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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4190809 No.4190809 [Reply] [Original]

Tell /ck/ about that one food you absolutely love that no one else seems to.

Tell us. We love you. We understand.

>> No.4190828

When the Chick-fil-A protests began, I started eating there about twice as much as I used to.

I would order enough breakfast or lunch for the entire office. You can call in large orders, so I'd make sure there was enough food where a person could have two or three sandwiches if they wished. They'd get to take them home.

I stopped when the donations ended.

I'll find something else to love someday.

>> No.4190838


>> No.4190872

Black olives on my pizza. No other extra toppings; not even extra cheese when given the option.

Also, I fucking love licorice and clove and all those other sexy, intense, sweet flavors. Everyone I know is a complete pussy and cries over anything with those and similar spices in it. (anise, ect)

>> No.4190885
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Hershey chocolate syrup in a can, it must be in the CAN any other way doesn't taste the same; I just drink it from the can sometimes...stop judging me.

>> No.4190887

Fried chicken livers, southern style


Sweet fresh jewish deli style chopped liver on triscuits

>> No.4190910
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Anchovy lover here.People wont even let me have half the pizza because it makes the whole pie fishy.
Why must I be so alone?

>> No.4190916

A greek fish egg dish called tarama.


My grandmother makes this once a year for Christmas. It's a very fishy, salty spread that she serves with crackers or small bread slices. Even though my whole family is greek, I end up eating at least 5 times more than everyone else and a majority of my family won't even eat it.

>> No.4190919

Extremely hot sauces.

Habanero ftw

>> No.4190948

natural popcorn, no salt no butter.

natural chicharron de puerco, no sauce no nothing.

Liver with onions, i was a weird kid.

>> No.4191001

Bone marrow. My father's side of the family are a pack of drunks that are weirded out by anyhting not related to booze or blue crabs. My mother's side of the family thinks my fave food is interesting but never eat it themselves. My friends demand I only eat pasta instead.

I'm sad now ;3;

>> No.4191006


>> No.4191010

So far I like everything in this thread, except for liver and onions (assuming beef liver)... Beef liver is just too potent for me.

Oh and the Hershey's. I haven't eaten sweets in years, I would probably think it was burning my tongue.

>> No.4191013

where do you live that hot sauces aren't popular as hell?

>> No.4191025

>Sweet fresh jewish deli style chopped liver on triscuits

At the deli I work at this is a staple snack for the guys in the kitchen. Although we only have saltines, triscuits would be better. Its also good with a slice of pickled cherry pepper

>> No.4191032

I'm an anchovy lover too. My only problem is what other ingredient to put on to accompany my anchovies as I don't like black olive or capers on pizza.

>> No.4191037
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Imitation crab meat nigiri sushi. I like it on rolls too but that's socially acceptable. When I purposely order it even the waiters look at me sideways.

I don't really don't care for it any other way.

>> No.4191043
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Dis shit, korean kim nori. Salted, its fucking delicious, and tastes like potato chips with a slightly fishier hint. Don't know why people don't like it, but I always get weird looks when eating it around friends.

>> No.4191074
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>> No.4191117
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Cabbage and tomato pottage.

None of my friends or relatives particularly like it.

>> No.4191128
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>> No.4191133

>even the waiters look at me sideways.
dude that's racist, they can't help it, that's just how their eyes are

>> No.4191138

Try adding spinach and garlic.

>> No.4191144


>> No.4191148
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I ate this for lunch today from a local gas station.

Ranch dressing and Frank's hot sauce....glorious.

>> No.4191150

Do you have any handy recipes?

>> No.4191157

You are a wetback

>> No.4191162

I know a lot of people on /ck/ like it, but everyone looks on in horror whenever I eat pickled herring. I've eaten a whole jar before. It's so fucking addicting.

>> No.4191170

For me it's honey.
>I go through probably 5 lbs a year, and I only use it as a condiment.

For my wife it's vinegar. She drinks it straight.

>> No.4191196
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THIS! I think it's the perfect snack (except the large amount of iodine in it)

> pickled vegetables
I love this sweet / sour / savory vinegar taste

>> No.4191207

Only in my native Hungarian, man, I don't have the time to translate it in detail. You need cabbage, onions, oil, flour, tomato juice and/or tomato puree. You cook the thin cabbage slices with the sliced onions up until they get tender but not mushy. You cook the roux out of the oil, flour, mix it into the pan you cooked the cabbage in, pour in some tomato juice or puree with some water (take your pick), then cook it until it gets thick enough to be comfortably eaten with a fork. You can mix it up with basically any green herb and garlic, it's a perfect side dish for sausage, meatloaf, etc, also you can use the cold leftovers as condiment. In Hungary we tend to mix it up with the native chilli pepper powder, but you have to be careful with that: it can be easily ruined if you add too much.

