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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4161358 No.4161358 [Reply] [Original]

If we were in the Nineteen Fifties, you know you would have loved to be a housewife.

Also, let's rate our tap water.

>> No.4161364

>New York tapwater
God tier.

>Nevada tap water
Horrible ass-water. I regret moving.

>> No.4161378
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yeah, I love being one in the 2010's even better though. More advanced technology makes cleaning and caring for my home a snap. Scientific farming allows for better quality and more variety of ingredients to feed my family superior ultra-nutritious meals year round!

My tap water if fantastic! 8/10 we draw from a city wide artesian well. Would be 10/10 but a pipe disaster resulted in an extra dose of chlorine that you can barely taste, but is noticeable.

>> No.4161391

I'm just disappointed I haven't received a letter from Vault-Tec. I'm sure nothing will happen though.

>> No.4161440

>not saying you live in Louisville, KY
>not saying when it comes out of the tap already cold shit is so cash

this isn't even a fucking tap water thread. fuck you.

>> No.4161486

Have you seen some of those "trendy" 50s cookbooks with all that awful gelatin shit? I sure as shit wouldn't want to be expected to cook half that crap. Lemme see if I can't find my stash of those pictures...

Illinois water: Not bad.

>> No.4161495
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>> No.4161500
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>> No.4161504

Unfortunately I wouldn't have been able to cook at the library, so no.

These days I have a library at home, so I can have my cake and read about it. These are truly the best of times.

>> No.4161505
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Thought I had more but apparently not.

>> No.4161507


Also I have well water. It is beautiful.

>> No.4161514

>Northwest Florida tap water
Not terrible. Maybe 6/10

>Orlando, Florida
2/10. Won't hurt you (that I'm aware of) but tastes horrible. It's disgusting

>> No.4161566

I've always wanted one of those 50's style 'wall' stoves where the door opens upwards, like a garage door.

Also, Indiana tapwater is alright I guess.
Smells overchlorinated as fuck, and it ruins coffee pots within a month if you don't stay on that shit with vinegar, but it tastes just fine when its nice and cold.

I see so many people buying those 30 packs of water and just wonder... why?
Why the fuck?
You get that shit for nearly free from your sink in the kitchen.
>hurr durr natural springs
bullshit. most of it probably comes from some giant faucet in a factory anyway.

Bottled water is the biggest fucking scam of the century.

>> No.4161571
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Found the stove I was talking about.
Its actually made by General Motors. ..as wierd as that is.

My brother in law has one.
I get so jelly I feel like I should be on a slice of toast with some butter.

>> No.4161574


There are Samsung cranes and Mitsubishi computer screens.

>> No.4161586
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>If we were in the Nineteen Fifties, you know you would have loved to be a housewife.

Actually, this might be true. I'm a housewife now and very satisfied.

>Also, let's rate our tap water.
Louisville, Ky
Wonderful tap water.

>> No.4161614


I'd love to be a housewife today. Probably would've loved it even more in the '50s, though.

Water's so-so where I'm at. OK at times. Maybe 6/10.

>> No.4161661

I think I'd actually really hate it. I like cooking a lot but I hate most other housework. Plus I'd be loathe to be dependant on someone else for money and would probably be very bored.

NY, so delicious.

>> No.4161667

>tfw I will never be a 1950s househusband to a q2p2t trail blazing career woman

>> No.4161856

Louisiana. Baton Rouge area, specifically. Easily 9/10 for drinking, cooking, showering, or whatever. It's bloody magnificent.

>> No.4161863 [DELETED] 

You but you coulcnt enjoy food, like I get big macs for 1.30 cents each. I ask for a double cheeseburger with only lettuce and big mac sauce. it tastes the exact same.

>> No.4161874
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>born a man
>won't get to cruise through life with the easiest, cushiest "job" imagineable (housewife)

>> No.4161889


easiest? for real?

