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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 86 KB, 250x500, masterracesalt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4160428 No.4160428 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4160440

Because I have respect for myself.

>> No.4160439
File: 266 KB, 500x600, Come-for-Pie-harry-potter-vs-twilight-18758268-500-600.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some salts are prettier than others, but can someone explain if it's really healthier and why?

>> No.4160442

because fuck pakistan

>> No.4160443

google it. it has over 84 trace minerals that you body needs.
what do you use then, kosher? pleb

>> No.4160445

im pretty sure there isnt a sea up in the fucking himalayas.
u tryna scam me m8?

>> No.4160447

>im pretty sure there isnt a sea up in the fucking himalayas.
>u tryna scam me m8?
Bad picture, but it is supposed to come from salt mines in the mountains.

>> No.4160456

Because I'm not a faggot. Only faggots like pink.

>> No.4160459

uh im gay and my favorite color behind black is prob burgundy

>> No.4160461

Please go kill yourself.

>> No.4160462

>sea salt

>> No.4160464


Hipster faggot. Gtfo.

>> No.4160465
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>> No.4160466

Hurf durf prehistoric sea you mouth breather.

>> No.4160476
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>mfw reading that article.

>> No.4160484

Reported to the FBI for hate crime.

>> No.4160489

Reported for reporting.

>> No.4160490


reported for abusing reporting

>> No.4160491
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um. i beg to differ.

Pic related is not only the healthiest salt... it comes from america!


>> No.4160497
File: 162 KB, 565x600, That Fucking (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That old chesnut

>> No.4160499

>60+ minerals
as opposed to 84? Hmmm I wonder which is healthier...

>> No.4160501

Reported for reporting the abuse of reporting.

>> No.4160506

None of this is illegal while a HATE crime is.

>> No.4160509


You do realize that the last time this happened, everyone in the GD thread got b&.

>> No.4160518

Oh, yeah.. I'm aware.

Yeah, yeah.. I'll stop. I just couldn't help myself.. I mean.. It's a fucking pink salt thread. PINK. SALT. I thought we were better than this. ;_;

>> No.4160531

It is pink because it has plenty of trace minerals beneficial for both taste and health.

>> No.4160797

Have fun eating whale jizz

>> No.4160806


>> No.4160810


Do you breathe? Have fun inhaling farts and burps.

>> No.4160808
File: 357 KB, 1600x1200, HPS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure it's actually a pepper.

Bed,Bath & Beyond couldn't be wrong. See?

>> No.4160809


OP are you going to post meals everyday with your PHS on the side? I miss that.

>> No.4160827

I use pink himilayan salt, but the whole "trace minerals" thing is really dumb. Trace means it's so small that you'd never notice it, and especially in the case of salt which you shouldn't be using a huge amount of, it means practically nothing for your health. In fact "healthy salt" in itself is like deep-frying healthy foods. The cons outweigh the benefits, you should be trying to NOT use salt whenever possible

That said, I think it's better to have unrefined salt/sugar than that nasty bleached and chemicalized table salt/table sugar you can buy for 10 cents a pound

>> No.4160850


>Implying any salt is bad for you
>Implying it isn't needed for proper homeostatis.
>Implying you aren't going to parrot some health infomation from the 80's along with gems such as fat making people obese, not carbs.

>> No.4160856


I didn't say "don't use any salt at all," dumb bitch, I said you shouldn't use a lot of salt, and because of that "trace minerals" don't matter

>> No.4160864


]>you should be trying to NOT use salt whenever possible

Implying whenever possible is not never.

>> No.4160866


Because you're going to get the sodium you need anyway, whenever you have a choice in it you should opt out of the salt. You don't need a tablespoon of salt a day for homeostasis

>> No.4160868


I find it funny that you correctly recognize the bullshit that was the '80s lowfat diet, yet you fail to realize the "low carb" craze is simply the current bullshit diet fad. In a couple of years it will be "low protein" or someshit, then the cycle will start all over again.

