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4154310 No.4154310 [Reply] [Original]

This guy clearly left the bulk of this tip in cash to make a joke.
I always tip just enough on the card to make a round number and then the rest in cash. I figure this way the waiter gets to put more in his pocket if he chooses.
Does anyone else do this?

>> No.4154312

No, that guy tipped 3.14 dollars on a $27 bill, period.

>> No.4154314

It depends on what I have in my pocket at the time. The main thing is to avoid the whole "do you need change" nonsense. I'm not waiting around while the waiter makes a second round trip to the register.

>> No.4154315

I give the waitress a few words of wisdom in lieu of a monetary tip.

>> No.4154320

I like to pinch them on the bum. Really down low as close to the vagina as I feel I can get away with.

>> No.4154339

If you give the waiters cash, then they get to keep it. If you tip on a card, the entire staff get a share of it (read: kitchen staff, who do all the hard work anyway).

>> No.4154345

In Quebec the tip is taxed at source (confiscated), so I always tip in cash.

>> No.4154358

Not necessarily. I worked at a restaurant and they pooled all the tips, including cash

>> No.4154366

Only if the server was dumb and was honest with the cash tips they got.

>> No.4154368

And if not they'd get fired...?

>> No.4154378

Um, and how would anyone know that they lied about the cash they got in tips? It's not like anyone checks. They pocket it and say they got 50% less than what they did every time. They pool the 50% and keep the other 50% for themselves. How would anyone know they were lying?

Plus, here in the USA if a server doesn't make up to min wage through tips then the employer has to pay the difference, so the "they make less than min wage" argument is stupid.

>> No.4154384

I wish there was a way to directly tip the kitchen staff and leave a token buck or whatever for the guy who's just carrying it. It's bullshit.

>> No.4154387

Waiting tables is not a minimum wage job. Argument is plenty valid. Try paying your mechanic minimum wage and see what happens.

>> No.4154391

Min wage is there so that no matter how shitty your job is, no matter how easy it is, you still have enough to live off of.

>> No.4154395


>you still have enough to live off of

ha ha. there is no place in america where you can work 40 hours minimum wage and survive on your on, or with a partner in the same predicament.

>> No.4154398

40 hours is nothing. Any productive citizen should be working half again that much.

>> No.4154402
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>> No.4154403

I work about 30 hours a week and I have enough to live on and more. I have a nice apartment and cook all my own food. If you can't live off min wage then you either are buying things you don't need, addicted to drugs/alcohol, or you have a bunch of kids and you should have thought about that before you had sex.

Stop living above your means. If you can't make ends meet then get rid of your luxuries that you think are necessities. You don't need that cabletv, you don't need that dish network, you don't need that postpaid phone service, you don't need.

>> No.4154405

Just because the Nazis used it as a slogan does not mean its not a great sentiment. Nazis also loved sauerkraut, does that mean its evil?

>> No.4154412


Do you live in Nevada or something?

>> No.4154418


>> No.4154421

why not just work a little harder and get a better job? all that being frugal to avoid work is corrosive to your character. i sure hope you are working on a novel or an album at least.

>> No.4154422

Time to pack my bags.

>> No.4154428

Do you live in a state with a high minimum wage/extraordinarily low cost of rent? Cause where I'm at, I'd be making 870 a month at 30 hours a week on minimum wage. Even the shittiest apartments around here are like 900

>> No.4154426


I drove through there once. Always wondered if the people there lived there on purpose, or if they were just born there and didn't know any better.

>> No.4154432
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>getting to go or eating at a place where there are no waiters
>use credit card to pay
>there's a slot for tip
>don't write one because no one served me
>feel like a huge asshole
every time

>> No.4154434

Just born here and never had enough money to move out, just enough to live off of.

I'm trying to get a better job. It's not that easy in my town, unless I want to get another job that pays the same and has the same or even less hours.

>> No.4154436

7.25$ min wage here. My rent is only 300$ a month plus electricity which is like 60$ a month, then food which is only 100-150$ a month or so. I make about

>> No.4154439


Holy shit. I live in a poor neighborhood on the coast and my rent is $1400/month.

On the other hand I make about $70k/year so it makes up for the cost of living.

I wonder if I could convince my boss to let me telecommute from Indiana... I could amass a small fortune in a few years if I don't become addicted to oxycodone or whatever it is people do for fun in such places.

>> No.4154441

We have a huge meth problem here.

