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4208861 No.4208861[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm very inexperienced with alcohol.

What's some liquor that doesn't taste completely awful? Or mixes well with something that makes it not taste completely awful.

The last thing i drank was pic related, it was awful.

>> No.4208872

"doesn't taste awful"
taste is very subjective, and spirits are like coffee in that they are usually an acquired taste. never had that rum what was awful about it, in your opinion?

>> No.4208875

if you're looking for a buzz, then opt for some 100 proof root beer shmirnoff

>> No.4208881


Stop drinking. Or go grab a bud light and pretend it's alcohol.

>> No.4208882

good vodka basically tastes like nothing but with the afterburn of liquor. drink that shit chilled (mixed if you really hate alcohol) for ultimate smoothness

disclaimer: DON'T take this to mean that this applies to all vodka. shitty vodka is one of the nastiest tasting varieties of liquor out there.

if you can't even stand then, just forfeit your genitals and go get some smirnoff ice.

>> No.4208883

just stick to your appletini

>> No.4208896

A very non-alcoholic-tasting alcohol is a simple gin & tonic

>> No.4208908

eh, it's a pretty strong thing on it's own right out the gate

My roommate was new to straight liquor and didn't like juices/mixers and I managed to find some things she liked.

Absolut pear vodka was the first. Probably the only flavored vodka worth any time. But I generally despise flavored vodkas.

Made her some chocolate pretzels. It's just godiva chocolate vodka and frangelico mixed, lick some salt. Tasty as fuck.

Good bourbon and amaretto ended up being her go to drink. Add a dash of bitters. Goes down smooth.

>> No.4208911

You would like Evan Williams honey

>> No.4208912

Seriously, stay with margaritas and other fruity drinks. Bullshit like rum and vodka are for sexually confused trash that think they're hardcore for being able to taste a hint of wood once they've burned off most of their tastebuds.

>> No.4208926

You know nothing about vodka.

Vodka is typically left to the professional alcoholics, and the tastes between one vodka to another are extremely difficult for a novice to detect. Case in point, drinking novices can't tell the difference between Aristocrat and Ketel One.

Some professionals prefer whiskey, arguing over smoothness and the flavors imparted to the alcohol; some, typically the less professional, speak the same about rum. However, to discern good from bad liquor without any additives, that takes the distinguishing palate of a vodka professional.

>> No.4208936
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If you are inexperienced with alcohol a dark spiced rum like Kraken was probably not a good choice.

I assume you are looking for a spirit that doesn't have a lot of spice or powerful flavours or that strong alcohol taste.
I would tell you to try and go for somethings like blanco Tequila, dry Gin, or white rum.

I would agree with the first part of this post, drinking mixed drinks can help you get used to the taste of alcohol.

>> No.4208946
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Or this, Evan Williams is pretty good low price bourbon whiskey.
Four Roses is also pretty good.

Sip your whiskey, and don't add ice.

And if you don't like bourbon, these two aren't expensive so you can always drink it.

>> No.4208952

op here, i just tried some Bushmill's whiskey, it was the only thing we had in the house.

It was warm and i didn't have any ice, but it actually wasn't so bad. I'll probably try some more when its chilled.

>> No.4208954

>kraken was awful
Fuck you OP. Fuck you.

>> No.4208955

Bartender here, when it comes to booze it is all about personal preferance. usually the younger someone is the more they prefer sweeter drinks i.e Jack & coke, Capt. Morgan & ginger ale. As you get older your tastebuds begin to die off (faster in men than in women) which will alter your preferance in choices of alcohol. But to answer your question you should stick to the lighter alcohols to start until you develop a taste for something in particular.

>> No.4208964

you are shitting me right?

>> No.4208974

>doesn't have a lot of spice or powerful flavours
>blanco tequila


>> No.4208976

Get Captain Morgan's spiced rum, some raspberry tea, and sugar

Heat up the tea a little and trow some sugar in there. Then add the rum.

Either that or just buy scotch and drink it by itself.

>> No.4209087

I prefer a stout beer myself, but if I want to drink liquor, I usually go with vodka, usually smirnoff. I can't stand the taste of flavored vodka, but I like the regular stuff well enough. As for taste, I honestly can't fucking tell the difference between Vodka and lighter fluid, and honestly, when Im drinking liquor, im not drinking for taste anyways.

>> No.4209104
File: 470 KB, 1536x2048, sojumudafaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find Soju. Find anything to mix with it. Get fucked up.

Problem solved.

>> No.4209109

Stick to mixed drinks.

Gin & Tonic
Cape Codder

Remember entry level vodka is really fucking horrible. Awful chemical taste, smell, and burn to it. Get a mid tier brand like Smiroff or Svedka. Absolut or Skyy if you can find them on sale.

If you want to stick to rum, then get Captain Morgan or Sailor Jerry and mix it with Coke or Dr. Pepper.

If you can't stand Captain & Coke or a Cape Cod then just give up on drinking.

Stay away from Tequila, Whiskey, Bourbon and or aged or over proof alcohols. Whiskey and Bourbon especially are acquired tastes.

>> No.4209110

Heard of port?

>> No.4209111

op here, thought port was a wine?

also im having some more of that whiskey now that its sat in the freezer for a while

it smells like an apple orchard and actually goes down surprising smooth, and i like the aftertaste.

>> No.4209113

Yeah ignore that guy. Port tastes like shit. And getting drunk on wines produce the worst hangovers.

Sounds like you're liking whiskey? Maybe you're a whiskey guy. I'm not so I can't give you suggestions.

>> No.4209114

It's fortified wine but it can have any sort of flavour from like dark chocolate to Christmas pudding.

>> No.4209119

Don't like port don't like whiskey? And if he's wanting to get pissed suggest beer. Why fork out on spirits meant to be savoured to get drunk?

>> No.4209120

I'm not suggesting spirits for taste. I don't believe in that concept myself. All spirits are too harsh for my taste. I drink spirits to get drunk and I drink beer and wines for taste.

Anyway, I thought OP also was having a hard time with spirits. That's why I suggested mixed drinks. I don't know what his deal is.