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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 68 KB, 400x400, heinesadness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4182675 No.4182675[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>drinking alone in the afternoon
>see kids walking home from school
>see the excitement and wonderment in their eyes
>have to drink just to keep the pain away

where did it all go wrong, /ck/?

>> No.4182683

right there

>> No.4182693

OP here,

well i like it

>> No.4182697

>browse /ck/ all day

why do i do this

>> No.4182732

I'm right here with you. I'm pretty sure we would be good friends IRL

>> No.4182736
File: 440 KB, 500x551, Tumblr gurrl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we can't stop thinking about food.


>> No.4182775

haha, that picture

>> No.4182777

>senior in college, pissed away everything and mucked it up
>resentment towards these fresh-faced youngsters, full of hope and opportunity
>that feel when you know you peaked in college

>> No.4182786

Aw, that's so sweet of you anon. I'd like for that.

Yeah. I actually have this really bad problem where I rely on food satisfy boredom. It's like a drug addiction but you just get fat and bloated instead of high.

>> No.4182818

I drink with the expectation that I will enjoy myself drunk and (hopefully) die soon due to due the amount I drink.

>> No.4182853

I drink quite a lot but I have a good job, own a few houses, a nice car and a boat so I'm happy most of the time.
I guess the amount of money I spend on alcohol could have bought me a few nice things but I don't really think much about it, just do whatever I need to get through the day.
I think being single and lonely creates a void that I'm filling with drunkenness.

>> No.4182877

How are you single if you have money?

>> No.4182885

go back to /r9k/

>> No.4182884

No personality/creepy would be my guess.

>> No.4182891

I think this belongs on /soc/. Now if you want to talk about different drinks, by all means.

>> No.4182892


I'm pretty terrible at talking to girls, I'm picky, I have a beer gut, I'm still in love with my ex and can't move on.

>> No.4182897

You disgust me.

>> No.4182911

>start drinking at 11am
>shovel the snow for the four houses around me
>clean the house
>make delicious tacos to feed the entire family because there's like 12 people living here
>mom comes home and attacks me for probably being drunk
>I take offense because who gives a shit

in her defense I am 25 and jobless.

>> No.4182913

Let him be. Fuck. Just let him be and maybe he can have a good time here on the board without having to feel worse about his situation.

>> No.4182914

Whatever. Women are whores. I'd never get caught up on one.

>nb4 edgy meme

>> No.4182916


Probably when you started drinking and wallowing in your own negative thoughts and self pity.

I'm not trying to be a dick, that's genuinely my best guess. Try thinking positive thoughts

>> No.4182917

You rock, bro. Just tell your mom you love her and that you're doing your best, even if you aren't. Moms understand when you bring the feels.

>> No.4182926

I'm sitting in front of the comp right now while my girl sleeps. Whores? Meh, don't know any personally. Sucks to be you I guess.

>> No.4182956

You guys should really smoke grass instead of drinking.

>> No.4182960


I used to but I get drug tested at work so drink is the only thing I can do now.
Plus weed made me paranoid .

>> No.4182993

I've tried weed several times. Not a fan.
I'd rather spend my nights sipping on some G&T or a nice IPA.