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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4184854 No.4184854 [Reply] [Original]

How did all you hipsters get so gay for coconut water.
Some hippie tried to tell me that it can replace blood plasma while I was shopping in the supermarket today.

You guys just fall for every single fad that comes down the pike.

>> No.4184859

It's like.. a proven fact it can replace blood plasma. Look it up.

Also, coconut water is pretty good. I've only had it a few times in my life. Coconut alone is good..

>> No.4184860

Coconut sucks.

>> No.4184861

It's a great hangover cure, and it makes people like you angry and upset. Sounds like win/win to me.

>> No.4184866

I usually have it after a night of drinking.

>> No.4184876

Yep. They used it during WWII in the Pacific during island battles. 'Tis true.

>> No.4184880

It did make a lot of the soldiers gay however so its not side effect free.

>> No.4184883

I know some old people who would give you the beating of your life for saying that, you disrespectful little shit.

>> No.4184890

Classic misuse of data. Those soldiers were gay long before they got injected with coconut water. The amount of men that turned out to be homosexual was statistically the same as any group of young mens.

>> No.4184894



>> No.4184903

It tastes so bad.

>> No.4184925

What does Joe Rogan have to do with anything?

>> No.4184934

I love coconut water and there's nothing you can do about it OP
also I liked it before it was discovered by "hipsters"

>> No.4184937


... you really can't be this blitheringly stupid, can you?

Coconut water can be used as a substitute for a saline drip. It has almost no protein, less than a single percent of coconut water is protein by weight, so how can it be used in place of plasma, which is 7-8 percent plasma?
The reason it can be used in place of saline is because fresh coconut water is aseptic IE unless the coconut got cracked open or something during transport, the liquids inside are completely free of microorganisms. It's not ideal as a replacement for a saline drip for long term as saline has a 0,9% sodium saturation, nearly the same as that of blood and coconut water only 0,1%, but in without immediate availability of proper saline, coconut water can be used until saline is available.

>> No.4184958



You hip bastard.

>> No.4184960

If that's the case, then wouldn't a coconut water drip be good if someone has hypertensive traits?

>> No.4184973

I wouldn't know, sorry. I would assume not, though: you want to keep blood sodium around the same saturation lest neurological issues occur.

>> No.4184987

Well that does not exactly fit with the evidence. If its just saline then how can it possibly turn soldiers gay?

Think a minute before you post these type of things anon.

>> No.4184994

There's issues with blood pressure rising sometimes when you do a saline drip. I bet if the saline and sterile coconut water were interchanged throughout the required drip measurement, then it might actually be better.

>> No.4184997

>plasma is 7-8 percent plasma
Typo! Meant
>plasma is 7-8 percent protein

>> No.4185016

My favorite fighting game player Pr_Balrog swears its the real deal, so I was thinking of trying it out.

The stuff he likes he imports from his homeland though, I think I'll just try the Canadian Super market special.

>> No.4185017

Mebbe? I'm not a hæmatologist nor hæmatology student, so this is not something I can talk about with absolute certainty. I've not heard before about any issue related to hypertension/rising blood pressure while on prolonged saline drip. Considering I was on one for six months myself with no change, I can speak from my experience that for me, at least, this was not the case. Not to discount that it may happen to others, but this is the first I've heard of it.

>> No.4185032
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I have been reading up on this claim, turns out it was mostly British soldiers so that explains the gayness.

>> No.4185037

I bet you got one that had purple water, didn't you?

>> No.4185056

Coconut water tastes like ass.
What the fuck are you fags talking about?

>> No.4185068
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- Personally, I like coconut water. I sometimes drive over to France to get me a dozen cans of a slightly sugary version. It has little flakes of coconut in it, it's delicious.

>> No.4185125

I only ever had it in Thailand. After a long day of that moist heat it's just extremely refreshing to drink it straight from a chopped open coconut.
Can't imagine it from a bottle though.

>> No.4185131
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>Can't imagine it from a bottle though.
Well dont you just win the little hipster faggot award.

>> No.4185135

Really , you cant imagine it ?
You cant imagine the exact same fucking substance being drained from the coconut and put into a bottle.
Just boggles your fucking brain does it?