>> No.4161893


You get to lay around doing nothing most of the day, then you prepare some dinner. I make dinner every night on top of having an actual job

>> No.4161897

I wish I could be a housewife :(
No kids, though, the miracle of childbirth can bless some other bitch

>> No.4161909

My mom actually has this cookbook.

>> No.4161912

>Let's rate our tap water thread
>Not started with the Louisville Ky copy pasta with picture of beautiful water with a blue background
I wish Reddit would go.

>> No.4161933

It's one of the thing that I'd expect to like but would go crazy from boredom. I always tend to get really depressed when I have excessive free time (had to get back surgery, shit was no go) which makes my anxiety a lot worse.

Santa Cruz, CA. Our tap water has got to be some of the most mineraly in the state but we have a water softener

>> No.4161954

>London Ontario

I used to have 10/10 tapwater when I lived in the country, they installed new water lines to our house and it was amazing
I actually preferred tap water to pop/juice

>> No.4161957
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>mfw making my gf dress up as a 50's housewife and fuck her on the kitchen table with burnt caserole on the floor as I scream and hit her

>> No.4161959

/r/ing that post

>> No.4161962

>Have a house about 20 years old
>Beyond God-tier water even with our old pipes

>> No.4161995

20 years old is an old house?! My house is considered new in my town and it's 150 years old.

>> No.4162002

>Portland, OR

10/10, I've been all over the country and I don't know how the rest of you fuckers can even stand to live.

ESPECIALLY LOS ANGELES sweet fucking shit get it together, this is the most basic thing.

>> No.4162005


Also, our bullshit ass fucking city council just tried to fluoridate all our shit behind everyone's back and literally every single person in the city joined together with a 'FUCK YOU' so now we get to vote that shit down this year.

>> No.4162033

Beyond god-tier tap water (Cape Town). i heard it's the 3rd best in the world.

>> No.4162047

>Phoenix tap water

pig disgusting. At least I don't live in Tuscon anymore.

>> No.4162055

Houston tap water is bad.
It also contains stuff like uranium and radium.

>> No.4162119

>Be 50s housewife
>Just put 5 kids to bed
>Waiting with dinner for hubby to come home
>Hubby's late... again
>Dinner's ruined
>Go and get ready for bed
>Wait for hubby with rolling pin and rollers in hair
>Finally, he rolls in drunk
>Not hungry so throw dinner in bin
>Go to bed
>wake up in middle of night by hubby's alcoholic breath
>He tries for the sixth offspring
>He falls asleep on top of me
>Can't sleep due to hubby snoring
>Start to wonder why I didn't accept that reefer and get in the car with those beatniks
>Yearn for hidden bottle of gin I started today.

>> No.4162121


>> No.4162136

Baltimore city tap water is pretty damn good.

Baltimore county on the other hand, not as much.

>> No.4162142

I live in Live Oak; can't stand the tap water.

>> No.4162152

>Siberia, no tap water, only water which has been thawed from the snow.
So is the life in the USSR

>> No.4162169

>tfw I'll never be a petite qt 1950s housewife
Being a fat lazy white american male between the ages of 18 and 40 is tough.

>> No.4162171


>> No.4162274

I live in Kansas City. It's really good. I used to live Florida, which sucked immensely but I didn't know it at the time.

I know there's a geological explanation for this but I don't know the details. Florida water sucks ass.

>> No.4162275

>rate your tapwater
0/10. Not even joking. The tap water here has two modes: it smells like sulfur and is undrinkable, or it doesn't smell like sulfur and tastes like pool water because of all of the chlorine they have to use to make the sulfur go the fuck away. Also, there's radium in the water, so cancer rates are locally spiked because of that too.

>> No.4162279

eh, I'm a house wife. Hoping I can get a part time job soon though. I Don't clean as much as I should, but I feed everyone, clean up poop and throw up, manage the finances, keep shit organized and make sure my man never leaved the house hungry or horny. I let him play his video games, and smoke his weed. So mostly all that makes up for the fact that I fucking hate to mop floors. I think If I pop out a few more kids being a housewife will be more fun because once the kids get older they can take over the chores and I can focus on cooking and augmenting their education. I now understand why people used to have all those damn kids. If I had started having kids 10 years ago when I got married I wouldn't have to do any housework, and I'd have a near fully functioning farm!

