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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4192013 No.4192013 [Reply] [Original]

>cleaning up the mess after a day of cooking
>cleaning up the mess all at once after ignoring several days' messes

I fucking hate cleaning, but I also hate when the kitchen is all dirty and there's no space because the table and counters are all cluttered with trash and dirty dishes

But I hate cleaning it though

>> No.4192030

Disposable plates, cups and utensils.
Saves on some of the clean up.
Kills the earth, but who the fuck cares what a bunch of hippies think?

>> No.4192039 [DELETED] 

you got to clean up as you cook. otherwise everything piles up and becomes overwhelming

>> No.4192044

pans are easiest to clean when hot

>> No.4192053


Aren't you not supposed to do that on nonstick pans?

>> No.4192995
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>> No.4193004
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My neuroses are as such (partially brought on by having tiny kitchens all my life) that I clean as I go when cooking.

The rest of the people I live with? Not so much.

>not feeling well
>"You okay? You want me to make dinner tonight, Anon?"
>flashes of the potential horror that will await me because none of them apparently know how to wash a goddamn dish or counter

>> No.4193005 [DELETED] 

Get married. I cook, she cleans. Just the way the good lord intended.

>> No.4193007

>not cleaning up the mess right after cooking


>> No.4193015
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I was good about cleaning dishes. Then I lived in an apartment with a dishwasher. The week or so it was broken they piled up to the point where I bribed a friend with drugs to come do them for me.

>> No.4193026

>tfw roommate never washed my cutting boards or knives
>tfw he and his girlfriend leave glasses of wine in the sink for days
>tfw they got mad at me for dumping them out once because "they were going to drink it soon"

>> No.4193035

bitch please, I clean while I cook
seriously, when waiting for things to get warm or so, I do the dishes of the previous.
basically everytime I need to wait in the kitchen, I do dishes.

>> No.4193042
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>be 15 and finally deciding to learn to cook for myself
>make a mess but always clean up after myself, clean my own dishes, and put everything away
>mom is a kitchen control freak
>comes downstairs when I'm in the middle of making dinner and screams about how I'm retarded and can't even take care of myself because I left flour on the counter

I've had some shitty roommates in the past, but I've always taken solace in the fact that none of them were as bad as my mother.

>> No.4193053 [DELETED] 

Mine through me down some stairs once because a glass was dirty after I washed it. Your mom was a creampuff.

>> No.4193067

Mine would wait until I was asleep and upend the entire contents of the dish drying rack onto me if she found a dirty dish.

She wasn't happy to discover I usually slept right through it.

>> No.4193081

my fatfuck older brother doesn't rinse peanut butter off knives/spoons.
he also doesn't rinse milk out of his glass.

i have dreams of strangling him to death.

>> No.4193100

mine would threaten to drive the car into a tree when my brother and I would argue

>> No.4193108

>Live in a college dorm
>I'm the only one who respects the kitched
>People love soda bottles, unwashed dishes, and wrappers in the sink for days

There's actually a fucking... I don't even know what, it's like someone diced four entire plums and just threw them in the sink.

I'm so fucking done.

>> No.4193178

I just clean up as I go
I consider my meal a win if by the time everything is on the serving plates the rest of the dishes are done and either drying or put away

I don't mind but godfucking dammit when the rest just leave nasty fucking dishes in the sink, don't bother to rinse them let alone the messes they leave on the counters

>> No.4193193

>Be unclean as fuck
>Live with clean as shit person for a year
>Bitches a lot
>Get in the habit of cleaning
>Person leaves
>Three fucks come in
>Piles of dishes and beer cans everywhere
>They only clean it themselves once a week
I try to refrain from cleaning their shit since I don't want them to get the idea I'm their slave, but dear god. I finally understand.
Never shall I leave dishes unwashed and cans laying around.

>> No.4193578

I always keep my kitchen clean. The worst I ever do is sometimes not the take the trash out for more than a week just because it's a bitch in this apartment building.

About 2 years ago, I lived with a girl who left her dirty dishes all over the fucking apartment. Half-eaten bowls of oatmeal in the kitchen, on the couch, on top of the TV, fucking everywhere. She'd dump her used teabags in the fruitbowl for reasons still unbeknownst to me. She never fucking washed anything, the sink was always so full of her shit that I could barely cook anything. I gave in one day and just washed her shit for her and left it out for her to put away and she got all bitchy with me like I did something wrong.

She didn't even wash her cat's food bowl ffs. Poor thing had black mold growing all over its food and I had to clean it for him all the time.