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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 103 KB, 616x462, EA1304_Spaghetti-and-Meat-Sauce_s4x3_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4202673 No.4202673 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have an appreciation thread for poor people food.

>> No.4202680

...if thats poor people food, I sure as hell don't wanna be rich. :)

>> No.4202690


Every single fucking thread is dedicated to fast food enthusiasts, poor college students, what condiment/tool/food/temperature is the best, and meta-threads.

Why not have a thread dedicated to real food?

>> No.4202711


We had a guy try to start a michelin star thread last night. I replied but it died about 3 hours ago with only the one response.

Also anything involving that much meat is not poor people food.

>> No.4202714

That's what I just ate.
80/20 ground beef is pretty cheap.

>> No.4202718

noodles way too fucking fat.
Would not bang
since I am rich I only eat angle hair

>> No.4202724


>> No.4202738

In all seriousness though, angel hair spagetti is mega delicious

>> No.4202750

>Appreciation for poor people food.

So... Rice and beans thread?

>> No.4202759

And lentils of course

>> No.4202765
File: 1.17 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Fucking seriously. 18 fucking threads a day.

>im in college getting tired of ramen

>i have 30 bucks a week in my budget for food. What do?

>i just bought this salmon with food stamp, how cook?
This board is shit.

Pic related though...

My fucking red beans. Fucking nectar of the gods. Not poor people food.. Just happens to be cheap.

>> No.4202766

and soups, pastas

>> No.4202843
File: 870 KB, 1000x1000, Poor porridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is poorest of the poor.

It stretches rice itself. Fuck your rice and beans
This is homeless tier

>> No.4202857

nice try but rousong hasn't been cheap since your grandma lost her cherry.

>> No.4202856

What the fuck is that

>> No.4202873


I made 14 gallons of the stuff a wek ago for 3 fiddy

>> No.4202876

>implying I didn't just find a random picture off the web
>implying I don't eat my porridge with just salt

>> No.4202879


It's scum like you that make it so hard to find nice thick spaghetti at the grocerymart. Human filth like yourself keep demanding thinner.

You've got goddamn angel hair, but that's not enough, is it? No, you demand THIN spaghetti in addition to the regular stuff. Setting aside for a moment the fact that the regular spaghetti is already pretty gangly, in what consumer faux-utopia do we need a pasta gauge between regular and angel hair? Are you assembling a jeweler's kit assortment of spaghetti diameters?

You can eat your thin spaghetti in hell. I will fight for equal shelf space for thick spaghetti. I will fight until I die, and my children's children will continue the struggle. They will climb a mountain of our bones to plant the thick spaghetti victory flag.

>> No.4202888

Fuck yo thick spaghetti. If I want spaghetti I want thin as possible. If I want thick, I'll buy shaped.

>> No.4202892

A great poor mans recipe

Boil any kind of pasta

Put in soy sauce and some kind of oil and mix it

The best possible meal you can get for probably around the cost of $1.50

>> No.4202905

I prefer penne pasta.

>> No.4202906

Coaxed into a snafu

>> No.4202911
File: 20 KB, 222x240, polenta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polenta, the ultimate poor Italian food.

>> No.4202913

I like stelline

>> No.4202934


I don't give a fuck. That's my comfort food right there.

Some minced pork, century egg, sliced scallions, white pepper, and a little ginger? With a couple of chinese fried breadsticks - youtiao? God damn I'm chinking out.

>> No.4203427


How do I make my congee with this kind of sticky, thick consistency? The only thing I can think of is to switch to short grain rice but that doesn't seem like the right approach as the Chinese usually use medium grain.

>> No.4203432

That probably costs about 20c.