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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4159016 No.4159016 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I went to italy and ordered real italian pasta and it was crunchy and tasted like shit.

>mfw it was like this all over southern italy

>> No.4159207

You have to cook dried pasta first.

>> No.4159213
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They do this as an inside joke to American tourists. Don't feel bad OP.

>> No.4159235

You weren't expecting good food in Europe, were you? That would be stupid.

>> No.4159262

they call it al dante

>> No.4159272

"al dante" being wop speak for "tastes like shit" explains a few things

>> No.4159384

>They do this as an inside joke to American tourists.

>> No.4159417

>Fucking with tourists
I've never really understood this.
I grew up in an area that relied quite a bit on tourists to bring money in and people would fuck with them or openly mock them.

It's just, shit, those people are showing up and spending money. If they have a bad experience they aren't going to recommend that other people visit. They'll tell their friends to go someplace else, someplace where the locals aren't assholes. They're going to spend less too, because people in bad moods don't spend as much.
A good experience means they spend more money, which means you keep your job longer and they recommend the place to others, which means even more money later on.

Why fuck with people who give you money? Do you not like money?

>> No.4159444

i think they're joking. i would assume that's not what was actually occuring

>> No.4159512

I am from southern Italy (though of northern Italian background).
I have never experienced what you describe. Are you joking/trolling?

No. Most touristy places in Italy only did one thing to 'fuck with American tourists,' but they don't do this anymore: they used to add water to coffee because Americans used to find our coffee too strong.
Nowadays, though, Americans have gotten used to stronger coffee so this rarely happens.
My parents owned a bar that seemed to cater mostly to Filipino expats living/working in Italy, to Americans and to tourists. It's always bad business when you run such a restaurant/bar that caters to such a specific demographic to build a poor reputation amongst that demographic, so no tourist place would ever fuck with tourists. Other, non-touristy businesses fuck with tourists, I'm sure!

Al dente, you mean. It means 'to the tooth' indicating that it is not mushy. Pasta cooked al dente has an almost chewy texture. Mushy pasta can be gulped without chewing.

>> No.4159615

It's not so much the owners/managers who fuck with tourists, it's the wait staff.
And they do it for a number of reasons, most of which are related to perceived socio-economic disparity and accompanied resentment.

>> No.4159640

Interesting fact: The Americana is a drink made with 50% espresso and 50% water. I never knew anyone would do that until now,,,

>> No.4159678

You're too used to processed food and extra fat.

>> No.4159707



>> No.4159746

I'm sorry my dear american if you're used to shitty mac and cheese that has the texture of shit and tastes like shit.
In Italy we cook our pasta al dente, that means we don't overcook it like old people who can't chew for shit do. Now pls go

>> No.4159751

I want to go to Italy someday and eat everything possible.

If given the choice between fresh pasta and dried pasta in Italy, what should you go with?

>> No.4159752

Both. There are good dried pasta and good fresh pastas, it all depends on what you want

>> No.4159754

You ask the nearest attractive girl.

Not even joking.

>> No.4159757
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>southern italy
I see your problem. Just stick to northern part.

>> No.4159759

Nearest attractive local Italian girl? and why?

>> No.4159764

It's the Italian way

>> No.4159768

I like the italian way.

>> No.4159799

generally it isnt 50/50
Americanos are from american soldiers not being used to such strong coffee. Not a tourist thing.

>> No.4159818

American pasta is usually so bad and mushy (in restaurants). I can't eat that shit.

>> No.4159847
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>Talking to strangers

b-but that's dangerous!

>> No.4159851

Southern Italians aren't known for being the smartest people in the world.

>> No.4159853
File: 230 KB, 180x135, 1354521979675.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to Florence, Italy
>Literally in the town square, go to one of the cafe/restaurant things and order some "authentic" pizza
>very thin crust, sauce and cheese indistinguishable in a sloppy slurry, extremely greasy pepperoni on top, the entire thing seemingly covered in a layer of orange grease
>mfw american pizza is so much fucking better.

Holy shit what a lie. Why is "authentic" food always such dogshit? The only exception being some veal schnitzel I had in Austria, holy shit it was good.

>> No.4159858

Also the water was extremely expensive. What the fuck you dirty Italians here in America water is fucking free.

>> No.4159860

>Charging for water in a restaurant

Wait are you serious?

>> No.4159861

>Eating at a tourist spot in a major tourist city

How dumb are you? They know everyone visiting them is a tourist and will never visit them again. they can serve you whatever they want. They likely weren't even Italian.

>> No.4159862

I think this mostly only applies to Italian Pizza and maybe Chinese food.

Authentic Japanese, Spanish and Mexican is all excellent.

>> No.4159864

Let me fix that-
>authentic Italian
God tier.
>authentic mexican
>authentic japanese
Utter dogshit.

>> No.4159865

>in town square
Yeah, places like that are where the tourists go, you're better off going to hole in the wall places
>in Rome
>wandering aimlessly our first night there
>in some shitty alleyway
>old as italian guy in a dirty apron
>Heavy italian accent "Come-a sit down, a free glassa vino!"
>what the hell
>holy shit balls BEST PIXZZA EVAR111

Also the best meal I've ever eaten was swordfish spaghetti in Taormina, Sicily. I shit you not, I get misty eyed when I describe it to people.

>> No.4159867

Absolutely. They won't sell/give you a glass of tap water, they'll sell you bottles of purified shit.

>> No.4159869

>Expecting anything made in Florence and south of it to not be complete shit

Are you kidding me? Go north or don't visit Italy at all.

>> No.4159871

Yeah this. My car broke down near some shitty town in Northern Italy, had the best pizza ever there.

I still was pissed off my car broke down though.

>> No.4159875


I live near a famous European tourist spot (not in Italy) and I always wonder why so many Americans get caught in those tourist traps? Inb4 dumb bla bla. Do American cities have actual good restaurants where a guy is standing outside yelling his stuff is cheap and authentic, where there are big signs in 30 languages except the local one,...

I mean, if you go to one of those places you should know you're gonna get shit in a tray and pay 40 euros for it. Still I see hundreds of American families walking into those every day. Other nationalities too obviously, but a disproportionate amount of Americans.

>> No.4159878

Word. I ate in the backyard restaurant of some Chinese family's house in Hong Kong once. Absolutely disgusting place, but the fried rice I had was mind blowing.

>> No.4159885

I think it's mostly convenience
>it's right next to (whatever landmark) and I'm tired of walking
>it's air conditioned
>menu in my language
I've done it a few times, you wander down some random streets and don't see anything, you're hungry and tired of looking... fuck it, how bad can they fuck up a calzone?

>> No.4159892
File: 22 KB, 219x219, beterdoejeditniet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how bad can they fuck up a calzone?
I now remember a calzone that had almost literally 90% onions inside and barely anything else.

>> No.4159893


Easiest way to combat this is to ask a local.
Even if you can't speak their language well/at all, they can usually direct you to at least one restaurant, and most people aren't dicks and will actually point you to something good.

>> No.4159898
File: 45 KB, 640x480, 76Wiel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Order Calzone
>It arrives
>Delivery guy seems in a hurry to get away, don't think of it much at the time
>Open lid after I sit down

Mother of god. It was the most disgusting monstrosity I had every seen. There was a giant hole where all the filling was leaking out and it had clearly been smashed around on the ride over. It was like someone took a slice of deep dish pizza and threw it upside down in a box.

>> No.4159901

he stuck his dick in it.

>> No.4159909


>> No.4160031

OP is officially a master-level troll.

>> No.4160062

>real italian pasta
>crunchy and tasted like shit
Where have you been OP? Name of the city and restaurant?

>> No.4160065

>filthy polentoni in this thread saying that southern italy's food sucks
Who invented Pizza?

>> No.4160081

>authentic pizza

looks like somebody got bamboozled

>> No.4160084

>>I'm tired of walking
>>it's air conditioned

America, true to its stereotype all day every day.

>> No.4160098

I've never understand why "thick crust" is considered a positive trait for a pizza among Americans. It's just a baked dough that tastes almost nothing. Wouldn't you want a higher ratio of sauce, cheese and meat instead?

>> No.4160102


at least we take a bath once in a while.

>> No.4160126

This thread reminds me of this friend of mine who can't eat pasta unless it's all soft, slimy and mushy. I didn't know it was an American thing though.

>> No.4160127

Pretty much this. They use good buffolo mozz which when cooked releases a lot of water. Because of that the center portions of the dough are almost always soaked. The bottom will still be crisp but it's only a super thin layer before the soaked dough. Delicious as fuck though.

>> No.4160134

That's the reason why Olive Garden has such shit tier pasta. The consumer base for knock off food wants the pasta to be that way. The had to sell gnocchi as "authentic Italian dumplings" because no one would buy it otherwise.

Surprise surprise a country raised on dining out tends to have never had homemade good food. The masses know how to cook less and less each day.

Just think about any thread where people are like its expensive to eat healthy even though most non processed healthy things are the cheapest things in the grocery. Meat is pretty much the only expensive component to healthy eatting if you are making all your own meals with health and money in mind.

>> No.4160136
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>The had to sell gnocchi as "authentic Italian dumplings" because no one would buy it otherwise.

My sides have reached the Kuiper Belt.

>> No.4160147

My favorite is that Olive Garden and Fazolis use the same breadstick manufacturer which is why their breadsticks taste so similar. The differences in their doughs are extremely small. Olive Garden makes their dough to be frozen than bake with a little olive oil and salt on it. Fazolis is made to be soft as fuck and essentially steamed with tons of oil and salt.

>> No.4161767

>Implying anyone wants Murkan tourists. I was in Italy last year and spoke in my limited Italian to a cook at a hole in the wall restaurant. He called me a sheepshagger and then explained how he made his pizza bases. Shit was cash.

>> No.4161774

And you just now realize that's why the Japanese are so friendly to white American tourists, when in reality, they couldn't think less of you and may even hate you. People don't forget war.

>> No.4161775

>implying anyone wants money

This is what you just said, rephrased in a more legible form.

No wonder Southern Italy is so fucking poor.

>> No.4161776 [DELETED] 

If you wanna save some money though, I get big macs for 1.30 cents each. I ask for a double cheeseburger with only lettuce and big mac sauce. it tastes the exact same. just my opnion

>> No.4161806

>wouldn't you want a higher ratio of sauce, cheese and meat?
Yeah, that's why the Chicago-style Pizza exists. It's got both.

>> No.4161811

Way to generalize 300 million people
Dumb cunts like you say things you don't really mean

>> No.4161848


I think it's because we're used to chain restaurants that are available anywhere across the land. So people saying cheap food and it's right there at the place is like having a McDonald's nearby. Especially when there's kids involved. When you have children on vacation in America, it's bad enough. They're all picky as shit and it's easy to walk right into the closest fastfood joint and give them a cheap happymeal. I would imagine it's a nightmare taking kids on vacation in a foreign country and trying to feed them.

If I could go to Italy for a week or so, I'd go to a market and buy some local shit and try to picnic or eat in the room. Save the money for a nice dinner the first and last nights.

>> No.4161855

>going to Italy
>going out to eat

Why would you do this to yourself?
Just stay with your relatives, have a quick bite in the morning, and head out with the men while the women cook a full dinner for 8 hours.

>> No.4161859



Some of us here are white.

>> No.4161865
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As am I.

>> No.4161867

or *GASP* hispanic. I dont think hispanic (mexican, salvadorian, latin american in general) people do well in Italy. My mom and sister got treated like shit in france by some native french-frogs. fucking fags.

>> No.4161869


Everyone gets treated like shit in France.

Italians are just one step up from the Greeks.

>> No.4161896


You get treated like shit if you act the way you deserve it.

I love going to France and especially Paris and I have never had a single bad serving experience. I also can't speak French at all and can pretty much only say thank you in French. I just act nice and cheerful and I get nice and cheerful service.

>> No.4161921

But the crust on Deep Dish pizzas are shit tier.

>> No.4161945

More like nobody who cooks decent food authentically wants to serve a bunch of obnoxious fuckwits with retarded little brats for kids. I'll throw the American bashing asider here and say there are those types everywhere.

at home:
>go to mid-range non chain restaurant. Okay food, terrible alcohol (they consider Jack Daniels good "whiskey" and a lady at the next table talking about her IVF while her kid goes around hitting peoples chairs. Servers are pissy and put in no effort.

