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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 648 KB, 2000x1124, dsc00032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4155622 No.4155622 [Reply] [Original]

>meanwhile in London.

Here we have a group of overweight Europeans gathered around their feeding trough to indulge in tantalizingly greasy fried foods and extra large sodas. One of them is even wearing his favorite stretchy pants.

Let's observe as they divvy up the food, with the alpha male taking most of meats, leaving the lesser betas with the fried potato wedges.

>> No.4155629


>you mean Glasgow or Edinburgh

...notice irnbru in background

>> No.4155630


/ck/ is spoiled by so many.

>> No.4155635

this thread again?

>> No.4155644
File: 391 KB, 520x337, flagday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see the chips (fries) and the pita/lavash bread, but what are the other atrocities? The brown fritters? The red fritters? The meat, what is that? Lamb? Finally, what are in those containers. Why would you eat something like that? What is in that lady's lap? It looks like a kilo of cocaine or possible a bag of flour?

>> No.4155645

Ugh, who the hell would drink IRN BRU?

>> No.4155651

What does it taste like anyway?

>> No.4155654

Like sugar with just a hint of bubblegum. The common, pink kind. Only I don't know what is giving it that taste, since the ingredients are quite simple.

>> No.4155672
File: 590 KB, 736x352, sir david.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely I wasn't the only one who read it like this.

>> No.4155677
File: 20 KB, 320x192, 575915_3264472490581_1653513343_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I thought that was the point. Back to the picture. WHAT IS THAT STUFF?

>> No.4155702

The brown and red things are chicken, I think.

>> No.4155707

I see Chips, Nan Bread, Tandoori Chicken, Doner Meat, and the brown things are either pakora, or onion bhajis

>> No.4155710


red = tandoori chicken

brown = onion pakoras

have you ever even had indian food?

>> No.4155714
File: 1.26 MB, 320x240, I am excited about your new project.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. Sounds alright, I don't know why it is all lumped all together like that. I would try it at least. Especially if the lady has all that cocaine, I would try A LOT of that.

>> No.4155718


I forgot to mention onion rings too.

>> No.4155721
File: 1011 KB, 500x225, 675.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, Indian food that comes on plates. It never looks like that though. I love indian food.

>> No.4155724

I don't see a problem. I wonder what a spread like that costs

>> No.4155729

What's in the sauce containers?

>> No.4155733

10 inch box is around £8.50

A dish from the chinese and rice cost me £7.60, to put it into perspective

>> No.4155734

They just consume and drop the remnants on the floor, it's disgusting. Soda bottles, cans and food strewn across the floor.

>> No.4155738

In America, indian food is

>rarely deep-fried
>flavorful and heavily sauced
>fucking served individually instead of all thrown in a huge greasy box

i know you have it rough europe but are you even trying

>> No.4155744
File: 142 KB, 650x433, best-indian-food-pasadena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Indian food in America is predominantly vegetarian.

>> No.4155746

That not indian food, it's kebab shop food.

But I'm glad you're trying to make yourself feel superior

>> No.4155753

indian food in america gets shut down for health code violations all the time

>> No.4155762

Yeah, because America has a health code, unlike the UK.

>> No.4155758
File: 57 KB, 400x300, GujaratiCuisine_19188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Indian Food.

>> No.4155765
File: 162 KB, 768x1024, ajanta-indian-restaurant-california-768x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4155804

Ah, that does sound unappetizing.

>> No.4155805

IRN BRU is orange flavor. Tastes like oranges to me.

>> No.4155814

not sure if being sarcastic but..

the third world brings their food handling practices with them and for some reason they can't assimilate into their new culture

>> No.4155835

This is what? Leftovers at the end of the day sold cheap in bulk to the disgustingly obese?

>> No.4155891

It's feeding time at the farm.

>> No.4155955
File: 442 KB, 1024x718, eurolardfeast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets worse, this one has a disgusting pizza in it.

>> No.4155970

irnbru!!! how do you drink that shit

>> No.4155977

What? But all the Indian food around here has tons of lamb and goat and poultry products and sometimes fish and even BEEF sometimes.