>> No.4154448

>being frugal to avoid work
i'd hardly say he's "avoiding work"

>> No.4154453

what's your job?

>> No.4154468

I work at Sony DADC doing assembly line work. Any job in the production of DVD, CD, bluray, UMD, stuff like that, I do it all. Also I should say I do get 9$ an hour, not min wage, but still, I know plenty of people here who are on min wage and they live comfortably.

>> No.4154473

Assembly line work on consumer electronics only pays 9 bucks an hour in the us?
Fuck, may as well let all those jobs go to china.
How is that worth anyones time?

>> No.4154475

Would be 12$ an hour if I wasn't through a shitty temp agency.

>> No.4154479

I always pay the bill with a card and then tip in cash. That way, I can see how much of a bitch the waiter/waitress really is. If they hover or stare at me like they are demanding a tip between me putting my card away and getting out my cash, they don't get one. I'm not rewarding that shitty entitlement attitude.

>> No.4154481

What a smooth cat you are. I bet your friends think you are a prince.

>> No.4154482

you weren't the guy making 70,000 a year though, were you?

>> No.4154490

No, I make probably around 12k a year or less.

>> No.4154494

and if they walk away they still don't get the tip. so you're just a giant faggot

>> No.4154499

This is not true. Whether it was in cash or not, your overall sales dictates how much you're "supposed" to get in tips. So if it's all in cash even, you're still pretty much required to own up to 15% of your tips. Or whatever your job requires as far as percentages.

Credit cards just make it easier to track. Any extra I made though was mine. Tip out was still in that 15% bit. So say I made $20 in tips at a table. That extra $5 would still be untouched unless some other tables were flaky and didn't tip as much and that $5 kind of evens out what others didn't give me. In the end it still turns out being okay if you're low balled or doing quite well one day to the next.

Where I worked we handled all our own money, no cash register. At the end of the day if you're carrying a ton of cash around, you "owe" the house money based on what you sold. Sometimes when it's mostly credit card transactions, they owe YOU money for all the tips you've received.

>> No.4154503

My brother prides himself on the fact that he's always got cash on him, so even if he pays a bill with a card he writes "CASH" in the tip field and leaves the tip on the table.

>> No.4154505


Yeah, I disagree with that.

I only had to work where tips were involved once and I had to share them. I felt like a whore. A complete whore. And I've been a prostitute. I never felt so low and used in my entire life. It was the single most degrading experience I ever had.

Never again. Ever, ever, again. I keep my own tips, I ain't nobody's bitch.

>> No.4154512


I live in New Orleans. Apartment is $600 a month

>> No.4154515
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>Sharing tips is worse than being a male prostitute

what the fuck, man.

>> No.4154519

>expecting to tip more than 10% of the total
Could you BE any more American?

>> No.4154525


>> No.4154532
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no. I usually leave either cash or full tip on the card. OP, that tip is decent if it was for lunch or something. I wouldn't tip more than 10% or 15% unless it was an extraordinary meal or had consummate service,or perhaps at dinner at a fine dining restaurant. For your run of the mill lunch join. it is about 11-12% which is normal.

>> No.4154544

I think you mean vulva

>> No.4154554

I live in Minnesota, on a lake, with dock access. and my rent is only 550 for a 1 bedroom with a decent sized living room and kitchen. and i get to to work with the landlord for 12 bucks an hour to be taken off my rent. made 108 bucks off my rent in 3 days. not a bad gig.

>> No.4154601

>it is about 11-12% which is normal.
You must not live in the U.S. and A

>> No.4154615

It's what I do. I give 15 to 20% for bartenders, unless they're unattenative, then it's 10%.

Not sure why it's hard for some of them to keep my fucking glass full. I bring friends and coworkers, you would think they'd pay attention. Some bartenders give me free drinks, some ignore me, no fucking uniformity among tipped employees I suppose.

>> No.4154733

So you work 150 hours a week...? Thats not possible.

>> No.4154737

no, he's just a nigger

>> No.4157209

do we really need to use the n word in a tipping thread?

>> No.4157214

here's what I do.
move the decimal over
I have to give them at least over that to the closest dollar.
So they get $1.66 in tip. So I spent $14 exactly.

If they don't like it they can suck my dick.

>> No.4157219

If european you are a mensch, if american you are a cheap twat.

>> No.4157225

Don't. Way too many places are starting to put out tip jars and having slots for tip on the bill. Don't feed into the bullshit.
You looked at the menu and saw a price. You made your decision based off of that price. For them to take on another 10-20% out of social obligation is them guilt tripping you into spending more than what you originally agreed upon. You work too hard for your money to just give it away because they have a jar out.

