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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4195929 No.4195929 [Reply] [Original]

I have enjoyed meat my entire life. The taste, the texture, whatever. For the past month I've been debating changing my diet to a more vegetarian style. I don't want to be like "omg im a veggie now :D :D " but I can't help but think about what I'm actually consuming. Dead animal flesh. I keep picturing how the animals get slaughtered. I just want a change, how do I go about this? I have no objections to any type of food, but what do eat instead of meat? I could get tofu, but is tofu good?

tl;dr give me vegetarian advice.

>> No.4195932

You came to the wrong neighborhood, shithead.

>> No.4195933

killing yourself is the ultimate change.

>> No.4195940

Go primal, bro.

>> No.4195943

you can get b12 through nutritional yeast
in addition to tofu:
cottage cheese (but dairy is just as "bad" as meat)

>> No.4195955

My best advice is to grow up and face reality. Almost every activity you will ever partake in has some form of exploitation at it's most basic level.

Do the workers who make your clothes live above the poverty-line? If not, better shop elsewhere or make your own (can't buy cheap textiles from China either!). What about buying disposable goods and the effect it has on the environment? I take it you'll start boiling cloth diapers if you have a child someday. No more toilet paper either, right?

Are you going to start walking, bicycling and taking the bus /everywhere/? Where are you going to buy the bike and shoes (see clothes question)? Are you going to write the city about bus driver's wages and greener vehicles? What about all that trash you're producing? What about farm laborers that make minimum wage on the vegetables they grow and pick? It's not as common these days, but if an animal is used in lieu of machinery, are you going to stop eating vegetables from that farm? How will you know they are doing that? Are you going to start walking to every farm and demanding an inspection? What if the farmers you give money to vote against gay marriage? What if every time you give someone money in exchange for a good, they could donate it to a cause you're against? I'm not talking about a corporation (e.g. Chick-fil-A). I'm talking about the individual shareholders, employees, owners, etc. that make up the entire company.

>> No.4195960

Iron and b12 will be the problems. If you like tofu or quorn or that sort of thing protein is easy - if not, it can be very fattening to get protein. The rest is easy.

>> No.4195966


to answer OPs question:

I mostly consume beans. I don't like tofu or "meat replicas". What's important is to have an interest in trying new things to cook. If you like the Indian cuisine that's a goldmine for delicious vegetarian food. Start learning about vegetables, herbs, beans and spices that go well together, instead of just eating tofu and pretending it's meat. Shit's bland. The whole idea of the obligatory substitute for meat in every meal is very modern and weird. Right now I'm having couscous with a bean stew made of mixed sorts of beans, fresh ginger, garlic, onion, yellow curry, chili and turmeric. There are numerous way to alternate just this dish that I can think of, but as it is, the total cost of a meal is about $1.

Needless to say my cooking skills have enhanced the fuck out of themselves since I gave up meat.

>> No.4195979
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>mfw I think of all of that

also the whole minimum wage argument is stupid. Sure would be better if you didn't support those farmers huh? I guess they would live a much better life without an income at all. Also it had nothing to do with what OPs reason behind not wanting to eat animals is.

>> No.4195993

>Sure would be better if you didn't support those farmers huh? I guess they would live a much better life without an income at all.
You can say the same about people employed to raise animals as meat.

>Also it had nothing to do with what OPs reason behind not wanting to eat animals is.
What is abstaining from meat going to solve? It won't end suffering. The only way to end the suffering of animals is to support the farmers that don't employ inhumane practices.

There is a mutual benefit that humans and animals can share. They receive food, health care, happiness, etc. and in turn we painlessly kill them for our own benefit. I don't see a problem with this.

>> No.4195999
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>this post

>> No.4196010


go suck a dick, this subforum and thread is about food, not about some faggot half baked political discussions.

op it's not practical for every day eating but the chinese have an interesting meat substitute cuisine based on gluten. It's quite tasty if you can find a place that specializes in it. I found this little joint in a downtown Calgary food court that specialized in fake meat, I must have eaten there at least 200 times in a year.

>> No.4196018

>thread is about food
Did you even read the OP?

