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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 263 KB, 500x500, peroni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4204718 No.4204718 [Reply] [Original]

Beer thread.
What's your favourite beer, /ck/?

Mine? It's Peroni's blue ribbon lager. Pic related. Absolutely delicious.

I also enjoy San Miguel and Stella.

What about you guys?

>> No.4204722

tfw drinking old english again

tfw poor

>> No.4204723
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>> No.4204724
File: 68 KB, 768x1024, Innis_and_Gunn_Rum_Cask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current favorite is Innis & Gunn Rum Finish.

>> No.4204726
File: 6 KB, 96x245, karhu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I drink the most often, but I tend to be more of wine guy than a beer guy.

>> No.4204732

yea, innis and gunn and a nice glass of rum, its like drinking candy

>> No.4204734
File: 1.13 MB, 4000x2248, Kampstation Køleskab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Guinness.

>> No.4204744

I love me some Newcastle brown ale.

But I've taken a shine recently to a local breweries beer, particularly their porter. Which I don't normally drink.

>> No.4204753

> Peroni
I've actually had this before (not the blue-ribbon lager though), I've never tasted a beer like it before...not in a good way.

>> No.4204768

i like pretty much all Brewdog flavours. 5am Saint is probably the one i buy most. not sure how available those are outside of scotland though.

inb4 2hoppy4me

>> No.4204793

I can't drink those anymore. My mouth just rejects that shit. Tastes so awful it's ridiculous.

>> No.4204796

Favorite would be anything by Surly really. Kinda spendy though, so usually I stick with grainbelt.

>> No.4204801

I keep asking this question, and keep getting shat on for being a pleb.

Anyone know an accessible pale lager similar to Stella, that doesn't have that annheuser-busch pisswater aftertaste? I like the initial kick, but it tastes watered down and pissy

>> No.4204809


>> No.4204824
File: 20 KB, 225x338, Hurricane_High_Gravity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe it or not, this is about 10% cheaper, just as stronger, and tastes just a bit better.

No where else in florida where you can get a gallon of 8.1% beer for 5 dollars.

>> No.4204826

yeah it really is the worst

i prefer anything over it really but it's the only malt liquor the bodega by me sells

i'm not 21 and i'm poor so i don't have many other options because i want to get drunk

>> No.4204828

Dude just get high life if you want that route, or at least some high gravity beers for the kick.

>> No.4204835

oe is the highest abv they sell by me

when im back home i drink steel reserve

>> No.4204837

What's the cheapest beer you can find? Just curious.

>> No.4204838

I don't think that is even a high gravity. At least here they don't give the abv and from taste I'd say it is around 6.5%.

>> No.4204845

>Making good beer
You've got to be fucking kidding. As for belgian beers, Stella might as well be budweiser. Move up to something with a bit more character, like a malheur 10. Why the fuck are you drinking spanish and italian beers? The dagos make wine, not beer. I'm assuming you're some kind of european, why on earth aren't you drinking czech (Dat budvar), german (Fucking pick any towns local brewery, it's gonna be good), and decent belgian beer? Are you a new drinker or something?

>> No.4204850

No, peroni is terrible beer made by a country that should stick to wine. It's piss, even more so than most mass-produced american beers.

>> No.4204856

there is a high gravity one though it's not too common

>> No.4204868

> duh hudurhrurr
> dudurrhhurr
> fuck you, I'm not typing out my reasoning
> duhhurhurhurrr
> I'm an American
oh boy let's get angry on the internet

>> No.4204870

>the more you know

He should find one, or if nothing else get some cheap malt liquors.

>> No.4204888

Is high gravity steel reserve really that rare? It's at every liquor store I go to round my parts.
Number one drink for the homeless.

>> No.4204891

I'm sorry if you can't control your emotions when posting on forums, but projecting your failures on to others solves nothing son. I'm sorry that the knowledgte that you're paying too much for shitty beer upsets you so much, but there are healthier ways to cope. I'm a Canadian btw, thanks for asking!

>> No.4204894

Just about any Kolsch style beer will fit the bill nicely, as will most good Pilsners. Ignore the wops pushing peroni, It's literally the laughingstock of European beer.

>> No.4204895

>no chimay bleu


>> No.4204901

I think it was talking about the Olde English High gravity.

