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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.42 MB, 2401x1600, mcdouble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4208714 No.4208714 [Reply] [Original]

"McDonald's popular $1 McDouble cheeseburger, which has lured customers to the Golden Arches since 2008, is getting hard to sustain as rising beef prices threaten the company's profit margin."


So it seems the McDouble may be leaving the dollar menu soon. How does this make you feel? Will you still buy it if they raise the price?

>> No.4208718

>implying that's even beef

>> No.4208720

I don't buy it now, if I go to McDonald's I get a double quarter pounder.

>> No.4208726

The mcdouble is the only reason anyone with any sense (but no money) bothers with McDonalds anymore. The minute they bring that shit over a dollar of drop the protein amount to under 20g, they can kiss 50% of their male regulars goodbye.

>> No.4208728

*or drop

>> No.4208732

Just go balls out with the horse meat already. I don't know of anyone who even gives a shit about horses anymore. I say fuck it. Gimme the McGallop.

>> No.4208733

>implying its not

just because it is mostly cows lips, tongues and arseholes doesnt make it not cow.

>> No.4208736

I lol'd

>> No.4208749

My younger sister works at McDonalds. She says they are phasing it out.

>> No.4208767

>phasing it out

wtf does that even mean

>> No.4208770

beef =/= cow

>> No.4208772

It's gonna start slipping off of the menus area by area until it's completely gone.

>> No.4208775
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Prove it in a court of law.

>> No.4208776
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>> No.4208779

I heard on the BBC world news today that they are planning on opening a new location of Mcdonalds everyday to make up for the lack of profit margin there. While it will create jobs, It will be interesting to see how much their obesity rates rise along with it.

>> No.4208780

I must have eaten hundreds of these fuckers. Everytime I'm high. Everytime I'm drunk(best). Everytime I'm lazy. Ohmygodman i want one right now

>> No.4208786

I can. Beef refers to the meat from bovines in both culinary and legal definitions. Cow tongue isn't beef. Tripe isn't beef. McD claims their burgers are in fact 100% beef and not 100% cow. I can't prove it's not.

>> No.4208787


>> No.4208789

in CHINA sorry, completely forgot the location

>> No.4208792
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>> No.4208793

What is beef? Muscle. What the fuck is tounge? Muscle. Organ meat is entirely different.

>> No.4208796

I'd rather order from Wendy's 99¢ menu.

>> No.4208801

wendys doesn't have a 99c menu. all their shit's $1.50 minimum.

and fuck mcdonalds. first they take away a slice of cheese and charge extra, now they're upping the price on the shitty one.

>> No.4208804
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>lips, tongues and arseholes
>not meat

>> No.4208806
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>mfw they fucking dropped an entire nugget of their dollar nuggets, now down to 4 instead of 5


Where do you live? They still have their dollar menu in Texas.

>> No.4208807

>wendys doesn't have a 99c menu. all their shit's $1.50 minimum

Their value menu goes from 99¢ to $1.99

>> No.4208812

Florida. there are still a few items for a dollar, but most are $1.50.

and they have both 4 and 6 piece now, but no 5 piece haha.

>> No.4208813
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>> No.4208816

Does anyone else here go to McDonald's on Mondays to get the free coffee and then not buy anything else ever?

>> No.4208818

i succumb to the marketing and usually end up getting a sausage mcmuffin + hashbrown (when they had those 2 items for 1 dollar a while back, i was in fucking heaven).

>> No.4208838

this happened to me with the asiago bagel at Timmies. so upset when they discontinued it, wasn''t even a full year

>> No.4208860

It stopped being $1.00 a long time ago so I don't care.It nearly impossible to find a burger that is $1.00 in NYC. All you find is apple pis, 4pc of nugget, tiny sundae, fries and cookies.

>> No.4208863

>go to /ck/ for the first time in a while because it seems to be the only board immune to /sp/'s shitstorm
>first thing on the front page is a thread about McDonalds

Holy shit you people are fucking disgusting. I thought you were the ones on 4chan that actually knew something about food.


>> No.4208866

>My preferences > your preferences

>> No.4208867

You don't know the half of it.