Somebody is going to have to fill me in on the specifics if there's any traditional beef dishes in India since I was under the impression that most people over there didn't eat cows because they're too useful and sacred or something.

>> No.4156002

This is what's known as a munchy box where I live. Granted, I've never actually ordered one, but I've seen that you can get a 16" pizza box filled with all kinds of shit from kebab shops.
Also, I'm from Scotland, and people are speaking about Irn Bru. I quite like it, and it feels good to be the only country in the world that sells coke with a soft drink that out-sells it.

>> No.4156006

No it's not.

>> No.4156010

It's like a spicy sauce, you always get it from kebab shops but I'm not really sure what it is. Some kind of chili sauce I guess.

>> No.4156013

When I go on my eurotrip this summer, you can damn well bet im going to get a munchie box in every country i go to

>> No.4156024

in continental europe that's not even a thing

>> No.4156038

fuck you, i dont care. if i see one, im buying one.

>> No.4156040

We're not buying it. All of you eurolards eat this.

>> No.4156113


I sorta miss not trying to have a boyfriend.

Sometimes I feel like "My kingdom for a night alone with a big screen TV, a PS3, a CoD disc, an amazing quantity of delivery food laid out on the coffee table, more beer than I can drink and delicious, delicious brown sumatra coffee. Knowing a 2fast4u car is waiting for me outside and I can use it on the highways at night, with no one but construction workers, FedEx employees and truckers. Plenty of cigarettes. Nowhere to go. No one to see. Not a soul caring about me."

Oh yeah. Dreams? I have them.


>> No.4156284
File: 514 KB, 1920x1280, munchy-1920-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't get much worse than this.

>> No.4156294

>Knowing a 2fast4u car is waiting for me outside and I can use it on the highways at night, with no one but construction workers, FedEx employees and truckers. Plenty of cigarettes. Nowhere to go. No one to see."
I fucking love this feeling. Music off, just the road, the darkness, the engine and you.
>" Not a soul caring about me."
Aaaand that's the downside.

>> No.4156316

Is that coleslaw?

>> No.4156319

If it is, it's the driest coleslaw I've ever seen.

>> No.4156341

>it's kebab shop food.

What's a kebab shop? I'm serious, I want to expand my knowledge.

>> No.4156346

>Dat feel when you would eat the fuck out of these platters.

>> No.4156367

Please don't lower yourself to Eurotard standards.

>> No.4156393

> Europoors judging Amerifats

> Amerifats judging Europoors

> Australian master race laughs

>> No.4156406


Where drunks go to eat cheap Arab food at exorbitant prices.

>> No.4156417

Ahh. So, it's kind of like fast food?

>> No.4156441


>I fucking love this feeling. Music off, just the road, the darkness, the engine and you.

I like with music. Loud music. I used to have a pretty nice sound system in my car.

>Aaaand that's the downside.

I just love being alone. For the longest time I used to want to own an isolated piece of land, live in a house seldom passed by, just alone. Just me and no one else around.

I absolutely hate being surrounded by people. I used to really want a work-at-home job just for that.

>> No.4157120

It's shredded lettuce.

>> No.4157138


>> No.4157142

>pass the controller m8

>> No.4157144

Yes, it's fast food. They're open later than most fast food places other than the 24 hour McDonalds and the like, and so get a lot of custom from people going home from nights out. I'm very partial to a kebab before I jump in a taxi home, staves off the hangover.

>> No.4157171


I believe it's what Westerners call a Doner/Shawarma joint.


>Doner Kebab
>Arab food

Nope, sorry.

Also, what is it with Westerners trying to make these weird food contraptions out of Doner? Just stick it in a pita/laffa with Hummus, Tahini and Mezes and be done with it. Maybe in a baguette if you're feeling adventurous. Why complicate it any more than that?

>> No.4158154

What is it with Europeans and big boxes of shitty fried foods? Why would you eat this nasty shit?

>> No.4158158

>dat shaved gyro loaf meat

I love it so much. I would buy this box.

