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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.25 MB, 3264x2448, 20130131_114228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4198275 No.4198275 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4198280

yfw prison food in some european countries is better than school food in the us
people are trading in their souls for money

>> No.4198283

neverseconds blogspot co uk

if you're interested in school lunch comparison around the world

>> No.4198299


Even better.. people are trading their future health for money... and their future health is going to cost them much more than the money they are saving now.

>> No.4198303
File: 532 KB, 2000x1200, School-food-vs-prison-food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prison food in the US is better than school food in the US.

>> No.4198307

Meh, if you're dumb enough to let the schools look out for your kid's nutritional needs instead of taking care of it yourself you only have yourself to blame.
inb4 that crying jamie oliver bitch

>> No.4198310

That's why I always went for the Domino's pizza and Subway subs my high school would sell.
My school made pretty good fried chicken though

>> No.4198312

>implying that's any healthier

>> No.4198314

As an european it makes me sad when most kids nowadays want pizza'n burgers and shit like in the america, i used to serve and make school food during my practical training course on catering school on a school that had kids from ages 7-13. It was disqusting how many people had candy and chocolate bars as snack during breaks while barely even touching the food we served.
The food we made wasnt even bad or overly salty or anything, kids and parents these days...

>> No.4198316

My school didn't even have a cafeteria. I made my own lunch every night for the next day.

>> No.4198325

>children preferring candy and chocolate to real food

>> No.4198329

It's not completely stupid. Candy and chocolate have sugar in them which in moderation is good for the brain.

>> No.4198330

No shit it isn't, ya goober.

>> No.4198334

I don't think his point was that kids prefer it, it's that parents/school officials are allowing candy as a snack rather than something that's more nutritious.

>> No.4198338

that's true yeah, of course not all of the kids preferred candy'n stuff over school food or atleast they didnt bring it to school and ate the food we served.
But the amount of kids bringing snacks to school and eating them instead of food is 10times higher than it was 10years ago or so. Also more obese kids thesedays, i blame the parents. fucking "free raising" these days, cant even force the kids to eat before their parents come yelling how our little Bob can eat whatever the fuck he wants.

That wasnt really common in there when i was a kid in the 90s, most kids had regular candyday once a week usually on saturdays when they got few coins to buy bar of candy or something and that seemed to be enough for most of the kids. atleast to the ones on my friend circle.

>> No.4198339

Kids have been eating candy and other shit in schools since the beginning of time. It's not the end of the world.

>> No.4200229

My mom never let me eat school lunches apart from tuesdays due to the delicious creamed spinach and smiley face potatoes my school served up at the time.

I had a relatively large tupperware that was filled with things like rice, spaghetti, sandwiches and a variety of vegetables and meat.

>> No.4200250
File: 32 KB, 400x300, chicken nugget day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That "white" gravy on chicken nugget day was god-tier. It wasn't white so much as it was an incandescent yellow, and the mashed potatoes tasted like cardboard, but still. Fucking delicious.

>> No.4200297

Best grade school foods I can remember:
>BBQ boneless rib sandwiches
>PB&J graham cracker sandwiches
>breakfast corndogs (sausages wrapped in pancake)

The worst:
>soggy mixed vegetables breaded like fish sticks

>> No.4200305

school lunches ruined pizza for me because they served it every day. for years. i don't understand how people get nostalgic about those rectangular french bread pizzas, i think i'd get nauseated just by looking at one.
that being said the jamie oliver-esque paternalists hovering over school food are a nuisance at best and utter scum at worst

>> No.4200312

>soggy mixed vegetables breaded like fish sticks
Maybe I'm just hungry, but that sounds delicious.

>> No.4200326

I always remember eating those shitty pizzas and dipping them in the ranch sauce they'd give for carrots. Tasty enough.

Though back then I remember all of us just being so fucking hungry we'd eat anything. Poor inner city with school wide free lunch so it wasn't like anyone but that one poor white dude had food from home. Teenagers and everyone is growing and hungry all the time so we'd all go back and beg for seconds no matter how shitty.

