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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.25 MB, 3264x2448, BREAKFAST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4148146 No.4148146 [Reply] [Original]

What should I add to make it a balanced breakfast.

>> No.4148152

It's healthy enough. The only thing I'd add is maybe granola or some berries

>> No.4148153

some fucking vegetables

>> No.4148156

Too much eggs. Cut that portion in half.
Too much toast. Just one slice.
Keep one sausage link, ditch the rest of the meat.
And yeah add some veggies

>> No.4148188

Why would you think otherwise?

>> No.4148217

some fruit or veg jesus man

>> No.4148268

This. And lose the juice.

>> No.4148271

>Is this a healthy breakfast?
jesus christ, you must be trolling...

>> No.4148273
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is this a wholesome breakfast?

>> No.4148276

Have fun killing animals.

>> No.4148281

Eating an egg = "chicken abortion" = killing a chicken?

Also, I eat plenty of meat, but I've never killed an animal. Professionals do it for me. Creates jobs, makes everybody happy. Fuck the animals.

>> No.4148285

>Also, I eat plenty of meat, but I've never killed an animal. Professionals do it for me. Creates jobs, makes everybody happy. Fuck the animals.
Spoken like an edgy urban fag who fills vegan troll threads with shitposts about why he is better.

Enjoy being completely disconnected from your shit quality factory food bro.

>> No.4148302

All of the male chicks get thrown out.

>> No.4148319

Muh nigga.

>> No.4148322


I will, don't worry.

Have fun being weak, frail, and generally unhealthy because of poor dietary choices and incomplete nutrition.

>> No.4148324

>[citation needed]

>> No.4148333

Vegans have probably better health then meat eaters. You don't see a story about someone getting a heart attack from eating too much veggies. And I eat peanutbutter and nuts for all the protein I need to get. Enjoy being fat while I'm skinny as shit.

>> No.4148343

This. The big killers in America are often associated with diet and lifestyle - diabetes, cardiovascular disease, some cancers, etc.

If you stick to whole foods, even a vegan whole food diet, you can be guaranteed to be healthier than the land whales out there.

Oh, but fat = muscle so you will be effeminate compared to the bionic terrestrial jellyfish with their oxygen tanks, motorized wheelchairs, missing appendages, pacemakers, etc.

>> No.4148350


This is wrong and you know it.

People who don't eat meat often suffer from muscle atrophy, weakened hormonal functions, weakened libido, weakened sperm, apathy, lethargy and other symptoms of malnutrition.

>> No.4148353

>[citation needed]

>> No.4148354


Protein from nuts is not complete. The amino acid content of nuts does not properly cover all the necessary amino acids that human body needs.

Enjoy being weak while I'm strong with low body fat percentage.

>> No.4148362

>Enjoy being weak while I'm strong with low body fat percentage.
Post a pic, otherwise we know you are just a fat fast food junkie.

>> No.4148363


>> No.4148364

>Protein from nuts is not complete. The amino acid content of nuts does not properly cover all the necessary amino acids that human body needs.
You know you can eat a variety of plant matter for complete protein, right?

>> No.4148374
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Here. And my name is Mika Nyyssölä, so you can go ahead and google yourself what I look like during my show season.

>> No.4148381

Seems legit.

>> No.4148387

Can militant vegans that are worse than preaching Christians just go and graze in a field somewhere while the rest of us normal people have fun eating the way we want without screaming like infants about it? Cool vegans and vegetarians who don't say "LOOK AT ME I'M A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE U SUCK COZ U DNT EAT LYK ME", you can stay.

>> No.4148391


You're the only one screaming like an infant in here.

>> No.4148389

Actually Nyyssölä is a huge nerd, so I wouldn't be surpirsed that he was here.

>> No.4148393

No actual screaming involved. Quoting someone yelling is not yelling, my friend.

>> No.4148399

The fuck is that red shit

>> No.4148401


I scanned the whole thread just for you, and I came up with nothing.

Please turn in your capslock key to the nearest internet police station, your capitalization rights have been suspended until further notice.

>> No.4148407

looks fine, OP. I'd cover most of it with ketchup, but that's just me. ^_^

>> No.4148422

Who eats vegetables for breakfast?

>> No.4148423

>crying like an infant
>whines about other people crying like infants
Just grow up, will you. I detect a severe case of "reverse racism". You poor, poor sap. You're being discriminated against by those vegan meanies. Next thing you know, a bunch of gay guys are going to bully you.

>> No.4148429

You're quoting the crying voices in your head. That's still you crying, in case you didn't know.

>> No.4148431

> 3 eggs, 2 sausages, 3-4 strips bacon, 2 pieces of bread, another egg to make french toast.

> 800cals
Fuck I had a cup of oatmeal with 1/4 cup cheese and a bit of sausage yesterday and it was 700cals. Yours looks tastier.

Just eat more veggies for lunch/dinner.

>> No.4148598
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Are those ice cubes? In orange juice? What is going on ...

>> No.4148612

what that stuff next to the sausage on the bottom right

>> No.4148619 [DELETED] 

non American detected. Worry about your own 3rd world diet, you less than human dirtbag.

>> No.4148634

Aren't you bored shit-posting on /ck/ yet?

>> No.4148682

I don't know what is either, bro. Relax

>> No.4148701

i do idiot, put em in you fucking eggs you fatty

>> No.4148712

milk, maybe a small cup of fruit salad.

Unlike the trolls here I'll simply comment on your meal without the 'LOL U R KILLAR OF ANIMAL FRIENDS DIE U SKUM' ignorance.

Usually when I eat breakfast I try to make the fruit a priority because otherwise I'll ignore it for the more important parts of the meal, aka eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, etc.

So eat your toast with some organic jam/peanut butter/curd(lemon or lime)/grass finished butter. Then drink your milk. