do you guys have suggestions for good beer. I really want to appreciate more beer brands but there is so many that it is so hard to really get one you are going to enjoy.
Here are my favorites(by brand):
Long Board
New Castle Guiness
Here are some that I know I don't like :
Sierra Nevada
Arrogant Bastard
Stella Artois

Based on those...any suggestions?
Also, I am in SoCal and I am not 21 yet so yeah

>> No.4216803

>not 21


>> No.4216806

Brew your own, dog

>> No.4216810

agh mickeys is gross!!!! I did not think I even had to mention it in shit I dont like. Come on man!!!!

btw I am 2 months away from being 21 and a lot of my closest friends are 21 so getting beer is no problem if it is close by

>> No.4216822

Try stouts, porters, and brown ales.

>> No.4216825

I'd say start with amber/red lagers and pale ales, then work your way up to porters/stouts and IPAs

>> No.4216827

favorite beer?
easy Root Beer~

>> No.4216829

which in your opinion is the best brand for amber/red lagers? Have you by an chance had Red Tail Ale?

>> No.4216830

>pale ale
He said he didn't like Arrogant bastard or Sierra Nevada. He likes black n tan so that's why I suggested Porter. Similar mouthfeel.

>> No.4216832

any specific suggestions for stouts? I dont think I have ever had a stout before.

>> No.4216833

>which in your opinion is the best brand for amber/red lagers
they vary regionally, i don't have any idea what is readily available by you

I would suggest doing a mixed 6 pack that a lot of grocery stores let you do of things that look or sound interesting, if you don't like one, its just one bottle, but if you do, buy it again

>> No.4216834

Root beer is for kids.

>> No.4216837
File: 146 KB, 650x434, Sprecher-Bootleggers-Bourbon-Barrel-Hard-Root-Beer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Root beer is for kids.
not my root beer

>> No.4216838

>I would suggest doing a mixed 6 pack that a lot of grocery stores let you do of things that look or sound interesting, if you don't like one, its just one bottle, but if you do, buy it again

huh, I didnt know that!! I will try that, thanks. When me and my friends feel like experimenting we just buy a few six packs and we usually get stuck with a beer we dont like, so that sounds really smart!

>> No.4216841

>Hard.... Anything

>> No.4216843

guiness is a stout.

>> No.4216847

you don't drink things with alcohol?

just going to stick with soft drinks?

>> No.4216848

oh, then I have had a stout then, great111

>> No.4216849

>guiness is a stout.
I would say you will likely have better luck buying a random stout than buying Guinness, Guinness is a pretty weak example of its style. basically the Budweiser of Stouts

>> No.4216851

I never drink soda, it is a bad habit and most sodas are not even good, people just have them because it is habit.

>> No.4216852

My fucking nigger

>> No.4216857
File: 134 KB, 468x623, dog drinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bohemia has to be my favorite of all time. So, so very delicious. My mouth is watering now.
Cheers my friend

>> No.4216864

Czech pilsners are the best and first of that style. Try pilsner urquell.

>> No.4216866

I'm not really that knowledgeable about beer but picked up a pack of honey wheat beer yesterday made locally.

It was pretty nice

>> No.4216869

Sounds intriguing, will try, thank you. It looks like I can buy that at the local bevmo too!!

>> No.4216882
File: 244 KB, 450x721, deschutes-the-abyss-2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldnt even call Guinness Draught a stout. I would classify it as a porter. Guinness Stout is much better than Guinness Draught anyways. Guinness Draught is very smooth, but there is almost no depth to it.

speaking of that, my favorite beer

>> No.4216888

That beer is incredible. IMO the best thing Deschutes has done.

>> No.4216898

Black Butte XX was pretty damned incredible too. I didnt like XXI as much and I have a XXIII ready to drink, and two XXIVs in my cellar right now, along with a 2010 a 2011 and a 2012 Abyss

>> No.4216914
File: 167 KB, 955x1273, lagunitassucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally found six-packs of Lagunitas Sucks. Been drinking that along with some Hopslam.

>> No.4218723

I wish this was available near me.

>> No.4218735
File: 107 KB, 355x596, mc_bottle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4218742

God I hate all Canadian macrobrews.

>> No.4219303

I had a Miller Lite last night at the bar. Ever since I got a bit too drunk I'm not fond of beer. Either that or I need to man up and just down the damn thing fast and forget about the taste.

Semi related-Is it ok with a guy to drink Smirnoff Ice or a Mike's Hard Lemonade?

>> No.4219304
File: 47 KB, 492x492, Stella_12668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remind me again why /ck/ hates Stella?

