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File: 375 KB, 800x534, artificial-sweeteners1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4167632 No.4167632 [Reply] [Original]

Which sugar substitute is the best? Sugar is not an option.

>> No.4167641

Sweet n low.

Splenda takes out your good gut flora so you need to take probiotics if you drink a lot of it.

>> No.4167646
File: 287 KB, 518x312, sweet-n-low-warning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying cancer
Splenda master race.

>> No.4167654

For what purpose? Baking? Sweetening drinks? In a recipe? If it's in a recipe, what recipe?

>> No.4167661
File: 12 KB, 400x180, tumblr_lw0fzkDbFv1qlp7po.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when PKE

>> No.4167672

I never has anything else but sweet and low. I typically use sugar. I just was curious when I was at a diner, so i tried it out. It was way too sweet. Like, twice as sweet.

>> No.4167682

Honey or Stevia.

>> No.4167684


>> No.4167694

It taste like chemicals and aids.

>> No.4167707

Stevia for me. Some companies know how to make it good while other just fuck around with the hype.

>> No.4167708

Sweet n low. I don't believe it causes cancer. Anyways, it taste better.

>> No.4167709

I use NutraTaste. Only use it when I make a cup of tea.

>> No.4167712


>> No.4167717
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I actually haven't tried it so I have no idea if it's any good

>> No.4167726

Whenever I eat out, i take all the sugar packets. I can't be the only one that does this.

>> No.4167734

I-I thought I was the only one.

>> No.4167738


>> No.4167739

I do this when I get coffee/tea on days that I work. I keep a little stash of tea bags in the office and it's nice to have sugar, too.

>> No.4167746

so I can use as much of this as I want and not worry about diabetes?

what is the trade off between this and normal sugar?

>> No.4167752

Agave syrup is sugar you fuckwit

>> No.4167757

It leaves a chemical taste in your mouth. Just pick the chemical taste you can bare with better. If you have PKE, eating Equal makes you retarded. Hence the warning.

>> No.4167759

I've no idea which is the best, but I know that I'm certainly content with splenda.

>> No.4167774

Forgot pic "phenylketonurics: contains phenylalanine" is a warning to phenylketonurics so they don't become retarded by eating it.

>> No.4167783
File: 94 KB, 600x400, qc-aspartame-back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damnit.

>> No.4167805

no gum for you

honey, stevia, or agave

>> No.4167813

nope. there's literally millions of jews, indians, and niggers in the world.

>> No.4167827

>eating Equal makes you retarded
what? it has a neurological affect? that's scary

>> No.4167831

Only if you have PKU. You would know if you have it or not because you are tested at birth.

>> No.4167870


honey, niggaz. I'm a bear and I'mma eat yo hive up. All grrr and shit and what not. Fuck you.

>> No.4167879

if you just think that something is sweet, you can taste it.

just imagine your sweetener

>> No.4167913

pure glucose is best

>> No.4167915

>Sugar is not an option.

Yes it is.

>> No.4170201

My parents used to do this when I was a child.
But it was mainly because Tirma, the local company that had a pretty obvious coffee monopolium put ineresting quotes in the back of the sugar packs and we would try to catch em all

>> No.4170229

They ar all terrible. Aspartame doesn't even taste like sugar. sucralose taste like burned caramel, and stevia has a weird plant aftertaste.

Better learn to dose real sugar better than replacing it.

>> No.4170231

>honey, agave
>not sugar

holy lol.

>> No.4170240

splenda bitches

>> No.4170254


>> No.4170256


A wild Sugar Packet appeared!

>> No.4170263

Xylitol. I work in a store where we sell sugar substitutes, and that shit is the best, no doubt. A bit expensive though, like $20 AUD for 500g

>> No.4170538

Sweet 'n Low because it's mentioned in 'American Psycho' by Bret Easton Ellis.

>> No.4170592

Stevia is the best by far; it's BETTER than cane sugar. Honey is awesome too but only works in certain situations.

I got the chance to eat a stevia leaf without knowing what it was and my god I haven't used another (granulated) sweetener since.

>> No.4170600

Xylitol is pretty bad in my opinion. All those sugar alcohol sweeteners just taste off.

>> No.4170670
File: 25 KB, 432x419, Stevia-Powdered4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stevia is the only clear choice. it is the only sweetener that actually balances your insulin levels, and you use a LOT less of it. if you can go from sugar to stevia you will live a lot longer and not get dabeetis.

>> No.4171721

Doesn't this shit give you cancer? Like literally?

>> No.4173313
File: 12 KB, 160x160, 34589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As opposed to figuratively giving you cancer?

>> No.4173330

10 secondsdof research says it can only give cancer to rats.
And since they tested it on rats that's where the scare comes from.
Seems safe to me.

>> No.4173334


The sugar industry spent millions of dollars trying to fight against it and ilegalize it because they knew it would slap their shit

>> No.4173392

>The sugar industry spent millions of dollars trying to fight against it and ilegalize it because they knew it would slap their shit
The FDA had a problem with it until Coca-Cola and Pepsi wanted to use its derivatives, then they said, "durrr sure it is okay".

>> No.4173394

Do you have any idea just what sugar does to the body?
Its way more dangerous than heroin, or even alcohol.

Sugar effects so many body functions I cant even list them.

Worrying about cancer is just one of them.

>> No.4173690

The shit literally comes over to you and hands you a bag of cancer.

How did this word get into the vocabulary of the masses?

>> No.4173733

If I'm drinking iced tea and it's not already sweetened, I'd go with Sweet 'n Low because it's the only one i know that will actually dissolve in a cold liquid easily.

>> No.4173736


People are stupid and don't realize they are misusing words. Other people hear it and learn the incorrect usage.

>> No.4174122

>Not using real sugar

Why are you people so retarded? This stuff tastes like shit, and it's absolutely shit for you.

>> No.4174181

Unfortunately, this is one of the branded Stevia sweeteners that actually tastes like chemicals.