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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4150828 No.4150828[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> be 21
> move in with gf
> gf is super fussy and only eats chips/fries, white bread, mashed potatoes, baked beans, chicken nuggets and fish fingers

How can I health up my meals while basically eating what she eats? (Cooking a different meal isn't an option because she doesn't like me cooking two different meals.)

Pic unrelated but hilarious.

>> No.4150829

>(Cooking a different meal isn't an option because she doesn't like me cooking two different meals.)

You need to leave right now and forget she ever existed.

>> No.4150830

Oh yeah she also eats 2 minute noodles and canned tuna.

>> No.4150831


Not gonna happen buddy, I love this woman

>> No.4150832

Eating that kind of shitty food was probably a result of poor food habits at home during her childhood/teenage years. All of those sound like they're frozen, just chuck in the oven type foods that are easy to prepare.

Ask her about a certain themed food she likes, e.g Indian, Mexican, Thai, Chinese, Italian etc. Work from those "themed" dishes into dishes that are similar while retaining the vegetable/meat/grain combo to keep her interested.

Or ditch that bitch, fucking fussy eaters are the worst.

>> No.4150833

Then suicide is the only answer.

>> No.4150834

Let her cook her own food and you prepare yours.

If she's not fat now she's going to lard it up big and very soon.

>> No.4150835

What sort of terrible fucking cunt wouldn't let you cook two meals at once? Controlling fucking bitch.

>> No.4150843

>gf is super fussy
Everyone is fussy about something, it's ok just try to work arou-
>Cooking a different meal isn't an option because she doesn't like me cooking two different meals.

>> No.4150844


Can't, she doesn't like it when I try to change her.

Dumping her is out of the question because I have social anxiety and she knows how to help me cope with.

>> No.4150846


She doesn't like cooking. It's easier if I do it.

>> No.4150850


>> No.4150853

>tfw find a woman who loves cooking and is amazing at it
>tfw she's not interested in you

>> No.4150854



>> No.4150856

I do want advice though so if you have any please share. The only thing I can think of is putting some of those frozen microwave steam vegetables on the side but that gets kind of boring.

>> No.4150857

It's amazing. No matter what board I visit, there's bound to be a thread made by a guy who details the most infuriating girlfriend ever. I can't believe there are people desperate enough in this world to settle for shit tier women.

>> No.4150859

I don't care what my partner eats, but if I didn't get to cook what I wanted to cook every day that'd be intolerable.

You really need to tell her to just let you eat different meals than her. You can leave her shitty taste be, anything you'll cook for her will be so simple you'll have plenty of time to make real food for yourself.

>> No.4150860

You don't cook fries and fish sticks. You put them in the oven, you take them out 20 minutes later. That's it.

>> No.4150886

You should bail. Not because of what she eats, specifically, but what you've described is a controlling bitch with the mind and tastes of a child.

>> No.4150898

I bet her shit smells disgusting. does she fart a lot as well?

>> No.4150920

My girl will eat anything I cook. I am a great cook though. But either way, she basically does whatever I want. I'm also a great person to get along with, live with, etc. though.

I don't really care about you or your shitty girlfriend. Just wanted to share a few things here.

>> No.4150921


I gave you advice and you turned it down full stop.

enjoy cooking for your shitty girlfriend because you're afraid to change her you pussy whipped cuckold.

>> No.4150927

I know right? Someone should just go ahead and make an infographic for how to live a fulfilling life whilst single.

>> No.4150952

You're not "changing" her, your broadening her dumb as fuck horizon.
Stop being a whipped little bitch. Seriously.

>> No.4150958

Honestly dude, it's only gonna get worse from here. You might as well abandon ship while you still can.

>> No.4150965

dubs confirm

>> No.4150997

fucking lawl

also not samefag

>> No.4150998

lol at the people calling her a horrible person, you don't even know her. If you find someone who loves you for who you are you don't fuck it up by not doing something as simple as sharing a meal. So how about some food & cooking advice?

>> No.4151000

That'd be enabling.

>> No.4151007

>implying OP isn't trolling in the same vain as "I need to cook a buffet for my family, they're all vegans with gluten allergies and allergic to peanuts"

>> No.4151015

i would evac that family asap

>> No.4151025
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OP, that sucks. I thought it was natural that most girls lik to ~*~*cook~**~

I was in a long distance relationship for 2 yrs and recently relocated with him in a different state. I always cook him dinner when he comes home from work. feelsgoodman

>> No.4151028

>doesn't let me cook what I want
>forces me on her shitty diet of shit
>makes me cook her shitty shit for her
It's not about sharing. It's about her controlling you. This is just the start.

