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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4199741 No.4199741 [Reply] [Original]

kinda plebe but not too bad

>> No.4199766

not into wheat beers. it is babbys first "craft brew" my mom goes nuts over it for example

>> No.4199773

>being a snob about beer

Are you a snob about ketchup too?

>> No.4199777

not a great beer but a good one and its everywhere. I'll drink them out of convenience and lack of a better option.

>> No.4199784

It would be better without the orange, if they wanted to make Belgian style beer they might as well go full lambic.

>> No.4199788

yes i am and i do not appreciate you making presuppositions about me

>> No.4199804
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>ever brewing a quality lambic

>> No.4199811


Are there thousands of microketchuperies putting out top-quality product and demonstrating creativity and ingenuity in a millenniums-old art? And are they juxtaposed by corporate ketchup barons who make a far inferior product and only answer to their shareholders?

Then I can't imagine how one could ever be a ketchup snob.

I can't imagine how anyone could then...

>> No.4199841

Yeah, your pic is pretty much what I thought too lol

>> No.4199843

I frequent a restaurant that has a ketchup sommelier. Just saying.

>> No.4199847

I enjoy a gourmet hamburger food truck that makes their own ketchup. I'm no big fan of ketchup but if you get the good stuff it can actually be good on fries.

>> No.4199874


it's a pretty mediocre beer bro

>> No.4199877

what's the best flavor of four loko?

>> No.4199880

Red or blue

>> No.4199881


>beer thread where people are talking about plebe beer
>ask about 4loko

All of my what.

(And watermelon...)

>> No.4199884
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>> No.4199969

this might be the thread to ask in...

im going to Vegas via LA in just under 2 months. im an Ausfag, so i really have no idea which American beers are good. well, obviously I know to avoid Bud and Coors and whatnot.

anyway, any good beers that would be available in any old corner shop in LA? have to stock up when we leave LAX driving to Vegas town.

>> No.4199978

theres this shit called Milwaukee's Best

not too expensive and it's considered pretty high end

>> No.4199985

No, Blue Moon is not bad. Decently priced mid to slightly above mid tier beer.
but until that insufferable Lumineers song goes all the way away I will not fucking drink it.

>> No.4200005


Don't listen to this troll.

Try some Fat Tire to start. Then maybe some kind of American IPA or stout.

>> No.4200007

yeah, it confused me a little, from what i knew Milwaukee's Best was on par with Bud, Coors, Miller and all that other piss.

when he said it was considered high end that kind of gave it away.

the real problem is i know what to avoid, but apart from Blue Moon which /ck/ usually says is quite good, i havent heard of any others. Ill keep Fat Tire in mind. would it be available in any old LA liquor stop though?

>> No.4200021

problem is most of the craft murka stuff that is really good isn't regularly stocked at a lot of places
blue moon is even spotty
fat tire is a good suggestion, since you will see that at most gas stations
usually sam adams crap is the high end of corner store/gas station selections
I suggest finding a liquor store, and checking in with whoever works there

>> No.4200155
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I'm rather fond of this

>> No.4200171

True. If you want a good selections you have to go to a specialty place like total wine and more or bevmo. At grocery stores fat tire and blue moon are the best you're going to get, and it's often overpriced, like >$16 for a 12 pack. Thats because most americans would rather spend $14 and get like 24 budweisers.

I buy my beer most of the time at rite-aid. They'll at least carry Stella, fat tire, heineken and stuff and they always have something good on sale.

>> No.4200172


I really like the stuff. Fuck all the haters.

>> No.4200177

yeah we won't have much time to drive around LA looking for a speciality store. espeically since we have no idea where we are going anyway.

ill keep an eye out for those.

id rather get something american that i cant get here, rather than heineken or other euro beers than i are widely available in my country.

>> No.4200190
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>TFW my beer store put red, white and blue label Chimay in the bargain bin mix 6 for $6.

>> No.4200203

Damn I would have bought the lot.