>> No.4219318

I'm only 20 in america, so I can't properly access alchohol. Generally, I can really only get to some really low quality crap at parties or some nicer wines/whiskies at family events. My dad also always had really shitty wine and whisky at house. So basically, my knowledge of alcohols is pretty damn poor, which should explain why I'm going to ask such a stupid question

Whenever I've drunken beer, I pretty much imagine myself drinking lard. The texture, taste and the general feeling of drinking beer is just terrible. Kind of like drinking a cup of fondue. It feels like you're drinking fat. The first two attributes I contribute to the low quality of it, but the third seems like something that even the best of beers might have. So, is it?
Currently, I'll probably just end up not drinking beer even when offered, because it just seems like a shitty party drink. Gets you drunk, but hardly in a pleasant manner.

>> No.4219320
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>> No.4219325

Drink what you want, though I would question a man's masculinity if I saw them drinking a Smirnoff Ice. If you can't stand beer, stick to cocktails.

>> No.4219332

A clear lager beer served on a hot day in a cold glass has a light, bubbly effervescence that is very refreshing - beer doesn't have a fat mouth-feel you dork. 1/10

>> No.4219338

It does if you're not used to it. Do you remember your first beer? Taste's awful and wrong. Give it time 20yroldamerican, you'll grow to enjoy it. If possible, try one after a hard days work, the 'earned' feeling might make it taste better, and give you a positive memory to associate drinking it with.

>> No.4219366

I am actually so old that in fact, no, I do not remember my first beer. Was it bitter? Hoppy? Yes, probably. Fatty? GTFO nigger

>> No.4219368

Alright, because I actually enjoyed whiskey on the first couple of shots, and wine I didn't, but it was far more enjoyable than the beer's I've had. And as I understood it, whiskey and wines are meant be more "acquired taste" drinks than beer.

>> No.4219373

eh, maybe. I hated beer for a long time, but I grew to enjoy it. I always liked whiskey. Stick with what you like and learn about it, but don't be afraid to try new things. Maybe there is a kind of beer you haven't had and might enjoy, you never know.

>Taste is subjective

>> No.4219380
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>feels like i'm drinking lard

>> No.4219757
File: 15 KB, 300x281, lagunitas_product_lilsumpin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got myself a sixer of Prima Pils cuz /ck/ recommended it as a great representation of the pilsner style. It was one of the best interpretations of a traditional Noble Pilsner i've ever had.

That said, my traditional go to beer is Lagunitas Little Sumptin Sumptin, and if I don't want hoppy beer, a consistent Spaten Optimator will do

>> No.4219762

Also, if anybody has any good Wee Heavys they'd like to recommend, it's a style I have almost no experience with, but loved the few times I've had it

>> No.4219786

Anyone have recommendations for good beer to be found at cvs/safeway type stores? Local liquor store under construction, stuck with safeway for a bit.

Dark ales are a plus

>> No.4219812
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going to have these two guys then hit the hay, as they say

>> No.4219819

I havw a question. Is there a method to aquire a taste for beer? I have had expensive craft beers and cheap buds. They are all nasty to me. They just taste bitter and...well, bad. Is there any hope for my taste buds?

>> No.4219827

I'm interested in trying those as well. The only ones I can recall seeing are Alesmith's Wee Heavy and Oskar Blues Old Chub. I'll probably buy the cheaper one the next time I buy beer..

>> No.4219865

This is my first time here but.
Its a shitty commercial larger that pretends it isn't. The beer is not bad but its not good enough for the price.

>> No.4219867

Find a beer with mild hop character that you can enjoy. Something along the lines of Magic Hat #9 or Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. A friend and I picked up a six of Sierra Nevada and Arrogant Bastard Oaked to get started. Kind of a baptism in the fire with the latter, but by the time we were done, we were fit to be snobs.

And if you find the bitterness too overwhelming at first, take a bitter one first and then switch to something like a golden ale or wheat beer. Something like Kona Big Wave or Abita Purple Haze. Eventually your tastebuds will overlook the natural biological desire to associate bitter with poisons

>> No.4219876

I have actually tried #9 and found it to be quite disgusting. the only beer I was anywhere close to enjoying was Blue Moon Winter Abbey Ale.

>> No.4219894

Yeah, most everyone thought #9 was pretty bad, but it has moderately low IBU. I recall seeing somebody earlier posting about finding a beer similar to Winter Abbey. It's defined as a commercial Dubbel.

Maybe you'd like something along the lines of Chimay Red or something by Ommegang. Even casual drinkers have loved Big Wave though, very mild, slightly fruity and very un-beerish

>> No.4219902

Same guy here, I actually had 1 #9 sitting around from the 6 pack I bought, I just opened after reading this thread, and while I'm able to pallete it I'm not really "enjoying it. Dubbel you say? I'll have to remember that.