>> No.4151039
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This is terrible bait, but I'll bite.

If your relationship would get fucked up by you eating a different meal to your partner every day, then it is a shit tier worthless relationship.

Why should she even give a shit? Do people actually find this important?

If you want to eat something different she needs to fucking deal with it, as long as she refuses to heat her own processed shit she has no right to tell you what you can't make for yourself.

If your partner is this unreasonable, then they are just a cunt, and so are you for enabling them.

>> No.4151049

>implying gender roles
>I'm a girl
10/10 would get 200+ replies on /b/

>> No.4151051

Like I said, I don't give a shit what yous think. Fuck the lot of you. I can figure this out on my own.

>> No.4151060

Then why are you asking for help on a 4chan board? Fucking loser. Your GF is probably fat judging from her diet, and you are a beta faggot.

>> No.4151064

>2 months later, posting on /adv/

>> No.4151068
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you sound like a bitch nigga

>> No.4151071

>she doesn't like me cooking two different meals

then fuck her and cook your own meal.

surely throwing something in the oven/microwave for a few minutes isnt so hard for her to do is it? are you sure youre not dating a literal retard?

>> No.4151073

>The only thing I can think of is putting some of those frozen microwave steam vegetables on the side but that gets kind of boring.
Why make your vegetable dishes boring?

While her pre-processed shit is festering in the oven you have plenty of time making delicious vegetable dishes. Try woking some broccoli and carrots with ginger, for instance. You might as well even make them nutritionally complete and eat them under the guise of being "just side dishes". She has no problem manipulating you, perhaps you should give her some of her own medicine?

>If your relationship would get fucked up by you eating a different meal to your partner every day, then it is a shit tier worthless relationship.
Not really. One possibility is that OP's girlfriend's parents gave her this shit growing up because they couldn't stand her whining at the dinner table, and now she's an obnoxious adult baby as a result. Sharing meals in a civilized manner is absolutely necessary for family cohesion, even if that family only consists of two people.

It's nice that she's helping him manage his social anxiety, but the last thing he needs is having to care for an adult baby.

>> No.4151077

>seriously thinks she won't jump ship the moment someone pushes the right buttons

poor you

>> No.4151100

>If you find someone who loves you for who you are you don't fuck it up by not doing something as simple as sharing a meal.
Shouldn't this go both ways? Why does she somehow have a license to fuck it up by doing something simple as sharing a meal?

>> No.4151109

Because women

>> No.4151128

*by not

>> No.4151156

My brother put up with a woman like this for 10 years. I wasn't sure how he was able to put up with it. Turns out he thought he'd get used to it but never did. What a waste of time.

I suggest you get out now. You're right to be disgusted by her and you should not ignore your instincts.

>> No.4151162

she better be fucking amazing in plenty of other ways because a person with a diet like that would drive me insane. Also,
> she doesn't like me cooking two different meals.


>> No.4151168
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>> No.4151190

> gf is super fussy
I agree, don't try to change her much. But, I think you could up the quality and see if she starts to look down at packaged versions. A little at a time.
Take a teaspoon of olive oil, and your fingers of potato, whether yummy yukon gold, red or russet, and mix it up with fingerling potatoes, sweet poatoes, little baby reds, and roast til golden brown and delicious. Sprinkle with sea salt.
>white bread
This is perfectly acceptable with a BLT, turkey sandiwch, or the occasional toast. But, there's zero reason you have to eat the same bread. Buy white bread from the bakery, or brandslike Pepperidge Farm or Arnold Country Style, where it has more density, substance, and squish. Little by little, the crap bread will just be less appealing.
>mashed potatoes
This isn't a big deal. Whether you do your own steamed potatoes that you mash, or a package, she doubtfully will know the difference. Pick your battles. My favorite? Yukon mash with some of the skins left in, and 1-2 garlic cloves in the water. Half and half and real butter. It's hardly a diet food. But, a microwave-baked potato, or even oven potato skins, can go gourmet with cheese, green onions, and other toppings, as light or as rich as you like it.
>baked beans
Again, not a bad thing. If it's a normal part of dinner? Then reduce the sugar, try it from scratch, and bake it with bacon and the sugary stuff on top with green pepper rings, so a nice crust forms. Introduce some bean dishes into the mix like cajun red beans, navy bean soup, pasta fagioli, 13 bean soap, and other good ideas. Have some rice and bean nights, from caribbean rice with coconut milk and pigeon peas, with some nice chicken chunks, or sausage gumbo.
>chicken nuggets, fish fingers
This is texture and dip love! No reason you can't do the shake n bake idea. Bake everything from salmon, dolphin fingers to chicken tenders. Try cordon bleu. Diet tricks like yogurt soak, hummus powder.