>> No.4158207


<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kebab_shop">"Kebab shop"</a> is a term used to describe a quick service food establishment specializing in various kebabs. Kebab shops are commonplace throughout most of the European continent with recent growth in countries like the United States and Canada.

Kebab shops were born in Europe as a natural evolution of influences from Turkey into Germany in the early 1970s, where döner kebabs, iskender kebab, shish kebabs and the like were adjusted to Western palates and served with fries and beer, becoming a fast food trend that today, continues to grow in popularity.

Globalization has migrated the kebab shop beyond the shores of Europe, to the new world and even back to the old world. European kebab shops have opened in the United Arab Emirates and the Americas.

>> No.4158211

Look at this stupid newfag.

>> No.4158212


<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kebab_shop">HTML test without text quotes</a>

>> No.4158214


Look at this shit-sucking cunt.

>> No.4158227
File: 30 KB, 390x310, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4158229


>> No.4158273

ITT : Britfats being fat

Stay fat UK

>> No.4158357

Wanna know why this shit is so cheap? It's refried leftovers. That's why it looks like it was left in the frier too long.

Recycling waste. You know, like farmers do.

>> No.4158361


Iron Brew is dynamite, man.

>> No.4158391


how do you know they're refried?

>> No.4158409

Look at that shit, I think he's just trying to give them the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.4158412

>what is it with Westerners trying to make these weird food contraptions out of Doner?

Westerners don't sell it though, it's middle eastern immigrants.

>> No.4158445

>rarely deep-fried

loads of indian food is and should be deep fried. deep frying is no bad thing.

'heavily sauced' is retarded - most of the best indian food doesn't have a sauce

'served individually', whatever. y'all put that shit together on a plate and scoop it up with chapati or naan anyway.

this is clearly junk food but i think it's hilarious that an american is claiming to have access to better indian food than the brits.

>> No.4158455


hindus don't. people who grow up eating food made/eaten by hindus don't. there are still many people in india who eat beef but it isn't a major part of the anglicised indian food culture. plenty of dairy though.

>> No.4158456


>> No.4158537


>Doner Kebab

You're... you're not serious, are you?

>> No.4158557

You know this is just a scottish thing right? Not a whole U.K thing. Also, lel at the americans trying to teach us about Indian food

>> No.4158572

It's a European thing.

>> No.4158581

>It's a European thing.

Actually it's only a Scottish thing. It's not available in England.

The munchie box is just a fast food restaurant putting a bit of everything on the menu into a pizza box.

>> No.4158592

>fried potato wedges.

Those are called chips in England.

>> No.4158602
File: 31 KB, 251x240, 1343423030605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know if there are any Indians on /ck/ but I've never had 6 different dishes to choose from at a meal, except for weddings ofcourse, usually it's just one dish with a fuckload of roti's and naan's.. Well it used to be, just comfort food nowadays.

>> No.4158608
File: 14 KB, 240x320, Absolutely Disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those fries

What is the red chicken? Pakistani chicken or something?

>> No.4158611

You can deny it all you want, Eurolard. It really doesn't make any difference.

>> No.4158662

I'll be honest, my stomach has a hard on for that.

>I've been in south-east London way too long...

>> No.4158683

It's a munchie box, to be consumed only when drunk and coming home from a night out. Before I came to Scotland for uni I thought they were just an urban legend and they seem to only exist here.

An average munchie box usually contains chips, donner (gyro) meat, chicken pakoras, veg pakoras, pitta bread and salad along with chili sauce, brown sauce and salad cream. The fried food is good for preventing a hangover and for quenching 'the munchies'. Sometimes the box also includes a bottle of drink and pizza, onion rings or any other fried food that the kebab shop sells.

Everything is served in a pizza box so sizes range from ~8-16" and price ranges from ~£5-25. It's usually shared between a group of people.

The girl in the photo isn't holding a bag of cocaine, she has food wrapped in a white paper bag and then put inside of a thin plastic bag.

>> No.4158721


I don't blame you for being embarrassed, but you really don't have to go this far.

