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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4157385 No.4157385[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>visit America
>try le authentic American cuisine
>horrible taste, but strangely addicting
>now realize why Amerifat.
>feel like Marco Polo
>tell friends of my epic journey and how I survived and came back from the land of the fat.

>> No.4157393

too bad you didn't learn english while you were there

>> No.4157395


Studies have shown that the combination of HFCS and Transfats are highly addictive, ancillary data suggest a level of addictiveness to heroin. OP, you are now hooked on merican' food and will never be the same, it will haunt you until you consume it again and again, becoming morbidly obsessed, contracting gout and finally being discovered in a pool of your own filth having choked to death while attempting to simultaneously consume three boxes of twinkies.

>> No.4157412

this thread is full of fail.

a huehuehuehue amerifats...

(and before you call me butthurt im from canada,)

>> No.4157429



which, clearly isn't merica'; so if you wouldn't mind keeping your pacifism outta here and while your at it go locate your fellow arctic dweller Sceak to have some buttsecks.

>> No.4157436

> tfw I was in america for six months
> tfw I gained 30 pounds
> tfw I went back to my home country and gf leaved me
> tfw emotionally scarred for live and no gf after her

Thank you america :3

>> No.4157440

Let's turn this thread not shit!!!

Does anyone else add hot sauce to their ketchup? Shit's good yo.

>> No.4157475

where from op?

>> No.4157479


Add the words "are" and "you" and you might just get a complete sentence.

>> No.4157515

If your gf left you over that, then she's a turbocunt.

>> No.4157522

Indeed she is. After leaving me she fucked my best (at the time) friend

Bad feels

>> No.4157549

Yeah.. fuck her. TBH she was probably fucking someone else while you were over here too. Did you at least enjoy some of our deliciously shitty food?

>> No.4157553

I enjoyed everything.
I had, for the first time, glorious Subway, dunkin donuts, tater tots hot dish, beef stroganoff, arby's.
The first time I went to some fast food I nearly shat myself when I saw the soda machine. Where I live you pay for your beverage, no infinite refill.
Malt shakes are glorious, roasted ham is glorious, hush puppies are glorious.

>> No.4157556

America still makes the best best best BBQ ever. I ate so much of it when I was down there that I had to sleep propped up in my hotel bed. I just noticed that Americans didn't walk as much as people do where I live (Canada). Any way Australia has the fattest people per capata.

>> No.4157559

Beef Stroghanoff is ridiculously easy to make at home too. You guys don't have hush puppies? Is there some kind of similar alternative?

>> No.4157562

I live in Italy, we don't have Mountain dew and Dr pepper. I remember endless lan battles with my neckbeard american friends powered by mountain dew :3

>> No.4157566

I thought only Americans said things were "addicting". I want to punch people when they say that. Say "addictive", motherfucker.

In other news, Southern food is really great. Pecan pie, man.

>> No.4157571
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mf tt

>> No.4158107

I know this is you peter whatman

>> No.4158115

Capitalism + Food = Utopia

>> No.4158124

You will barely be missed.

>> No.4158140



>> No.4158147
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Yeah, I hate that shit too. Don't even know why, really.

>> No.4158210


Deep. Fried. Fucking. Wieners.

Genius. Pure genius.

>> No.4158347

> I just noticed that Americans didn't walk as much as people do where I live (Canada).

I really wish it didn't have to be that way. Except for almost getting run over bicycles, I loved all the walking I got to do in EU. It makes a huge difference when you can incorporate walking into your commute. Nice brisk walk in the morning and evening, just after breakfast and before dinner, its perfect. Not too much, not too little. You'll totally get yourself killed trying that shit in almost all of america. There's just too much space to cover that it would hours to bike, and even then we're just not set up for it. Would be a huge undertaking to make all the roads bike-friendly. What sucks the most is most of use work 10+hr shifts and you'll spend on average well over an hour in your car each day just for the work commute. If you want exercise, you have all of about 4 hours a day to squeeze it in, and with kids/spouse/cooking and all that happy horseshit, it can be tough.

> Malt shakes are glorious, roasted ham is glorious, hush puppies are glorious.

That's what I'm talking about. Especially the malt shakes. That's a damn shame you found the fast food so interesting though, it makes it sound like your food back home must be very bland. Maybe not though, some of the fast food can be delicious especially if you have it rarely. Once burnt out, you can never revive the magic.

I shiggity hope you made it to a taco bell.

>> No.4158421

i just ate
i want to eat more

>> No.4158449
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every 3 years or so ill walk into a gasstation and buy a cheeseburger
drench that shit in in chilli and nacho cheese filling half the bag

when im at theskatepark or somewhere with a bunch of broke people ill go buy the $2 thing of nachos and pour a pool of chilli for hungry ppl to eat

>> No.4158500

You can't learn English in America. Go to England instead.

>> No.4158505

shit nigga where you live at!

>> No.4158512

>"american cuisine"

>> No.4158694

The smart man at 7-11 doesn't put the cheese and chili n his nachos, but fills the lid with cheese and chili and dunks that sheeeeeit.

>> No.4158714

>don't cover nachos
>fill the lid


>> No.4159564

Tabasco into it for fried seafood/shrimp
habanero sauce for anything else

>> No.4159588

dutchfag here. i looked forward to the amurica fuck yeah spare ribs. but i didnt like them.

>> No.4159601

Maybe not, but you can learn American!


>> No.4159682

cali baby

>> No.4159732

how the fuck do you carry it out then?
unless you eat it in the car or at the store like some heathen

>> No.4159733

I had French Toast Twinkies one glorious morning in the Mojave Desert. It was like sex in my mouth.

>> No.4159780
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> le authentic American cuisine

>> No.4159795

>unless you eat it in the car or at the store like some heathen
surewhy not

>> No.4159803

>being proud to live in the shittiest place on the planet

>> No.4159824
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where u from bitch?

>> No.4159828
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