>> No.4185137

>I don't have a passport and I'm a member of the flat earth society

>> No.4185150

So one dumbass sentence makes me a hipster? Also I meant that having it freshly with the coconut was kind of like a very little culinary expirience.
I'd say people that buy that shit in bottles just because it's expensive and new are hipsters.

>> No.4185152

I love that in Thailand pretty much every street corner in any major city will have three things: someone selling tea in plastic bags, someone selling coconuts for coconut water and someone selling pineapple kebabs (for lack of a better word: the spiky top frond part is still attached and used as a handle) coated in sugar, chilies and crushed peanuts. I think that's it, but not sure.
Anyway, fucking grand.

>> No.4185159
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In Bangkok you also get a complementary 12yo girl

>> No.4186159
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The other day my boyfriend called me at work saying there was nothing to eat or drink in the house. I told him to snack on some rice cakes and have a coconut water till I came home with rotisserie chicken.
By the time I got home he had on my yoga pants and was fagging off all over the living room.
This thread explains a lot.

Also I believe he is of british descent.

>> No.4186168

I think it's the milk of the young coconuts that can replace plasma.

>> No.4186173

It's tasty and has a fair bit of potassium

Heathier than soda too. Outrageously expensive; I'd rather buy the whole damn coconut (and I do).

>> No.4186196

Post recipe for pineapple thing?

>> No.4186206
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>Look up recipes or anything related to food at all
>I replaced -ingredient- with -"healthy" alternative-
I just care about taste
I don't want your fucking unicorn tear based recipe

>> No.4186256

My mom bought coconut water recently because she heard it was healthier than water (nevermind that she doesn't drink water or eat healthy). Anyway, she tried it and promptly tried giving the case to me. I'm not big on coconut to begin with, but it was espescially terrible.

>> No.4186275

Like old people could beat anyone.

>> No.4186279

Much less old brithis people

>> No.4186304


>> No.4186325


>saline is used in breast implants
>men who get implants are gays who think they're girls
>saline gives them tits

>> No.4187119

I stand corrected, saline implants had not occurred to me.

>> No.4187150

>muh heritage
The West Indian and South American members of my family love this drink and I do, too.
Try not to get the kind in cans, and chill the heck out of it before drinking. I love the chewy nubs.
Lawdamercy, it cools down your froat after eating spicy beef patties.

>> No.4187158
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come here rosebot, I have a spicy beef patty for ya heh heh . It has a soothing coconut water filling.

>> No.4187213
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>The West Indian and South American members of my family
I think we must face the possibility that rose is an attractive mixed race girl.

>> No.4187216


With enormous hoop earrings and fake fingernails, who does the cobra wag

>oh no you di'int

She probably has a nice body aside from the pierced naval and possibly a tramp stamp. But as soon as she pops out a baby she'll become obese, permanently.

>> No.4187221

looks like a turd

>> No.4187810

I am going to try some of this today.

>> No.4187878

Shit is tasty and refreshing. I live in Louisiana, and have drunk it many a time on a scorching summer's day. It's pretty gud.

>> No.4187907

I wonder if you could pick up a child prostitute and just make her your loyal loli waifu~

>> No.4187911
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>> No.4187966
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My parents were from the islands. So coconut water was a normal thing in our house growing up. So I guess that's the story of how I got gay for the stuff at a young age.

>> No.4188028

Maybe that explains why so many people in the islands have aids! It's all coming together

>> No.4188034

This is a thing? I just like coconut milk. Tastes good.

One of my favourite things to do is to buy a can of coconut milk and stick it in the freezer, then eat it like Ice Cream. Shit's good.

>> No.4188042

So butthurt OP.

>> No.4188064

Of course. That makes complete sense logically.

>> No.4188066

You can get this stuff for about £4 a crate in the local Pakistani-owned supermarket. It tastes like ass by itself (my friends like it though - go figure), but if you put it in a large jug of green juice it'll hydrate you for the whole day.

>> No.4188073

You're calling people ''hipsters'' for doing their own research and looking after their own health? You some kinda moron or sumthin'? I bet you're gonna say exercise is for hipsters too because it's much more manly to be a fat-ass with hypertension and diabetes who can't even run 100 metres without collapsing.