>> No.4191215

enjoy your horrible gas

>> No.4191219

Also I heard some like to tune it up with cheese and croutons, but I guess that only works if the pottage is more soup-like.

>> No.4191224

Grits with black pepper+honey+butter.
It's weird but it's my thing.

>> No.4191240


Lol oops that was a poorly chosen expression.

>> No.4191249

Thanks, sounds good.

>> No.4191255


I love to sit and watch a shot while peeling away the skin, to get to the delicious sweet, red fruit.

Everyone things I'm crazy for calling them sweet. They add sugar/salt but I eat them plain...

I also love Spaghetti with meatballs + slices of cheese dipped in.

>> No.4191259

I am the only person I've met who isn't of asian descent to thoroughly enjoy and crave water chestnuts
.__. I will just stirfry water chestnuts as a meal with black garlic oil to garnish

>> No.4191263

Fried sheep testicles. Especially if you also add chicken intestines, gizzards, jalapenos and some onions.

>> No.4191281

Seconding! And I should definitely do that sometime to satiate my hunger for the delicious, crunchy things.

>> No.4191295


What kind of vinegar?

>> No.4191297

The texture is wonderful

>> No.4191451

>She drinks it straight
how does she still have teeth?

>> No.4191458


This. When I go to a resturant the only things I
seem to want are on the senior menu, or
something like it. Everyone has something to
say about it, but fuck that.
Dem mashed tatoes n gravy. I fucking love

>> No.4191477

Vinegar isn't really much more acidic than Coke.

>> No.4191481

My grandfather used to drink apple cider vinegar and honey all the time. I used to have a glass with him all the time.

>> No.4191544

The best. Whenever I'm sick, always boil some water, mix in a hearty amount of apple cider vinegar, lemon, and chai honey. Feels good man.

>> No.4191547 [DELETED] 

I love Anchovies on pizza

>> No.4191589

This shit is fantastic.

>> No.4191609

Cereal with orange juice instead of milk

>> No.4191620

Rice (natural) with lemon.

>> No.4191621

Freaking olives. Everyone I know thinks they're like eating a mouthful of salt (and I suppose they're right; it's crazy amounts of sodium), but I think they're fan-friggin-tastic.

>> No.4191626
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A Monster Burger from Hardees.

inb4 heart attack

>> No.4191637
File: 53 KB, 550x413, Fatback- Salo- Wikicommons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love salo. It's basically pork fat. But it's so addicting to eat just with a slice of bread. I get dirty looks from my health-conscious friends for eating it in public.

>> No.4191649

Salted vinegar. I've been drinking salted vinegar since I was a little kid, like four years old or so. I would insist on having the vinegar, oil and salt drippings in the bottom of the salad-serving bowl to drink at the end of the meal. There was always about 50-60ml in there (about a quarter cup US).
Eventually, this progressed to drinking vinegared pickle brines straight from the jar once the pickles had been eaten. I have about a half cup of salted vinegar each day.
I don't know why I like vinegar so much, especially with added salt. It's very bizarre. I know no one else that does this: not a soul.

>> No.4191664

Where the fuck do I buy this in the US? I've had speck alto adige and I assume that salo tastes similar to the fatty strip in it.. and I would really love to try some!

>> No.4191676
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Salty licorice. I've had some of my friends try it and they all think I'm crazy.

>> No.4191681

Where in the US do you live? The flavour of salo differs greatly country to country and region to region. Italian salo (lardo), is generally more similar to what you describe than salo is. Many salo are flavoured with garlic and paprika. Lardo is generally flavoured with rosemary, peppercorn, salt and laurels, which is one ingredient away from speck (speck has juniper).

>> No.4191682 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4191696

yeah real ricorice is the shit
but everyone in americlap thinks its nasty

>> No.4191704


Ever heard of picklecicles? Frozen pickle juice. They sell them at little league games here. Shit smells disgusting but I bet you'd like them, Anon.

>> No.4191748

Marmite (and I don't live in the UK, I live in Canada). My friends do not understand my love for this stuff - I've occasionally stuck a spoon in the jar and eaten it straight.

>> No.4191766

Love it! It's actually not healthy for you though. Only have a little at a time.

>> No.4191792

Raw pasta.

Could anyone else know this feel? ;_;

>> No.4191808

What's in it that's bad?Other than sugar which is in any candy.

>> No.4191818

I love black olives on my pizza. My whole family does.

>> No.4191826

You guys... I love you guys.

I love everything in this entire thread except the fast food burger. I've never been so happy to stop by /ck/ and see that not everyone here is a whiny babby with picky bitch tastes who cries if everything they eat isn't covered in ranch and ketchup.