>> No.4200218

Some good California breweries whose beer you can find pretty easily are Stone, Lagunitas, Firestone Walker, Sierra Nevada, Ballast Point, The Bruery, and Alesmith.

>> No.4200224

I was just in Vegas.

Their beer selection is fuckall terrible. It's for tourists who want their macrobrew Heineken, Miller, Bud, and Coors. I was happy to get a Michelob Lager after having to survive on coors light and stella.

I'm no expert at California brews, though. I'm sure you can find a build-your-own-6-pack of craft beers and try a few out.

Come up to Wisconsin some time, we are pretty much the Beer capitol of the U.S. and have a few beers that don't get shipped anywhere else but Wisconsin.

>> No.4200231

Dan Murphys in Australia has a few of these beers.
Sierra Nevada IPA is pretty good but it's not for everyone.

>> No.4200235

What's a widely-accessible, good pale lager similar to Stella Artois, but doesn't have that Anheuser-Busch pisswater aftertaste?

>> No.4200248

There's a bar in Vegas about 20 minutes from the strip that's called Aces & Ales. I haven't been there but the beer selection on their website looks pretty good.

>> No.4200261

ah thanks man

like someone else said, dan murphy's liquor stores here in ausfaglia carry Sierra Nevada, a few of their varieties too, we even have a aus region only variety of theres too i think.

i love it, best pale ale ive ever had, i think. ive been drinking it for about the past 2 months though, so im keen to try other breweries from the region. thanks for the list!

>> No.4200274

Unfortunately for me, I was on the strip and didn't have a car.

My options (that weren't $5 a bottle) were Gamling Bills, and the local bar/liquor store about a half block behind it.

I asked what a good local craft beers they had at a restaurant, and my waitress said sierra nevada pale ale...

>> No.4200275
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Stella Artois

>> No.4200279
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Are these any good?

>> No.4200283

i agree with you, but sometimes a bud light hits da muthafuckin spot

>> No.4200286

They're blue moon ripoffs that aren't really as good.

>> No.4200290
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my buddy works for a craft beer distributor and always has a shitload of beer ( broken cases, samples, ect)
>go to his house for after hours
> refrigerator, open your doors and reveal your secrets to me
>loaded with bombers of Runation

>all that citrus/grapefruit
>all that 8% beer
so fucking drunk that night

>> No.4200301

thanks for the tip man, ill remember the name. imsure ill visit it at least once or twice.

>> No.4200300

yes, I would also highly suggest the Raspberry Wheat.

>> No.4200302
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you're all fucking plebs

>> No.4200318

No problem. Pretty much all the breweries I listed have great pale ales. You shouldn't have too hard a time finding a beer that you like. And if you like Sierra Nevada, Ruthless Rye IPA is one of their seasonals that's out right now. It's pretty good.

>> No.4200321

edgy much?

>> No.4200325

not even that other guy, but no shit, stella is for wannabe faggots who like to think they are drinking exclusive classy shit.

in reality it is rubbish beer.

>> No.4200371

When did it even get seen as exclusive and classy they've been calling it wife beater up north since I can remember.

>> No.4200498

because its "imported" and has a fancy pants name yo

>> No.4200513

A friend of mine was tellling me how Blue Moon and Shocktop are not beers for woman, I agreed. think about it, think about the girls you know who drink that can only drink these two beers now

>> No.4200547


I don't really know anyone who buys into that whole "your gender and sexual orientation dictate what you can drink" crap that I see on /ck/. It was kind of a thing when I lived in the rural midwest but those kind of people are also the kind of people who think that sushi is weird.

>> No.4201575
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My current fave.

>> No.4201593

I just picked up a 6 pack of this. It's pretty good, but I won't buy it again. 18$ is a ridiculous price for a six pack.

>> No.4201958
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I like this one more.

>> No.4201970

the fuck do you think I asked the question to begin with?

>> No.4201976

beer is plebeian, and beer snobs more so.

look at that fucking label, gross

>> No.4201980

>beer is plebeian, and beer snobs more so.
that's the most pleb thing I've heard today. kid probably thinks all beers are bud light, and red wine is god-tier.