>> No.4162311

>used to live in Seattle, WA
Amazing tap water, I never got my drinking water from anywhere else. 10/10

>moved to Dallas, TX
Holy shit what the fuck are you doing, Texans. -1/10

>> No.4162316

yeah i'd love to have been hopped up on methampetamine all the time.

>> No.4162330

What's wrong with fluoridating water? It reduces cavities by 60 percent

>> No.4162345

Fluoridated water, in combination with chemtrails, make you susceptible to the government's mind control rays.

>> No.4162357

oh yeah, and I live in LA county, our water is fucking shit 3/10

>> No.4162358

I live in Scotland near mountains and hills and a reservoir and shit.

Our water is awesome, but the water a few towns over is really gross. Dunno why. My friend said we get nicer water because of the aforementioned proximity to hills and mountains etc. but IDK if that's true.

>> No.4162359


I wish I was your gf

>> No.4162370

I live in Madrid. Best tap water in the World. 10/10. They're privatising everything though so it'll be dirtwater in the space of 5 years. I also want to be a fifties housewife but with a maid to do the cleaning. I am am man :|

>> No.4162386

grab an apron buttercup

>> No.4162401

I have yummy well water, its like having an underground babbling brook

>> No.4162402

you'd have to be a girl to be his girlfriend

>> No.4162435

Sonora, Mexico. The water here is chlorinated as fuck so it IS safe to drink. It is so fucking hard though it tastes bad. Also, Nobody drinks tap water here in Mexico for this reason. Has nothing to do with getting sick, it tastes like ass. EVERYONE buys bottled water. Tourists get sick because they are not used to the food.

>> No.4162442

Norwegian tapwater: 10/10
Anything else tastes like shit in comparison

>> No.4162445

yeah but then comes the 60s with those fucking feminists

>> No.4162447

hey me too, but out in Central I rate it 8/10!

>> No.4162448

>implying that the crisp, clear, deep, cold water of Lake Superior in the northern part of Michigan doesn't kick your frenchie ass

>> No.4162455

shit your mom must have been one lazy bitch, I am up with the birds before dawn to make breakfast, I work on cleaning the house and laundry until 8:30 take a coffee break for fifteen minutes, work with the baby on his words for an hour and then take him on his walk, work on the house some more, feed baby lunch, MORE CLEANING, work with the baby on his sign language, take him for his second walk, fold all the clothes I have been laundering, vacuum,coffee break at 3:15, list and maintain our ebay store,start on dinner,feed baby, feed spouse, clean up from dinner and make lunches for everyone for the next day, bathe baby, read to baby and put him to bed, bathe myself, make fuck with spouse, fall into coma.

>> No.4162470

I wouldn't drink ANYTHING that is near Michigan.

Also, check the cancer rates in populations living on the shores of great lakes.

>> No.4162473

That's because your mothering gene compels you to build and clean a nest for your chanlets.

>> No.4162482

>work with the baby on his sign language
your baby is retarded?

>> No.4162484

I won't speak out of turn, in case the kid is retarded but....
Some kids learn sign language early on as well as spoken language. My sister's kids were using sign language to communicate by the time they were 9 months old and then later developed spoken language.

>> No.4162509

My tap water's shit. When I open the tap, it's grey (chlorine and fluoride) and turns clear after 10 minutes.

>> No.4162513

Wow, what a boring existence.

>> No.4162520


The big problem is actually working with the kid on his words. Not intending on being a jerk (for once), but I *am* a linguist, and trying to teach an infant/toddler/preschooler words does nothing. Read to them, talk with them, but you're wasting your time if you're going over vocabulary.

The sign language, on the other hand, is a really good idea. Kids really do grasp language before they can easily form it with their mouths, but you're still not going to get complex sentences out of them until they're 2-3 years old.

