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File: 522 KB, 1024x768, lost love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4163204 No.4163204 [Reply] [Original]

will a pizza hut personal pan pizza allow me to recapture the happiness of childhood?

>> No.4163206

needs moar salad bar and red booths under a pointy roof

>> No.4163211
File: 42 KB, 410x410, 13332937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sit in your backyard while devouring several of these.

>> No.4163212

No, you will never feel the joy of carefree life you enjoyed as a child.
You will spend your weekend knowing that Monday is quickly approaching and work days just turn into a blur of repetition.

>> No.4163217
File: 67 KB, 607x456, pizzahutburning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4163222

craaaaaawling iiiiinnnn my skiiiiiiiin

theeeese wooooouuunds theyyyy wiiiiiill not heaaaaaaaaal

>> No.4163242
File: 269 KB, 2100x1367, gilderoy_fucking_lockhart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh. Some Pizza Huts now use frozen dough.

Say goodbye to your memories.

>> No.4163262
File: 19 KB, 400x300, stringthing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly no, OP

But these will

>> No.4163269


you know there's supposed to be three GD pepperonis per fucking slice and this jack-a-moe goes and slices the mother fucking pizza with a dull-ass butter knife, now the whole thing is ruined...this is why you will never recapture that happiness.

>> No.4163280
File: 155 KB, 500x494, bookitclub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you buy it with a coupon you earned in school

>> No.4163300
File: 164 KB, 1060x1600, DSC_0153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These might

>> No.4164661

I suspected as much the last time I ate there. I ordered two personal pans, 1 cheese 1 supreme, and they were ready waaaaaaaay too quickly.

>> No.4164667

You also need to be really high. That helps bring your mind back to child-like simplicity.

>> No.4164707
File: 1.95 MB, 528x292, What.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pizza Hut breadsticks

>> No.4165857
File: 72 KB, 500x597, tumblr_m805cfxntV1qde4opo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Say goodbye to your memories.

M-mah childhood is rushing back now....

>> No.4165877

Joke's on you, I enjoy my job.

>> No.4165896

I've just been coaxed into a snaffu

>> No.4165902

> You will spend your weekend knowing that Monday is quickly approaching and work days just turn into a blur of repetition.

You sir are obviously not married with kids.

> Saturday night, just got back from in-laws stupid fucking baby shower, had to attend because wife refuses to drive on the highway. Mancave still fucked from the hurricane, kids cranky as 9000 motherfuckers because they all are just getting over the flu. Paranoid as hell that I'm next. Stuck watching shitty tv shows that everyone else picks since I was never in the picking rotation having a basement and all. Tv so goddamn loud my ear are ringing, all because everyone is talking over each other. Get up tomorrow, do it all over again.

Can't fucking wait for Monday to get here.

> Stop by the kitchen at work for some coffee. Head to my office, shut the door, peace and quiet,

>> No.4165909

> Joke's on you, I enjoy my job.

OP sounds young or followed some anons advice and went to cooking school. Doods, get a *good* education, then you'll have the $ to cook yourself silly in the comfort and privacy of your own home with top notch equipment, food of your choice, menu of your choice... Not constrained by what makes the boss money. And suppose you don't feel like it today, fuggit. Pick up one of your many other hobbies.

>> No.4165990

That's pizzahut burning pic is really neat, thanks anon. And not because I'm raging, its just a pretty pic and has some nostalgia action. Plus is looks identical to one I worked at. Had the same little bumpout for the pickup window.

Btw, it looks highly likey that this one might be fire training/controlled burning. Time of day, parking lot the way it is, etc. And goddamn that one's burning hot.

>> No.4165997

Yea, I was just searching for a pic of the old style building and BAM. There's actually two of those building left in my part of the city that I know of. One is still a Pizza Hut and the other is a sushi place or some shit. But with a building like that, once a Pizza Hut, always a Pizza Hut.

>> No.4165998

>You will spend your weekend knowing that Monday is quickly approaching and work days just turn into a blur of repetition.
I am a researcher and love my job. I often look forward to results during the weekend.

>> No.4166033

>you're really married with kids instead of describing your current simulation on The Sims 3™.

>> No.4166067

I feel like I get stomach cancer every time I eat Pizza Hut. I won't even eat it if it's offered to me for free and I am FAR from a picky eater.

The problem is probably how much/the type of grease that's on the crust and cheese. Don't know if it's unique to my local one but it always seems like it's drenched in the stuff.

>> No.4166084

I didn't think they had Pizza Huts in Canada, but I found one in Dartmouth.
It tastes kind of bready.

>> No.4166093

No, it gave me the shits instead

>> No.4166096

I had one of these recently. Somehow they're even better than what I remembered.

>> No.4166399

If you're in the states, Monday won't save you. MLK Jr. Day observed. Kids will be home.

>> No.4166443

pretty sure most places don't get off of school for MLK day unless you are in the inner city

I know I never did until college

>> No.4166457

The fuck. MLK day is a federal holiday and every school district around me would be closed for that day. Not just talking about the ones in the city either.

>> No.4166462

maybe I am remembering incorrectly, but pretty sure we never got off for it in k-12. Once I got to college spring semester always started the day after it, so then we got it off

>> No.4166473

i know where i am from we always had off. the elementary schools in my district this year have to go in on monday to make up lost time from hurricane sandy

>> No.4166485

Pizza Hut sprays the finished pizzas with something and it is absolutely DRIPPING with it. Tastes nasty. I don't know what it is but it totally ruins the pie.

>> No.4166490

While I used to eat those when I went to Pizza Hut as a kid, it wasn't until recently that I had one again. After class on Thursday, I stopped by my campus's cafe where they have Pizza Hut pizza and bought one.

Never again. The cheese, sauce, and toppings are okay, but the crust is just a really bad sensation in the mouth. The greasiness will never leave your taste buds.

It's hard to describe, really. I like Pizza Hut and all, and I like their Pan Pizza, but the last Personal Pan I had was just plain awful.

>> No.4166508
