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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4178906 No.4178906[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you eat a gluten free diet?

>> No.4178907

I might have to look into a diet like that. Addisons disease complications or somesuch.

>> No.4178961

I'm not 100% but there is no reason to include gluten in your diet.

>> No.4178965

Hey, I used to follow that guy on Twitter...

Also I do, but due to health problem-related reasons and not faddy diet ones.

>> No.4178970

No and I don't care about gluten. Maybe if your genetics didn't suck so much it wouldn't be such a big deal to you. Just sayin'.

>> No.4178974

I decided to pass on that fad.

>> No.4178982
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lol u tellem
I can eat whatever I want.


>> No.4178983

No. Unless you legitimately have Celiac disease, gluten is perfectly fine to consume.

Spoiler: less than 0.01% of the population actually has Celiac.

>> No.4178996
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>have celiac disease
>do homestay in japan
>host mother keeps asking me if I can eat things
>asking me if pork has wheat in it
>asking me if fish has wheat in it
>asking me if seaweed or radishes have wheat in them

>friends and family-friends remark on my weigh loss
>mother credits my 'going gluten free'
>actually gained weight after changing diet at doctor's behest
>only lost weight due to obsession with dieting
>was eating 1/6 my daily recommended intake at one point

>> No.4179009

Did you smell your host mothers pantsu?

>> No.4179011

I don't have caelics but most people I know do. I switched to gluten free too though because it's just the thing to do these days. Got to keep up with the times.

>> No.4179012


<--- /b/ is that way

>> No.4179014

Go and suck a cock faggot

>> No.4179017


y so mad tho? seriously gb2/b/, shitposting is a bannable offense now.

>> No.4179026

No but I saw my host sister naked, that was awkward.
She just giggled though... I closed the door and apologized profusely from the other side.

>> No.4179027
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(CAPTCHA what the fuck: oneddep nudie magazine)

>> No.4179032

This might not have dissuaded you but she was 9 years old, I wasn't particularly aroused.

>> No.4179077

> Do you eat a glutenfree diet?

Yes. I miss pancakes :(
I don't eat things like gluten free versions of regular food, I just eat more corn, rice, and oatmeal in my diet.

>> No.4179092

Yes. Gluten causes me severe constipation for days and a nasty mental fog about 8 hours after I eat it.

>> No.4179114

I tried it for 3 months because my doctor suggested it due to some possible allergy. I didn't notice any difference and went back.

>> No.4179244

If the faggots didn't have something to complain about their heads would explode, they never bother looking into themselves, maybe they suck too much cock and that's unhealthy, but that doesn't continue the human race, they never think of that though, they expect normal people to continually make exceptions for them.

>> No.4179264
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>> No.4179350

Yep. I avoid simple carbs all together for the most part (except for fruit, gotta have my fruits), and stick with complex carbs. Wheat products make me bloated and give me an inflammatory response (joints swell and ache, rash, bowel discomforts, etc.) So yeah.
It's not too bad, though. I still eat rice occasionally, because I miss eating it with curries and stir fries, but spaghetti squash makes for a nice substitute.

>> No.4179440
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No, because I'm not a cripplingly diseased person.

Unless you are a celiac patient, it's just another fad diet that will go out of fashion in a few years, just like that ridiculous acai berry phase.

In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy my delicious wheat products.

>> No.4179445
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No, because gluten isn't bad for you unless you are genuinely allergic which I am not, so I am not buying into the bullshit of food companies trying to sell me expensive gluten-free food.

>> No.4181882

Aaaaw, thank you for using this pic, i made those
and feel quite touched that someone found thie pic to be save-worthy *sniff*

>> No.4181887


>> No.4181889

You know you dont have to buy gluten free products to go gluten free.

>it's just another fad diet that will go out of fashion in a few years
maybe when my gut recovers, but currently I still can't handle much more than trace amounts without experiencing constipation, discomfort and mental effects.

>> No.4181893

If I eat bread: instant death.

>> No.4181897

Luke Dicken thickens his sauces with flour. What a fucking dicken.

