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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 279 KB, 700x1351, Comparison Shopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4176575 No.4176575 [Reply] [Original]

i've started premaking meals two days in advace. i make 6 servings of chicken (4oz cooked), broccoli (4oz broached), and rice (1.25cups cooked), and pack them away in the fridge. to give it a little flavor so its barable to eat after a few days, i heat 1/4cup olive oil in a ban and throw 6oz of broccoli in it, then put an oz in each container. how unhealthy would it be to put the rest of the oil in the pan on the rice that i boiled? it smells really good but someone told me heating oil denaturalizes it, or something along those lines, so it has 0 nutritional value. is that true?

>pic somewhat related

>> No.4176616
File: 871 KB, 1126x1001, fit Diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4176680
File: 377 KB, 563x723, fit Diet 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4176689

>nb4 shitstorm

That picture works every. single. time.

>> No.4176721
File: 493 KB, 640x1550, Shit Vegan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4176734

>3 dollar bell peppers
>1.49 for a quart of milk


>slurry pipeline neurIDe

I guess, captcha. I guess that's what it is.

>> No.4176744

whats all this 1 gallon of water shit, my father was thin as a rake all his life, cant recall him drinking more than a glass, and you want me to drink a fucking gallon..every day lol

>> No.4176746

I work at a grocery store, that's about right. Bell pepper prices fluctuate a lot though, and I'd say the price for those in the pic are a tad high.

>> No.4176761
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1339148276414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>don't reply to the troll
>don't reply to the troll
>don't reply to the troll

>> No.4176776

bell pepper goes up and down like crazy indeed. I don't understand them, but I buy them.

>> No.4176784


that pic

>buying Big Macs
>buying soda
>eating fries

>> No.4176791

green peppers tend to be cheap consistently where i am. usually between 59 and 99 cents per pound.

>> No.4176794

Yeah, I saw them for 2/$3 then the next day they were $0.75.

Needless to say, I bought all of them. I made several large gallon bags of holy trinity and put them in the freezer.

>> No.4176801

Organic Bell peppers where I live cost about 2.99 a pound, I think at the local food 4 less, bell peppers run for anywhere of .75- 1.50 each pepper

>> No.4176807


Oh and Organic Milk here costs about 3 dollars a gallon, so for a quart of milk, I'll say thats a bit pricey.... Or you could probably go to 99cent store and buy a 1$ jug of that milk, although I wont count on the quality being that great.

>> No.4176864
File: 1.14 MB, 992x967, Carbohydrate Chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so whats the deal with the left over oil after cooking broccoli in it? can i put it on my rice?

>> No.4176925

Thank god you posted this, I was about to!

>> No.4176929

Yes, there's nothing bad about that. You're already eating it on the broccoli, why would it be bad to have some more?

>> No.4176935

does that freeze well?

>> No.4176954

question: why the obsession with "steel cut" oats? couldn't it just be "oats" in general, rolled, or otherwise? is there something about "steel cut" specifically that is healthier?

>> No.4176960

>big macs

This picture is bullshit, if you give a fuck about savings you buy dollar menu. I'd like to see this comparison again but with 4 mcdoubles, 4 hot and spicys, and 4 large drinks.

Twelve dollars. Requires no appliances or preparation. Ultimate poor man food. Eat shit.

>> No.4176961

it doesn't taste like snot

>> No.4176969


ultimate poor mans food?

Spaghetti noodles = 1$
Pasta sauce = $3
Large 2L Soda = $1
ground turkey= $4

Have left overs for dinner tomorrow, $10

You're a faggot, Ultimate Poor mans food

>Eat shit

>> No.4176978

>Eat shit.
Yes, this is analogous to eating McDonald's.

>> No.4176986

Where I live I can get the sauce for $1 and the ground turkey for $1.49

>> No.4176990

I much prefer the texture and taste myself, but /fit/ is convinced they retain some extra nutritional value or something.

>> No.4176991


fast food is not "ultimate poor man's food," it's "ultimate retard/helpless moron food."

28oz can of lentil soup from ethnic stores: $1

Entire meal: $1


Pasta: $1 (enough for 3 meals)
Bag of frozen peas: $2 (enough for 3+ meals)
Lemon: 50c

3 meals for 3.50

I could do a hundred of these. It's not that hard, just buy cheap veggies/fruits/pasta/bulk staples

>> No.4176996

you can get a 1lb of chicken, 1lb of rice, and 1lb of broccoli for $10 and easily serve 4ppl for dinner

>> No.4177084

>Large 2L Soda

So a 3L Soda, then?