>> No.4219921

people hate it mostly because they assume everyone who drinks it thinks they're patrician. also, because it's overpriced for what it is. confess you occasionally drink it and you'll get shat on as a 'pleb'.

if I'm at the local drugstore and spontaneously decide I want beer with my dinner, I'll grab some. not like I can't afford it, and it's not like the drugstore has anything other than tecate/pbr/bud light/etc. it still has that annheuser-busch pisswater aftertaste, but it's not as bad as bud light.

>> No.4219928

>Semi related-Is it ok with a guy to drink Smirnoff Ice or a Mike's Hard Lemonade?
if you're at a party and you know most of the people there--or at least, the people you care to associate with are people you already know--who cares? mikes hard is a bit better than smirnoff in that regard, though.

>> No.4219932

try killians or leinenkugels red, i like them and they are cheap and easy to find

>> No.4219942
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i love this shit but its a bit spendy

>> No.4219981

dogfish head 90 minute ipa

>> No.4219985

Quads are awesome. I'm gonna brew one next week.

I've brewed a dubbel before and it came out amazing. Not as hard as I expected it would be. Went fast though!

>> No.4220169
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Enjoyed a glass of pic related the other day. I've always been a fan of St. Bernardus' Pater/Prior/Abt range. Nice and bready/doughy packed with red fruits. The alcohol definitely makes itself known, and I think I actually prefer the #6 or #8 bottlings for letting those other flavors shine through more.

>> No.4220203
File: 264 KB, 1202x1285, Duvel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stuff.

Also had westvleteren a few weeks ago. Next time im there, i'll get more.

>> No.4220428
File: 52 KB, 320x480, img_06871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favourite Stout.

>> No.4220472


Nothing wrong with natty. Makes my brain feel good.

>> No.4220473


Fairly generic. Lehl that they are trying to force the glass.

>> No.4220489

Currently drinking Bavaria, Grolsch and Dommelsch because I was celebrating carnaval this week in Best Brabant. Going back to Limburg today, and then I'll be back to my delicious Alfa and Brand. After carnaval is done though, probably getting some Grimbergen or something.

Ruining a perfectly good quad with shitty pouring 2/10 would not drink.

>> No.4220503

>I mostly drink Fosters. (inb4 anon doesn't know good Aussie beer)
>Favourite would be Cooper's. (inb4 anon knows good Aussie beer)
>Worst to me so far has been Zipfer.
>Haven't tried Victoria Bitter yet.

>> No.4220506
File: 60 KB, 351x450, image013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently enjoying the one and only Champage of Beers. I'm tightening up my budget so a little less New Glarus for me these days

>> No.4220507
File: 290 KB, 1280x918, doity_bastud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

killed a six pack of dirty bastard last night. it's a scotch-style ale. very dark, kind of peaty, 8.5%.

>> No.4220526

For Amerifats on here, What would be the best Beer(s) I can get at Costco? That's where I get most of my groceries and they have an alcohol selection. As you can tell, I'm not savvy with beers. I've only had Bud Light.. Yeah...

>> No.4220689

Awwww shit. We just got the new Brewers Gone Wild in where I work. Haven't got any yet though. Probably will on saturday. Looks awesome.

Right now I'm working through a growler of a simcoe IPA from a local brewery.

>> No.4220703

got a 12 pack of Pilsner Urquell for the northeast stormgasm

>> No.4221988
File: 18 KB, 185x250, Pliny-the-Elder-freeloosedirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a big fan of IPAs but I'm drinking this right now.
I have a bottle of Imperial Biscotti Stout from Evil Twin I'm drinking later

>> No.4222110
File: 22 KB, 352x454, magic-hat-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually go to this as my norm, if I'm not drinking Guinness. I also love trying new porters and stouts, which winter is a great season for. There's a local brewery (Columbus, OH) that does a vanilla porter I really like.

>> No.4222483
File: 215 KB, 391x361, Woodmaster-Label.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy right here.
Shorts Woodmaster

Best fucking beer of my life.

>> No.4222788

apple cider > beer

>> No.4222957

live in nyc and theres not many foreign beers. my favorite of all time is stella and drink it all the time but i would have to say i tried this german beer called schouff or something like that once at like this underground bar called the white rabbit and it was pretty awesome

>> No.4222968

wasnt expecting that finish lol

>> No.4223268

Recently picked up a few singles. I don't have much experience with beer so I bought a few different ones:
Red Stripe lager
Zywiec porter
Guinness extra stout
Grolsch lager

I've only tried the red stripe so far. Pretty shitty when slightly chilled (left it in the fridge for 20 minutes), but a lot better at room temperature.

>> No.4223282


I like Zywiec Porter. It's pretty tasty but has an alcohol kick to it. What it has going for it in my view is that it's pretty cheap and there aren't many commercially available baltic porters.