In Italy:
>go to hole in the wall restaurant where a few locals hang out and talk amongst themselves, sit at bar with low light. Get served god-tier alcohol and chat to the barman in broken english and italian. Get brought amazing pizza, and get to enjoy in my own space with relaxed conversation with another tourist (A canadian iirc).

>pick one.

>> No.4161958

>>go to hole in the wall restaurant where a few locals hang out and talk amongst themselves, sit at bar with low light. Get served god-tier alcohol and chat to the barman in broken english and italian. Get brought amazing pizza, and get to enjoy in my own space with relaxed conversation with another tourist (A canadian iirc).

You act like you can't find amazing hole-in-the-walls in every major city in the US

>> No.4162074

>implying you can't find them anywhere in the world.
My point is people go overseas and eat at tourist restaurants, then think their claim that 'authentic' food is gross and that their own countries version is better is somehow valid.

>> No.4162076

I like how everyone ignored your post... I wonder why.

>> No.4162085

Because everybody already knows that.

>> No.4162088

It could be that... or the more obvious answer: reality hurts and most of these people can't handle that.

>> No.4162089

I'm a tourist in Italy right now.

OP is lying.

>> No.4162094

i don't know how much the younger generations care tbh

>> No.4162109

>real italian pasta

What is that supposed to mean. To me, that would mean fresh, never dried and it would be impossible to boil it to a "crunchy" state. How does semolina+water taste like "shit".

I made some pasta dough the other day. Rolled it out and made spinach and ricotta ravioli. Probably better than any pasta you'll ever have


>> No.4162128

>posts on a food board
>claims to make pasta from scratch
>never took pics of it

Because it never happened. The state of this board...

>> No.4162156
File: 135 KB, 900x600, herrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one pic and in this particular one, it was my gf making her half of the batch, complete with derpshapes and all. Good thing the shape doesn't matter.

Be sure to criticize everything in the photo as to encourage myself and others to post more OC!

Do you really feel any different now that you've seen the pic. Doubt it. I've made threads complete with full "follow along" pics of moderately elaborate foods complete with porn plating finale-and-all and get 5 to 8 replies at best, while watching mcdonalds threads shoot all over the place. It isn't worth the effort, and it's more depressing than fun. No one actually gives a shit, here. WOOOHOOOO

>never happened

Well shit, I know I was drunk but...

>> No.4162161

have you tried multiple methods of making ravioli? If so is the roller the one you find the easiest? Also, i want to rub my dick on your gf's fingers

>> No.4162166
File: 35 KB, 500x375, raviolampclassic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we've tried something different almost every time. I'm still not all that happy with any of the methods I've tried, but that crimping roller seems to work pretty well, even if a bit sketchy. Sometimes we rolled a huge sheet out, dabbed the spoonfulls on half and then folded the other half over it and used the crimper. Sometimes like shes doing in the pic with the single row. Even there you see some are square and some are hexagonal. I think I did those hexagon ones. I mostly do this stuff while drinking. More fun.

I could just practice more with a single method and stick with it.

What I want to try is those plate press things. Pic.

>> No.4162174

yeah, that's actually what i have. they can be a bit finicky, but work pretty well. helps to spray them with a non stick spray first (though the instructions don't say to). I used to do everything free hand with a knife and fork. I even rolled the pasta by hand, but now i've got an imperia pasta maker and the metal cast so I'm going to take another shot at making ravioli

>> No.4162175

>be in italy
>enjoy delicious master race pasta
>blast techno

>> No.4162181

I roll dough by hand. If I had a press roller, I'd probably use it. I've always enjoyed working with dough and have plenty of free time for kitchen activities, so I don't mind either way.

The plate interests me for the uniform neatness. Shape may not matter, but I'd prefer that constancy.

>> No.4162182

>tour SE Asia
>go to Vietnam
>lady selling pho out of her house
> most delicious bowl of soup I've ever had

I don't know if it was the MSG or cooked with dogs or what, but that shit was fucking delicious

>> No.4162225

This is so fucking sad... You're right. This board is dead for a reason. OC is ignored while vegan and "how make ramen better" threads thrive.

You probably should've found the Asian name for ravioli or something.