>> No.4157230

I don't give a fuck. What, my $1.66 of COMPLETELY OPTIONAL money wasn't enough for you?
Talk about entitlement.

>> No.4157240

Why the fuck do Americans tip compulsorily? I have never understood why tips are compulsory, I can't get it.

>> No.4157246

are you an american over 25 ?

>> No.4157248
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Different culture mate. They dont get why we mince around like a bunch of faggots all the time.

>> No.4157259

I think it's just a cultural quirk for the most part. That said, I usually treat the tip as a sort of evaluation; if the waiter is courteous and knows their shit then I'll give them a decent tip because I liked how I was served, if the opposite is true then I'll give a shit tip as a way of saying "you suck; this is all you're worth".

>> No.4157285

This makes no sense... 26.86 + pi > 30.00 while 26.86 + 3.14 = 30.00. This guy is making a poor joke.

Anyway, I usually tip up to a round number just for personal ease.

>> No.4157347

Does anyone ever give a little to the waiters to get a little better service?

>> No.4157359


>> No.4157362

I'm just glad I live in a country where tipping is considered rude. Here leaving a tip is equal to you saying that you are a better person because you have money to give. People here are paid a decent wage for their work and no one needs tips and you pay exactly what the menu says. No extras, no added costs.

>> No.4157392


Any employer that would have to cover the difference usually fires the server anyway. It's a sign of terribad service even if they got stiffed all the damn time.

>> No.4157635

So, if someone on vacation doesn't tip, will you get lynched?
Swede asking with little to no experience in tipping.

>> No.4157851

I live in Indianapolis. Studio apartments at the minimum cost around $400-$500 plus utilities. And that is in the horrible nigger infested areas. Where the fuck do you live, Lafayette?

>> No.4157875

I don't usually tip, but when I do, I round up to 10 or 20 cents.

>> No.4157886

Stay away from our country

>> No.4157913

Do not listen to that other anon. We fucking love Swedes here. But do tip, its not a big deal.

>> No.4157914

I went to a restaurant the other day and got a meal that was roughly $15 CDN. I'm a student so I don't have that much money. I paid with debit and the waitress noticed that I didn't tip so she left without saying thank you or anything.

I don't know who here's a Canada-fag, but this was at Don Cherries. Waitresses there get $11-$12 an hour and I got average service. Throughout my meal I never saw her once so I didn't think she deserved any extra money. However, if I get great service I usually tip 15%, I even do 10% if it was a bit above average but all she did was say hello, took my order, brought my food to me and came with the debit machine. She didn't even clear the table, some dishmonkey did.

>> No.4157920

If you really are candadgian you should know better anon

>> No.4157921

you don't have to justify not tipping.

>> No.4157946

Next thing you'll tell me you like holding hands.
Saged, reported, built underground bunker.
Get out Swedefucker.

>> No.4157972

I just hate when people expect tips on top of a pretty good wage

>> No.4157977

>eating out when you can barely afford the meal itself

>> No.4157986

not sure if don cherries has bussers.

where i work servers are required to tip out both kitchen staff and bussers a % of sales.

so by not tipping they might actually end up paying out of their own pockets.

>> No.4158001

>Don Cherries
I can tell what kind of person you are already. Gross.

>> No.4158004

I live in the US. I tip waitstaff by calculating about 12-15% in my head, then rounding up to whatever makes my total a whole dollar amount. I don't tip in places where I serve myself or get it direct from the counter or what have you.

Am... am I an asshole?

>> No.4158008

>>I don't tip in places where I serve myself or get it direct from the counter or what have you.

You're in the clear.

>> No.4158009

Tipping is for faggots.

>> No.4158018

I'm in Newfoundland, this one had a busser for some reason. When I lived in Nova Scotia I was a busser at Steak and Stein. We got our weekly kickback and whatnot and the servers never had to pay out of pocket.

Hey man, cherry chip nacho's are good

>> No.4158091

You live in Ottawa, nigger? Go to the Sandy Hill Lounge & Grill (SHL&G) it's the best bar. Their curry chicken poutine takes a shit on every other poutine you've ever ate.

>> No.4158261

i don't even tip, it's bullshit that somebody feels entitled to my money for walking back and forth from the kitchen to my table, plus the waiters are all young and i dont want them to do well in life

if i could tip the chefs i would tip everytime