>> No.4208869

>>4208863 here
just scrolled down and saw ANOTHER McDonalds thread in which you disgusting faggots are talking about your "guilty pleasures" at McDonalds.


>> No.4208871

Its not even about types of food...McDonald's is NOT food. There is nothing edible there! How can you eat that literal garbage!?

>> No.4208873
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>> No.4208879

>How can you eat that literal garbage!?

Here's my preferred method
>Order food
>Pay for food
>Receive food
>Inspect food to make sure everything is there
>Drive off
>Take food
>Open food
>Bite food
>Chew 10-30 times for safety (5 times is I'm feeling naughty)

>> No.4208880
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>> No.4208884

>and fuck mcdonalds. first they take away a slice of cheese and charge extra, now they're upping the price on the shitty one.
blame Obama for inflating food prices, not McDonalds. Do you seriously expect McDonalds to sell at a loss? why would they do that?

>> No.4208885 [DELETED] 

Whatever, I'd gladly pay $1 for a single cheeseburger if it didn't have so much filler in it.

>> No.4208886

they could cut their prices in half and still not sell at a loss.

>> No.4208888

>they could cut their prices in half and still not sell at a loss.
in some of the items sure, but not the mcdouble

>> No.4208889

those burgers are worth pennies. Seriously.

>> No.4208891

>blame Obama
I'm going to blame him for your horrible post.
black/10, worst president ever.

>> No.4208892

They already sell the mcdouble at a loss as is and have been for a few years, they use it as bait to get people to buy pure profit shit like soda and fries.

>> No.4208894

I was half joking about the Obama part, but its just dumb to blame McDonalds for the price of beef and grain getting higher.

The price of all food is always going up, they have to either raise prices or shrink sizes over time just like everyone else

If you are going to be mad at someone your anger would much better be placed on Obama than McDonalds

>> No.4208898

The McDouble has been off the 1$ for almost a year now in MO

>> No.4208901

i could make a mcdouble myself for under $2, i think mickey d's pays a bit less for their materials than i do

>> No.4208905

making a penny off a sale does not mean you are making profits

>> No.4208910

you clearly do not understand what the word profit means

>> No.4208914

>i think mickey d's pays a bit less for their materials than i do
but they also have to ship the ingredients, store them, pay people to put them together, and pay for a building from which to serve them

then they need to make enough money to stay in business

You need to think this through a little bit

>> No.4208915

multiply that penny times a couple million and you have a profit. combine 1 million mcdoubles with even a quarter million soft drinks, and you have a HUGE profit.

>> No.4208919

Well either they're lying which is illegal for something like this, or you need to work for McDonald's food engineering .

>> No.4208920

If it were so wildly profitable they would not be considering raising the price.

If it were possible to do it significantly cheaper, one of the countless other chains would be doing just that

>> No.4208921


>> No.4208922

you can't really be underestimating mcdonalds' profit margin this much, can you? there is a reason that every town in this country (and many others) has at least one mcdonalds in it, and it's not the quality of their food.

>> No.4208924

>if it were so wildly profitable they would not be considering raising the price

do you not understand capitalism at all?

>> No.4208925

>and it's not the quality of their food.
Its the fact that the food is extremely cheap and decent good tasting. People are willing to give up quality for convenience

>> No.4208931

>do you not understand capitalism at all
The fast food market is extremely competitive, they aren't just going to raise the price of one of their most popular items in this market for the hell of it

Food prices are always going to gradually increase, and economically illiterate people will always complain about how they are being screwed

>> No.4208934

Sure, it's because they get practically pure profit off the fries/soda/pies and sweets as well insanely high profits off the higher end stuff. If people were only buying mcdoubles they'd be bankrupt.

>> No.4208938
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yeah i don't think mcdonalds is worried about being muscled out by the competition

>> No.4208948

>yeah i don't think mcdonalds is worried about being muscled out by the competition
then you are wrong, MCDonalds is in such a good place now because they have had better products than BK at lower prices,.
The people in charge there know what they are doing and are really fucking good at it, and a big part of that is actively trying to stay ahead of the competition

Do you know anything about business or economics?