>> No.4162522

>but you're wasting your time if you're going over vocabulary.

>> No.4162529

Ohhhh, yes you are. Would you prefer video proof or written studies?

>> No.4162534

>Richmond BC
9/10. Qualicum and Bowser on Vancouver Island have perfect 10/10 wouldfillupan18.9litredrumregularly teir.

>> No.4162543

obviously written

>> No.4162544


>> No.4162563


Have at it.





>> No.4162564

But I am a housewife.

>> No.4162584

I'm basically a housewife now. No job, I volunteer on Saturdays, and cook/clean the rest of the week

It actually..feels good man. I fucking love cooking

Florida tap water is god awful. I use filters.

>> No.4162614

>a documentary
>a book from the 60's
>a couple dated cherry-picked articles


>> No.4162615


If you're looking for more specific articles on language acquisition and acculturation, try Schieffelin and Ochs (1984, 1990, and 2000). The one from 1990 is studying language acquisition amongst the Kaluli in Papua New Guinea, where adults don't address infants directly (Ahearn 2012, "Living Language" if you're looking for a compilation on the topic).

The video download I linked (the second part of the documentary is the one on child language acquisition, and isn't on youtube, more's the pity), is a serious of interviews with linguists like Chomsky, Pinker, and Lasnik, as well as footage from research on language acquisition. I'm no fan of Chomsky's theories on Universal Grammar, but the research is solid and Pinker at least has made his life's work child language acquisition.

>> No.4162619

See >>4162615 . Keep wasting your time "teaching" your kid English, I'm not going to take over an entire thread to correct one person who can't be bothered to go on JSTOR or Google Scholar.

>> No.4162622

>I'm basically a housewife now. No job, I volunteer on Saturdays, and cook/clean the rest of the week
That sounds way too boring to me.

My gf and I cook and clean AND have meaningful jobs that enable us to be productive, creative, have separate lives/social interactions, contribute to the household, etc.

I couldn't imagine just staying at home all day and prolong the cleaning and other chores to fill in the time.

I understand if you have a newborn, but as a lifestyle? There are so many things in this world you are missing out on. I know puttering around the house is convenient, safe, and easy but don't you crave something different?

Don't you want to be able to have more than a couple kids to show for your life? Everyone has kids and most people do a good job raising them... that is basically a given. Don't you have any ambition or dreams or passion for anything beyond using that empty can of Pledge as an excuse to drive to the store just to escape your house for an hour and temporarily relieve the monumental tedium?


>> No.4162636

10/10 tapwater
I'd love to be a housewife if I can do it without the cliques and shit they got into back then.

>> No.4162640

When will you and I marry, fellow linguistanon (actually, I have my undergrad in linguistics, planning to return to school for PhD in cognitive science)?
Chomsky's universal grammar theory is somewhat crackpot indeed, but Pinker's notion that language is instinctual in the same manner that spiders build webs without being taught was born from Chomsky's early theory. Study and science are nothing if only a continual attempt to prove itself wrong and discovering new information to do it.
Also, better than either in regards of language acquisition in children, is the opus of Ursula Bellugi and Edward Klima whose works included studies of language acquisition amongst deaf children in both hearing and Deaf families as well as hearing children in Deaf families. Though Bellugi herself did later venture into the areas of psychobabble when attempting to portray the deaf/Deaf as cognitively inferior to the hearing, her early work in cognitive science and psycholinguistics have moved these fields forward dramatically.

>> No.4162646

tap water very bad in rural PA

would not drink/100000000

>> No.4162648

Lordy, that escalated. I found your links fascinating! I was the original person that posted the comment about "teaching my baby his words", we read books and then walk around the house or outside pointing at things that we read about. I wouldn't know how to teach him vocabulary any other way. He has a very short attention span.

Oh, and someone earlier asked if he was retarded, he isn't. The sign language is easier for him to grasp and he communicates well with it. He is really good at signing.