>> No.4188080


lmao why are you so furious holy shit

>> No.4188088

doing stuff that is new to me or outside the cultural norms dictated by my redneck close-minded family is so hipster and gay

>> No.4188098


your average hipster doesn't do any research; any legitimate basis behind any of the current health trends is purely accidental, as they're behind plenty of shit that does not have any scientific backing.

>> No.4188100

>calling people rednecks

I see what you did there

>> No.4188109

There is no good reason to think that sugar liquid is some miracle drink of health.
Water is much better for you.
Just because something can be injected with no ill effect does not mean you should drink it.

>> No.4188113

The funny thing with hipsters and food is that they destroy what they love. When the histers went crazy over quiona, this raised the local prices. The prices of Quiona is so high that the people that used to eat this grain as part of their diet no longer due to the high price.

>> No.4188117


Actually you're completely wrong, quinoa consumption in Bolivia has increased dramatically and it's now officially part of school lunches for the first time ever.

>> No.4188137


Show this anon the link guys.

>> No.4188158


This one?


>> No.4188302
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I think there is an NPR one or a National Geographic one as well.
All the same, hipsters are hurting the very people that only they themselves care about.
This is how the planet works.

>> No.4188305



any more where that pic came from?



I think you mean hippies

>> No.4188310

I walked into whole foods the other day for like the first time in months and there was a massive display of coconuts carved up just like in OPs picture.

WTF happened

>> No.4188333

you're a faggot

that's what happened

>> No.4188344

Never actually had coconut water. Didn't even know it was a thing and now I feel bad about my ignorance. I do like adding coconut milk to my currys, though.

>> No.4188346

I expect better insults, please try something beyond highschool grade insults.

>> No.4188351
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Perhaps you did not see the full house that came down upon with great force and furious anger.

>> No.4188358

better better

>> No.4188445

Would that count as Vore anon?

>> No.4188461

no, that's just macro cunnulingus

>> No.4188464

The next person who informs me cocunt milk can be used to replace blood plasma is getting slapped.

>> No.4188468

that would be wrong, and deserves a slapping, it's coconut water that can be used as a plasma replacement.

>> No.4188470

>implying the ignorant rural who whines about hippies and sushi knows the difference

>> No.4188478
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>> No.4188487

What's up with people getting mad and blaming hippies when people discover that something is healthy?

>You eat/drink something good for your body? QUIT BEING A FAGGOT! Fucking hipster hippie liberal scum!

Maybe hipsters like to eat healthy, doesn't mean eating healthy is a bad thing or that healthy foods are stupid

Coconut water is a great source of electrolytes. You can either drink some healthy coconut water or you can drink some high-fructose corn syrup artificial everything powerade

>> No.4188507
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>What's up with people getting mad and blaming hippies when people discover that something is healthy?

For starters, they always turn out to be dead fucking wrong. Look at echinacea.

I will say this one more fucking time...

>> No.4188514



Of course it's not an alternative to water, but drinking water and coconut water are healthy. That's like saying "there's no evidence that vitamins are better for you than food." Nobody's saying it's better, just that it's a healthy extra thing to drink

>> No.4188525

That shit is loaded with sugar. NOT HEALTHY

You really should not drink calories anon.

>> No.4188530


As far as non-water options are concerned, it's hardly loaded with sugar. Certainly not compared to juice or soda.

>> No.4188536

>getting this upset over coconut water
This is what /ck/ does in his/her spare time.

>> No.4188538

So it has less sugar than some other sugary drinks.
How in the fuck does this make it healthy?

>> No.4188542


Control your orgasm. I was just commenting about the water.

Also you sound like you have some kind of obesity issue. Not everyone has "bad genes" or whatever you were blaming it on before you had a complete breakdown and started freaking out about what other people put in their mouths.

