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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 4 KB, 142x120, horsie-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4176177 No.4176177 [Reply] [Original]

Horsie, it's the new British meat!

>> No.4176214

are u havin a neigh m8

>> No.4176218

u avin a giggle ova this, m8?

>> No.4176225


>> No.4176280
File: 214 KB, 500x334, meanwhile in Tesco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work at Tesco
>Have to put up with all those people who think asking for Horse Burgers is the funniest thing in the world

Also we withdrew is shit-ton more Burgers yesterday.


>> No.4176296

I'd eat horse that was raised specifically to be eaten, was kept healthy and treated well during its life. I'm less alright with something thats supposed to be beef being a quarter horse.

Where are they getting the meat from anyways? For a random sampling of meat to have that high a content of not-beef in it speaks to there being a lot of butchered horses somewhere.

>> No.4176382

Countries used to serve horse meat as a regularly common thing. You needed special markings and permissions to do it though. I'm not surprised horse meat is making a comeback though with how expensive it is to raise any type of livestock... selling old horses that cost more than they're worth to keep alive for meat makes sense to some farmers and ranchers.

We're taught growing up that horses are for sport, enjoyment, and transportation. To many countries, horses are all of the above- and when no longer useful, they're dinner. Nothing too surprising about horses being reintroduced to the main stream for food.


>> No.4176389


It could be a religious Protestant/Catholic flame. The meat came from Ireland.

Sage because it's too sad.

>> No.4176392
File: 152 KB, 400x221, tumblr_mbhexpi2aF1qbcf9go1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in Spain.
>Horse meat available in my local supermarket
>MFW no horse mince to use as filling for my hamboigas