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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 500x500, 0002370052635_L4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4213527 No.4213527 [Reply] [Original]

Those supermarket products you pick up once in a while despite knowing how terrible they are.

pic related. I can't help it. They're so fucking tasty.

>> No.4213535


You're not that bright, are you?

>> No.4213545

how aspie are you dude
terrible can mean bad-tasting but it can also mean unhealthy or uncool or a number of other negative things

>> No.4213548
File: 23 KB, 400x400, m1610368_PCBuffaloWings&BlueCheeseChips_ENFR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking delicious but they cut up my tongue like im chewing on shards of glass

>> No.4213556

Considering you're going out of your way to correct him, you're the aspie.

>> No.4213562

Not in the context of your original sentence, dumb ass. It would have been way better if you had said, "...terrible they are for you.".

>> No.4213571
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>> No.4213574


The guiltiest of all pleasures, unless you're a Nigger.

>> No.4213584

I'm now about to go get one

>> No.4213590

I'm drinking one now while watching this video.
Proof I'm caucasian

>> No.4213591

fucking this so bad.

>> No.4213598
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>> No.4213609
File: 114 KB, 500x333, Pork-Boudin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THE impulse buy.

>> No.4213613

Frozen whitecastle burgers. I smother them in mustard. So good....

>> No.4213619
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These things ruin my life

>> No.4213633

These fucking pre-cooked nems.
Terrific when I can't be bothered to spend an hour making them.

>> No.4213637

Ugh god, I'd successfully forgotten about those for 5 years.
Thanks a lot.

>> No.4213641


>> No.4213644


it would have been better but it's still not incorrect in its current form

>> No.4213648
File: 30 KB, 300x300, 51kXPgSuZyL._SL500_AA300_PIbundle-12,TopRight,0,0_AA300_SH20_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh how I love you, cheddar cheese ramen. HOW CAN IT BE WRONG WHEN IT FEELS SO RIIIIIGHHT?!

>> No.4213652
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>> No.4213656
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These ones surprisingly taste like hot dogs. I didn't think they'd get the flavour so accurately.

>> No.4213658

these are a weakness of mine as well

>> No.4213655
File: 182 KB, 260x380, bertolli-chicken-florentine-large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time it's on sale, I'll pick one up.

>> No.4213659
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>> No.4213673
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>> No.4213682
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I don't even like them, I don't know why every once in a while I pick one up thinking it's a good idea.

>> No.4213684

I thought that was implied

>> No.4213692
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pic related

>> No.4213691
File: 44 KB, 454x303, 11750_15589_ART.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your food "Tyson's chicken" which is used to power this engine...."skyactive by mazda"

>> No.4213701
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>mfw I just finished a box of those an hour ago
My ass has been feeling those the past few days..

>> No.4213705


I know that feeling man.
Literally an ass volcano.

>> No.4213723

fucking disgusting

>> No.4213739

Having to do with bacon and sausage, which I should stop but am addict...


>> No.4215320

hahaha you're that fat fuck who ate 20 of these last week, huh?

And then you wash it down by drinking mountain dew and lemonade exclusively.

>> No.4215328
File: 57 KB, 300x300, tgi-fridays-potato-skins[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fucking things.
My college used to have them in their vending machines, and I would just inhale these things.

Then Target started selling even bigger bags for a dollar each and I stocked up for a fortnight.

I feel so dirty.

>> No.4215428


for me its steely dan
in a bottle or a can

>> No.4215457

Triskets and wheat thins. Most crackers really, but these two more than others.

>> No.4215460

No pictures, but my local supermarket has 3 in-house baked goods I can't resist

S'more themed cupcakes - chocolate cupcakes, topped with meringue, with a generous sprinkling of crushed graham crackers

Turtles-chocolate cookies - double chocolate cookie, chunks of chocolate, nuts, and caramel

Pretzel buns. They're amazing fresh, but I like to toast them, then eat them by themselves with maybe a little bit of honey mustard. All that bread is in no way good for me, but fuck me are they good

>> No.4215463
File: 2.07 MB, 3648x2736, dscn2296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and cheddar rice crisps. My supermarket carries a brand that I can't find anywhere else

Not unhealthy in moderation, but I can polish off a pack of them like its nothing

>> No.4215466

Tyson's anytizers are alright.

>> No.4215465

Wasabi peas & chocolate. I buy healthy stuff besides that. I can't afford to eat too shitty. I get lean meats (mostly chicken, sometimes beef for the man), vegetables, sometimes cereals & wheat bread.

