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File: 72 KB, 800x533, Lehigh Potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4187025 No.4187025 [Reply] [Original]

What to do with potatoes=

>> No.4187032

Plant em and get more potatoes. Repeat until you have a monopoly on the potato market. Then increase the price, become rich, buy meat.

>> No.4187030

Wash but don't peel them, cut them into wedges, roll them in a bit of salt, finely chopped rosemary and crushed garlic, drizzle some olive oil over the top, then bake them.

>> No.4187033


>> No.4187044


I'm a big fan of cubing them (leave skin on) and then tossing them in a little olive oil, and coating with garlic powder, salt, pepper, and chili powder.
then either saute or roast until crispy.

>> No.4187051

Boil 'em mash 'em stick 'em in a stew.

>> No.4187054


>> No.4187071

- Grate potatoes
- Squeeze dat starch out
- Patty those gratings
- Pan
- Fry
- Eat delicious potato cake with creamy middle inside crispy outer delicious.

>> No.4187076

Grind them down, add yeast and water. Let it sit.


>> No.4187077
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>> No.4187084

This but with a bit of cayenne and msg in there, too.

>> No.4187115

wedges-> Dijon, olive oil, fresh herbs, garlic powder, shit tonne of salt, pepper, bake, enjoy

>> No.4187132

what nigga?

>> No.4187169
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If you're up for a bit of work and you're not scared of frying, here's something interesting.

Peel the potatoes, boil them and mash them. Add some salt and black pepper if you like. Then add some flour, the exact quantity is a bit tricky, you should have a dough with some consistency but not so hard. you can add some milk to have them mix well. Also add a tablespoon or two of yeast and leave it for 1 hour to raise.

After the dough double in size or so, take a small pot and heat some oil, then take your dough and make a ball and place inside some cheese and ham. If you like it you can also do it with anchovies.
Then roll your ball in flour again and fry it.

Om nom nom nom

>> No.4187206


>> No.4187327

sounds delicious !!!!

>> No.4187332

French fries !

>> No.4187457
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>> No.4187463

boil them first for about 8 minutes too after you cut them

>> No.4187486
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Wash them and boil them plainly. Do not peel them. Serve them as they are, but if someone in the table attempts to eat them without first meticulously peeling them with fork and knife, you are obligated to stare at them accusingly until they spiral into a shame-born depression and commit suicide.

>> No.4187503

>cut into slices
>fry them in grape seed oil (or vegetable oil, doesn't matter but grape seed oil makes less smoke and smell when using it for any cooking)
>add all purpose seasoning, or any spice that tickles your fancy
>bam, fried potatoes that are amazing
>eat with bbq sauce if you desire to

>> No.4187552

>Boiling them
Way to ruin a bunch of perfectly good potatoes
Steam them instead

>> No.4187690

Make Potato Soup

>> No.4187740

Garlic mash potatoes
Potato omelette

>> No.4187767

Cut a bit off of one end and rinse them. Shred with cheese grater and rinse them again, then lay out on paper towels till they dry. Heat up a skillet with a bit of oil and dump the shredded taters in. Fry them till they're crispy, add salt/pepper/whatever else you want. Voila, hashbrowns.

Really, you're asking what to do with one of the most versatile ingrediants out there.

>> No.4187774

Potatoe dauphinoise , no cheese on top let the cream work it's magic

Check the rick stein recipe

>> No.4187834
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Press out water
Mix with flour until you get a decent batter.
Shape to a ball and let it simmer for 45minutes.
Eat with melted butter and sugar.

If you want something extra take some salted meat in the middle of the balls.

>> No.4187835


>> No.4187838

eat them regularly for several decades, getting ever fatter all the while

>> No.4187862

>cut potatoes in slices
>cook them in the microwave
>fry them in a pan
>add onions, peas, carrots, any vegetable you like
>add a couple of eggs
>salt, black pepper, pinch of cayenne pepper, parsley
>serve with toasted sourdough bread

>> No.4187869

Throw them away. Potatoes suck.