>> No.4188550

OP your a faggot troll for not getting your shit right and spreading harm full shit here. Straight from http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coconut_ter

Unless the coconut has been damaged, it is likely sterile. There have been cases where coconut water has been used as an intravenous[

>> No.4188556

tfw im a person whos family comes from a part of the world where coconuts grow wild and all over the place. no one but tropicalfags ate coconuts on the regular. but now Faggot ass hipsters start doing to coconuts what their hippy ass parents did to avocados and i cant find them anywhere for less than 2 bucks a piece

>> No.4188563


You're a retard. I'm from a part of the world where coconuts grow wild and are cultivated. Coconuts are a major part of our diet. No, we're not sitting there drinking out of them like op's picture. But coconut oil, coconut meat, and coconut milk are used in cooking on a daily basis.

Maybe you should some day visit your ancestral homeland before you go spouting off about it.

>> No.4188565

I can't wait until Mango Juice has its spot in the limelight. I'm so sick and tired of drinking apple juice or plain sugar water with two drops of fucking mango puree.

>> No.4188568


There's no commercial product known as mango juice. That's like saying "banana juice". It doesn't work that way. There is mango nectar which is, as you said, basically mango puree with sugar water. That's all, deal with it.

>> No.4188571

im talking about here in the US and coconuts are part of my family's cooking of almost every meal. They used to be cheap here in the states but now their fucking expensive

>> No.4188588

I miss the cheap ($1.29 for a 12oz) brand of coconut water they had at the Jamaican place I used to frequent. Now all I can find is the super expensive SO FUCKING PURE FO YO HEALTH brands that are $2-3 a can despite being the same shit.

>> No.4188606

Sooo um were did you come by something as unusual as this?

>> No.4188629

bicycling while hauling coconuts is more advisable than drinking the horrible packaged product
>Water is much better for you.
it also tastes disgusting. and arbitrarily claiming that something is 'better for you' because it lacks something is hilariously presumptuous

>> No.4188662
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>> No.4188666
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>> No.4188667
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>> No.4188671
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>water tastes disgusting

Are you 3?

>> No.4188678


Never had this but google tells me it's a "juice product"


Less than 5% mango, made in the UAE by slaves.

>juice drink

Look at the filename.

I'd like it to be real as much as you would, but the reality is, there is no mango juice. Perhaps you'd like to purchase a few centrifuges and we can go into business together?

>> No.4188682

not who you're responding to, but 3 of the 4 cities I've lived in had really nasty water. So it is possible.

>> No.4188686

>drinking water and enjoying it
do you live in the third world?

>> No.4188687

what has "made by slaves" got to do with a product?

>> No.4188693

What is wrong with you.

I've had some terrible water (AZ) but good water is delicious and way more refreshing than anything other drink. Bar none.

>> No.4188700


It gives my post more troll hei. U mad?

>> No.4188730

I live in Scotland, and I've never had water as good anywhere else in the world. Straight from the kitchen tap, no purification needed and fantastic tasting.

Pity about the weather though.

>> No.4188742

>>4188693 >Arizona Water
My brother, I have felt that pain.

>> No.4188745



>> No.4188746
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>coconut sugar
>bad for you

What are you, some kind of retard? Afraid to eat a banana too? What do YOU think sugar is?

>> No.4188754

Coconut water tastes like shit, I'm not sure how you all can drink it.

>> No.4188763

the brits lie less than our media

>> No.4188777

It's not that. It's that Slate is well-known as being a champion of the unpopular opinion, often just being contrary for the sake of being contrary IE they're a publication that caters almost exclusively to trolls.
For example, they had an article in there some years ago where they were touting the benefits of smoking, particularly for weight-loss.

>> No.4188802

because it's trendy. like coffee and tea.

>> No.4188803


So what about the NPR article then?

>> No.4188811


Meant his one, numb nuts.

>> No.4188817

>pretend not to be a troll
>post an article citing PETA

You're that shit posting kid from /b/, aren't you.

>> No.4188819

I'm not sure what NPR's stance on this quinoa situation is.

>> No.4188820

What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.4188825


>> No.4188850

Fair enough, but that's just barely over two years old. Anything more recent? To be honest, though, I don't take publications so far removed from centrist very seriously, but for the purposes of the line of conversation, I guess NPR is as good a source as any.