Steel reserve and Hurricane are everywhere, and both get the job done.

I like Hurricane because it is sweet, and of course makes me have shit taste.

>> No.4204911

Olde English HG is available at almost all liquor stores here too. Most malt liquors sold here have a HG version. Haven't every found hurricane though. I don't really look too hard anymore though.

>> No.4204928

>Good beer
>Unfortunately, for there are much better beers out there for the money.
The more you know...

>> No.4204934

> but I'm not telling you what they are or why I think so
ho ho ho
he he he
look at me
and my faggotry

>> No.4204951

Stop with the Stella stuff, it's sewer water. Seriously. Get Jupiler instead, should be in the same price category.

If it isn't or it's not sold where you live, get your local decent, simple, honest beer brand. It'll be better than Stella. Way better.

Dunno about my favourite beer. I like La Chouffe a lot.

>> No.4204965

NZ fag.
>any Galbraith beer
>Garage Project IPA and Pernicious Weed
>Boundary Road
>any Hallertau beer except no. 2
>any Moa
>the list goes on

I haven't had an imported, megabrewery beer in months. Feels good man.

>> No.4204968
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<<<< Schwarz, Weizen, Porter.


>> No.4204982
File: 47 KB, 805x458, carlsberg_crown_logo_on_green2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only in the 330ml cans
tastes great, nobody complains, and it's Danish
also nobody has ever dissed me for drinking Carlsberg

>> No.4205000


Carlsberg has an awful after taste.

>> No.4205011

Yeah I noticed that aftertaste too, not the best if I'm honest.

>> No.4205014

it's not great but it's not shit and you can get it around the world

>> No.4205029


Boundary Road is a very low tier brewery in my opinion.

If you want good NZ stuff drink 8 Wired, 3 Boy or even Tuatara.

>> No.4205052

Old milwakee

>> No.4205058
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For your health: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peyroe's_disease

>> No.4205083

Britbongs, what's the best beer I can get at say, Tesco? I don't mind if its relatively expensive, since I don't drink much. Just curious as to what's the best.

>> No.4205087


>> No.4205136

Okay, except for Guinness (which I love, but for some reason doesn't feel right drinking when I'm watching LOTR and eating peanuts)

>> No.4205178

Tuborg, maybe.

>> No.4205206
File: 218 KB, 640x480, realbeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck this thread is full of pleb. If you cunts don't like beer, don't drink it.

Pic related, it's actual beer.

>> No.4205224
File: 35 KB, 310x400, Founders-KBS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Imperial Stout
>Breakfast Stout

Founders knows how to get shit DONE

>> No.4205251
File: 21 KB, 252x297, 1301719363409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Double chocolate coffee oatmeal stout

>> No.4205255
File: 7 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheap and nice.

But beer is sugary piss in general so I don't drink it anymore.

>> No.4205257
File: 28 KB, 280x444, schneider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest everyone try this at least one point in their lives. SO SO GOOD

>> No.4205259

Stop samefagging.

>> No.4205270

I only posted the screenfuck guy image.

If it upsets you that I genuinely want the beer that dude posted: You can fuck yourself for all I care.

>> No.4205272
File: 136 KB, 375x439, founders_imperial_stout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that guy, but Founders is fucking excellent, quite possibly the best brewer in the country

I just bought a 4 pack of this a couple hours ago

>> No.4205283

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.4205285

god that sounds good. I don't drink beer often, but the only stouts I see in supermarkets are like, guinness. guess I'd have to hit up the local BevMo to get that?

>> No.4205287
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>> No.4205289


Ratebeer released their annual top 100 breweries in the world and Founders came in at #3

>> No.4205290

not sure where you live, but around here most grocery stores carry it

>> No.4205292


>> No.4205294

Number 2 apparently

>dat upper midwestern domination

>> No.4205296
File: 88 KB, 360x480, IMG_0877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've become a big fan of this stuff recently.

>> No.4205298

just curious, from a health standpoint which is better--pale lagers or dark porters?

>> No.4205303

beer is for poor plebeians, drink scotch

>> No.4205304

most pale lagers are filtered, and filtered beers generally are less nutritious than unfiltered beers as yeast has some good shit in it

>> No.4205310

pale lagers have fewer calories. In general, beers that are darker and have a stronger flavor have more calories.

