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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4207307 No.4207307 [Reply] [Original]

What do rednecks eat?

>> No.4207310

Cube steak with ketchup, canned corn, instant mashed potatoes, white bread, and kookaid.

>> No.4207318


>> No.4207319

Anything barbecue. It tastes good.

>> No.4207328

I know that rednecks have a lot of unprotected sex with a lot of people, but to STDs run as rampant in their population as they do in the urban populations.

I need to know for...research

>> No.4207331

Their sisters

>> No.4207349
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Needs Newports tucked into bra/shorts...

>> No.4207362

pussy and pussy accessories

>> No.4207387

>Cube steak with ketchup


>> No.4207394

Chicken fried steak, fried okra, fried green tomatoes, corn bread and a Yoohoo to wash it all down.

>> No.4207395

>anyone other one other than niggers
I think you mean Marlboro Reds/Blacks/Menthols.

>> No.4207400


>> No.4207401

Oh, and I forgot the mashed taters with chicken gravy.

>> No.4207407

More like Winstons

>> No.4207409

Most boxed/canned meals and microwave dinners.

>> No.4207413

With spaghetti sauce made by mixing butter and ketchup.

>> No.4207419

That's a level of failure even below rednecks. Trailer trash usually just buy cheap jars of pasta sauce.

>> No.4207422
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Redneck here.

Homecooked meals are usually a plate consisting of a portion of meat, starch, and veggies(usually canned).

For meat you'd usually have something like fried chicken, roast beef, meat loaf, etc.

Veggies would be canned green beans, canned yellow corn, corn on the cob, butter beans, or peas.

Starches would be stuff like rice and gravy, mashed potatoes and gravy, mac and cheese, etc.

And you also have shit like spaghetti, tacos, lasagna, and fast food like burgers and pizza.

>> No.4207427
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>> No.4207474

Seriously someone explain this to me. I've never heard of it. Is the cube steak fried or something?

>> No.4207480

I've lived in the south for 20 years. I've never seen anyone put ketchup on their chicken fried steak. Everyone puts chicken gravy on them.

>> No.4207482

Cheap cuts of meat beat to oblivion with the spikey side of a meat tenderizer.

It's what they use to make chicken fried steak.

>> No.4207518

Other rednecks
Their male relatives' penises
The necks of bottles of moonshine

>> No.4207520

>Butter beans
I didn't know anyone else called them that.

>> No.4207610

They eat no differently than anyone else poor, OP. Fuck your stereotypes.

>> No.4207638

sketty and store brand catsup.

>> No.4207641

I grew up in the Northeast US in an upper-middle-class home and when it comes to string beans, god help me, I just really like the canned ones a billion times better than fresh.

>> No.4207654

she could always eat muh dick.

why do i find white trash so attractive!! god damnit!

>> No.4208017 [DELETED] 

fried things
salty things

>> No.4208027


Attracted to your own kind

>> No.4208079

Apparently all the right things if they look like her.

If that kind of delicious pale body is what shitty trailer trash food gives you then sign me up

>> No.4208102

is actually second cousin

>> No.4208167

I thought this thread was what do redheads eat.

I think that would have made for a much more interesting thread. I am disappoint.

>> No.4208186
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She looks like she could be moot's twin sister.

>> No.4208206
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I moved to a rural area for a while from a nice, culturally diverse and educated area(many vegetarians/healthy eaters) and I noticed one thing that bothered me the most.
>so much soda and sweetened tea
If I wanted iced tea in a restaurant, I had to clarify 'UNSWEET tea' instead and it was usually wrong.
I was also in a grocery store and saw a woman pile two cartloads of soda, Lunchables, potato chips, ketchup, frozen fried foods and macaroni dinner boxes. I could go on all day about red neck food.
I once visited with a side of my significant other's family that's very off from the rest and they mixed mayonnaise, chips, and beans and called it a salad. I felt bad for not eating that day and they probably hate me, but I didn't see a vegetable or anything not shat out of Monsanto's processed asshole all day.

>> No.4208219

miracle whip on wonderbread

>> No.4208229

>vegetarians/healthy eaters
>vegetarians =/= healthy eaters
If someone were educated, they would more likely eat a balanced diet, instead of self-righteousness on a plate.

>> No.4208231


>> No.4208235
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Fuck you & your elitist attitude.
Your SO's family hates you & so does your SO. Your relationship won't last, you fucking twat.

>> No.4208267
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The best food I've ever eaten while being alive for 41 years was during my 17 year stay in the southern states. NC, GA, TN, AL and TX. And got damn, those Texans can make a superb brisket. I also noticed that bbq is different depending on where you are. Texans like rubs, in Kansas they like sauce and in North Cackalaky they like sweet bbq flavors. And ooooh mère de mon enfant, those people from Louisiana can make some gumbo, mud bugs and jambalaya. Mmm!

>> No.4208268

guess what buddy, the seeds for most of the vegetables you eat come from Monsanto anyway.

you sound like an asshole

>> No.4208274
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Less international food and more typical rustic Anglo-Eurocentric food. I.e. more roasts and less pho. Of course you'll find disgusting food habits everywhere.

