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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4206266 No.4206266 [Reply] [Original]

So yeah, I am a classically trained haute cuisine chef, with credentials from The culinary institute of San Francisco and from working for the last 14 years as the sous chef, and then head chef for a Resturaunt in Indianapolis.

Ask me anything, /ck/.

>> No.4206273

Really ck, nothing you wanna ask?

at all?

>> No.4206294

try red derp dit

all we do here is troll each other about corn syrup

>> No.4206306

/ck/ is fuckass slow.

sorry if you expected more.

>> No.4206309

>corn syrup tastes mighty fine
Don't you go around here making trouble boy.

>> No.4206312

Why do my onion rings come out all lumpy and not perfect donut onion rings?

>> No.4206319

You ever take a shot at a chick by referring to yourself as a CIA trainee?

>> No.4206333

It's also 2am in the east coast...

Whatever, I'll bite.

I work as a software engineer, and I have a pretty cushy job. I really love cooking. I have several hobbies, but cooking is by far the one I am most successful at. I've had a bunch of people I cooked for tell me that I should become a chef or open a restaurant. I've even won a couple of cooking competitions. But I don't understand the appeal of actually working in a restaurant. My default answer is "I don't want to ruin a hobby I love by making it a job".

So basically, what appealed to your about being a chef? Why did you decide to make it your career?

>> No.4206344

I'm looking for culinary schools and the like for schooling. Would you recommend the school that you went to? What's your pay right now and how long did it take for you to make a decent wage in the industry? How long from graduation did you get a job in the industry?

>> No.4206349

Would you be kicked out of an episode of Chopped in the first round?

>> No.4206397

I second this question.

Also, what's the best/most interesting dish you've ever made?

>> No.4206486

Are the quality of food really that great? Or are you just overcharging for regular cuts of beef on a square plate with some sauce smeared on it?

>> No.4207516

Indyfag here, what restaurant?

>> No.4207528

Same. Speedwayfag wondering what establishment.

>> No.4207540
File: 126 KB, 400x267, is it a double down or cordon bleu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people claim the KFC Double Down is the same thing as chicken cordon bleu. What's your opinion?

>> No.4207578

What in the line of comfort food, and southern cooking dishes is considered gourmet?

And, why is "gourmet" (GORE May, may gore you out), even used in anything related to the best tasting food around?

>> No.4207603

looks like a cordon bleu 2 me

>> No.4207624

it is a poor man's cordon bleu
>cheap bacon and american cheese replacing a good ham and swiss or gruyere
>sandwiching between two breasts as opposed butterflying and stuffing one.

>> No.4207650

How do you feel about the Hoosier Tenderloin?

>> No.4207684

My boyfriend cooks pretty well. Maybe you could share some awesome recipes for us to try.

>> No.4207843

Do you do Gratin Dauphinois?

>> No.4210381


Onion rings are actually rather difficult to get right. You have to make sure the breading mixture your using is very fine and that your ring is totally covered in your egg mixture. Also, most standard kitchen fryers won't do because they really don;t get hot enough. A perfect Onion ring is a flash fry deal.




I decided to make my career in food honestly because it is the one service industry that allows for you to make art. I have bad days I'm not going to lie. I have days where I'd rather not look at food. However I keep going because every dish i make, respected by the intended client or not, is an example of something real made with care. Thats why I do it.


I don;t handle random ingredients well, that beign said I am pretty good on the fly, so I don;t know. Possibly.


I love working with oriental foods, and one of the most interesting dishes I ever prepped was a cow tongue done with leeks and mushrooms in a traditional Szechuan style. The flavor was ridiculous good and the dish itself had a rustic beauty to it.


Indy gets great meats. Unfortunately, our fish is total crap, as it will be in any land locked state. I'm a stickler for quality and freshness, so nothing that comes out of my kitchen is pre-packaged crap.


I'm not going to answer that, I will say my place is downtown, near circle center mall and that we often get Pacers Players in.


KFC isn't really even chicken. In the strictest sense, it still comes from something that could be called a chicken, but I really wouldn;t eat it. Also CCB, requires ham.


Gourmet is actually a way of cooking and serving food, not an actual descriptor of the food itself. Tacos, if made by a very well trained hand and with fresh ingredients, can be gourmet. As for southern food, an example of gourmet southern foods would be Capon Fried Chicken, or perhaps Beignets down in the French Quarter of New Orleans.

>> No.4210387

>ask me anything
Go back to "read it"
>San Franciso
How about no?
Well, I'm out.

>> No.4210394


If your talking about the fried patty of pork that most times has never seen the label Tenderloin in this state, i'd say that the indy standard of a big hunk of dry fried meat on a bun doesn't really do it for me. However, I have done some interesting things with it, but none that I'd serve at my restaurant. It does very well marinated, and sliced thin over salad, and it does exceptionally well for mexican/yucatan style dishes like chile verde and Barbacoa.

>> No.4210404

OP I have a buddy who is cordon-bleu same as you.
Has great knife skills.
Is a vegetarian.
He honestly cant cook meat worth a damn and is very hit or miss with almost all his cooking.
Awesome guy though and seems to keep his catering and food cart businesses alive with pure hipness alone.

Is this common?

He works as a hired gun for some of the nicer places sometimes and they swear by him. Its just his own stuff that is lacking.

He does make some amazing soups.

>> No.4210406


I'd be happy to share some recipies. However, asking a chef to share some recipies without adding the modifier of on what, is kind of like asking a sculptor to make you a statue of "meh, anything really."

>> No.4210417

I'd be interested in recipes too. Maybe post a couple of your favourites? Or the easiest ones you make that still taste amazing, something like that.