>> No.4187885

You say potato

I say potato


>> No.4188191
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ive never made fries, does this sound right?
>cut like 3 potatos into thAt shape
>put oil salt n pepper in a pan
>heat pan
>put fries in pan
>cook (how hot, how long?)
yeah, any suggestions?

>> No.4188207

Salt and pepper are after frying, the time it takes depends on the temp of the oil and the kind of potatoes, you kinda need to look at them and see when they are done.

>> No.4188212

You would probably prefer baking if you aren't deep frying. Sauteeing in a pan takes a long time if they aren't already cold and cooked.

>> No.4188215


I make fries by parboiling for ~15 mins or so then arranging on a baking tray, drizzle with oil, sprinkle on salt, pepper, garlic, whatever then bake for ~15 minutes/until crispy. Makes 'em fluffy soft in the middle.

>> No.4188224

read a book dumbfuck

>> No.4188226
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This man is correct.

>> No.4188228

didn't want to make a new thread for this.
potato related question;

I forgot i had a small bad of them in my cupboard, a few of them have sprouted roots. Can i still eat them or are the poison? I know you shouldn't eat green potatoes.. but what about ones that have grown.

>> No.4188230

Potato dumplings

Good with something juicy.

>> No.4188243


Sprouts are OK, just break them off.

Also, "green potatoes are poison" isn't exactly true. If you have a potato that's going green then the green part of the skin contains a toxin called solanine. However there are thee important details why that doesn't matter:
1) cooking destroys the solaine, so don't eat 'em raw!
2) the solanine is only in the green part, so if you don't eat the skins you avoid it altogether.
3) it's a weak toxin so even if you were eating raw green potato skins then you'd have to eat an impractically large amount before you got sick.

>> No.4188248

thanks for clearing that up and correcting some misinformation!

>> No.4188249

>I make fries by parboiling for ~15 mins or so then arranging on a baking tray, drizzle with oil, sprinkle on salt, pepper, garlic, whatever then bake for ~15 minutes/until crispy. Makes 'em fluffy soft in the middle.
at my old place we had one greasy ass oven sheet we would cook everything on, mostly pizza,
this thing was sticky and oily, would that be a greatt pan to cook it on? with all that pizza crust and spill over flavouring

>> No.4188272
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Forgot muh pictures.

>> No.4188271

I take a large skillet, oil it, slice potatoes and onions thinly, layer them in there, and start frying at a high heat for a short while. As the potatoes are getting a crust, I mix half broth half beer and add allspice, black pepper and a bay leaf, simmer it as I toss the potatoes, and then cover the potatoes with it and cover the skillet for the last 15 minutes. Sometimes I add cheap steak sliced thin that I've pan-fried on the side, and maybe even cream if I'm feeling rich. They call it "sailor's steak".

>> No.4188282


Not really. Why don't you just soak it overnight in dish soap and warm water you dirty pleb?

>> No.4188312

Cook a pork roast with garlic and onions, keep the liquid, slice some potatoes, put them into the liquid, add some kitchen bouquet, simmer until it become starchy. Et voila.

Render some salt pork in a pot, eat the delicious cracklings, add some green onions, potatoes, salt and pepper, a bit of water, cook until consistent.

Boil a peeled small potatoe, mash it while adding powdered sugar until it becomes a paste, roll it flat, spread some peanut butter, roll it like a swiss roll and cut slices. Delicious potatoes candies

>> No.4188330

shit nigger, that looks good as fuck

>> No.4188332

>Boil a peeled small potatoe, mash it while adding powdered sugar until it becomes a paste, roll it flat, spread some peanut butter, roll it like a swiss roll and cut slices. Delicious potatoes candies

>> No.4189614

is like asking what to do with pasta...almost everything

>> No.4189625

peel them, boil them then add melted butter and fresh dill. serve with fried eggs and buttermilk/kefir.

>> No.4189635
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another one:
grate potatoes, add 1/2 cup flour, 1 or 2 eggs, salt, pepper, finely chopped onion. mix everything together and let it sit for a while. preheat the pan with oil and drop some of the mix into. spread it just like a pancake and let it fry. serve with sour cream and parsley or lecso.

pic related has also some carrot in it