>> No.4205311

>beer is for poor plebeians
Bud Light is, but good beer is as good as it gets for alcoholic beverages with whiskey in a close second and nothing else remotely close

>> No.4205315



That one is from 2012. The new list came out yesterday.

>> No.4205316

Favorite beer? Probably St Bernardus 12 or Rochefort 10.

As for something I'd drink regularly, probably La Chouffe

>> No.4205319

beer is overpriced compared to scotch

>> No.4205320

>pale lagers have fewer calories
not necessarily

Guinness for instance is extremely light

Generally the more alcohol a beer has the more calories it will have regardless of how dark it is. (most of the calories come from the alcohol itself)

>> No.4205324

>beer is overpriced compared to scotch
wait, what?

>> No.4205341

Who knows what he means?

This being 4chan, I'm guessing he means in terms of alcohol content. Because he's 17 and that's all that matters, getting wasted XD party lol.

>> No.4205350

Good beer is overpriced because there is less market for good beer, whereas whisky in general is a market in which there's intense competition for a good drink in general.

You're a dense moron

>> No.4205379

>most of the calories come from the alcohol itself
>this is what broscientists actually believe
You don't get any energy from alcohol. The "calories" in alcohol aren't actually used by the body.

>> No.4205405

> wat is ethanol metabolism

>> No.4205412

>Good beer is overpriced because there is less market for good beer, whereas whisky in general is a market in which there's intense competition for a good drink in general.
that makes absolutely no sense

>> No.4205416

That's because you're a communist.

>> No.4205420

>You don't get any energy from alcohol. The "calories" in alcohol aren't actually used by the body.
um, you are misinformed, the vast majority of the calories in most fermented beverages come from the ethanol.

What else would you expect the calories to come from? remember that the yeast ferments most of the sugar into ethanol

>> No.4205429

but good beer sells way better than top shelf whiskey these days, and part of the reason why is that it is so much more affordable. also there is way more competition in the craft beer industry

Sounds like you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about

>> No.4205446

Can't go past Little Creature's pale ale.
Or really anything from littler creatures.

>> No.4205451

what's the best budget beer?

>> No.4205458

High Life

>> No.4205472

I still haven't found a budget beer that's actually good.

>> No.4205484
File: 553 KB, 1600x1600, Dogfish_Head_Burton_Baton[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i shop by abv

this is a delicious flavorful 10% ipa
not very bitter at all, slight sweet taste from oak aging, also a gentle roasted taste from hops. plenty of flavor and spice. very rich and smooth.

got 4 for the game tomorrow

>> No.4205488

whats your style or favorite expensive beer?

yuengling is great if you can get it

>> No.4205490


Oh man this shit is good.
I almost got myself a Hellhound yesterday but realized I'm too poor for fancy beer.

>> No.4205492

>yuengling is great if you can get it
I really don't understand why east coasters are so attached to this. It doesn't really taste different than the other adjunct lagers, but a lot of them act like its great

>> No.4205494

i got the last box in town, but its 10 months old
hopefully it will still be tasty.

>> No.4205498
File: 83 KB, 800x439, breckles_brown_anchor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchor, you so tasty. Why do people love the steam when you have so many tastier beers?

>> No.4205500

crisp, clean, full body brew.
better alternative to sa boston lager imo
anything from ab is shit
miller is just too malty for my taste

>> No.4205504

To this day, the best beer to go with a meal for me. It is the table wine of beers.

>> No.4205502

Southern Tier Anything

>> No.4205508


Don't expect it to be hoppy.

>> No.4205510

>full body brew.
not exactly, its still full of adjuncts

I don't drink Sam Adams much, but I would certainly pick it over Yuengling

>> No.4205512

>Not drinking the president's favorite mass produced beer

In seriousness it's a great lager with craft beer taste but at a cheaper price.

>> No.4205515


>thinking the president has good taste

>> No.4205522

>implying the president doesn't just pretend to drink whatever his handlers tell him will poll most favorably

>> No.4205526

>thinking your taste is better
>implying taste is anything but subjective

A brew accessible by maybe 20% of the population? That's some shitty polling.

>> No.4205530

>Implying the present doesn't pay someone on staff to brew white house beer for him. Obama enjoys stouts.