>> No.4201984
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>if you don't like beer it's because you haven't had hop bomb the younger

look at all this anal devastation

>> No.4201997

This. I haven't heard it since I left my small, conservative town of like 5,000 people.

>> No.4202006
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This does exactly what Blue Moon is trying to do but better, most beer distributors carry it as well. If you're going to drink Belgian farmer poorfag beer, do it the authentic way.

>> No.4202016

hoegaarden is good and ommegang is even better but if your local grocer/liquor store doesn't carry it it's not worth tracking down. plus always drinking microbrews or even semi-obscure beers is just kinda unchill.

>> No.4202057

I will never understand people's love towards these light belgian/light lager beers.

way too light and tasteless for me

>> No.4202061

>at the store
>see a Three Floyds Behemoth Barelywine

lel fuck that

>> No.4203430

Why would drinking something you enjoy ever be unchill?

>> No.4203481

meh, blue moon was my first step away from bud, pbr, millers, etc.
Easy drinking, but there are some cheap/same-price germen wheat beers that have more flavor than blue moon if you're ever interested.

>> No.4203492

>plus always drinking microbrews or even semi-obscure beers is just kinda unchill.
Look, sure, sometimes the beer snobs like to flaunt their shit around and act like snobs, but for the most part, craftbrews are really a lot more tasteful. You don't even need to break the bank much, hell, sam adams or fat tire are usually cheap if you want something other than bud.

>> No.4203513

in terms of West coast beers (some are widely distributed, I know) to look out for;

Stone Brewery - hop-centric
Firestone Walker - delicious oatmeal stout
Deschutes - reliably good beers
Lagunitas - unique malty profile
21st Amendment - good canned beers
Green Flash - very well bodied beers
North Coast - Old Rasputin for a good stout
Port Brewing - Their stout and Mongo IPA are great
Ballast Point - A very tropical IPA (Scuplin)
Russian River Brewery - good luck finding these guys, but they have amazing sours and a much sought after IPA. A bit pricey for their sours.

I am sure there's a billion more, but that's all I can skim off the top of my head that's available in California

>> No.4203557

I should point out I meant up north in the UK stella artois is famously shit, and is considered the go to drink of the misogynist.

>> No.4204121

>not drinking smooth indian lager

>> No.4204133
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>the go to drink of the misogynist

Why didn't anyone tell me this? brb getting a 24 pack of Stella.

>> No.4204141


I have to be careful with the hopslam, its so damned good and at 10% the night can end quickly. If it wasn't close to $20 a six pack, I'd have to take the month off. Bell's is awesome in general, so is my other Michigan favorite, North Peak.

I'm in Columbus Ohio which completely spoils any beer lover. I have 5 microbreweries within 3 miles of here, god knows how many within 25 miles, and statewide... Don't even want to think about counting that.

>> No.4204147

Shocktop's end of the world beer is pretty kick ass

>> No.4204251


>drinking lagers

>> No.4204268
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have you had kingfisher strong 8%

>> No.4204306
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on my way to the rushing river brewery to get me some pliny th e younger. you used to be able to get growlers of th stuff but now you can only get one pint because word got out a few years ago and ruined myb favorite brewery.

>> No.4204325


fuck you're lucky

>> No.4204343

I live in santa rosa so I used to go there all the time but after they got so popular it way sucks. there food is horrifying and you can never get a seat. you always get stuck sholder to sholder fighting with college kids to get the bartenders attention. now I really only go there to fill my growlers and drink at home. the beer is really fucking good

>> No.4204568

If you're short on time and worried about getting lost then I recommend you DON'T go looking for some ghetto liquor store around LAX. Just get on the 405 South, exit Hawthorne Blvd and make a right. A little past Artesia Blvd on your right is Total Wine. Stock up with mass amounts of craft beer, then head back the way you came. Easy.

Shame you're not spending more time here though. There are some great bars/breweries around.