>> No.4162252

How to eat god-tier food whilst in Europe, for moronic Americans.

First off, let me say that I am English, have traveled extensively, and at least 90% of the time, eat like a local (i.e. proper food, not the mush served to tourists). Want to eat like me when you go abroad? All you have to do is:

1. Is the menu primarily in english? If yes, avoid. (English "subtitles" are ok, but just the native language is better)
2. Is there a sign outside in more than 2 languages? If yes, avoid.
3. Can you hear lots of English being spoken inside? If yes, avoid.
4. Are there any "stereotypical fat murriclaps" inside? If yes, avoid.
5. Does it look like a chain restaurant? If yes, avoid. (If you want to go to McDonalds, fuck you.)
6. Does it have a person outside trying to drag you in? If yes, avoid like the plague.

You should be looking for small, restaurants, run for locals, by locals. If any dish is over €15, you're doing it wrong. If they don't speak English, all the better. I should point out that most devious foreign types speak at least a little English, and if they don't, they will probably understand the basics (e.g. Please, thank you...)


>> No.4162253


And now, what you can do to stop being so obnoxious and actually get served proper food, rather than weak coffee and overcooked pasta...

1. Learn a little of the local language. At the very least, you should know "Please", "Thank you", "Can I have", "Toilet", and 1 to 5. Lonely planet guidebooks tend to have this sort of stuff in the back, along with loads of other useful info, or just get a phrasebook. Read it /before/ you leave.
2. Be quiet. Instead of fulfilling the obnoxious American stereotype and shouting, be quiet. The person you are talking to can hear you just fine.
3. Be polite. Instead of "Give me" or "I want", try "Please can I have" or "Can you get me". These should be in your language guide. Remember to say please and thank you, or the local equivalents.
4. Don't look like a tourist. i.e. Don't hang your camera round your neck, don't travel in a pack of 10, don't wear shorts unless the locals are, don't be obnoxious.
5. Avoid eating near tourist landmarks. Those restaurants are there to serve shit food to stupid tourists with too much money. Find a place a few streets away instead.
6. Don't be afraid of eating out of "Holes in the wall". They serve some of the best local delicacies you'll find.
7. If you have to, pretend to be Canadian. Yes, it's a blow to your self esteem, but in Europe, Canadians are considered nice, whilst Americans are considered brash, rude, and fat.

Now go out there, and eat real food for locals, not swill for tourists.

>> No.4162269

>If any dish is over €15, you're doing it wrong.

This is not a very good generalisation for the entire Europe. Some countries are more expensive than others and good restaurant food will cost you between 12 and 20 euros. Always take into account what country you are in. Even though both France and Hungary are part of European Union, their prices differ greatly.

>> No.4162280
File: 15 KB, 282x300, espresso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barista here. It's actually a shot of expresso with hot water for the rest of the cup. It physically hurts to serve these, because we have a nice espresso machine like pic related.

Fucking hate making americanos ;_;

>> No.4162288

>This is not a very good generalisation for the entire Europe
>the entire Europe

>Some countries are more expensive than others
No shit, sherlock.

>good restaurant food will cost you between 12 and 20 euros
Depending on where you go, yes. Last night I went to a reasonably nice sit-down pizzeria in Toulouse. The food was top notch, and nothing on the menu was above €18. Just because food is expensive, it doesn't make it good.

It's meant to be a general guide, not an individualised one. If I had meant it to be, it would have been called "How to eat god-tier food whilst in $Country, for moronic Americans.".

In any case, people should really do their own research before they go on holiday, what I wrote is a general overview. As with anything on 4chan, you should probably take it with a grain of salt. After all, how do you know I'm telling the truth, hmmm?

>> No.4162324

Whats an acceptible cup of coffee in your opinion? im not an espresso man myself

>> No.4162327

Check the price of hamburgers in a shitty booth at the airport (DON'T BUY!). Price of two "fully featured" hamburgers in place like that should set the top limit on what you spend on a single dish of food.

Mostly true although while the expensive are practically guaranteed to be shit, the cheap will be hit-or-miss. Best make friends with a local and ask for advice.

>> No.4162335

>3. Be polite. Instead of "Give me" or "I want", try "Please can I have" or "Can you get me". These should be in your language guide. Remember to say please and thank you, or the local equivalents.