>> No.4205536

>A brew accessible by maybe 20% of the population
I'm sure he pretends different beers are his favorite depending on where he is speaking that night

>> No.4205541

I thought the white house's chefs made a honey lager

and by the president pays them, you mean taxpayers do

>> No.4205549

>Gets in an international bet with the Canadian PM over who shall buy beer per results of hockey match
>localized choice

>> No.4205551
File: 75 KB, 474x1222, wh_beer_recipe_honey_porter_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honey Brown and Honey Porter apparently.

>> No.4205552


Pretty sure during that beer summit shit obama did back in 09 he drank Bud Light.

>> No.4205557

what a bullshit beer
who would expect anything different from chocolateface
at least it isn't st, ides or colt45

>> No.4205563

I'm sure (or I hope) that this is a dumbed down version, and the real one they do is All grain.

>> No.4205568

Abita Purple Haze
Magic Hat No.9

Also, I honestly enjoy Natural Light. 12 pk of bottles is only about $8 at wally world and it tastes better than Coors and the gang. Perfect balance of shit teir price and drinkability.

>> No.4205576

They sell natty in bottles?

Where do you live that such low tier beers are so expensive?

>> No.4205580

I knew a woman whose favorite drinks were Guiness and Jameson. She drank the shit religiously. She was also very overweight.

>> No.4205583

natural light is the undisputed best cheap light beer
cheaper and better than bud light, miller light, coors light, ect.

>> No.4205584
File: 4 KB, 90x253, steelreserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No lie I love steel reserve. ive been drinking it since I was 19 im 26 now. i usually have a 40oz or 2 every night, im not ashamed of drinking it

>> No.4205586
File: 204 KB, 1200x1600, Four Loko Watermelon 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love this shit

>> No.4205588

I used to drink this all the time, now it gives me heart burn

>> No.4205590

I found the stuff in the bottles to be really, really good (4 bottles 3 flavors) . But I found the cans to be SHIT.

>> No.4205599
File: 29 KB, 618x348, si.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of wish we had 40's in Australia for the novelty factor.

Gotta try this baby, so delicious.

>> No.4205609

Is it just me or does the bottled stuff taste more sugary than canned?

>> No.4205611

thats good, if you are a high school girl

>> No.4205612

I never had the bottled ones, but dont they have less alcohol content then the cans?

>> No.4205614

really they are 12% and under 3 bucks. how is that a bad combo?

>> No.4205618

I think I did edward fortyhands with that stuff

>> No.4205619

Hm that's what I figured. I've sampled it a few times and it was like Kool Aid with a splash of liquor in it. Not my kinda beverage.

>> No.4205620

didn't they change the formula a couple years back?

>> No.4205623

yeah, Obama made them get rid of the caffeine

>> No.4205626

I like Boundary because its always on special at countdown. When I get get it on tap at Hopscotch I'll always buy it. Never had 3 boy but for some reason I've always disliked Tuatara except for their pils.

>> No.4205629
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>> No.4205632

Ya because he runs the FDA

>> No.4205642

he appoints the people that run it

>> No.4205645
File: 329 KB, 1200x800, LagSucks-six.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about to have one or maybe even two of these, shit's gonna be cash

>> No.4205658


FDA is corrupt as fuck. Everything they do is in the best interest of pharmaceutical companies. They're illegally seizing fucking Kratom now at customs.

>> No.4205687

I think it is 8%, not 12%.

It tastes a hell of a lot better then HG beer though.

>> No.4205732

just finished a 4-pack. it's a really great beer.

right now i've got central waters bourbon barrel stout. drinks smooth, creamy, lots of vanilla

>> No.4205739

its nice to live in wisconsin, i guess i take for granted the access great lakes states have to good beer. i shudder to think of living somewhere the only stout in stock is guinness, holy shit.

that new list though. california stealing thunder as usual

>> No.4205742

>right now i've got central waters bourbon barrel stout
good stuff

I picked up a 4 pack of their peruvian morning coffee stout today

>> No.4205744

wtf.. how have I never seen this in stores? I'll be sure to try it in 5 months when I visit the brewery in SF.