For me, I get weird looks from friends and family for liking century eggs, and durian coconut rice and being able to eat things like tongue and chicken feet and liverwurst and enjoy them.

But the thing is, they're only considered weird if by geographical basis, I figure. Somewhere, someone out there has figured out a magical way to prepare whale fat or spiders or rattlesnake that is fucking amazing, and everyone for miles around eats that shit, right? Everyone thought I was nuts for wanting to do a haggis for Burn's Night, but everyone I invited was converted when I served it up hot and piping with mashed potatoes.

Moral of the story, and tl;dr... Everything can be fantastic if it's done right. My rule is try everything twice, just in case the first time was a poor preparation.

>> No.4191979

The only unacceptable answers.

>> No.4191989

Liverworst, I grew up eating it long before I knew what it was.

>> No.4191992

straight dijon mustard

>> No.4192000
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I don't know what it is about these delicious beauties, but no one seems to love them as much as I do. One of my favorite sandwiches used to be brushing a thick portobello cap in some olive oil, or butter, and some garlic and grilling it up. Served it on a toasted bagel, sometimes with some sauteed onions. Fucking delicious. I'll never understand why some people are so averted to even trying them...

>> No.4192004


i eat honey like that too, on all kinds of food and in tea...i eat it by itself though too.

>> No.4192007


i eat olives by themselves...i've gotten high and eaten about 1/2 cup of kalamata olives before

>> No.4192009


they're really good if you fill them with tomato, onions, cheese (i prefer moz. or feta), and fresh basil then grilling them (after brushing them with olive oil)

>> No.4192306
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post the .gif bumblefuck

>> No.4192427
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Grilled portabella burgers are fucking amazing.
Mushrooms are something that 8/10 people seem to despise. Plebs.

>> No.4192448


for one thing, the jury is still out on whether excessive sodium actually has any harmful effect, or does your body self regulate.

but yeah, olives are a great snack. i love to dip them in spicy brown mustard; both olives and mustard have almost negligible calories, and tend to eliminate food cravings in a magical way.

>> No.4192451

Yes. It does. High blood pressure, kidney problems, just to name a couple.

>> No.4192452

I used to eat raw pasta when I was a kid. I was a weird kid...

>> No.4192454

I like to eat tomatoes like apples.

I'll just sit down with a bag of tomatoes and eat them. Fucking delicious. But everyone else seems to think this is weird.

>> No.4192459

Read up on ozmosis and hardening of the arteries.
Then for a laugh read the effects of drinking seawater.
Too much salt is definitely bad.

>> No.4192482

Claussen pickles, roasted garlic aioli, homemade roll. Just this, sometimes hot sauce, I don't need anything else really. Good quality sardines on a baguette with unsalted butter, no one I know like and tinned/jarred fish. Avocado chocolate pudding, everyone thinks it's gross, but it's so rich and creamy.

>> No.4192493

This right here. I haven't had a lot of opportunity to give many things a go living in 'merica. I've had tripe, frogs legs, kangaroo, ostrich, buffalo, llama. All of which have been very tasty.

>> No.4192503


that's what they used to say. studies have shown that your body self-regulates the sodium level.

this isn't the first time that the food police and the medical establishment have been shown parroting "facts" that were later shown to be based on flimsy evidence.

>> No.4192507

thin crust pizza with anchovies and jalapenos

slow roast cow tounge

clove gum

regular crust pizza with green olives and Italian sausage

licorice or almost anything that is similar in taste

>> No.4192510

Mushrooms are on of my favorite things ever, I still want to try morels and chanterelles more than anything else. I have had many others, enoki, shiitake, white, portebello, king oyster, oyster. I make mushroom risotto every year on my birthday.

>> No.4192515

citation needed.

>> No.4192517

Morels are delicious. I go out and pick them every year. Usually just fry them up in butter and enjoy.

>> No.4192540
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Everybody in my family loves licorice. On both sides. Whenever I ate it as a kid it was at home, so nobody cared, but when I started eating it at school kids kept telling me about how nasty it was.

>That black stuff is gross! That's on licorice! Why don't you eat REAL licorice anon?

They meant that tasteless red stuff. It just tastes like stale sugar or strawberries, depending on the brand. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.4192541


>That's on licorice

I meant NOT licorice, damn it.

>> No.4192613


I'm in agreement with you. I developed an allergy to oyster and king oyster mushrooms the last few years (nothing life-threatening, but if I eat too much, my throat feels raw and sore like I've developed a nasty sore throat afterwards) and I love eating those. Nowadays I let myself eat one or two pieces and hope that my body doesn't react too badly afterwards.

>> No.4192617


Massive fail, forgot to remove the 'sage' after saging a different thread. My bad.