>> No.4200387 [DELETED] 

i fuckin loved chicken sandwhiches at lunch time. i never even paid. i would would eat off other peoples plates or wait til everyone got food then go take several. with ranch dressing and the lunch salad greens on it. dear god i got fat

>> No.4200395

I just so happen to love the school lunches. I don't see what the problem is.

>> No.4202636


interesting piece i read yesterday

>> No.4202644

eating candy and sugar coated shit as a replacement for meals is dumb. stop being fucking retarded.

>> No.4202645



Fuck off libtard

>> No.4202653


>> No.4202681

Last time I had school cafeteria food was 1990 in middleschool. Didn't even use the cafeteria during highschool. I have literally no idea what the food has been like for the last 2 decades.
I could ask my nieces and nephews.

>> No.4202697

ahhh shit!! That was my favorite lunch.

I always dipped the nuggets in the mashed potatoes and made sure to get some gravy in that bite too.

>> No.4202701
File: 168 KB, 640x458, 11-19-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaw yeah, pizza day!!

>> No.4202708

I remember we used to have a beef stew day
with a stick of chedder and a cinnamon roll.

I really loved that combination and I miss it.

>> No.4202743

Being from Canada, I was surprised as fuck when I heard that American Grade Schools had actual cafeterias that served. Every grade school in my city just had kids bring their own lunch, and once a month there was a luncheon day where you could buy some special food thing. I didn't see a cafeteria till I hit high school.

>> No.4202753

at my middle school we had two separate lunch lines. the main lunch line served all your regular lunch and crap. the other one served an alternative menu that cycled every week. I usually got the french bread pizza with a smuckers uncrutables and water.

Also there was the student store that also sold cup of noodles, a variety of fruit drinks, and some plain snacks.

>> No.4202762

Friday was pizza day, the best day of the week

>> No.4202764

I also went wtf when I found out that they had middle school. We just had K-8 Elementary School and 9-12(was 13 before) High School

>> No.4202769

I went to catholic school for a little time as a kid, and we had taco bell, and papa ginos pizza, american school lunches aren't all that bad.

>> No.4202772

I grew up in a pretty affluent area of NY right near some pretty poor-ass places, so when the baby boom hit and they needed new elementary schools in the early 60s, they purposely built them without cafeterias so they wouldn't be required to bus the little poor black kids into our rich, white Jewtalian community.

We ate lunch in the auditorium or secondary gym, depending on the grade.

>> No.4202776

All the kids would line up super early just to eat.

>> No.4202870
File: 22 KB, 320x214, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys know nothing can beat these.

>> No.4202889
File: 194 KB, 800x600, 6a00e54ee632ab883300e54fabe0048833-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember the chicken sandwiches they served! Wow, the best.

>> No.4202897


Those breakfast corndogs were my favorites.

With the syrup. I don't eat meat anymore but I can still remember the taste of them and miss it.

>> No.4202954

I can't speak for any state but florida... prison food is NOWHERE near school food.. they fucking fight over the RARE meat that they get.. Many of the prisoners will not even eat the state food and live off frozen stuff from the prison store.

>> No.4202961

Oh god, the memories. Everyone at school thought this was the shit and some kids would fight over it. I thought it tasted like cheap sauce and cheese on top of cardboard.

>> No.4202966

As bad as the pizza was, that was better than most of the food they served.

>> No.4202977
File: 6 KB, 261x193, pouchmilk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We didn't even get milk in cartons. It came in pouches in chocolate or regular flavor. Once or twice a year they would bring out the strawberry and everyone would go apeshit over it.
Also kids would take them out of the cafeteria and hide them under leaves with the straw punched in so you would step on them and fuck up your clothes.

>> No.4202984

Oh god. Are you sure that's actually milk and not something that's only pretending to be milk?

Wouldn't surprise me if it was cat milk or something, coming packaged like that.

>> No.4202991

Spot on for the school food though.
Fuck just about every day for the last four years had been the following lunch options for me:
Pizza/ More unattractive option B
1/2 cup of grapes/ Urine sample sized cup of lettuce.
Juice pouch/milk flavored water carton.