>> No.4188868


1 minute of google will dig up similar articles from Fox news, various academic websites, and tree hugger websites.

>> No.4188872

That's why I said
>NPR is as good a source as any

>> No.4189877
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Coconut water are for gay.

>> No.4189881 [DELETED] 

I enjoy the taste and the potassium but it really is a fucking shitty fad that should die.

At least I can buy it at my local gas station now, though.

>> No.4189889

Natural sugar is unhealthy? Huh?

>> No.4189899 [DELETED] 

>hurr look at me i r major keto fag hurr carbs are murdurrrrr

God dammit I want /fit/ to leave.

>> No.4189903

All sugar is unhealthy for you. Do you think the word natural is fucking magic? Sugar is bad especially when not accompanied by fiber.

>> No.4189911 [DELETED] 

go to bed Atkins

>> No.4189912

Yeah, there's a reason that sources of sugar without fiber are protected by BEES.
But not even they could protect us from ourselves.

>> No.4189914

Sugar is the worst carb source ever and yes, its fucking bad for you.

>> No.4189919

Ok sagey , just so you know that you are drinking sugar water , and people told you that sugar is bad and you chose not to believe it.

>> No.4189923 [DELETED] 

go to bed Atkins

>> No.4189927 [DELETED] 

>They think coconut water doesn't have dietary fiber

>> No.4190113

Implying millions of people have not become far healthier because of Atkins

>> No.4190117

Atkins was found to have had excessive blockage of his arteries at his autopsy.

>> No.4190125

I had this when I went to India. Never having tried it, I sort of expected it to taste awesome. You know, like a piña colada without the pineapple. Good god, was I wrong. Dat shit is crazy disgusting.

The fresh squeezed cane juice was good though.

>> No.4190129

Everyone who fought in WWII is a blubbering fat faggot.

>> No.4190130


>> No.4191839
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Why would you say something like that?

>> No.4194005

is coconut water really as easy and putting a hole in a coconut and then drinking what comes out?

serious btw (I'm clearly not a hipster).

>> No.4194014

frenchfag detected

fighting in WW2 was too much for your grandaddy?

>> No.4194016

You have to have an immature coconut (not a brown husked one), and drill a hole in and drink the water. You can drink the water out of a mature coconut too, but there won't be as much, and if the coconut is too old, the water won't be nearly as tasty.

>> No.4194017

yes and yes, you hipster.

>> No.4194022

I have enjoyed coconut water and juice since I was a toddler. I love it. I was thrilled when it became popular because I had access to more of it. So refreshing.

>> No.4194040


Same here. I owe it all to my Cantonese parents for all the great foods and drinks I've grown up around.

That feel when in HK and a street vendor hacks apart a coconut for me to drink.

>> No.4194041

cheers buddy. You're a good egg, a kind egg.

>> No.4194046

I try! :)

>> No.4194056

You poor cold ass snow dweller.

Coconut water is some of the cleanest water on the planet. Its sterile you can actually operate with it. In poorer countries it is by far the best water source available.
Putting a hole in a coconut should be done with a machete, get through both the husk and shell.
put in straw. drink that simple.

HOWEVER, most normal coconuts whilst delicious are nothing compared to the Royal coconut found in Sri Lanka. Its orange and its contents are mind blowing.
You will never ever know its deliciousness as it's not exported as it doesnt handle freezing well.

>> No.4194057

Hey , what about me ? I was an egg.

>> No.4194062

I'm gay already, aren't I

>> No.4194070

you was a dope egg bro, and I don't say that very often.

>> No.4194071


>> No.4194138


>> No.4194149

am i an egg

>> No.4194156

yeah, anon egg. that hasn't told me anything about coconuts yet.

>> No.4194176

it's not a trend if been popular for centuries

>> No.4194183

i think it's pretty nice that lots of stores carry it now. it's better than most of the sodas it's sold next to. i don't understand how you can hate that people are able to drink something healthy that actually tastes good.

>> No.4194195

how you can hate that people are able to drink something healthy that actually tastes good.


>> No.4194213


>> No.4194254

no no no.
Prove that shit without some hippy organic yoga fucking magazine article.

