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4167431 No.4167431 [Reply] [Original]

Blood sausage! For the blood sausage god!

>> No.4167433

Blood pudding > Blood sausage

>> No.4167438

It's the same thing you knob-sniffer

blood sausage = black pudding = blood pudding

It's all delicious though. Serve it with plenty of Khorne.

>> No.4167439

No way. Not if you are talking cured blood sausage like morcilla

>> No.4167472
File: 50 KB, 620x413, 105295115__285523c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be deep fried to get that orgasmically delicious crunchy outer coating.

>> No.4167482

Must be Scottish, nobody else could come up with such an abomination.

>> No.4167488


That's not deep fried. notice there is no batter. It's fried on a flat pan, just like bacon. and it's fucking delicious.

>> No.4167499

American here: no fucking way.

>> No.4167513

Quiet you, go drink some of that corn syrup you people like so much.

>> No.4167523

American here: I make and eat blood sausage. Yes fucking way.

>> No.4167713

You should know that boudin noir is a big thing in Cajun food.

Stop defining what you do and do not like by your nationality.

>> No.4167854

I love that shit.

>> No.4167872


you realize deep frying is just frying in deep oil, right

you can deep fry brussels sprouts and you sure as hell wouldn't batter them

>> No.4167886

Can any of you guys give me an idea of what blood sausage tastes like? Consistency, etc.?

I've always wanted to try some, but it's not something that would be readily available where I live.

>> No.4167928

it tastes savoury and is mostly flavoured by its spices. Black pepper, sage, onion. It's nice stuff.

Consistency is like a vegetarian sausage if you just heat it. However, as most people have said here, when you fry slices of pudding in oil, you get god mode crispness. You get a satisfying crunch when you bite with a softish centre.

The taste is also improved by crisping and caramelising the outside too.

>> No.4167949

What is it with Americans and their fear of offal? It's really weird. You do know that all meat is filled with blood?

>> No.4167958

That sounds pretty tasty.

It's just that I live in the Bible Belt, and blood sausage isn't exactly something you'd expect to find down here (I've never seen it anyway). My cooking skills are also well below sub-par, so I wouldn't trust myself to make a good representation of it.

>> No.4167963

especially as Americans eat more ready meals than most people, so they actually ingest digest tract and colon more frequently than most.

>> No.4167968


>> No.4167975

stop typing about food in such literal manner! it's making me salivate

>> No.4167973

it is actually delicious. I used to eat it all the time as a child and it was my favourite part of a full english until i was told what it actually was. put me off for a while, but I like it again now.

If I were you I'd definitely buy it first, then try making it.

>> No.4167984

ready meals use up all the shitty entrail meat that you couldn't sell in a pre-cooked identifiable form

>> No.4167997

german blutwurst is my least favorite type tbh, the english type is probably the best

>> No.4168087

we're omnivores. we love blood and flesh. deny it all you like. it's a fact.

go to utube and watch animal videos. they're pretty rough. recently i found one where a baboon was eating a young gazelle alive. he had the two hind legs spread apart as he calmly munched on the genitalia and whatever is next. while the gazelle looked around waiting for batman to save his ass.

>> No.4168135

Meat isn't filled with blood. You'd know this if you worked in the meat industry, pleb.

>> No.4168153

>thinks muscles aren't supplied with a vascular system

>> No.4168157

Just curious, have you ever hunted or slaughtered your own animal?

Because I bet you haven't and would be squeamish doing so. Don't act like you "love blood and flesh" when you eat fast food or pre-processed meats that only require you to season and cook it.

>> No.4168156

>Doesn't know what water and myoglobin are.

Stay pleb.

>> No.4168165

I know what myoglobin is, but you can't say meat doesn't contain blood right after slaughter.

>> No.4168175

It's MOSTLY drained, and you'd be lucky to spot any actual blood in most red meats. This means meat isn't filled with blood, it just contains traces.

>> No.4168201
File: 19 KB, 409x347, 1350734101221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be an Americlap
>go to Ireland
>order white pudding and black pudding

w-what was in the white pudding?

>> No.4168212

"White pudding is very similar to black pudding, but does not include blood. Consequently, it consists of pork meat and fat, suet, bread, and oatmeal formed into the shape of a large sausage."

>> No.4168213

mostly grain and suet. Then you have extras like onion, herbs and spices.

>> No.4168218

Ah that's what it was, thank you.

>> No.4168234


>> No.4168811

I had some blood sausage and eggs with Wegman's marathon bread (whole grain with a ton of seeds, apples, carrots and bananas inside) for breakfast this morning.

It was a bit pricey, but good, and I don't eat more than <2oz at a time.