>> No.4205749

Yeah, having New Glarus, Founders, Bells and Three Floyds readily available at pretty much every grocery store is pretty damn awesome

>> No.4205750


its 12

>> No.4205759

how is it compared to fuel cafe or flying dog kujo, or any other coffee stout youve had?

i also have CW's bourbon barrel cherry stout right now. if you get a taste at a tasting it will be interesting, otherwise spend your money on something else. the cherry is overpowering.

>> No.4205766

better than fuel cafe, not quite as good as breakfast stout, but few beers are

Off the top of my head, probably the 3rd best coffee stout I have had after Breakfast Stout, and Tyranena's Devil made me do it

>> No.4205768

>i also have CW's bourbon barrel cherry stout right now
I had that last year, and didn't like it at all

but i really liked New Glarus's cherry stout released last year

>> No.4205773


Yeah that's a bonus. Ah I've never visited Hopscotch, but I have heard about it. If you're ever in Wellington, make a trip to Hashigo Zake, one of the best beer bars I've ever been to.

>> No.4205780

What I meant was this:


These were the bottles that I thought tasted so much better, and now I see it is in part due to lesser ABV.

The 12% percent stuff just tastes like it still should have the caffine...or now that its gimick it is just not good.

>> No.4205791

I've really been digging Sierra Nevada's Narwhal lately in this cold weather. Bell's Two Hearted Ale is a favorite of mine as well.

>> No.4205806

Budweiser Budvar, Staropramen, Birra Moretti.

Those are some of my favourites.

>> No.4205849

Hurricane is alright I guess. My go to cheap Malt is Earthquake though. It tastes like death, but it's also 12 percent booze.

I would also interject that my favorite alternative to regular ol Steel Reserve is Steel Reserve Black Label. You can only really get it at a couple of service stations in the town I live though. It is not to be had at grocery stores.

If I want something GOOD I get stout. The only stout I can normally find without driving two hours is Guinness though.

>> No.4205916

Wisconsinites are always around in beer threads.

They will never know the glory. Don't listen to them brothers.

>> No.4206055

I'll keep that in mind thanks - was just down there for Christmas and heard about the Gasworks in Mirimar so I popped in and was massively dissapointed. Hopscotch is always worth the visit though - they have amazing overproof rum and aged whisky as well.

>> No.4206076

All we do is beer. No one can have fun without beer. If you try to have fun without beer (or worse, alone) people look at you like you're a freak.

> tell someone who asks where my friends are at a concert that I came here alone
> 'Oh...... drinking alone, huh?' with a grin (he was probs a bit sloshed)
> 'Nah, just here by myself having fun'
> stops and stares at me for a full minute before moving away
> see him talking to his friends a few moments later, says something and glances at me
> they all laugh

It's cool I'm just trying to cope with life without mind altering substances....... as for beers, I like a nice dark beer. They had a beer infused with coffee and a Swedish Ale that was excellent at a nearby brewery.... we do have lots of delicious breweries.

If I do drink in a bar I get MGD.

>> No.4206091

>Good beer is overpriced because there is less market for good beer
You really don't have any idea of what you're talking about. Yes, please stick to scotch/whiskey.

>> No.4206092

I can't imagine doing anything social that doesn't involve beer.

I used to like MGD because it's the same recipe as high life but not carbonated. Now I drink High Life when out and about or Miller 64 at home because I'm a big fat faggot.

>> No.4206104

Dogfish Head releases a 18-22% abv IPA only on taps, so keep your eyes peeled on that one if you like stronger beers (called 120 Minute IPA).

Also, I think the highest abv "beer" atm is made by Brewdog from Scotland (Sink The Bismarck!) coming in at 41% Good luck getting your hands on it if you live anywhere outside of Scotland, shit's $150, mainly with the massive shipping cost.

>> No.4206123
File: 331 KB, 1058x1567, dogfish 120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only on tap

only shitty thing about this is it's like $12 a bottle at the stores I can find it at

>> No.4206126


how is it "beer" if it's 41% abv?

once you get into distillation it seems to me another designation needs to be used.

>> No.4206129

I love Wisconsin's drinking culture

I can't imagine how bad it would be to live in the south where baptists think drinking is a sin or something

>> No.4206130

well that's the thing, it's not distilled, it's just brewed several times

>> No.4206137


using what magical super yeasts? monsanto terminator yeast that thrives on pain?