This is especially true where I live, aka France. People will care about how polite you are before caring about your origin. Saying hello, and please, and thank you is mandatory. Probably the same everywhere else.

>> No.4162336

Many americunts think for a tip of $5 we should lick your boots. I assure you $5 is not worth the lost nerves spent with a customer throwing a hissy fit over a local dish done as it is done all over the country but not like the americunt is used to (e.g. the pasta or the pizza.)

Don't act like a lord on a white horse throwing golden coins to beggars. The fact you're paying entitles you to food. Want nice service? Be a nice customer.

>> No.4162351

I agree with everything except this.
>If you have to, pretend to be Canadian. Yes, it's a blow to your self esteem, but in Europe, Canadians are considered nice, whilst Americans are considered brash, rude, and fat.
First of all if you're a arude douchebag then all you're doing is shitting up Canada's rep. If you're a respectful trave;er who is following your above rules then you're improving the USAs rep by not being a loud obnoxious douchebag. I would rather be discriminated against for what I am then get treated better for being a Canuk.
BTW I lived in and traveled through Europe for nearly 5 years an I almost NEVER EVER felt the slightest bit discriminated against. Marsaille France was the worst though.

>> No.4162376


>order a dish
>the dish is not how I've always had it
>Waiter informs me "thats how its cooked here"
>Oh very well
>Leave $5 tip
>As waiter comes to pick it up I pocket the $5
>"Thats how I tip here"
>walk out

>> No.4162388

Because you already payed the tip. It's already in final prize we call it ''servizio''

>> No.4162389


Paid the tip. Payed is not a word.

Thank you,

The Anglosphere

>> No.4162393

>Milanese maternal grandma privileged
>delicious italian and american food everyday growing up
>visit paternal grandparents in Calabria for two weeks
>shitty pasta, shitty pizza, shitty fish dishes, shitty snacks, shitty treats compared to milanese maternal grandma
>calabrian grandma makes me a hamburger
>best hamburger i've ever had
>makes french fries, apple pie, and chicken soup
>all amazing
>go back stateside
>miss the american food in italy

Seriously what the fuck is up with Italians in Italy making shitty italian food, but god tier American food. My maternal grandma cooks Italian food that is wholesomely Italian, but has some major differences to it compared to Italian food in Italy.

Only thing I liked was Italian mints like Golia. Fix your shit Italy.

>> No.4162408


>have to get told by government to tip
>complain about Americans

I did make sure to tell someone who was about to go in not to, and they took my advice.

>> No.4162428

Actually it's almost illegal and we often remark it.

>> No.4162452

I prefer a bit of cream, sugar, and a dark italian roast.

>> No.4162453

Implying you should change your order just to not disappoint a barista.
Seriously bro just order whatever you like, this is your money and your life.

>> No.4162468
File: 26 KB, 285x309, 25783_1306917084831_1587665688_726475_4044776_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realize that perception is only 9/10 of life

Food is good everywhere, but food is bad everywhere.

>> No.4163789



>> No.4163831

I grew up in an American tourist town, and spent some time in Italy after college. The smallest towns were okay, but any place that could be called a "tourist" area relied way too much on their previous fame to bring people in. It's exactly as you described - they feel like tourists should be indebted to them for some reason, not like they should be indebted to tourists for choosing their shitty town.

There is literally nothing in Florence. Let me just tell you that and save you some time. You can see a damn Duomo in ANY italian city without dealing with the assholes of Florence. There's no cuisine, no interesting shopping (just the same H&M as everywhere + the same Limoncello shops as every italian tourist place). It you want to hit the one museum, go ahead, but I'm telling you it isn't worth it.

On the other hand as Americans we're used to people being friendly, which I guess isn't actually normal in a lot of Europe.

>> No.4163834

Hi Greg. How's Kate?

>> No.4163842

If you're in a group, chances are that not everyone is going to want to play the "point and click menu" game. I'm fine with getting handed whatever weird shit I pointed at on the menu, but a lot of people aren't and need that English menu.

In Japan they have English menus in nearly all the restaurants, and especially in good ones. So weird how they manage that. It's almost like you could just pay someone bilingual $20 for a translation and never worry about it again.