>> No.4194259

you're missing the point, it doesn't taste good

>> No.4194261

Are you a fucking retard its a sterile hydrator!

>> No.4194265
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You do not need that in your diet you buffoon

>> No.4194710

Had coconut water since I was little. Common in Asian supermarkets.

>> No.4194728

Fantastic. Point them to me, I'd love to clean out some fucking veteran's retirement fund. I'd cry 'equal protection under the law' all the way to the bank.

>> No.4194730

I got some once cause it was free after a coupon at Kroger.
It was not what I expected. I couldn't get it down, it was disgusting taste-wise. Fucking nasty. I'm not a picky person and I like most anything usually, but coconut water is nasty as fuck.

>> No.4194736

>someone yells hipster
>thread get a fuck ton of replies
>all about a seemingly inoffensive thing
>taken in the context of people who are using it

and this is why this board sucks. Grow up already.

>> No.4194737

Nope. Hypertension can be due to LOTS of different problems, only one of which is high sodium. Usually it's a combination of factors.
You need sodium. Without it, you die. Fluctuating sodium levels is unhealthy. This is why they use saline.

>> No.4194738

>drinking canned shit
>not getting fresh coconut , peeling it, lopping off the top, enjoying the meat and sipping down some sweet juice

>> No.4194743 [DELETED] 
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The serpent blood flows strong in this one...

>> No.4194746
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>live in tropical country
>there are fresh coconuts everywhere
>go to famous beach
>see foreigners drinking shitty canned coconut water that costs an arm and a leg

You people are weird.

But then again I do have to pay a lot for blackberries and other cold place goodies.

>> No.4194750

>water from inside a fruit

>> No.4194753

It's definitely better, and it really is just water, unlike juice, just lightly flavored, so unlike juice, there really is no harm in downing coconut water like it's nothing.
The best though is when it ripens and ages and the center becomes cake-like.

>> No.4194754

I've been drinking coconut water since I was a kid.... But none of that canned/bottle shit. Only straight out of a coconut, for me. Pretty affordable at asian supermarkets like h-mart, or 99ranch. 9 young coconuts for like 8 bucks.

>> No.4194759

Feels GOOD to be master race.

>> No.4194763 [DELETED] 

>implying you are master of anything

enjoy being a forked tounge sheyster no better than any goy to the ones in charge

>> No.4194783

Cake-like? You mean when the coconut has a slimy white thing?

>> No.4195244

See this is your problem, you imagine that you have to drink some canned sugary product, if not soda then coconut water.
How about this asshole?
How about you dont drink anything sugary at all?

>> No.4195258

Americans want to drink sugar and they want to think its healthy.
Now that they find out that orange juice is not really good for you they have to have a substitute. Coconut water fits perfectly because hey its sterile and has a few electrolytes.

Have fun being a fat fucking fuck.

>> No.4195344

First time I saw coconuts like in OP's pic, I barely recognised them at all. I'm from Malaysia and we can get them whole anywhere and an old gnarly guy will chop it open for you. Get young coconuts for plenty of flesh you can scrape off the inside with a spoon, and older coconuts for sweeter juice but less flesh.

>> No.4195362

Total Carbs:
Orange Juice: 39 grams
Coca Cola: 40 grams
Apple Juice: 42 grams
Grape Juice: 60 grams
Coconut Water: 8 grams

I think we're safe with the occasional coconut water. Now, stop being drama queens.

>> No.4195377

It would be ok to have water with a tsp of sugar in it as well. No one is gonna tell you its healthy though.

>> No.4195401

Water with a teaspoon of sugar in it doesn't have the other minerals that coconut water has, though. The reason coconut water is good for people who exercise or do manual labor is because it's chock full of potassium (13% of your daily value), and calcium and magnesium (4% both). It's better than water for athletes and has a minute amount of sugar compared to Gatorade and other sports drinks. Hence the dude in OPs pic on his bike. You're missing the point of drinking it entirely. Someone can drink nothing but water or unsweetened tea and still have coconut water when they work out and consider it healthy. You're just being an argumentative baby about the whole thing because you personally don't like the idea of coconut water.