>>4162513 Surprisingly it isn't, I thought I would be miserable "stuck at home" but now that I am a full time homemaker I can't imagine my life any different. I work hard, so do most of you at your jobs, but I get to manage a household and make sure it runs efficiently. I find my service at home very rewarding, I am busy pretty much all day and I get a lot of enjoyment out of it. Especially planning/ cooking meals and gardening.

>> No.4162650

My state is about as old as your house.

>> No.4162652
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>> No.4162891

In that case, apologies for insulting you, I was, in fact, getting mad at a troll. Back (more) on topic, is your garden primarily for food?

>> No.4162924

No it doesn't.

>> No.4162970

What part of Scotland?
..Aberdeen/ Inverness?

Highlands of Scotland here. Giving it 11.

>> No.4162972

I wouldn't mind doing that if it meant spending all my husband's money on groceries for delicious meals. but fuck wearing high heels all the time.

>> No.4162982

I wasn't insulted in the least. I planted herbs, salad greens, and some flowers mostly last year. This year I am getting in gear to plant several types of tomatoes, more herbs, more flowers, and maybe some sweet peppers.

>> No.4163002
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I used to drink the tap water all the time, but then I left a cup of water sitting overnight. I picked it up the next morning and saw all the shit that was in the water settled onto the bottom of the cup like it was like sediment. For a cup about 32 ounces in volume, there was about a tbsp of sediment particles on the bottom. Absolutely disgusting.

I have since switched to bottled water.

>> No.4163005

My tapwater is contaminated with radium and has be known to at least give unborn children leukemia if their mothers drink it. So, 0/10, would not drink.

>> No.4163012

Most bottled water is just tap water.
Just filter your water like a normal person.

>> No.4163031

I wish I could be a housewife. I want to focus on running a household and keeping it organized and clean and also do the cooking. I would want to run an online business making different video game masks to supplement my spending. Every day, I would wake up with my husband, make breakfast while he got ready for work, send him off, clean the house, get dinner prepped, play vidya until around 5 when he gets off work, have dinner ready when he gets home at 6 and then spend the rest of the night drinking and enjoying each others company while mowing assholes down in vidya. Fucking dream life. Right there. God Damnit.

>> No.4163054

The tap water here tastes fine and I'll drink it if I have to but I'm totally paranoid about fluoride so I drink specific brands of bottled water with naturally occuring levels of fluoride present.

It's not really paranoia if it's fact-based apprehension. Crystal Geyser and Ozarka are my go-to brands though Ozarka doesn't taste so great so I end up brewing tea with it. When I settle down and get a home I'm going to install a reverse osmosis filter.

And I would love to be a housewife but I'd be terrible at it. I'm bad at cleaning and bad with budgeting. Also I'm awkward around babies.

>> No.4163056

Dreams similar to this, but also include having dinner parties, writing letters which I seal with wax seals, as well as having a garden, making jewelry and making things for historical reenactments

>> No.4163066

>Also I'm awkward around babies.
The best way to combat stuff like this is just to be around them more.

While getting my bachelor's I had to work at our University's child care center, even though I was going for Marriage Therapy, and I was the most awkward person around kids you've ever seen.

Now I work at a preschool part time while getting my Master's.

>> No.4163067
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>tfw you want all of this plus a couple of apple trees so you can make your own pies to set out on the windowsill (and homemade cider/scrumpy as well)
>tfw pipe dream

>> No.4163069

It is all possible, don't give up hope!
Why don't you think you can do it?

>> No.4163071

>PhD in cognitive science
This won't necessarily help you understand things any better. I'm assuming you have some cognitive psychology background in your undergraduate degree, so I would recommend going hard science for a PhD instead (e.g. some neuroscience discipline).

People in neuro are too reductionist, and people in cogsci are too holistic. Bridge that shit together and you'll be better than 99% of the people out there.