>> No.4208953

trying to stay ahead of the competition is completely different from raising prices out of necessity. i respect their business practices (raising the price on the mcdouble will bring them shitloads of money), but to pretend that there's any other reason besides more profit is just fucking stupid.

>> No.4208958

>trying to stay ahead of the competition is completely different from raising prices out of necessity
no, fighting your competition is a necessity

>> No.4208961

does this in any way, shape or form include the McChicken??

>> No.4208962

>ut to pretend that there's any other reason besides more profit
Well yes it is to make more profit, because the price of ingredients and labor going up cuts in to their profits so they must increase prices to make up for that

>> No.4208963

>getting fast food chicken sandwiches

>> No.4208981

They're raising the price on the mcdoubles because they fucking have to, you'll notice no one else in the biz can even come close to it's 23 grams of protein for a buck. It is not a profitable item in the least, as someone else pointed out they actually have been losing a few pennies on every mcdouble sold for a few years now, but it's a huge edge over their competition and can usually bring in people to also buy their other items while they there.

The mcdouble is popular BECAUSE it's cheap, the last thing Mcdonalds wants to do is raise it's price if they can avoid doing so when they have about a million other different items they can raise prices on with negligible impact.

>> No.4208992

you mean jr chicken?

Man we all used to stack 3 double cheeseburgers and 2 Jr Chickens after Rugby practice in highschool. $5

>> No.4208994

>implying McD's can't afford anything they are probably trillionaires

Yea fuck that, they're just being cheap asses. if they get rid of the dollar menu and raise prices i will not eat there anymore. their food isn't that addicting.

>> No.4208995

nvm, apparently this is just in Canada

>> No.4208997
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>> No.4209004

>>implying McD's can't afford anything they are probably trillionaires
This is how liberals actually see economics

>> No.4209007

>that feeling when you learn all those times you went out to eat every few weeks as a kid were on your parents last $5.

They wanted us to have something nice from time to time.

>> No.4209008


This is how faggots into life.

They can't.

>> No.4209009

The fact that some people think like you makes me sad

>> No.4209012

No, I am just saying, try and understand the economics that go into these decisions

These big chains desperately want to stay cheaper than their competition to keep and build business. Raising prices is not a decision they take lightly

>> No.4209013

Go buy some starbucks and and ipad, consumerist pig.

>> No.4209014

comparing McDonalds to Apple just shows how little you understand about the topic

They have pretty much the opposite strategy

McDonalds makes ok products at super low prices with price being the main attracting

Apple makes mildly above average at high prices and relies on superb marketing and innovation (or at least popularizing the innovation of others)

>> No.4209024 [DELETED] 


Since it's $2 in Australia, let's hope they keep it on the menu longer. But to be honest, since they replaced the $2 Chicken and Cheese (always thought the combination wasn't as nice) With $2 Chicken and Mayo (and Lettuce), I've been getting that instead since it's pretty much just a $2 McChicken.

>> No.4209047

Horseshit. I buy that sandwich often, and it went off the dollar menu two or three years ago. It's about $1.40.

>> No.4209055

you must live in a market with higher prices

In most places it is still on the dollar menu, but as was explained here they are going to phase it off

>> No.4209070

People really eat this shit on a food and cooking board? This is like making a thread about Call of Duty on /v/, The Jonas Brothers on /mu/, or The Big Bang Theory on /tv/

>> No.4209072

I was pissed when Wendy's moved my Crispy Chicken Caesar Wrap from $1.00 to $1.29, but it would be an outrage if they moved the McDouble up from $1.00.

Best Fast Food Dollar Menu Items:

McDonald's Grilled Onion Cheddar Burger
Arby's Jr Ham n Cheddar
(Formerly) Wendy's Crispy Chicken Caesar Wrap and Monterey Ranch Chicken Sandwich

McDonalds Sweet Tea, no questions

Arby's Jr Fries

Arby's Chocolate Turnover. GOAT

>> No.4209073


Welcome to /ck/. Sometimes we talk about interesting things we made, and share recipes. But most of the time we slap each other with our dicks and discuss fast food or how we can quickly achieve diabetes.