>> No.4158734

Is that food on the floor in OP's pic?

>> No.4158749

Nope, I just turned up and saw that people still had unanswered questions so I described what it was fully.
You're right, there's no way to justify it as it really is all trash. The fact that people only get them when they're drunk is a good indicator of how bad they are.

>> No.4158765

Food on the floor, soda bottles/cans, and if you look at the bottom of the pic, you can see a pan handle, so there's obviously a dirty pan on the floor. This is what typical European homes look like.

>> No.4158796

Lol. Augh. I feel bad for laughing but that photo is hilarious and horrifying.

>> No.4158840

Amerifat here.

Everyone I know eats healthier, better food than most of Europe it looks like, now.

>> No.4158881

The munchy box consists of:

>Naan bread
>Vegetable pakora
>Chicken pakora
>Onion bhajis
>Onion rings
>Doner meat (lamb)
>Chilli sauce

The lady's lap has another takeaway item on it, probably fish and chips.

Meh, act like a pompous cunt if you like, the fact is that this is a very quick, easy and cheap way to overfeed a few incredibly drunk/stoned people. Smells like shite but tastes alright.

>> No.4158884

>fried potato wedges
Look like bananas to me.

>> No.4158993
File: 419 KB, 1024x768, 6241590724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how there's always a soda in the background. Europoors love their soda.

>> No.4159011

>Obese American trying to make himself feel better by posting pictures of lardass Scots.

>> No.4159018

It's not our fault that this is how Europeans eat.

>> No.4159026

No, it's how drunk Scots eat.

>> No.4159034

No, this is how all Europeans eat. It's a disgusting reality.

>> No.4159042

Except that's not true.

>> No.4159053


Have you been to the Netherlands or Germany? It's even worse. Want some kapsalon want some durum doner? How about a side of frites ortlag with that? and some kropek with sambal olek on the side?

>> No.4159068

That gray meat is nauseating.

>> No.4159109
File: 75 KB, 600x394, kapsalon1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God, it just gets worse.

>> No.4159185

This is one of the most disgusting threads I've ever seen.

>> No.4159508

Dude, it's beef combined with lamb and usually onion juices as well.

>> No.4159530

I'm stoned and this looks amazing. It might kill me halfway, but I want one.

>> No.4159532

this nigga has never had the late night drunk/stoner munchies before

>> No.4159533

And tesco brand energy drinks in the background there

>> No.4159534

and it's delicious

>> No.4159535

Looks more like a munchy-box, a Scotland thing. Plus the Irn Bru of course.

>> No.4159623

>doner meat (lamb)
i can tell from the homogenized texture that it is processed shit-tier kebab meat.

>> No.4160794 [DELETED] 

I've seen this in UK. Trust me, I've eaten my fair share.

>> No.4160823

Man, I must visit London!!!

>> No.4160890

I'm from Canada
>but can you explain why everything's in one box
>down in North America we put things in separate boxes because its more tidy
>that's disgusting all the food is touching

>> No.4160898


yeah, I was wondering that too...I thought maybe it was like the late night special where they just take what ever they have left, throw it in a box and sell it for one price.

>> No.4160924

Fuck, I would demolish all of the food in this thread. All at once.

>> No.4161992
File: 2 KB, 125x123, 1352617560540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Australian claims master race
New Zealand god guffaws.
>mfw we have better fish and chips

>> No.4162001

I would molest this fucking box

>> No.4162017

But you say it "fush and chups", which is weird.

>> No.4162038
File: 140 KB, 600x450, 3816828874_f003278fc9_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

australia has a challenger in the late night utter garbage food category:
the AB, or after birth, is a local specialty in my city.
chips and kebab meat, smothered inketchup and garlic sauce.
only recommmended when utterly drunk.

>> No.4162051

Implying fush and chups matters.
It's all about the meat Broski. Though I would live in NZ if I could...

>> No.4162056

>ITT: One fatass murrkan found a single thing about food in another country to exploit and keeps referring to one country in Europe as the representation for all 50+ with absolutely no basis whatsoever

I've seen worse in your shitfucked country.