>> No.4215581

Oh god, the chemicals they put into this thing... how can any fatty resist?

>> No.4215589
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>> No.4215649

I fucking love frosted animal crackers so fucking good

>> No.4215657
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can eat the whole bag in 1 sitting...

>> No.4215662
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My god, my favorite

>> No.4215667
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>> No.4215674
File: 26 KB, 272x273, totinos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4215724
File: 26 KB, 328x211, freezercase-quesadillas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These things. They literally kept me alive for six months until all the places around here stopped carrying them for some reason.

I might go out to New Jersey just to pick up a case of them.

>> No.4215740

>Not unhealthy in moderation

If they're unhealthy, then they are simply unhealthy.

>heroin in moderation

>> No.4215746
File: 116 KB, 640x480, 189769306_00de4d5ccb_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These little shits.

>> No.4215762
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Between its opening in 1962 and 1973 the Deseret Test Center was at the helm of Project 112,[4][5] a military operation aimed at evaluating chemical and biological weapons in differing environments.[5] The test began in the fall of 1962 and were considered "ambitious" by the Chemical Corps; the tests were conducted at sea, in Arctic environments and in tropical environments.[2] Tests were aimed at human, plant and animal reaction to the chemical and biological agents and were conducted in the United States, Liberia, Egypt, South Korea and Okinawa.[2] In total, Deseret planned 134 chemical and biological weapons tests, of those 46 were carried out and 62 were canceled.[5]

The tests of Project 112, and the related seaborne Project SHAD, were kept secret until October 2002.[6] Many tests occurred on U.S. soil and released live biological agents, chemical agents or their simulants.[6] In total, according to the reporting of CBS News, more than 5,000 soldiers and sailors were involved in the secret tests, many of them unknowingly.[7] From 1963-1965 there were 18 tests involving biological simulants, usually Bacillus globigii (BG).[4] BG was used to simulate dangerous agents, such as anthrax; once thought harmless to humans, research in the intervening years has revealed some simulants can actually cause infection in those with weakened immune systems.[8] 14 separate tests were performed using VX, sarin, nerve agent simulants and tear gases.[4]

>> No.4215937

Oh god anon, those rosemary olive oil triscuits?

When I smoked weed I would sit down and eat a box of them shits with half a block of old cheddar.

I still eat a ton of them, just not as much.

>> No.4215948

oh lawdy dat frozen mexico

oh lawd

>> No.4215988

It's a Canadian thing

>> No.4215990
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And I forgot the pic

>> No.4215999

I think it's hilarious that Americans get shit for crap food, yet Kraft Dinner is one of your national dishes.

>> No.4216002
File: 20 KB, 170x221, pieces_hotbuffalo_115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just seeing this picture makes me salivate.

Gonna go grab a few of these tomorrow. Also the largest unit of roasted peanuts available.

>> No.4216016

Oh god.
I love the honey mustard ones.
Make me jizz my pants.

>> No.4216128
File: 52 KB, 500x500, GrandmaUtz_regular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4216130

Forgot to add. Utz > Herr's, Utz > Lay's

>> No.4216140


The honey mustard ones are godly... never, ever look at the nutritional facts, though. You will realize what a "serving size" is (protip - there are 3.5 in one of those snack size potato chip-like bags) and cry.

>> No.4216166

peanuts make me shit lava. how can I prevent this, to regain my oh so loved snack?

>> No.4216176


I get that every one in a while, so fucking good. I never drink the broth in my ramen, but I'll drink down some cheese water.

>> No.4218918


Goddamn it OP, me too
I always have at least 2 bags in my freezer at all times and I hate myself for it

>> No.4218947

Fuck...I want to hang myself after getting stoned and eating an entire bag. between the jalapeno, buffalo and mustard flavors, I'm fucked.

>> No.4218979
File: 45 KB, 134x267, 3D TURKISH_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4219000

>Jalepeno pretzels

My taste buds had almost forgotten their forbidden deliciousness. Damn you, good sir.

>> No.4219084

I ate an entire big bag one day at work.
Probably the biggest (and most delicious) food-related mistake of my life.

>> No.4219146

or terrible quality, eg. microwave dinners
or symbolically terrible eg. raw cookie dough, mayonnaise straight from the jar with your hands.

>> No.4219154

North Americans are so lucky,
- an Australian :(

>> No.4219160

reminds me of the time I ate a big bag of flaming hot cheetos in one sitting. It looked like I shat out a log of coagulated blood.