>> No.4209083

Horse meat is probably better for you anyway, higher quality.

>> No.4209097

At least horse meat is actual meat

>> No.4209115

I immediately assumed this was a bunch of corporate bullshit since I didn't actually think that McDonalds burgers had any real beef in them when I ate them.

>> No.4209123

It's already 1.3€ here

>> No.4209126

I love mcdonalds. Sometimes I go through their drive thru and don't order anything I just give them my money.

>> No.4209128

As long as they don't touch the mcchicken then I'm okay.
Mcdouble is too greasy anyway, I don't get how people can enjoy that without feeling like their chests are on fire.

>> No.4209138

probably because we aren't so acidy

>> No.4209142

How is the price of beef riding if McDonalds already owns the fans they're raised at
The only thing that would make the beef more expensive is if the price of the corn they feed the cows with goes up

>> No.4209143

Sorry I'm on a phone

>> No.4209145

There was a record drought over the summer. Do you not pay attention to the news?

>> No.4209148

>While it will create jobs, It will be interesting to see how much their obesity rates rise along with it.

this is what i can't stand about this board. just because theres a mcdonalds on your corner doesnt mean youre forced to eat there, if you have common sense you can manage your own diet and no fast food isnt THAT horrible as long as you don't eat it for every fuckin meal each day. im sick of people complaining about unhealthy food EXISTING, like it exists for convenience and the downside of super fast and cheap food that doesnt require preperation is that its unhealthy.....take responsibility for your own diet, stop blaming companies for people being fat.....its THEIR OWN FAULT.

>> No.4209157

It's not the companies fault, nobody said that. It's stupid lazy peoples fault for getting fat and the convenience of a McDonalds at every corner is not helping them at all.

Obesity rates will climb, but not just because of these fast food joints. It's a combination between convenience, lack of exercise and borderline retardism.

>> No.4209175

>he only thing that would make the beef more expensive is if the price of the corn they feed the cows with goes up
well thats exactly what has happened, the cost of feed has skyrockets as a result of drought over the summer along with Obama's batshit insane energy policy of using our corn supply for fuel

>> No.4209179

>It's not the companies fault, nobody said that.
Liberals say stuff like that all the time, just like how they are banning large sodas in new York because power hungry politicians don't want people to take responsibility for their own actions

>> No.4209185

>Not eating plain McChickens with Buffalo sauce spread on top

>> No.4209186

Depends how much. If they think they can make them a dollar more then fuck that, I'll just go somewhere else for my cheap $1 burgers.

>> No.4209190

>If they think they can make them a dollar more then fuck that
I doubt they would raise it that much, probably will make it $1.29 or something like that

>> No.4209192

I must be the only person in America who thinks you're still getting a great deal paying 2 bucks for a double cheeseburger.

>> No.4209193

Its still an ok deal, but it doesn't set them apart from the other chains like $1 currently does

the $1 McDouble is probably the single best deal in national fast food chains

>> No.4209194
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>sounding smugly articulate for most of the post and ruining it with a malapropism

>> No.4209195

make it a triple cheese, raise price to 2$

>> No.4209200
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>that feel when americunts have been getting extra slice of cheese and steak with their hamburgers where yuropoors only have 1 of each on their 1euro burgers. ;__;

>> No.4209201

McDoubles only have one slice of cheese here

>> No.4209203

>this is what i can't stand about this board.
this board is what it is, an eternal struggle with elitist martinets and /fit/ cultists on one side and ramen/pizza/fast food threads on the other. it's pretty disheartening that even something as dependent on personal taste as food is subject to polarized shit slinging under the right conditions

>> No.4209209

The McDouble was the only thing left on the dollar menu I really liked. Now that it along with the iced coffee and fries are gone I have no reason to go there.

>> No.4209211

rest assured that other places will lieklywise be forced to raise there prices and McDonalds will generally stay the best deal in fast food in the long run

>> No.4209214

it's bullshit how much they Price gouge you for fries. 1.29 for a small fry when it's probably 5 cents worth of potato and oil. Talk about absurd margins on that. Same with the coffee and sodas. It looks like I'm sticking to jack. I prefer a big cheeseburger from them anyway.

