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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4180081 No.4180081[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>eating food in car between classes
>car pulls up next to you
>driver doesnt leave the car
>i cant eat in front of people
>meal ruined
>stomach growling during test

Fucking fuck.

>> No.4180084
File: 62 KB, 533x800, 1357489195563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck was he doing in his car?

>> No.4180087
File: 30 KB, 315x428, jimH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is exactly why I only ever eat in a locked Hyundai with blindfold and earplugs in place.

>> No.4180090
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>> No.4180104
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>not getting car window curtains like a baller

>> No.4180106

I don't fucking know!

I assumed waiting for class.

But I sat there for 10 mins until my break was over and he was still sitting in his car when I walked back to class.

>> No.4180108

So he sat and did nothing?

>> No.4180118


>> No.4180129
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So you both just sat in your cars. He was probably trying to smoke some weed or something but instead you both sat and stared at each other for 15 minutes, crippled by your anxiety.

“You will become way less concerned with what other people think of you when you realize how seldom they do.”

>> No.4180130

>i cant eat in front of people
Kill yourself now op, there's 7 billion people watching you eat.

>> No.4180132

>>i cant eat in front of people
Are you me, OP?

>> No.4180136

he was probably waiting for you to leave so he could begin eating

>> No.4180143

Why didn't you just move your car?

>> No.4180144

>pull into parking garage at school
>notice at least two people sitting in there car, engine running every day
What are you faggots doing?? Park and leave like everyone else.

>> No.4180264

This once happened to me except the guy was waving money at me.
I pulled out my phone and he sped off.

>> No.4180274

>sitting in there car
You should ask your school for a refund.

>> No.4180277

I don't like eating in front of people either OP, but in my car I don't give a shit.... unless he is staring.

>> No.4180283

Mate, that's the worst case of Avoidance disorder ever!

>> No.4180286

yeah I noticed that after I posted #yolo

>> No.4181395


Some people don't like being alone and end up keeping company to others who like being alone, thinking they're in the same situation. Or they just want to be assholes. I'm not sure which.

>> No.4181401
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Move your car???

>> No.4181409


After my father hung himself I got his car, so I was in this almost empty parking lot in front of a mall strip and this old fucker parks next to me, tells me I should close my doors or there might be an accident. I just looked at him and he went to the bank. My progenitor used to keep an old chef knife in his car door and I took the 10" blade to the other guy's car door. As he came back I locked my door and took off.

I took off like, a good 1/32" out of his door. I think there was a metal strip along with the paint. lol

>> No.4181420

you just got to say fuck it and keep eating.

>> No.4181421

you are such a passive aggressive bitch aren't you?
you disgust me.

>> No.4181432

The other day I was eating at my school's cafeteria and waiting for my next class. This girl sat at a table across from me with a big wrap and out of boredom or something I decided to watch her eat (discreetly, of course).

We look really fuckin' weird when we eat. I was already subconscious of eating in front of others, but I'm doubly so now. Seriously chewing is so unattractive what the hell

>> No.4181436
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Jesus fucking christ, dis trad.

>> No.4181440


The guy saw me with the knife in my hands in an otherwise empty parking lot. He knows it was me. Probabilities it was someone else, in his mind, are absolutely, astronomically, negligible.

It's pretty direct aggression. I didn't kill him, the knife was too dull and I probably would've had to stab him repeatedly after failing to slash his throat.

I, since, studied anatomy so that kind of hesitation will not reoccur.

>> No.4181448


You are now eating manually.

>> No.4181460

If you chew with your mouth closed I don't see that problem. I doesn't look bad at all.

>> No.4181466

>tfw I am sitting in my car at my school's parking lot, trying to masturbate before class, but this guy with food keeps staring at me awkwardly
>tfw never bust my nut and have to go to class with blue balls

>> No.4181469

I think fat people are interesting to watch when they eat. You can tell they really enjoy food and the way in which the mouth moves along with the swallowing process proves to be quite entertaining.

>> No.4181479

fuck you OP. i can't stand people who sit in their cars. "car-sitters" i call them. the worst kind of people. watching. judging. wasting fucking gas by just idling in a parking lot when you think they're going to pull out. their piercing stare when you pull up to the side of them.
i fucking hate people like you. and the douche that pulled up next to you. do you seriously have nothing better to do than sit in a car?

>> No.4181480

why do fat people eat anyways

>> No.4181482
File: 22 KB, 325x306, obaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like you're the one judging, anon

>> No.4181486

For me, trying to get a decent parking space at my school is fucking ridiculous. If you get there <15 minutes before class begins good fucking luck you'll more than likely be late to your class or wind up fighting with everyone trying to get there at the same time. So I get there half an hour early and usually grab lunch on the way and eat it in my car while listening to whatever. Usually the previous lecture.

>> No.4181488

You are a pussy piece of shit. Feel bad about yourself.

>> No.4181514


you know, the more i hear from you, the more I don't like you.

please go.

>> No.4181776

You're a real freak aren't you?

>> No.4181789


like 1 in every 100 people are fuckin' freaks.

it's science.

>> No.4181793

Oh god fuck those people

>Was eating checkers
>Car parks right in front of me
>we both stare at each other
>we both sit in our cars
>I can't eat
>Duck under car to eat rest of burger
>Be depressed rest of the day

I need help

>> No.4182183

I have a 5.5 hour break between classes 2 days a week at a college that takes about an hour to drive to. Assuming you're actually at a university (because who would commute to a junior college?) it might be something along those lines. I spent a while in my car yesterday because it was raining.

>> No.4182193

I can't eat lunch in the break room at my lab because I don't like eating in that environment.

I have no problem eating at a party or a restaurant with lots of people, but a busy lunchroom is just a weird thing to me. I also couldn't eat lunch at the school cafeteria, probably because of the large crowds and loud talking all around.

It's weird. I am a social guy too.

>> No.4182201

it's way more than that dude

>> No.4182219

The ol' reddit switcheroo...

>> No.4182234

I'm surprised there's not more antagonism in this thread.

What the fuck is wrong with you people? You can't eat in front of someone? What the hell did you do in school? At restaurants? Family gatherings?

Is it because you're eating and they aren't?

This thread is so beta.

10/10 full rage

>> No.4182325

>He was probably trying to smoke some weed or something but instead you both sat and stared at each other for 15 minutes, crippled by your anxiety.
^^ this
Some anon somewhere is starting a thread about not being able to smoke weed 'cause some douche was eating next to him in a car

I cannot eat UNLESS someone is watching me.

I have table manners of a badger

>> No.4182346

>have craving for totinos pizza rolls
>preheat oven
>roommate comes back
>spends an hour doing shit in the kitchen
>sit in room with the door closed til he leaves so he doesn't try to talk to you or judge you
>get hungrier and hungrier
>end up eating half a box of six-month old cheez-its instead

>> No.4182392

>try to talk to you or judge you

way to change your pronouns so it wouldn't hurt so bad to type it

>> No.4182400

technically he never changed pronouns.

>> No.4182413

fucking awkward and 'beta' to spend your break sitting locked in your car in a parking garage eating food by yourself to begin with, that's why. you don't want to be caught.

>> No.4182474

I'm generally friendly with most of my roommates, even if I didn't know them it's hard not to become friends when you literally live with each other....

unless you never see them. shared a 1bd apartment with some random student for a semester, and they were usually never home when I was. busiest semester of my life and his, so we never got to know each other. it was like living with a total stranger the entire time. he avoided me, I avoided him. tried to be pals and offer to cook meals together, but they refused. even bought separate eggs, milk, butter, etc. never done that with my roommates, we just had a grocery schedule.