>> No.4210421


Can you share your Szechuan cow tongue recipe?

>> No.4210419


Every chef is really hit and miss. My personal specialty is pastry, it really all depends on what the individual chef really liked doing in culinary school. A real, honest to god chef being vegetarian is going to rob him of really critical experience. A chef has to taste everything he ever makes, and not eating the meat you cook leads to you not really giving a crap.
Also, having Cordon Bleu in front of your title as a chef doesn;t say a whole lot frankly. I've known fry cooks who had a better taste and texture awareness than some of my classmates

>> No.4210422

I have a question.

About how much did culinary school cost?
Was it easy to get a loan/scholarship?
How easy was it to find a job afterwards?

>> No.4210428

I use buttermilk to marinate my round or cube steak a few hours for chicken fried steak, some believe this to be scandalous. That it won't work and my Chicken Fried Steak will turn out disastrous, that it will "disintegrate", but when I bread and fry it I do not have this problem, in fact it becomes incredibly succulent and stays intact. What is your verdict, buttermilk or not?

>> No.4210440


Well, as most chef's will tell you, as far as recipes go, you can't really beat alton brown. If your looking for user friendly, step by steps, Look at his Vichyssoise, and Cocovan recipes.

Being a huge seafood and fish nerd, I do have a recipe for a really solid Bouillabaise which i will post if I can find it.

>> No.4210442

>I do have a recipe for a really solid Bouillabaise which i will post if I can find it.
>not memorizing this shit and doing it by feel and taste
Well, that ends the thread. I hope everyone had fun.

>> No.4210448

>you can't really beat alton brown


>> No.4210451


In total my education was some where north of 50 grand. I didn;t do loans, I was lucky enough to have a pretty sizeable trust left to me by my grandparents, so I paid for it myself.
Getting a job was not in any form of the word easy. I worked in retail for 5 years before I was ever able to land a job actually cooking, and even then I was someone elses grunt for years before I got to use anything they taught me in school.
Also, the greatest tool anyone could have taught me was something that never came up in any classes. SPANISH. Most of your cleaning and staff will speak it, and if you don;t you'll be out of the loop.

>> No.4210456


Hey guys thanks. Really. Those are awesome questions. In other news, Reuters called and they want a three piece article from you on why your such a douchebag and how your opinions are the best and totally override everyone elses. Go back to B, troll men.

>> No.4210464

also, I live in Indiana. I rarely make that soup anymore becasue as I mentioned in a previous post, frozen packed seafood, especially the scallops and muscles needed for a solid soup base, that we get are crap.

>> No.4210466


>> No.4210473


MMMMM, your disgust is like a warm tea served hot on a cold day. It soothes the throat and cleanses the pallet after the rich butter flavor of me not giving a shit.

so nice.

>> No.4210480
File: 33 KB, 419x358, One Last Thing_Oh Sweet Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you just hate indianapolis?
i had to live there for a school year with my dad. i thought it was a total shit hole.

>> No.4210481

alright people. Hope i answered some questions. Have a great day, go make something delicious.

>> No.4210478


Ignore the trolls. That is the best advice we can offer you on /ck/ and any other board. Just answer the decent questions, and you'll have a great thread.

>> No.4210484

like any city, it has pockets of nice and pockets of not so nice.

>> No.4210489

It's coq au vin, as in rooster with wine. But don't worry, that kind of mistake is a diamond dozen. A lot of people take grammar for granite, it's a doggy dog world out there.

>> No.4210501

>I'm not going to answer that, I will say my place is downtown, near circle center mall and that we often get Pacers Players in.
Confirmed for Penn Station.

>> No.4210546

........... great job retard

>> No.4210566

that hurt so badly to read

>> No.4210592

Any advice for a first year student?
Signed up for different volunteer work to get some experience and have a job fair this Wednesday.

>> No.4210619

test test test.

>> No.4210641

good, now then, 50k for a culinary art program and no loans involved? the CIA/ french culinary institue here in manhattan NY is a 9 month 32k program. why do you owe 50k op? and if you lived in san fran, why would you move to a shit area? did you just want to be the only badass in town with papers? or did you move because you can make a lot of money this way? due to low cost of living...

>star career academy fag here, i think you're bluffing OP.

>> No.4210651

so my main question if i only had one is, why would you pay so much? i took out a loan and i'm gonna owe like 20k ish, the program cost 16k and one of our chefs was on chopped and did really well, so why would you pay more for the same training op?

>> No.4210659

>Classically trained haute cuisine chef
Smells like faggotry
>Culinary Institute of San Francisco
Faggotry confirmed and in high amount

>> No.4211925
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Oh, Fuck you. A guy actually comes here and talks about cooking and you're an asshole to him

>> No.4211930

How do I make chicken or beef tender? No clue here. Low heat for a long time? How long?

>> No.4211932

OP in the next days I will have a job nterview at the 5 star hotel nassauer hof in germany for an apprenticeship (to become a chef)
Anything I should know?
Also how much do you make per month and is the cordon blue worth its price

>> No.4211933

Also, there are chefs that post here as anon.
We don't go around bragging about it.

Take this Q&A crap the redit, please.

>> No.4212015
File: 69 KB, 138x207, 1359922832494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alton brown

>> No.4212018

do you live in fear of negative yelp reviews?

>> No.4212722

i'm 19 and a line cook, about 2 months into my job. what do i need to do to make it to the top? also we are rewarded if our recipes make it onto the menu, can you please share something to impress the chef.

>> No.4212758

Keep your mouth shut and learn. No one is going to give you a recipe. You need to learn more and it will come to you naturally. Fucking cheater.