Oh yeah and the pizza was all reheated from the Friday before.

>> No.4202997

It tasted terrible and probably wasn't actually milk. It's been a long time (almost 20 years) but I think the taste was similar to evaporated milk.

>> No.4203001

I went to a prissy hippie school.
We only had "Cafeteria day" once a week. The rest of the week, we bring our own food.
Our school had a population of 200 students from 1st-12th grade, so it isn't that hard to cook for that few students once a week.

For recess we usually get half a cup of fruits and chocolate, vanilla or strawberry soy milk and we get to choose a triangle of a sandwhich; Tuna, Egg salad or Tomato Lettuce and Goat Cheese.

For lunch my favorite was, Vegetarian Lasagna, bread sticks, cup of fruits, steamed broccoli, home fries and iced tea.
Most of the food was Organic and Vegetarian, not a veg but damn, Best vegetarian food I've had.

We also get school breakfasts every morning during the winter. Soup and bread sticks, Mmm.

>> No.4203002

once a week prisoners get baked chicken.. this is the only REAL meat they get... and you'll catch a bunch of them trying to sneak it out of the mess hall... in their pockets, in their socks... anywhere they think they can get away with it.

>> No.4203006

Private I assume?

>> No.4203018

Pretty much the most private and exclusive school in my country.
Was a very big lot but there were only 200 students. My 12th grade class only had 7 students.

>> No.4203056
File: 2.14 MB, 3264x2448, Thanksgiving Lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS. is an actual picture of the Thanksgiving lunch at my son's primary school, that they invited all the parents to attend. I was simply horrified. So horrified, I had to take the picture. The gravy was yellow. YELLOW. It looked like pus.

>> No.4203067

Would it really cost THAT much more to buy real food and prepare it for the students, than just buying this frozen shit and throwing it into an oven? It's not like they'd have to hire legitimate trained chefs to do it. You don't need training to steam broccoli, mash potato, bake chicken, etc.

I ate crap like in the photos here while going to school, though, and it was terrible. When I first started High School the cafeteria wasn't too bad, they had a salad bar with fresh veggies on it, and a cooler filled with sub sandwiches, fruit cups and yogurt. By my sophomore year, it was gone.

>> No.4203071

I bet that didn't stop you from finishing it all

>> No.4203082

Actually, I just ate the turkey and the roll. The rest was pig disgusting. I positively hate canned green beans, and canned cranberry sauce, and IDK what that dessert was supposed to be, I think is was some sort of apple shit. The potatoes and pus gravy were a NO GO. We actually ended up going home and making a chef salad afterwards. Frankly, the roll was the only decent thing. Even the turkey was terrible, dry, crumbly shite.

>> No.4203093
File: 440 KB, 1656x1600, Food - School Lunches2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany's my favorite. It's a goddamn feast.

>> No.4203109
File: 192 KB, 620x471, American school lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile in the you nighted states

>> No.4203127
File: 22 KB, 500x375, 12931911894235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America lunch is best lunch.

>> No.4203150

Is this primary or secondary school lunch? Because my UK lunch looked nothing like that in secondary.

>> No.4203155

Looks like Alpo.

>> No.4203159

It all depends on which kind of school and if primary or secondary, though.
The Korean, Chinese and Japanese lunches were probably from private schools, the Philippine and Indian one from public.

I studied in Germany for some time and I know for a fact the school lunch wasn't like that.

>> No.4203160
File: 87 KB, 800x600, singapore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Singapore: doing it right.

>> No.4203163
File: 102 KB, 1500x1155, 1358808069860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that image
me gusta

>> No.4203166

Pretty sure that's a bento box from a Japanese restaurant.

>> No.4203176

I'd still take the Indian lunch over the US processed, pre-packaged, straight out the can shit I had. At least it looks like it was cooked and has some seasoning in it.

>> No.4203182
File: 148 KB, 500x375, lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should also know that the quality of school lunches in India spans the gamut; the one pictured here is pretty sparse IMO.
Here's a more typical find in school lunchrooms.

>> No.4203190
File: 567 KB, 1600x1067, Ethiopian student waits for lunch bell to ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]