>> No.4208278
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>Piggly Wiggly t-shirt.

I lol'd for real.

>> No.4208284


So she's not an authentic redneck, just someone who was hired for this?

>> No.4208286
File: 79 KB, 750x596, mfw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just went to the Piggly Wiggly website and their t-shirts are on back order.

>> No.4208293
File: 108 KB, 600x732, 08-24-12-Girls-and-mud-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cajun cuisine which is ironically descendant from the typically thought of as sophisticated, French cuisine.

>> No.4208292

She looks like a typical southern gal to me (minus the mud, of course).

Southern women are smoking hot.


>> No.4208308

Tang sandwich.
Toaster shakins.

>> No.4208309

Hamburger Helper
Light beer
Sorry excuses for steak
Hotdogs chopped up in ketchup or BBQ sauce

>> No.4208314

Tater tots

>> No.4208320

There may be some superficial similarities, but Creole people and rednecks are not the same thing.

>> No.4208338

>They believe they can "live off the land"
>Eat nothing but Monsanto processed garbage

>> No.4208344

They can run a trot line. Do you even know what that is?

>> No.4208352

I know what a trotline is you dumb bastard and I also know that shitty Hank Jr. song so get the dick back in your mouth.

>> No.4208354

You don't know anything. But feel free to keep on trolling until you get banned.

>> No.4208361

Please explain to me how I "Don't know anything". I've lived in the south and dealth with rednecks all 28 of my years. How the hell am I trolling?

>> No.4208403

I'm from Indiana, and Jesus she's hot. She's like a Hoosier 11.

>> No.4208411


>> No.4208412

Dammit meant to write co/cks/

>> No.4208417

I've noticed a good many Newport Menthol smokers amongst Central PA rednecks.

>> No.4208434

Coming from the south, rednecks like fried things, things they can make themselves on a grill, barbecue, venison, jerky, and smoked meat. Basically they like their meat.

>> No.4208556

She has a banging body but dat slack-jawed face...

>> No.4208577

Only gets me more randy

>> No.4208584

Who is randy and why would you want to "get him?"

>> No.4208593

This guy doesn't know shit about rednecks

>> No.4208600
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I remember now when I was 10 my mother made me try to eat one of those "cube steaks", she even put white gravy on it to try and make it look appetizing.

I will confront her about this tomorrow.

>> No.4208643


What do you call a pretty girl in Indiana?


>> No.4208649


I just made some fried cubed steak yesterday. Came out damn good.

you got something against country cookin', boy?

>> No.4208656

The meat tasted just plain disgusting and the texture was just fucking horrible, note, this is when I was 10, I wasn't picky, if I had to eat chicken nuggets and kraft macaroni all day no fucks would be given, but I specifically remember me hating that shit and not eating.

>> No.4208666


I only had "country cooking" when I visited my grandparents in the midwest for holidays. Now I live out here and I love it. Green bean casserole, fried low quality cuts of meat and the like. But my friends who actually grew up out here can't stuff. It must be that kind of the thing, where your body just starts to reject all this canned and fried garbage.

>> No.4208759

Breaking News: corn IS starch!

>> No.4208783

Cool story, bro.

I guess next you're going to tell me beans/blackeyed peas aren't vegetables either.

>> No.4208784


>> No.4208895

Not who you are responding to, but he's right. Peas are a starch too.

Go on 'n git, redneck

>> No.4208913


until they hit 37. Then its just turrible.

>> No.4208945

We eat a lot of mac and cheese and hamburger helper.

>> No.4208947

>chew on beef jerky
>this thread
>look at beef jerky, feel sad
>keep chewing

>> No.4208975

>What do rednecks eat?
The same as devout Christians eat.

>> No.4208998

To me (the one you were responding to) beans, peas and even corn are all vegetables.
But they also appear to be starch, and topping rice, pasta or potatoes AND corn or peas/beans is like topping sugar with sugar.

You can eat leafy vegetables though, or veggies like cauliflower, broccoli or zucchini if you really want to benefit from "veggies" in a nutritional way.

>> No.4209016

Any answer besides;
>Every hole she owns
Is wrong. That is all.

>> No.4209124


That poor turkey.

>> No.4209146

>eating Kettle Pops
>this thread
>look at Kettle Pops and Big Red soda, feel sad
>keep eating

>> No.4209276

what if she owns a shallow grave in the middle of a wheat field where she buried the baby she had when she was 11

>> No.4209518

Former Piggly Wiggly employee here. Yankees would throw a fit over these damn shirts.

>> No.4210654

haha you had to live in the south

>> No.4210663
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chicken fried bacon

>> No.4210873

Chips and soda. Both off brand of course.

>> No.4210890

not chicken gravy, "white" gravy, cream gravy, etc. not chicken.

>> No.4210892

X fried X
candied bugs

>> No.4210895

>Big Red only rednecks w/o kids drink that stuff

>> No.4210905

>no one mentions mountain dew

Step it up.