>> No.4206141

well, I live in the west coast, so I haven't seen it bottled.
But yea, I had one of those without seeing the abv on an empty stomach. My light-weight ass was fucked early.

>> No.4206146

Apparently, they used the Eisbock technique and froze the water out 4 times. But yea, at that point, its a malt beverage.

>> No.4206149

>As explained in a cheeky video on the company's website (warning: the clip contains simulated penguin sex), the brewery was able to attain the high alcohol content by freezing the beer at a local ice cream factory, at temperatures as low as -6°C (21°F), for 21 days. Alcohol freezes at lower temperatures than water, and removing water from the solution increased the alcohol concentration.

>> No.4206150

I recently learned some areas in Texas barely have places that sell beer/liquor, like you're better off making moonshine in your house.

Blew my mind.

>> No.4206152


freeze distillation is still distillation.

>> No.4206153

Where I was in Texas they had drive through liquor barns!

>> No.4206172


There are places in Texas like both of these comments. I live in South Texas, which is apparently a very different atmosphere. I've been to Houston, Austin, Dallas, ...etc. and well it's not so different around. I guess you just went to a "dry county" and those are becoming less and less common as far as I've seen.

>> No.4206178

I was in rural ass West Texas where they had these liquor barns.

But anyways, the thought of any dry county anywhere is horrifying to us as even the most desolate of towns will at least have a bar. There are unincorporated towns with 3 houses that have a bar.

>> No.4206186

up here we have bars that don't even have towns near them

it will be just some rural intersection in the middle of nowhere and have 2 bars at it

>> No.4206191
File: 256 KB, 600x541, bar density trulia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4206192

My pal and his gf from Wisconsin moved down there, they definitely live in a dry county, had to drive an hour and a half to get to a liquor store.

And the guy's a hardcore alcoholic so I don't know how he's coping.

>> No.4206194

why would they do that?!

>> No.4206292

I don't think the producers nor consumers care

>> No.4206313
File: 42 KB, 735x543, 1359371852884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old Rasputin stout.

>> No.4206316

Surely by that point the solids fall out of solution?

>> No.4206322

I would guess most of the flavorful compounds are just as soluble in ethanol as they are in water

>> No.4206354

sugars are WAY less soluble in alcohol

>> No.4206363

the sugar is fermented into alcohol, so there should be very little sugar left

>> No.4206405


This reminds me of a time I went to this tiny little Russian vodka bar run by some ancient woman and her teenage grandson.

I ordered Putinka and she started screaming at me until we left.

Getting thrown out of a place has never been as entertaining.

>> No.4206410

>Not at least asking for Russian Standard

>> No.4206432
File: 100 KB, 500x666, fullers-esb-glass-closeup-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuller's ESB

I rarely buy it because it is expensive and I try not to drink, but when I want something perfect. I go out of my way to acquire it.

>> No.4206442


I know right? It tastes exactly like a Budweiser or some kind of Miller offering. It just isn't good.

>> No.4206444


I love their Steam Beer. Its all I've had of theirs, but that alone is proof that nearly everything they make will be amazing.

>> No.4206452


Honestly I was just getting it because Putin.

It was only one shot too for novelty purposes, afterwards I would've tried a selection of their best but oh well.

>> No.4206453


Holy shit, gimme a brofist nigga. They got this stuff at the little local grocery store by my house. Fucking expensive for a four pack of bottles though.

>> No.4206463

Considering a good 1/5th of the pop at least things he rigged elections, he isn't a safe bet for a tourist.

>> No.4206466

MFW Italian 'beer' kicks off thread that acts as plebe magnet

Golden responses.

No really, keep 'em coming

>> No.4206471
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I cant believe Krombacher hasn't been mentioned yet

>> No.4206517
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what my beer fridge is stocked with right now.

>> No.4206543
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>7 nice beers

>> No.4206558

>dat forearm

i'm always impressed with the bodies of athletes

>> No.4206573

lol i agree. but i live in a dry community where i can drive to a liquor store only 6 months out of the year and its 350kms away. all they stock for beer is Grolsch, Guinness, Sapporo, Newcastle and a bunch american/canadian glorified cat piss. i buy the Grolsch cause i keep the bottles and i want to use them to bottle my own beer in the near future.

>> No.4206600
File: 72 KB, 530x1366, desperados-435386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit

>> No.4206611

Funny enough, they had a race with a german guy, and the german guy one!