>> No.4151199

tell her to stop being a faggot and eat adult food

this generation is so full of picky motherfuckers god damn

>> No.4151206
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>she doesn't like me cooking two different meals


Fucking hell

>> No.4151215

Tell her to not be such a picky little bitch.

Or start cooking two meals at a time, a bitch who leaves you for cooking two meals is not worth it

>> No.4151220

Get her juicing
A glass or two of fresh juiced fruits and veggies will help counteract the shit she's eating

>> No.4151221


Fat people logic.

>> No.4151227

If the relationship means so little to her that she isn't willing to let you cook two meals (I don't even understand the objection, she doesn't like seeing two different meals on the table? Does she have mental disorder?)
Then clearly she doesn't feel the same way about you as you do about her and will probably end up walking all over you and breaking your heart / cheating on you (which she may already be doing).

Have an honest talk with her about how unreasonable and childish her demands her, let her know that you are willing to heat her "food" but will not let her have total control over your life (maybe try and phrase it a bit better)

Other people have made the same point as me, so I am going to put this very simply.


>> No.4151231

I'm being a realist.
It's not easy to get people to change their eating habits.

>> No.4151234

This incompatibility is going to hurt your relationship. You can try to meet halfway but halfway solutions suck and breed enmity.

I have no advice for you. All I can say is that I was in this situation before and there is nothing you can do to change some kinds of picky eaters. If their pickiness is part of some OCD or deep-seated dislike, it's best not even to try.

>> No.4151236

>white bread
>mashed potatoes
>baked beans
>chicken nuggets and fish fingers

As for children, dear OP: pastas.

Try some good bolognaise for yourself and see if she dares to refuse it.

>> No.4151316


>Cooking a different meal isn't an option because she doesn't like me cooking two different meals.

I'm pretty sure thats a borderline abusive relationship.

>> No.4151348
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Maybe if he was a woman

>> No.4151375

does your girlfriend have autism

>> No.4151386

It's just shame logic. OP's gf doesn't want OP to aknowledge her filthy eating habits by making healthier food that makes her look bad in comparison.

>> No.4151400

yep, bad and immature.

>> No.4151401

> she doesn't like me making separate meals
> she doesn't like me eating food I like

I hope this chick is super hot and you are using her for sex, don't marry this dumb bitch.

Lose girlfriend, eat food.

>> No.4151426

Dump her. If she isn't fat already she will be soon. Also, they age more quickly. Plus she's most likely retarded, so no good material for blanda upp your genes.

>> No.4151434

>Also, they age more quickly

This is one of the worst effects of a shit diet. Women (and men for that matter) who eat a diet that is mostly white, carby, starchy foods, low in fruits and vegetables and low in lean meats, will without a doubt age faster than their counterparts who eat healthy. Sugar literally breaks down the bonds between collagen in your skin, causing wrinkles and dryness much faster. Plus, without the healthy fats and vitamins/miinerals found in fruits, vegetables, fish, eggs, and lean meat, you will end up with a sallow, gray complexion, and possibly other afflictions that cause physical defects, like anemia, psoriasis, exema, dull hair, brittle hair and nails, etc.

>> No.4151441

I don't know about you, but I don't plan on being here much longer than... 55-60 at max. I think your point is extremely valid, but when that stuff starts to happen I'm just going to self own.

>> No.4151456

Even so, the point I'm making means it will start much earlier than that. I've seen women in their late twenties, early thirties who look like they're 35-40 due to their lifestyle choices. It starts much earlier than you're thinking. Regardless of how old you want to live to be.

>> No.4151464

I've managed to make it to 27 without any wrinkles. Again, I've seen what you've seen. I thought that recreational drug/pill/cigarette/alcohol use would break more impact though. That and sun worship... that'll fuck you up.

>> No.4151474

Oh sure, drugs, alcohol, sun, all cause more dramatic damage than diet, but diet is right up there too. Some of the worst I've seen (I used to work in a wellness center), were women in their late twenties who were habitual dieters (read: starvation diet) who drank and/or smoked and had crow's feet, dry, scaly skin, no color in their face, low elasticity, etc. Nasty.
There's a quick and easy test to asses the condition of your skin, as far as the elasticity of it (which means you have a decent amount of collagen and moisture, in essence.) Pinch the skin on the back of your hand, and if it rebounds right back, smoothly, with no white or redness, and no lines or wrinkling, then you, in theory, have a decent amount of collagen. If it sticks, or goes back a bit slowly, or discolors, or has lines as it goes back, you need to boost your nutrition and fluid intake.