>> No.4163073
File: 55 KB, 450x590, 6a0115721bb963970b0134862551d5970c-450wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would be fine. You get used to babies and cleaning and budgeting will come in time. You would be great at being a Momma, you are very kind and patient with all of /ck/.

>> No.4163074

Not true, onii-chan

>> No.4163077

A lot of my friends are getting married now so I guess I'll get my babby practice soon. I like kids, I just don't know what to do with them other than say hi and ask them how old they are. : |

>Marriage Therapy
>work at a preschool

You are going to be one prepared parent one day, anon.

>> No.4163079

You have to have money to do all that and live in a place that would accommodate all those things. I don't, and the way things are going in my life I'm going to be elderly and retired before I do (and that's if I'm very VERY lucky).

>> No.4163086
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Man, I really hope so. Thank you. :)

>> No.4163090

How is that kid holding that cup? Is it glued to his hand or something?

>> No.4163092

Holy crap, I never thought about that before. I... have no idea. o.o

>> No.4163096

Problem is, I can't get a job no matter where I look. I've applied everywhere. Half the places in FL aren't hiring. Being at home is driving me crazy but I do like being able to cook more.


>> No.4163097

actually you would be surprised where your priorities lie when you have kids, things fall into place and you make do. having kids is wonderful, if you want them.

>> No.4163107

Housewife here (or maybe not anymore since I just started studying). I'd enjoy being a housewife if I had kids and a house. Rather than a cat and an apartment. There's nothing to do during the days when the food is all prepped and the apartment is all cleaned.
Or if I could go back in time where being a housewife involved more work I'd do that. Would still want kids though.

>> No.4163111

>Everyone has kids and most people do a good job raising them..
Bullshit. Most people do an awful job at raising their kids and leave the rest of society to deal with their bullshit.

>> No.4163117

>Or if I could go back in time where being a housewife involved more work I'd do that.
You just need to up your game as far as cooking is concerned.

Do stuff like make pasta from scratch, or prepare complicated french dishes that take all day to make. It's fun as hell and tastes better than anything you can get at a store or restaurant.

>> No.4163121

I do most of that already. I haven't ground my own wheat or something, but I'd be up for taking it to the mill. I even brew

>> No.4163146


>cook some food
>clean some shit
>do the laundry

Congrats, your whole existence is doing stuff that I do on top of my actual job and trying to make it sound more strenuous than it is as you do it in your own house for your own benefit. Weirdly though, you make it sound like every day you have 5 hours of cleaning to do. How does your house get so dirty every new day?

>> No.4163148

>not living in Sweden and drinking the cleanest water ever spawned on this earth

Seriously though, it's so fucking good I can't even begin to describe it. It's literally straight out the lake, barely gets processed at all.

>> No.4163170

>130 KB
>Anonymous 01/18/13(Fri)11:04 No.4162603 [Reply]
Sundsvalls vatten <3 synd att inte allt är som där.

>> No.4163173

Cognitive neuroscience is something I've considered. The brain's functions in language acquisition (and later in language processing) is a particular area of interest, but I won't rule out something less concrete. I really dislike that you used the word 'holistic.'

>> No.4163199

Tap water where I live smells like chlorine and tastes sweet, a chemical type of sweet, like aspartame.

Port Orchard, WA.

>> No.4163209
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My wife stays pretty busy. I work at home sometimes and she is always moving. She cleans the house everyday. She sweeps, mops, polishes the silver once a week, vacuums the whole house every day. She makes a menu of what the household eats everyday for a week, hunts coupons and shops sales. Plus she does lots of other tasks weekly, mending, sewing, preserving, and such. Plus taking care of an infant, and toddlers is fairly time consuming in it's self.
It is one thing if you are cleaning up and caring for one person. Managing a family is quite different, if done properly it IS a full time job.

If she was working outside of the home we would have to pay strangers to watch our kids, we would have to spend money on an extra vehicle and transportation expenses, and we would have to rely on quicker meals or take-out. The house would be maintained, but not as efficiently as it is now.