>> No.4162057

South Africans sound like that too...

>> No.4162058
File: 84 KB, 800x531, Cant handle these balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit yeah time for Radelaide

Washing an AB down with a Farmers Union is the best thing ever to happen in the history of the world

>> No.4162059

Welcome to a troll thread, Mr. Buttmad.

>> No.4162064 [DELETED] 

Eurolards can dish it, but they certainly can't take. Imagine if Americans were this sensitive.

>> No.4162069

really? i mean, good times man, but for me at least,the AB comes in solidly between 20 beers and waking upnext to a 4/10. i associate it with drunken good times. fuic is god tier though.

>> No.4162079

I've come to appreciate both really "bad" and really "good" food, I've found its a great way to never be disappointed by what other people serve you

>> No.4162096
File: 75 KB, 660x495, Carne+asada+fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile in murrka durrka

>> No.4162123
File: 187 KB, 1600x1065, smokedmeatpoutine1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile in Canadia

>> No.4162135

God bless carne asada fries. God bless them all

>> No.4162196

>outside of jock land

>> No.4162221

Those are only available in like southern cali and nevada though

>> No.4162223

And I've been to Europe 4 times yet never seen nor heard of OP's butthurtbox

>> No.4162226

You ate it the entire time you were there though. Didn't you roll around in one at some point?

>> No.4162233

You realize you're obsessed, right?

>> No.4162245

there seems to be at least 4 people in OP's pic, probably 6. Not really such a big amount of food there.
Same with
you can see a plate on top of the picture, there's not much food there.
And since this is mostly chicken and big chunks of potato the global calorie intake isn't that bad. It's lower than a pizza of the same size for instance.

>> No.4162247

Frenchfag there. That horror in OP pic is unheard of there, even in big cities.

>> No.4162292

>irn bru

Scotland detected so not really european

>> No.4162294


why are you using the word cheap and exorbitant in the same sentence.

>6 quid for kebab and chips with a drink

>> No.4162348

I never use pleb, but this thread is pleb central, kebab shop platters are amazing.

>> No.4162464
File: 76 KB, 704x396, 1318145524505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that fucking kielbasa on the pizza?

>> No.4162638


>Doner Kebab
>Arab Food

Its not like the Ottoman Empire included the entire near east and influenced food customs from Tangiers to Kabul...

>> No.4162655

I'm pretty sure that that is Scotland in your picture, op. The Irn bru is the signature beverage of the scott. Scotland is the fatter half of the UK, where meals like the one in your picture aren't uncommon.

>> No.4162690

It's funny how sensitive the brits are about being called on their hypocrisy of hating amerifats, as if their only hope at confidence comes from believing the amerifats are slightly fatter than them. Once it comes to discussing with skinny amerifats, they literally have nothing left.

That shit looks delicious all the same, though.

>> No.4162729

>Iron Brew

>> No.4162769

I bet the guy with the Irn Bru looked at his mates and said, "Didn't you guys get anything?"

>> No.4162813

I'm sure it just happened to be near him when they opened the box. it's not like they sit around the box and eat what is only closest to them and nothing on the other side of the box. otherwise they would have to increase food box entropy by, most efficiently, closing the box or placing it all in a container and shaking it around for a few minutes to gain maximum entropy. And that's like wtf when you're drunk, man just be nice and let everyone have some, even if it's closer to uyou doesn't mean it's yours man, fuck you.

>> No.4163267
File: 20 KB, 500x441, 1537-20080703-kapsalon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile in Eurolardopia

>> No.4163268

You can only get them in Scotland. They don't even sell them south of the border in England.

>> No.4163286


>> No.4163297

It's called lamb, a new invention.

>> No.4163306

That's nothing special. You can get that in most take away places in yurup.

>> No.4163312

What's kielbasa?

>> No.4163323


it's a disgusting type of sausage from some where in eastern Europe that was totally ripped off for merica' where it is sold in every grocery store and deli pre-packed and over salted with a mixture of added fat, left over meat scraps, fillers, pink slime and some spices in a synthetic casing.