I wonder why Italians don't do that... oh yeah because they don't want English-only speakers coming in.

Looking for an English menu is a good way to not walk into a place where everyone hates you on sight. As an American, I do NOT enjoy the overt hostility throughout the meal, and would rather eat poor food than give my money to someone who is being an asshole.

So basically various reasons depending on your level of adventurousness vs hating the awkward feeling.

>> No.4163845

Yeah I was gonna say in response to
that actually the younger gen in Japan seems to have totally forgotten the war. The only after-effect is a big PEACE IS GOOD mentality.... which I'm pretty sure the USA put in place. Which is creepy.

>> No.4163852

>that actually the younger gen in Japan seems to have totally forgotten the war.

You just want to believe that because it's easier for you to obsess over their culture when you pretend they don't just tolerate American tourists for their money.

>> No.4163855


every retarded tourist in any country
blame yourself for being retarded, not the country's probably exquisite cuisine

>> No.4163868

>exquisite cuisine

Pick one.

>> No.4163881

xD so funneh edgy m8. XDDDD

also, learn to read
i said any country

>> No.4163896


You may have a hard time understanding this since you have never met one, but many Asians have mixed feelings about Japan to this day.

>> No.4163903

I'm living in Japan and think a lot of their culture is extremely shitty. America is way superior for me & I could never adapt enough to live her permanently. My middle school students wrote about their dreams this week and a full half of them described moving either to Tokyo (the only real metro city in the country where you could break into a "field") or America in order to do anything with their lives other than farm rice or work at a gas station or family hotel.

It's sad. They definitely do not "just tolerate" us. They idolize us in a weird way (some aspects not all of course). I've written about it before, but I'm not going to bother here unless you have a real interest beyond trolling.

>> No.4163912

You're delusional if you think I believed a word of that.

>> No.4163913


But its true. They don't even teach about WWII in their own education system because they were agressors. They most definitley don't teach about all the fucked up shit they did in WWII either.

On topic though, Jap food is delicious. Before people shit on this I'd like to know their stances on sea food in general. 'cause if you don't like seafood your opinion is invalid.

>> No.4163918

I haven't just met one, I've dated one. Asians are very racist, especially towards one another. The Chinese and Koreans hate the Japanese, and if you look into why, it's very understandable.

>> No.4163924


You used the past tense. Do I sense an embittered, spurned victim of acute yellow fever? Is this why you spend your time on /ck/ reacting angrily to any and all posts related to the continent of Asia?

>> No.4163931

>Is this why you spend your time on /ck/ reacting angrily to any and all posts related to the continent of Asia?

We're still good friends to this day. And I very rarely have anything negative to say in threads related to Asia. Calm down, weeb. Stop being so emotional and go masturbate to Anime or something.

>> No.4163936

it's true it's true!

*most* jap food is delicious. They are constantly moving away from the gross shit and toward the good stuff, but if you are in a more traditional area, you can still see the holdovers in school lunch.

Did you know that nearly every type of seaweed is edible? Or that agar gel can be formed into squares and put into soup? Just imagine biting into the hardest, most flavorless jello you ever ate, in a miso broth.

But in general, I do love a LOT of the stuff here.

>> No.4163944

>I very rarely have anything negative to say in threads related to Asia.

And apparently incapable of self-reflection too. She blocked you on facebook didn't she.

>> No.4163946

Coastal Italian here, so I love seafood.

My aunt, who basically raised me for three years when my parents were dealing with my very sick brother, was Japanese. She had friends of hers who had access to the American commissary. The commissary carried a lot of Asian foods to accomodate the Asian-born wives of American servicemen; Japanese groceries were no exception. My aunt's friends would pick up groceries for her from the commissary, so she had access to Japanese groceries for home-cooked Japanese foods.
Anyway: grew up on that shit. And I do mean shit. It's so bland. I don't want to hear "subtle." That's bullshit. It's not subtle, it's just bland. Real fucking bland.
There were a couple dishes I enjoyed a great deal, of course, and no matter what it was that she cooked, even food I found bland (80% of Japanese food, really), I appreciated it. I, my brothers and sister all loved my aunt and loved that we had a chance to have her be a daily part of our lives before she died of bone marrow cancer, but we all agreed that her cooking sucked.
Later, as adults, each of us got to try Japanese food as prepared in fancy restaurants both in and out of Italy (I've had Japanese food now in Italy, UK, US, Singapore, Philippines and Thailand and my brother in all those minus UK and Thailand adding Japan and Canada). What a surprise to each of us that it wasn't my aunt who was a poor cook but, rather, Japanese cuisine that is poorly seasoned. It's. Just. Bland.

