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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 36 KB, 232x500, 51jLV9zMhUL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4198193 No.4198193 [Reply] [Original]

Do u know the "Japanese" mayo?
In japan, most people use to vegetable, pizza,sandwich and fried food.
When u heard this story, you probably would have thought very strange.
But Japanese mayo is very dense and delicious.
Just trust me and do it. You're sure to do it well.

>> No.4198195

saged and hidden

>> No.4198205

Why is a bottle in a plastic bag.

>> No.4198219

I think this is vinyl bag, not plastic bag.
The reason is because Japanese is extremely tidy...maybe.

>> No.4198221

The Japanese love their packaging.

>> No.4198224

japanese mayo has sugar and msg. Thats why it tastes superior.

>> No.4198243

japanese mayo is still disgusting. and it's double wrapped because japanese are autistic and need everything to waste a bunch of time with packaging

>> No.4198250

My grandfather killed dozens of slant-eyed needle dicks so I wouldn't have to eat shit like that.
I'll pass.

>> No.4198251

It ain't sour enough. Too bad.

>> No.4198255

i love people who see right through the japanese bullshit culture

>> No.4198256

I put it on curry all of the time. It's really nice.

>> No.4199210

Its way better than Hellman's cum.

>> No.4199215

Japanese mayo is like crack in a bottle

>> No.4199231

You mean they love to fuck up the world with plastic.

>> No.4199241

It's the same may we have here but they use rice vinegar instead of plain old white. I've never bought the stuff again after I learned that. Mayo is so simple to make there's no sense buying it.

>> No.4199263

>that anger

>> No.4199264


Kewpie (Q.P.) is the most popular brand of Japanese mayonnaise, advertised with a Kewpie doll logo. It is made with egg yolks instead of whole eggs, and the vinegar is a proprietary blend containing apple and malt vinegars.

>> No.4199282

Enlighten us anon. Kewpie dolls were an odd 1940s-1950s phenomenon. Is it just commercial surrealism to sell mayonaise?

And I can find this shit anywhere around me, and just on principal I refuse to mail order mayonaise.

Please help.


>> No.4199288
File: 30 KB, 500x334, 1358496454340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mail order mayonaise

>> No.4199289


try going to an asian food market if you have one. chinese markets almost always have a selection of japanese products also

don't think about the "why" of japanese marketing. just observe it and accept it

>> No.4199307

I know what it is. They sell they crap at Asian markets for like 6 bucks. Make it yourself you lazy weirdo. They use rice vinegar I don't care what the website told you.

>> No.4199314

Shit's fucking delicious.
In fact, I am eating some right now!

>> No.4199323
File: 87 KB, 500x375, 3097079620_3d1a687443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the most basic and normal things in Japan provoke sensorial orgasm to gaijin. Something in occident is in very bad condition. Fuck inclusive mayo tastes better in Japan because they have pride and standards in make the most simply thing of life a fucking great experience.

But of course it's god law start to judge and saying bullshit to every other culture isn't white guys eating hamburger. And pretending gaijin knows the earths Japanese like a fucking arrogant expert in everything.

>> No.4199333

Look at this shit. I can't believe I share a planet with pathetic idiots like this.

And Kewpie mayo has a sweetness to it. Mayo shouldn't be sweet. It's basically Jap Miracle Whip.

>> No.4199339

So much advertising for kewpie in vividred operation. It's not 100% kewpie but it's about as much to kewpie as dr peppor is to dr pepper.

>> No.4199343

This is exact the thing say here. American retard pretending being a fucking dick saying he is a fucking elite appreciating the subtle pleasures of Japanese culture and falling 100% in the process. Because he / she is only capable of OMG 7 lb. of pure grade C meat. Fucking goodness!! What happen today with the rats of the other side,. Ha ha ha crazy chinese idiots what shit is making today. I don't understand fucking bullshit.

>> No.4199350

>Mayo shouldn't be sweet
>being this mentally challenged

>> No.4199367

calm down

>> No.4199395 [DELETED] 

>being such a weeaboo that you've convinced yourself that sweet mayo is acceptable
>being this mentally ill

>> No.4200032

> provoke sensorial orgasm to gaijin

Shut up imaginary heathen.

>> No.4200063


You obviously have never had it. It's not sweet. In fact, it's more eggy than any other mayonnaise I've ever had.

I can't believe you're getting this worked up over fucking mayonnaise.

>> No.4200213


What do you mean? It's Japanese, of course people are going to have an rage aneurism at the very sight of it.

>> No.4200411

I have it in my fridge right now and I rarely use it. I can't believe you're so sensitive that you can't even handle the tiniest criticisms of Jap mayo. Relax.

You're obviously upset, but you don't need to samefag like this.

>> No.4201394

No, it's double wrapped because they are autistic and don't want to touch a bottle other people have touched.