>> No.4206625

>i can drive to a liquor store only 6 months out of the year and its 350kms away
>350kms away

Where the hell do you live?

>> No.4206673
File: 41 KB, 457x600, Stoertebeker-Schatzkiste-6x0,5l_diagonal_freigestellt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German Beer!

>> No.4206713
File: 30 KB, 600x600, MON DIEU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had this shit in paris a few weeks ago.

Fucking great.

>> No.4206734


>> No.4206791

I'm 24 and i don't ever drink beer. What should i start with?

>> No.4206795


>> No.4206833
File: 30 KB, 336x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy this. I also loved San Miguel when I stayed in Alicante for a few months.

>> No.4206963

can't stand that stuff
My friends all fucking love it, but it tastes like ass.

>> No.4206978

Belgian here, I fucking love Palm. Together with Duvel, they are the best Belgian beers hands down. I also enjoy a nice pint of San Miguel and Corona.

>> No.4206979

any craft brew

macrobrews are dogshit but if you reaaaaaally want you can start with swill like sam adams or sierra nevada, sierra nevada being the better choice
then go to a store with a beer selection bigger than two refrigerators full of pabst and just start picking them off the shelves

>> No.4207017
File: 176 KB, 1024x907, blacksheepale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink this every time I can get it. Unfortunately it's extremely hard to get. There's literally two pubs I know of where I can get it, and boy is it good.

UK btw.

>> No.4207031


Sierra Nevada is not swill

but you're probably in the stage where you can't recognize that

>> No.4207094

For a job. They have the same major and he just graduated, but she's the one who got offered a job. She's not a big drinker anyways and really, no matter what the guy has said, I know she has him by the balls and he likes it.

>> No.4207126


Palm was my first entry into more complex beers. Whenever I'm in town for food and drink I usually order a Palm.

>> No.4207134

>Drinking pepperoni flavored beer

>> No.4207203

About to settle down for a fabulous evening in with some excellent stout from my local brewers.

What snacks should I buy before the shops close? Preferably something relatively healthy, yet salty.

>> No.4207225
File: 344 KB, 1045x1386, back-in-black-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black ipa motherfuckerssssss

>> No.4207227


Lol. I bet this guy thinks Weihenstephaner is bad just because it's popular in Germany, and Samuel Smith's is bad because it's popular in Britain.

Oh, and what about Stone? Are they just so popular you can't stand to let yourself like them anymore? Boo fucking hoo.

>> No.4207255
File: 128 KB, 239x312, i_only_drink_IPA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Neckbeers need a way to feel superior, but even the most expensive beer is still quite inexpensive, and the most rare and exotic beer can be recreated by anyone with a homebrew catalog. So in order to create a much desired sense of exclusivity where, by definition, it cannot naturally exist,they fabricate distinctions like muh seasonal availability and muh growler only.

And now you know.

>> No.4207261
File: 8 KB, 177x284, priklypear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've garnered a liking for Shiner Prickly Pear

>> No.4207262

I fucking love that shit. Dem family packs

>> No.4207267

Hell yeah. If we're having a get together, a 12 pack of Shiners and a Shiner Family Reunion are must haves.

>> No.4207278
File: 262 KB, 330x485, zzzpaleale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think OP's choice is mighty fine, too.

>> No.4207292

Kwak is my favorite beer.

I'm not sure on ales though. They are a good kind of sameness. I'd probably go with Jenning's Cumberland Ale purely because it's my 'home' (it's fucking huge) brewery.

Ciders I actually like the supermarket own brand near me which comes in 2.5L bottles. I'm strange.

>> No.4207295


>21st Amendment

I'm jelly man. I live in indiana and can't get that stuff out here. How's the Hell or High Watermelon?

>> No.4207304


Americans don't really do drinking do they? If that was a British map it would be solid dark red. There is a fucking pub in every village.

>> No.4207312


>YFW every fucking supermarket has that on the shelf.

>> No.4207316

Most people drink at home or in restaurants.

>> No.4207585

Just be straight with us. You drank a bunch of beer by yourself. Alone. Like you always are.

>> No.4207592

That's not even remotely true.

>> No.4207598

You live in a country the size of one of our states. There is no comparison.