>> No.4160873


A tablespoon a day won't hurt you

>However, a meta-analysis published in The Journal of Hypertension found no strong evidence that reducing salt intake affects the risk of heart attack, stroke or death in people with normal or high blood pressure.[54] Furthermore, the Journal of the American Medical Association has reported that those excreting less salt (thus, presumably ingesting less) were at increased risk of dying from heart disease.[54]

>> No.4160881


My point is that people eating to many carbs are what makes most people obese. Eating too much fat is causing a lot lower percentage but in the 80's they thought differently.

Low carb diets have no proven effect.

>> No.4160930

Well, I only use the shit tier salts for pasta water. For actual seasoning, I stick to PHS. I don't think anyone with a brain will use a huge amount of salt, because it is fucking salt. And LOL at salt not doing anything for your health. It is one of the most important resources that your body needs, which is why our body absorbs it so well, compared to other minerals, like iron.

Also, trace minerals thing isn't dumb, and is noticeable. Pure salt is white. All the 84 trace minerals cause the color. Also, even when ground, its texture is unique. I'm not even talking about flavor yet.

>> No.4160953

Could you tell me about those 84 trace minerals. Which are those, and what are they actually doing to get you healthier?

>> No.4160982

From what I've read, the majority of the trace minerals consist of clay and gypsum, and 98% of your precious pink salt is just sodium chloride.

I have been looking, and I seriously cannot find scientific data (besides the un-elaborated phrase that "there is scientific data proving it") that this is any better than table salt or any other sea salt.

Give me real sources and numbers or go home.

Those salt slabs for cooking are nifty though, I'll give you that, but it's not because it's pink salt.

>> No.4160995

Among the most common, Magnesium, Sulfate, and Iron. All are needed for your body to function.

Uh, what's healthier, something that is 98% NaCl and 2% of trace minerals that your body needs, or 100% NaCl that is made artificially through shady chemical processes.

>> No.4160998

Awesome throwback yo.

>> No.4160999

NaCl is NaCl regardless of how it's made
Are you retarded

>> No.4161002

So that's "no scientific data" then.

>> No.4161009

shady chemical processes like taking sea water and letting it evaporate?

>> No.4161012
File: 48 KB, 600x320, habash600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PHS trade is funding terrorists

>> No.4161016

at this rate it'll be less than a decade before there's an expose about himalayan slave miners exploited by multinational corporations to bring foodies and cultists their hipster salt

>> No.4161019

Yeah, an apple is an apple no matter how much or how little chemicals are used to grow it either. Stay pleb.
Scientific data for what? Do you want processed sugar or do you want fresh sugar from the cane? Pretty sure they are the same thing scientifically, but obviously one is preferred.
Sea salt isn't pure NaCl

>> No.4161025

Obviously not, do you know why? Because the sea isn't 100% pure. Good luck finding something in nature that's not gold that's pure.

>> No.4161031

So you're saying that NaCl can have different forms depending on how it is made? That there can be things other than Sodium (Na) and Chlorine (Cl) in Sodium Chloride (NaCl)
And that these things will make you less healthy?

>> No.4161036

Exactly my fucking point. How do you get shit to be 100% pure then? Artificially through chemical processes.

>> No.4161051

Wow sir, im on your side of the debate.

>> No.4161485
File: 31 KB, 341x500, 41Z00QN68CL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Healthy or not, grey salt is great. Slightly damp, slightly smelling like a beach, it's awesome.

>> No.4161528
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wikipedia says Himalayan salt has 10 minerals. Not 84.

The site that says it has 84 doesn't offer backing data. But they do sell the salt.

>> No.4161536

>ctrl-f iodine
>0 results
With the huge fad of KOSHERSEASALT from chefs, everyone's using it. Guess what? You should be using iodized salt so your body gets that nutrient [unless you're rare and have an iodine problem].

The only reason chefs used kosher seasalt is b/c it cooks better; also fancy sounding and jews.

>> No.4161572

They sell lamps made out of this shit at a store in town.

>> No.4161583

I was going to post the mystic Japanese Full Moon Salt and stumbled upon this


Not at all the high praise I was expecting to find.