>> No.4151476

Fuck, I don't know why I even replied.. my diet isn't anything like this girl's. Ignore me, I'm all over the fucking place.
As far as OP's gf goes, you're going to date this chick for probably 8-9 months max. You'll split up, and then you'll eventually find someone that appreciates food instead of being a fuckmo about it. If not, she might eventually change..it's possible.

>> No.4151497
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Can you blame her? British food fucking sucks.

>> No.4151517

I cook delicious, varied, healthy meals for my boyfriend daily. Sucks to be you OP.

PS: for everyone else BEWARE OF PICKY EATERS

>> No.4151528
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>canned tuna

Choose one

>> No.4151550
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I don't know, dude. All that mercury must be good for something. Maybe you get cool powers and can turn into liquid metal like the terminator.

>> No.4151558

My suggestion would be to make all of those things but homemade, she will most probably enjoy them. Once you do that add a little variation and then maby her tastes will open up.

>> No.4151576

There has to be some level of compromise here. Aren't you concerned that 100 percent of the compromise is on your side? If she did indeed love you as you insist she does, why would she put these ridiculous demands on you?

1. Wants you to share a meal

>2. That's a great idea but that means that 50% of this meal the consideration of this meal or 50 % of meals should also be towards my wants/needs.


>4. Okay fine but those foods aren't nutritionally sound and aren't the only foods I eat so I will need to prepare my own foods.


>Okay, see number 2.

Why doesn't your gf give any craps about your wants and needs and why doesn't this concern you?

Fine if you want to cook her meals then that's just a nice thing you want to do. As mentioned you don't even actually "cook" the things she eats anyways. But if she refuses that you eat anything but what she eats that's crazy and you're both going to get diabetes.

If she is absolutely unwilling to eat anything else there is not much you can do. Good advice has been given. Surely there are things she eats at restaurants you could make? But ultimately your girlfriend literally is controlling you and doesn't give a shit about your feels and I wonder why that is okay with you. If this is truly the case of you'd prefer this to being alone you should just shut up and eat fish sticks and enjoy your getting fat.

>> No.4151581

op heres what you do
you make her shitty food for her
then you make a meal for yourself from scratch. eventually she will get curious and try it

>> No.4151710

lol OP your woman sounds like she's completely worthless. Only wants to eat shit. Can't put something in the oven for 20 minutes. Doesn't want you cooking separate meals, effectively putting you on a shitty diet. Wow. You're a sucker. Your girlfriend is shit. Get better standards.

>> No.4151747
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Hey OP I found a pic of you and your girlfriend.

This is literally what you're in a relationship with. She's just a big pile of meat isn't she? Can't do anything for herself and whats you do to it all for her. At least you can stick your dick into the amorphous soggy blob at night.

>> No.4152087

>Making her eat inedible food or disgusting things
According to this OP's the abusive one.

>> No.4152100

> My girl will eat anything I cook. I am a great cook though. But either way, she basically does whatever I want. I'm also a great person to get along with, live with, etc. though.

> I don't really care about you or your shitty girlfriend. Just wanted to share a few things here.

OP, above was probably posted by your girlfriend, and yes, she said "girl" because afterall that's what you've become.

I suspect you feel obligated because she pays rent and you don't have to suffer parents keep dah man down and all that, but seriously, you won't find it so funny a few years down the road when she relieves babydaddy of diaper changing duties, kicks your ass out, and blames it on the fact that she always wanted "a man" with balls. I swear on my mother bro, when you go full no-balls around chics they hate it. They reserve the right to kiss girls, be sloppy, demanding, disgusting couch-sitting bitches, but you so much as show a little weakness, u r doomed. Don't get punked by a bitch bro, she will regret and you will regret it too.

About the food, do what bitches with no-balls boyfriends do: fake allergies, gluten intolerance, veganism, etc. What he's gonna do about it? Go face to face with my hormonal rAgE??

Tl;dr; 2 people, 2 opinions. Only one opinion prevails. In blackjack, the dealer wins all ties. In life the one with the balls wins all ties. And it looks like u been busted out.

>> No.4152113

Not OP
I didn't understand half you said, but you made me laugh.

>> No.4152379

>Implying women can cook

>> No.4152498

I know 3 women who can cook very well. One of them is a chef in a restaurant.