>> No.4181900

That it's become a ridiculous fad is nice for the 1% of the population that either have celiac or a specific intolerance to wheat, so congrats to them and stuff. But it's fucktarded how many people have convinced themselves it's somehow the healthy thing to do.

>> No.4181901

I had a friend that chose to go gluten free, he now gets sick when he eats foods with gluten. He made himself intolerant to gluten, I don't understand why he thought it was a good idea in the first place.

>> No.4181916

>You know you dont have to buy gluten free products to go gluten free.

I don't have to go gluten free at all.

>> No.4181917
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I fucking love gluten. Come at me

>> No.4181921

Good for you, but just because someone does, doesn't mean that they "buy into the bullshit of food companies trying to sell them expensive gluten-free food"

>> No.4182038

>You know you dont have to buy gluten free products to go gluten free.
How do you avoid eating gluten without purchasing gluten free foods?

>> No.4182080

You don't need to target products that say "gluten free" on the package, is all. Meat, vegetables, fruit - all safe.

It's for more processed goods, and grain products, that you need to pay attention.

You know. If you actually have gluten-related problems. Otherwise, there really aren't any benefits.

>> No.4182082

I am on a gluten-free diet, gotten pretty used to it by now, but the hardest thing is that I am a waiter and have to work around delicious food all the time.

by the way, buying advertised gluten-free food is a waste. Rice Krispies are gluten free, but they have a box that has gluten free printed large on the face of the box that costs like $2 more

>> No.4182092

Looks like I just went full retard on that one. I took "gluten free" as naturally gluten free to food.

>> No.4182123

>Rice Krispies are gluten free, but they have a box that has gluten free printed large on the face of the box that costs like $2 more

"you mean to tell me that I can finally have puffed rice WITHOUT wheat-protein? THANK YOU BASED CELIAC'S JESUS!"
People are fucking retarded.

>> No.4182140

They are probably produced on a separate line in order to prevent contamination with gluten from other products within proximity.

>> No.4182142

Rice Krispies contain barley malt. The other ones do not.

>> No.4182143

barley doesnt contain gluten

>> No.4182145

I sometimes do when cooking for my girlfriend and the neighbors because the female neighbor actually has celiac disease. They even have 2 toasters because even bread crumbs with gluten fuck her up.

I usually make chili or corn tortillas with beans, meat, rice etc.

>> No.4182150

Yes it does.

>> No.4182151


>> No.4182152

shit, learn something new everyday

>> No.4182155

>says something incorrect and is corrected
>doesn't say noitrollu
>doesn't delete post and skulk away
>doesn't argue senselessly
>doesn't say "well gluten free is for fags" as deflection

I don't think you belong here.

>> No.4182158

>fad diets
stop this shit.

excercise some fucking portion control, or eat huge piles of green vegetables without butter if you must stuff yourself.

It's not gluten making you a fatass, it's you eating 15 pounds of food per day, then sitting on your ass for 16 hours.

The only things humans can eat without gaining weight are things we literally cannot digest, like cellulose in green vegetables.

>> No.4182161

I think you completely missed the whole point. People aren't avoiding gluten because of their weight.

>> No.4182165

Yeah, just say more shit that completely exposes you as someone who has no idea what they're talking about.

>> No.4182169

It's both hilarious and sad that he felt the need to rant about "fad diets" without understanding what he is even talking about lol.

>> No.4182171

>is completely incapable of being wrong

I dont think you belong anywhere.

>> No.4182173

What are your reasons for going gluten free? I find it hard to believ4e that so many people in the same thread are actually alergic.

>> No.4182175

I do not avoid gluten, I am just pointing out that the reason people avoid gluten isn't because of a weight issue, which is what your whole post was about.

>> No.4182186

I'm not the guy who made the post. I was just curious.

>> No.4182187

if you dont think those are good enough reasons, please tell me why i should subject myself to that.

>> No.4182188

I know 2 people with auto-immune diseases who have seen noticeable increases in quality of life since eschewing gluten.