>> No.4209218

McDonalds does have cheaper drinks than basically everyone else

>> No.4209219

inb4 fatass

my favorite MD's meal is 2 mcdouble, small fry, sweet tea, and a ice cream cone. if they increase the price on the doubles, it'll be to expensive.

>> No.4209226


They also need to afford to pay their CEO a hojillion dollars to jack off into each mayonnaise shipment.

>> No.4209229

If the price is too expensive for you go to one of their competitors

or even better make it yourself

This whole demonizing profit thing is dumb

>> No.4209232

What happened to that japanese guy who wanted to turn human shit into artifical beef? They should hit him up.

>> No.4209234


>Apple takes product and sells it at insanely high prices and relies on superb marketing and their legions of brainless slaves who pass off patent whoring and stolen ideas as "innovation"


>> No.4209235


>it's bullshit how much they Price gouge you

ridiculous. when i see fast food prices i always wonder how they pay rent, insurance, wages, etc. medium pizza for $5? three tacos for $1? and is OP correct that they sold a DOUBLE CHEESEBURGER for $1?

it might make sense if there were a line at each register 24/7, but half the time many locations have very few customers.

>> No.4209241

buddy i don't know where you're at, but my local fast food places are always packed. during high volume times like breakfast & dinner there's lines of a dozen cars at the drive thrus. They're definitely not hurting.

>> No.4209245


>during high volume times

sure, some do a lot of business, and some do not.

the main point though, that even if i sell food as fast as i can make it, the prices are ridiculously low, and hardly gouging.

>> No.4209459

they used to have two

>> No.4209485 [DELETED] 

poor poor people :(

>> No.4209495

Are burgers on mcdonalds really so greasy in america as some people say? All we have there on yuropoorland is stuff that feels like sawdust and forces you to drink huge amounts of soda/milk/water to get them down your stomach.

>> No.4209499

they arent that greesy, but they certainly have a high fat content.

>> No.4209505 [DELETED] 

I've been to mcdonalds in uk and manhattan. it's the same.

>> No.4209507

this is probably becuase you dont know how to use a grocery store. reminds me of pen and tellers fast food deal, they where right about it being a shitty way to keep it out of poor people's pockets. but they where fucking morons to think you cant get better cheaper and faster food by making it at home.

>> No.4209517


No, it's just that poor people enjoy these cheap burgers so people say awful things about them.

>> No.4209616


It's really a bit silly to think that McDonald's patties are some frankenstein mix of assholes and eyeballs, really. While the meat isn't awesome quality by any means, it's actually pretty acceptable for ground meat. Don't get me wrong, it's still awful for you and personally, I find it pretty gross, but a lot of the conspiracy theories about the place are just that - theories.

>> No.4209661
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>cow tounges

I don't think they put one of the most expensive cuts of meat in there

>> No.4209679

Thanks for the link.

The urban myths and disinformation surrounding McDonald's is just plain depressing. The people responsible generally have a fact-based approach and urge the listener to "wake up" to the reality of how the food is produced. But often times, that "reality" is biased and distorted like all agendas tend to be. It can be difficult if not downright impossible to get the facts.

Words like "processed" and "chemicals" mean very little in the context of food and are just FUD for the uninitiated and uneducated.

$1.99/lb ground beef "pink slime"? Yes, please.

>> No.4209686

Ive never eaten in McD's, and I dont plan to. What do you think?

>> No.4209732

tongue is only expensive as a lunch meat. it's the cheapest one at the farmer's market in front of neck bones

>> No.4209747

I don't care if they're going to complain about costs, eliminating the McDouble from its $1 price point is just asking for trouble. This would also imply that if they raise the price here, they'll likely do it across the board for all their burgers.

>> No.4210060

McDonald's doesn't exist for the poor, it exists for people that actually have jobs, but they didn't feel like packing a lunch or going to the restaurant their coworkers chose that day.

>> No.4210210

McDouble with Mac sauce all day erryday.

>> No.4210761

I've never understood why people claim it isn't beef. Look at how small the patties are, they don't really need to cut corners to that extreme.