>> No.4163975

>She blocked you on Facebook, didn't she?

If you're going to be insulting, at least appear to be educated so you can be taken seriously. Now run along and find something better do.

>> No.4164582

I'm italian and I've lived in both north and south italy
I can tell you that in the southern italy they have the best food, however the best food you will find is not at restaurants but the one made at home.
Quality restaurants in italy are really expensive and usually you don't eat good or enough.
if you guys are stuck in south italy again try to go eating to one "osteria" or "ostello", it's cheap, you drink a lot of wine and the food is good depending where you go

>> No.4164645

>On the other hand as Americans we're used to people being friendly,

Which is ionic because most Europeans interpret your friendliness as being load, obnoxious and rude.

>> No.4164648
File: 37 KB, 273x504, FacepalmSheHulk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my visage when this troll thread is still on the front page

>> No.4164856

>mfw all the pizzas I had in Italy were mediocre
>mfw all the pizzas I had in Croatia were god tier

>> No.4164861

This. 95% of european food blows dick

>> No.4164870

I love the taste and texture of pizza dough. Thin crust is so...boring.

>> No.4164878

Stop posting mfw without adding a face.

>> No.4164955
File: 62 KB, 391x386, 1358598383743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dis fucking thread mang

Dear god in heaven. I will never be the same.

>> No.4165213

I've seen "metal gear" like mechs on the battlefield first hand in Iraq and in Afghanistan and i can a safely say that without them we would be fucked
the combination of firepower and shock factor is enough to obliterate any opposition you come across ,and from what I've hear they cost less than tanks to make.And no i mean bipedal mechs not unmanned robots.

>> No.4165245

French soldiers and traders IN America, fools.
you forgot authentic Korean food on that list of dogshit tier

>> No.4165255

so say I wanna go to a really un-traditional place in japan (night clubs,weird candy, good food, strange stores, hookers and good drugs) where do I go?

>> No.4165282

>be travelling around Europe
>Be in the Deutschland
>go have some italian food
>best Italian food I've ever had
>it was better than Italian food from Italy

>> No.4165290

Whats the best kind of pizza one can get?

>> No.4165339

you were eating at a restaurant in italy that uses dried pasta? you deserve what you get.

>> No.4165369
File: 29 KB, 256x352, 1341251015987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to Italy
>not going to precious Mother Russia instead

>> No.4165374

Margherita, Prosciutto or Napoli.

>> No.4165419



>> No.4166142

Chicago or new york?
Whats the best places locally to get them?
>im not going to yurop

>> No.4166194


I blame older tourists that had kids too early to actually learn anything about the good life.

Rushed, harried and low on calories - they're usually just looking to fill the void, and are interested in finding the most stress free way of doing so.

English menu would be a good start to that.

>> No.4166230

ITT: bunch of turist idiots getting ripped off
I live in rome and work in ze kitchen, worked in the most turist trafficked zones and yes you'll find shit tear food and they'll ask 15-20euros for a plate of pasta. like in all cities you have to look for good places
best pasta you'll ever have in italy is probably in the family run restaurant far away for the turist traffic where the granny makes the pasta.
Rule n1 about italians, we're lazy and are greedy
get your shit together and just be smart people

>> No.4166242


I like how you build up Canadians by saying they're considered nice, and then say that calling yourself Canadian would be a blow to the ego.

Americans are perfectly capable of being informed and polite tourists, and Canadians are perfectly capable of being "brash, rude and fat".

I have no problem being Canadian, and I don't feel particularly humbled by being born north of the border. Also eat shit.

>> No.4166254


When in Rome, do as the Romans do?

Step outside of your comfort zone when you're traveling, and a lot of the time you'll find that you're pleasantly surprised.

>> No.4166292

Pretty much NY. See Yelp.