Yeah, lots of it is a fad but who knows, lots of people have GI issues that never get resolved. If avoiding gluten instead of taking medication may help than why not.

I don't see why people get upset. If someone wants to avoid a non-essential food than that is there choice. If you don't agree with their reasoning it doesn't matter and you shouldn't worry about it anyway.

>> No.4182192

Seriosly, I was just curious. Originally I was this poster


and before meeting our neighbors I wasn't even aware that gluten even exists and I have never met someone who had a problem with this. This why I asked.

>> No.4182223

Because it's a stupid fucking idea unless you're legitimately allergic to wheat (which is a v small % of the population) and it leads to idiotic fucking ideas about how bread is actually bad for you, what utter nonsense

>> No.4182225


How do you know bread isn't bad for you?

>> No.4182231

>It's a stupid idea to cut out a non-essential food item that causes discomfort


>> No.4182227

I am a celiac, and I don't have an issue with regular rice krispies.

I am also fine with regual soy sauce.

>> No.4182233

it's fucking not, you moron, fuck you

>> No.4182235

>Because it's a stupid fucking idea unless you're legitimately allergic to wheat
Why? What does someone miss out on if they avoid wheat?

>> No.4182237

Someone hit a bread nerve on this guy.

Is your dad a baker? Is your mom sourdough?

>> No.4182239


Those are some rock solid arguments you got there, chief.

>> No.4182246

Delicious, delicious bread

Yes, my mom is sourdough, fucker

Too fuckin' right

>> No.4182242

Honestly, I've seen people buy gluten free bread and such when they're not celiacs.

Which then means the store often runs out of bread, which is shitty for the people who actually need it.

>> No.4182249

You don't have to be celiac to experience problems with wheat.

>> No.4182247

Whether or not it's detrimental to health, it's certainly not healthful. Even whole grains, due to their anti-nutrient content. And white bread is just all carbs with little fibre, which puts a nice strain on your body.

>> No.4182248

Sound reasoning.

>i-i-if everyone buys gluten-free the celiacs lose out!!!

>> No.4182252

I'm talking about friends who were just going gluten free because it was a fad diet.

While still eating normal cakes.

>> No.4182253

And this is the kind of fucking thing I'm talking about (not defending highly processed white bread, but the rest of it dumb as fuck)

>> No.4182257

So you think whole grains don't have anti-nutrients? Boy are you going to be embarrassed when you do that google search.

>> No.4182258

Why does this bother you? It is basically "stopping not liking what I like" and incredibly immature.

Oh no, people get their carbohydrates elsewhere. Time to get butthurt and let it influence your mood.

>> No.4182260

Fuck dude, read the chain of replies

>> No.4182262

Whole grains are fucking fine for you

UNLESS YOU EAT NOTHING BUT TOMATOES AND EGGS YOU WILL DIE AT THE AGE OF 32 OH NOOOOOO OH NOOOOOOOOOOO! GOTTA BE HEALTHY! WHATEVER ANYONE SAYS IS HEALTHY, THAT'S WHAT YOU GOTTA DO! Romando Q Thigpen of Lakeview, AZ did not eat healthily. He was run over by a cement truck. Doris H Lisbeth of Oak Point, MW did eat healthily. She was promoted at work, and lived to the age of 67. Eat healthy, and copy the eating-healthy instructions to 10 friends, or the same fate will befall you.

>> No.4182263

I seriously doubt stores run out of gluten-free bread constantly and, if so, the plight of the celiacs actually bothers this guy.

He is just mad that people do something differently and is grasping at justifications beyond, "b-because it is stupid!!!!".

>> No.4182273

>I go to the store to buy bread
>there's none there
>think of friends who shop there.

I'm mad because people follow fad diets that impacts my enjoyment of bread.

>> No.4182277

>what is supply and demand
Deal with it.

You don't need bread and not having it isn't a big deal. You sound like a crybabby.

>> No.4182280

maybe you shouldn't pretend you have a made-up medical condition, then

>> No.4182283
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Time to start making your own.

>> No.4182315
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I already make my own bread- gluten free too!