>> No.4163224


And then when you're at work, she's bangin' coons and eating bon-bons

>> No.4163231

Whether you actually have a vagina or are transgender, you'd have to be a girl to be a girlfriend. A "gurlfran", as part of gay dialect, is a different concept entirely, and one that rarely involves much sex!

>> No.4163383

>dislike that you used the word 'holistic'
I believe this is how it is, though. Don't get me wrong though, I think a completely reductionist philosophy is wrong too.

>> No.4163445

You know the word holistic has other connotations beyond alternative medicine and new age stuff, right?

>> No.4163447


>> No.4163461
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>tfw I wanted to talk shit woman on doing nothing all day but I remembered my mother has been home all day, on her day off, and she's been doing nothing but cleaning and cooking since she got up at 8am.

>> No.4164115

Dumbass, it's more work than you think. Especially in the nineteen fifties where they don't even have the luxury of a washing machine. Plus they have kids to attend to and a husband to boot.

>> No.4164116

What if her dreams and ambitions is to do just that, you shallow minded fuck?

>> No.4164206

>Also, our bullshit ass fucking city council just tried to fluoridate all our shit behind everyone's back and literally every single person in the city joined together with a 'FUCK YOU' so now we get to vote that shit down this year.
rubbery toofers here you come

>> No.4164210

>and radium.
puts the pop in pop-overs

>> No.4164222


>> No.4164230

>>New York tapwater
>God tier.
Only within your block of rowhouses

>>Portland, OR
hippies know of nothing outside their commune

^^ this

>> No.4164244

I don't drink tap water, it disagrees with me.
Wouldn't drink at all.

>> No.4164246

I would love to be a '50s housewife - except the whole 'pop out several kids' part. One or two, I could handle. Three or four... no way.

>Christchurch, New Zealand
Our tap water - 10/10 God tier water
Drawn from an underground cave, that lies under the city, no treatment needed. Comes out of the tap icy cold, and since it has filetered through so many rocks on the way to the cave, it's super crisp and almost sweet to taste.

>> No.4164305
File: 8 KB, 259x195, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>water is water

>> No.4164314


Considering that sodium, calcium, chloride, magnesium and manganese play important roles in nerve signalling.

Considering that all you "are", your consciousness, is a bunch of nerves in some kind of fatty jello with a tail.

Considering that things like cyanide, arsenic, lead and others can cause severe impairment in even minute quantities, not necessarily because they're really affecting you, but because your brain unconsciously knows you're poisoned.

Considering the pH of water can affect chemical reactions in your body.

Do you still not give a fuck?

>> No.4164353

>Water, 5/10.

The water here doesn't bother me but I've heard folk complain. I've had water from some backwoods shitshacks that wasn't entirely clear and actually smelled of excrement and badness so our passable water works for me. Also I like the way it washes my hair, not too hard or soft.

I would not love to be a housewife in the 1950's. That postwar era is when Americans forgot how to cook and eat right, in those days frozen dinners and canned foods were considered highbrow and trendy.

>> No.4164359

Can I get some citations, ma'am? Give me your works cited page for full credentials.

>> No.4164368
File: 22 KB, 400x300, 1319110501272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being able to actually stay home and clean my house and cook and raise kids without me and my spouse juggling as many jobs as we can find? Damn straight I'd like that.

Florida tap water tastes like chlorine. I still drink it though, too fucking poor for bottled water. Not as good as New England tap water, but it tastes less terrible with time and repeated consumption. Also all tap water is better cold.

>> No.4164375


Here ya go.


>> No.4164430

lol...giving into propaganda are we?

weed is the devils drug

>> No.4164432

My partner and I are disabled, so together we almost make 1 housewife. I can't cook dinner and wash dishes alone before falling down in agony, him neither. So we split it. But I wish I had the ability to do it all.

VT tap water 9/10, a little chlorinated but can barely notice cold

MA well water of my childhood, fucking 10/10 so delicious, I sometimes bring some home with me if I visit the parents, I get cravings for it