>> No.4207606

Do you not understand the "Per 10,000 households" bit? Seriously, how is there no comparison?

>> No.4207616

Because there are pussy states where people don't drink and real states where people love to get fucked up.

>> No.4207653
File: 39 KB, 300x300, Franziskarner_Dunkel_Weissbier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like darker beers, recently I've been enjoying the Dunkels, in particular , this one. The Franziskaner Dunkel Weissbier

>> No.4207681

Running a bar is a lot more feasible in densely populated areas.

>> No.4207689

efes pilsen masterrace reporting in

>> No.4207714

Learn how to population density. The U.S. is huge, and statistically it doesn't have a large population per square mile. You'll have at least one bar in or around every small population center, but in between a lot of these population centers (especially here in Texas) there will be 20-30 miles of just wilderness or farmland.

>> No.4207723
File: 145 KB, 1056x816, bars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically southerners have shitty drinking culture, but northerners drink a shit ton

>> No.4207727

I like how the tristate area looks like a bunch of nukes went off on it

>> No.4207731
File: 385 KB, 550x392, bars_groceries.3as6o3htr4mckskg0k4w4gwos.hcjovh1zwfksw0kw4skcow8g.th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there it is more a result of massive population

the Chicago-Milwaukee stretch is the real power house

>> No.4207735


either troll or retard. possibly both

>> No.4207770
File: 211 KB, 450x638, weihenstephaner-hefe-weissbier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orkney Dark Island
This stuff

But they're all pretty expensive so my regular tipple is Tennents lager.

>> No.4207773

only, he's right.
there are some good italian beers, like Del Borgo, but Peroni? you're better off with imported discount beer.
you just don't put fucking CORN in beer.

>> No.4207775

most idiotic thing ive ever heard

>> No.4207787
File: 75 KB, 886x643, ChurchBodies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most idiotic thing ive ever heard
What do you mean?

The main cultural difference is the majorit of southeners have super religious and baptsist.

Evangelicals (like baptists) frown upon drinking, there is a social stigma against drinking in much of the south.

Southerners are mostly descended from puritanical british people

Meanwhile in the north everyone is descended from germans and irish, and mostly catholic or Lutheran, cultures and religions that are completely ok with alcohol

>> No.4207788

people still get shitfaced on the daily here

>> No.4207790
File: 282 KB, 368x511, krom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they've recently brought it to my area. fucking fantastic beer. drinkable as fuck.

worked for the distributor at a beer fest, best festival of the year. me an' the rep sat at the back of the show drinking most of the kegs bullshitting about beer.

>> No.4207793
File: 194 KB, 651x492, brfss_alcohol-consumption.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some people do, but a much smaller percent of the population drinks in the south

I can't even comprehend how there are entire states, let alone most of the south, where less than half of adults drink in a month

>> No.4207915

Shiner Bock from Texas.

>> No.4207941
File: 20 KB, 280x310, flensburger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4208000
File: 7 KB, 183x275, LostAbbey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is the best beer I've ever tried. The Angel's Share by Lost Abbey (bourbon barrel aged version). Perfect if you like big, boozey, complex barleywines. Wish I could try the version aged in brandy barrels with cabernet grapes.


Second favorite is probably New Glarus Cran-bic.

>> No.4208443

>going 30 days without a drink


this picture always bring a single tear of joy to my eye

>> No.4208447
File: 91 KB, 500x346, brewery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beer from this place in Fredericksburg, Texas. If it didn't contain alcohol, I would still drink it.

>> No.4208645

fuck off with your german beers

they're shit nowadays

>> No.4208647


>> No.4208676

/ck/ I am a beer newfag. Until recently I'd only tried shit tier pisswater like bud and as expected I hated it. Recently I discovered that I enjoy Guinness draught, but I don't know where to go from there. People here have told me that Guinness is low tier compared to other stuff I could get, so tell me what's good to try based on what I've said here? What do I look for/what brands should I try?

>> No.4208682

Just try anything and everything you can. Make a mental note of the styles and breweries that you particularly enjoy. Then try more and more. Even shit tier beers, try those too. Soon enough it will all make sense.

>> No.4208694

But I am so poor :I

>> No.4208703

where do you live?

>> No.4208706

Southern Virginia

>> No.4209251

find out what you like

then don't drink, dumbass