Looks like you're the one here who has been a failure and stays shut away in a basement. Enjoy ur million faps.

>> No.4152869


you can eat like 3 chunk light tuna cans a week
albacore is a different story thoooo

>> No.4152880

>3 women

>> No.4152908

OP, you need to change your approach to this.

You are on /ck/ so I will assume you have some passion for food. Explain to her that is one of your interests and that it is something you would like to share with her. Maybe make some deal that you get to prepare something different once a week.

The key will be in making things she likes. Start with the potatoes--there are many variations you can do with potatoes that are similar to her mashed potatoes, but better. If she likes the food, then you have started to win.

Slowly she will come over to your side and like the same stuff as you. Then once you have her trust, poison her. Fussy eaters are the worst.

>> No.4152953

dump her, she's a picky eater, aka a coward. cowards are weak and never achieve anything of greatness. she will only hold you back from a life of accomplishment and progress. i would never tolerate such a counterpart in my life.

>> No.4153057

>Then once you have her trust, poison her. Fussy eaters are the worst

Probably the best thing I've ever read on /ck/.

>> No.4153068

Sounds like she's a super-taster,

Supposedly it's really hard for them to eat anything but the really fucking bland stuff. In which case you're kinda screwed OP.

>> No.4153101

testing 123

>> No.4153143

Give her baked potatoes and garlic chicken

>> No.4153144

>falling for this


>> No.4153169

You can cook a different meal and tell her to fuck off.

>> No.4153193

get that bitch pregnant and she will crave for shit and snack loads, leaving you free to eat whatever the fuck you want.

did you think the solution to this problem would be an easy one?

>> No.4153218

>cook what you want and what she wants
>when she says "anon why arent you eating fish sticks/potatoes/beans with me?" say "cause I dont feel like eating them".
>if she brings it up again tell her she can cook for herself
Problem solved

>> No.4153219

Damn, dat nigga ugly.

I'd fuck the girl till my dick fell off though.

>> No.4153221


Yeah I can look at that picture for days and still marvel at that guy.

>> No.4153223

Everyone laugh at OP for being a beta faggot

>> No.4153547


>> No.4153599

OP you just need to be a bulldozer about it.
Cook what you want to eat. If she is hungry enough she'll either eat what you made, cook something herself, or starve.

>> No.4153606

I can't even get shit tier women :(

>> No.4153609

get a girlfriend who doesnt have the palate of a 4 year old.

>> No.4153610

>dating a fat picky eating bitchchild
>any time period
i sure hope her vagina is tight, but if hes as huge as im imagining then i doubt it.

>> No.4153692

>social anxiety
>she doesn't like me cooking two different meals

I swear men of this generation are such fucking pussies. Can you imagine this discussion happening in the 60's ?

>> No.4153701

>implying men cooked anything but gin & tonic in the 60s

>> No.4153703

not going to read through this long ass thread but its very simple

COOK ANOTHER MEAL, you don't have to eat the same shit she does. And if she doesn't like it oh well just because you love each other doesn't mean you have to eat the same shit food.

Its as simple as that.

>> No.4153717

>she Doesnt like to cook
>she makes you cook the meals
>you dont like the food you make
>you cant eat what you want
>she wants you to eat shitty food together

shes fucking up your mind and your health.

What a controlling bitch, dump her now

>> No.4153734


>not going to read through this long ass thread but its very simple


At least read OP's post you ape

>> No.4153743

OP you're a faggot and your gf is a grown (wo)man child

have fun being a push over and your gf being a stuck up intolerable bitch. the food is just the tip of the iceberg if you dont learn how to dominate your woman OP. girls, bitches, hoes, women, ladies, all of them want to and need to be put in their place. train her while you can before she walks on you and sabotages the relationship because subconciously pyschologically you're not man enough for her and she will live you for a black guy with a big penis.

tell her she's acting like little kid and you will eat what you damn well please to eat. if she doenst like healthy food then she can fatten herself up. or tell her you don't want a fat hamplanet girlfriend (you can substitute unhealthy and make an appeal to care for her life) then walk away and dont say anything else. next day she will be dieting with you

idk mang, dont be a little btich, you know her better than i do so your plan is probably better. just keep your pimp hand strong

>> No.4153754

Everyone is posting very reasonable answers, but I think OP abandoned the thread a while ago.


>> No.4153777

good old times, but some men did cook now and then, they just weren't expected to.

>> No.4153847

>implying a single woman worked in a commercial kitchen back then