>> No.4163324
File: 81 KB, 500x398, frites &amp; kebba pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys should all come to Scandinavia and have a kebab & fries pizza!

>> No.4163326

They sell them throughout Europe. It's a European diet staple.

>> No.4163328
File: 66 KB, 500x437, Spaghetti-Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh btw I am pretty certain that's Bearnaise sauce on there, YUMMY

Pic is another scandinavian pizza specialty, the spaghetti pizza!

>> No.4163330

Most Americans get their sausages from a butcher, I'd imagine it's better than anything the Europoors could get.

>> No.4163334

get out. both of you. get. out.

>> No.4163335
File: 159 KB, 475x356, chicken curry banana pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Following up with a pizza that has garnered popularity in Sweden especially. The chicken, Curry, and Banana pizza.

>> No.4163337


alright eskimo bro, that'll be enough. I'm not really sure what in the name of god those things are but sure as shit they aint pizza.

>> No.4163340


what are those, wiggly chips?

>> No.4163343

>Most Americans get their sausages from a butcher

merica here....NO the fuck they don't.

>> No.4163348
File: 44 KB, 600x449, salat pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finally, the pizza that has spread across scandinavian pizzarias like wildfire, THE SALAD PIZZA!!

(Most salad pizzas don't have fries on them, but kebab is common)

>> No.4163349

Butthurt Eurolard detected.

>> No.4163353


STFU asspie, I live in chitown.

>> No.4163355

Don't know them till you have tried them. They are all pretty delicious. Spaghetti pizza is probably the least exciting one, but it is still good.

>> No.4163365
File: 84 KB, 610x457, 20121227-top-ten-ds-Grey Block-Chopped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4163372

I live in Southern California and no one near me make those.

>> No.4163371

>10 inch box is around £8.50

you pay for the food by the inch? that's awesome.

>> No.4163378

That's pretty much what it is. One of my uni mates heard about munchie boxes from his brother who goes to Edinburgh Uni (we're at Portsmouth). So one night we just walk into an arab place, almost a kebab shop, but does standard fast food too and explain the concept to them. Got a fuckton of food in a single box that's easy to carry and eat out of. All for 6 quid (pounds). It was cheap as shit and filled us up.

>> No.4163379

>The chicken, Curry, and Banana pizza.

Christ, is nothing sacred to these Eurolardopians?

>> No.4163388

that must be suffering

I had one of these about once a week at college

>> No.4163398

good god... those boxes are just sloppin' the hogs. seriously, why would any self-respecting person eat those?

>> No.4163407

Judging by this thread, most Europeans don't respect themselves.

>> No.4163414
File: 41 KB, 157x151, 1333646592026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't lie to yourself americans, I know you want to stick your head into that box and eat out of it like a trough

>> No.4163420


w..well maybe.

>> No.4163421

We're better than that.

>> No.4163506

The food looks like any regular american meal.

>> No.4163519

This munchie box phenomenon is limited to the UK. That "part" of Europe is pretty much ignored by the actual European countries. UK is pretty much America with an accent. ...Yes. Seriously.

Now continue on with your use of our words in professional kitchens when you use our techniques and recipes which have been used for thousands of years. We aren't laughing at you. Promise.

>> No.4163553

Looks better than McDonalds to me

>> No.4163564
File: 42 KB, 468x472, 19238213212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit in a box

>> No.4163627
File: 111 KB, 682x400, takeaway2_682_1128018a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4163707

how mad are you that Americans can make literally any of Europe's recipes, and many have evolved to be much tastier than the originals as we aren't concerned with authenticity?

source: grew up in a 4th-gen italian and ukrainian mixed family. Went to europe. Was not impressed by food.

seriously, Italy is WAY overrated on food.

>> No.4163710

I like how the sad, slimy, iceberg abortion is sitting there to the side, as if it thinks it can redeem everything else in the box.

>> No.4163734

C...curly fries...?
Th...thick cut curly fries.

>> No.4163750

>An honest price
I don't know why that's funny