>> No.4195405

>It's better than water for athletes

>> No.4195407

>massively consuming a product not readily available in your area

I thought hipsters were supposed to be, hep to the local scene or whatever.

>> No.4195410

Gee, that's a great argument you have there.

>> No.4195421

Eat shit, hipster

>> No.4195431


>> No.4195436

When I was in Okinawa, my family and I toured a traditional Japanese village. That particular day was well over 100 degrees and I was sweating a lot, so we decided to get some coconut water. Shit was pretty good, considering it was grown there. I don't care much for the stuff in cans, and stateside coconut water isn't fresh.
>inb4 hipster it was hot as all hell

>> No.4195441
File: 33 KB, 200x150, louis_ck_800x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa let me stop you right there .
You're not an athlete.

>> No.4195458

I'm not anymore, but I damn sure used to be. And coaches don't give you just water to drink, they give you electrolyte replacement drinks and water (of which, coconut water would be one, if they chose to use it). So don't even start that shit.

>> No.4195459

>but I damn sure used to be

>middle school

>> No.4195463 [DELETED] 

all the firefighter/wildland firefighter/lumberjack/logger/mineconstruction workers/roofers i know drink a combo of 80% water and 20% powerade or water throughout the day and a sports drink at lunch. and pints of ice cream or whatever else they want to because they do physical shit all fucking day and it doesnt matter what they do theyre still looking good

>> No.4195470

Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy.
>I'm a fat loser who has to insinuate that other people are fat losers to make myself feel better.
Fixed that for ya.

>> No.4195475


>> No.4195478

i'm filipino, i'd like to think i can just drink coconut water for no fucking reason if i'd like to, nevermind the health qualities.

>> No.4195497

Yep. You nailed it.

>> No.4195522

Of course you can, just dont go around telling everyone how healthy it is cause its not.

>> No.4195525

Proof or shut the fuck up.

>> No.4195526
File: 49 KB, 358x267, ........jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It tastes bad and gives me the shits.

It must be one of those things people drink just so they can 'look cool' while they drink it or pretend they're helping the environment.

>> No.4195530

>I don't like something so everyone who does must be stupid

Typical retard thinking.

>> No.4195541

I think the people claiming its healthy need to provide the proof here.

I think shoving rocks up my ass is healthy. Prove me wrong.

>> No.4195544

>putting words into my mouth

Liberal hipster detected

>> No.4195572

So, just what were you attempting to say then, dumbass? I think you don't understand what projecting is.

>> No.4195575

If you enjoy shoving rocks up your ass, no one will need to prove just how stupid you are, it will become obvious very quickly.
Oh, and if you bothered to read the thread, several people have pointed out the health benefits of coconut water. Stop being lazy.

>> No.4195599

>go around telling
no one does this. those people only exist in your head. go make a thread whining about sriracha.

>> No.4195622

Yeah. All those faggots in Thailand are hipsters too for not drinking something out of a bottle!!!
Stop using a word without knowing what it actually means.

>> No.4195638

None did so with a reliable source so meaningless.

>> No.4195697

It quenches my thirst and has potassium and it tastes good. Not a hipster. I was introduced by my ex gf and loved it ever since, and this is from someone who dislikes coconut.

>> No.4196016

I got a little tingle in my testicles reading that.

Thank you anon

>> No.4196101


Heh heh water and powerade is essentially coconut water. The reason they add the powerade to the water is for the potassium :0

>> No.4196468

are fresh sri lankan coconuts just as tasty as these fresh young coconuts?

I don't know which to try.

>> No.4198463
File: 202 KB, 545x553, ayee-eye-yee-eye-I-am-your-butterfly-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a bunch of drinking with some british hippie chicks last night. This morning one gets some coconut water out of her car.
"Here anon , this will help your hangover"


>> No.4198469


You're not supposed to sip it.

>> No.4198475

>Not just eating a nice, greasy baconater for a hangover.

Jesus fuck hippies, get your shit together.

>> No.4198485


>> No.4198490


It's gross if you drink small amounts. If you chug it, it's not so bad.

>> No.4198708

Have to admit I feel much better now after drinking the horrid concoction so I guess there is something to it