>> No.4210775

They won't get rid of the chicken items on their $1 menu right?


The only things worth buying are on the $1. Everything else is gouging.

>> No.4210780

Canada has the double cheeseburger on the value menu, which is the mcdouble with 1 slice of cheese. They'll probably do something like that.

>> No.4210822

The double cheese burger was $1 back in 1992. They've kept their prices quite fair for a long time.

>> No.4210830

I can't turn my back on an old friend (double cheeseburger or mcdouble)

this burger has been with me for so many years of my life and it sickens me to not have one any more

>> No.4210844

You're an idiot. You sound like McDonald's is shutting down. At worst, they'll raise it by a couple cents.

This thread is now about poor people.

>> No.4210864

we will all see how much they raise the price of a McDouble now that they have a Grilled Onion Cheddar Burger to fall back on

>> No.4210870

Have you had that burger? It's fucking gross, man.

>> No.4210908

>Grilled Onion Cheddar Burger

aka the McShits

>> No.4210946

Double cheeseburguer for $1?! Man, here in Portugal a cheeeseburguer is 1€ and a double is 2,60€.


>> No.4210963

Think that's bad? You can get 20 McNuggets for $4.99 in America.

>> No.4210977
File: 71 KB, 400x398, math fuck yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 McDouble = 440 calories
A person eats ~2000-3000 calories / day
=> 5-7 McDoubles = all the calories you need in a day
=> Eat for $5-7 / day!

>> No.4210980

23g protein each
>115-161g protein

>> No.4210982
File: 8 KB, 222x227, beefcake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beefcake! Beefcaaaake!

>> No.4210985

>$5-7 a day
Fucking disgusting.
You might as well just burn your wallet at that point

>> No.4211141


>> No.4211153

>How does this make you feel?

I hope less people eat this shit due to price increase.

Seriously guys, grow up. This food is complete shit.

>> No.4211158

You should probably stop worrying so much about what other people eat, it makes it a little too obvious that you don't have anything going on in your life.

>> No.4211164


I consider myself lucky if I make it through the day spending less than $25 on food.

>> No.4211235

$5-$7 a day is expensive? I must be richfag then.

>> No.4211240


Stop eating specialty cheese and drinking real milk. Those things are needlessly expensive and honestly, I bet they're the same as the normal stuff anyway, just in a fancy package. Same goes for homemade spaghetti sauce and soup with chunks of real steak. Again, the regular stuff is just fine unless you cashed your paycheck that day and you're celebrating before it all goes to waste.

>> No.4211241

We are richfags compared to the majority of the board, it seems. My dinner tonight was over $20 alone.

>> No.4211250

You know, in France they already have horse meat burgers at McDonalds.

They taste fucking glorious.

>> No.4211258
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>mfw they fucking dropped an entire nugget of their dollar nuggets, now down to 4 instead of 5

I went the other day and saw that shit.
I mean, they made it either spicy or normal instead of just spicy, but dropping an entire nugget is complete bullshit. Now I can't get 50 nuggets for $10.

First KFC got rid of the snacker, then this bullshit.


>> No.4211278

Meh. All you gotta do is go to Burger King.

>> No.4211358
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a lot of McDonalds dickriding going on itt

>> No.4211391

clowns are fun that way

>> No.4211420
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>Guys! Our 90% profit margine on a mish mash of fillers and floor scrapings might go down to 85% profit! We MUST RAISE PRICES!

>> No.4211454


the only time i go there is when i'm drunk and i've already spent all my money

mcgangbangs abound...

>> No.4211470

so not only do they pity you because you're drunk, but because you make mcgangbangs too. Maybe you should just be wearing a helmet full time.

>> No.4211478

>caring what minimum wage McDonald's employees working the graveyard shift think

Doesn't get much more insecure and socially inept than that. Do you cry when homeless people give you a dirty look too?

>> No.4211496

you're the loser in that situation.

>> No.4212810

You're not even aware that you're not making any sense, are you?

>> No.4212853

I'd actually go to McDonald's if they had a McGallop.

>> No.4214335

As long as it's still cheaper than a big mac with mac sauce, I'm good.