>> No.4196023

This stuff is "seitan". A place in Toronto that does it is King's Vegetarian Cafe in kensington.

>> No.4196028
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>tl;dr give me vegetarian advice.

like I said, suck it

>> No.4196029


Never eat tofu. Soy is not good for you unless fermented like in soy sauce or natto. It's been linked to advanced cancer growth

Fruits should be a big part of your diet. Fruits and nuts are the bulk of your calories

>> No.4196034

nuts are just fat
fruits are just sugar and fiber...
you gotta get your protein somewhere

>> No.4196040


>Do the workers who make your clothes live above the poverty-line? If not, better shop elsewhere or make your own

Not making a lot of money isn't the same as being dead. Money exists as a concept, you could live on your own with no money at all, and you'd damned well live a better life than what the people in those countries are living

>> No.4196046


Nuts are fat and protein. Fruits are clean-burning sucrose on top of tons of nutrients. They give you your energy

Eat some nuts and some brown rice or some pasta and you've got complete proteins

>> No.4196047


Fuck, I mean fruits are fructose

>> No.4196053

shut up bitch

>> No.4196060


How about you suck every dick on my body, pussy? Holy shit you're lucky this isn't real life

>> No.4196063

Don't do it man, you deserve to eat the flesh of dead animals

>> No.4196066

shut up no one cares about your stoopid discussion... go take a dump on /pol/ if you want to write a bunch of poorly conceived shit that no one else will read

>> No.4196076

>isn't the same as being dead
>and you'd damned well live a better life than what the people in those countries are living
It's still a form of exploitation.

>> No.4196090


Exploitation doesn't have one level that everything falls under. The meat industry is the deepest form of exploitation, profiting off of inprisonment and death. Some ching-chongs making shoes for 16 hours-- by choice-- is not the same thing

>> No.4196104


>animal suffering is a higher form of exploitation than the suffering and eventual death of fellow human beings from being forced to work in enormously substandard situations where people regularly lose limbs and life to make products because of zero safety regulations

Are you really that naive? Go look at some of the shit that happens in central Asia or India where kids are paid to dip computer hardware into acid to get the gold out and get to suffer from burns and fume inhalation.

3rd world exploitation for labor >>>> meat industry.

Most of the shit you own made in China, or some other country? Chances are somebody died making it at SOME point in the manufacturing process. Died making your exact item? Maybe, but more likely they died at the plant or factory where your shit got made, so no real difference.

If you want to bitch about the suffering of animals, maybe you should try to fix basic human suffering from shit like 3rd world exploitation first. It's far worse.

>> No.4196116


>being forced to work

They aren't forced to work. They can live off the land or fucking wander somewhere else. They choose to work a shitty job to live a shitty life instead of just doing what everything for billions of years has done and live naturally outside of a giant oppressive society. Life exists without money

The cows don't walk into the slaughterhouse and say "give me a job"

>> No.4196162



>10 billion land animals killed yearly in the meat industry, also with terrible practices and conditions

It's worse, bro.

>> No.4196267

Holy shit you're naive if you think people can just pick up and leave.

>> No.4196270

Yes, but vegetarians aren't going to fix that by not eating meat.

They would be better off buying meat that's been raised humanely to show there's a market for it.

>> No.4196301

This is why I stopped being veggie. I only eat it maybe once a week though, twice if you count fish (which I do).

There's no need to eat meat for lunch and dinner every day.

>> No.4196364

Like >>4195966 I don't like "meat replicas."

I looove salads, vegetarian lasagnas, rice with veggies, pesto pasta...

Some ideas:


>> No.4196370

stop making this same thread every fucking day

>> No.4196393

Oh yeah. Like all those people living off the land in Africa, right? Only it'd be in China, where snow happens.

>> No.4196405

i don't have any problem with picturing live or slaughtered animals even while eating meat. maybe this apprehension points to some deeper inner turmoil

>> No.4196420

people who are not alright with it are genetically inferior, unfortunately weak willed scum continues to exist and reproduce because we strong alpha humans are taking care of them socially.
anything other than apathy towards where your food comes from is wrong. The point is you have food.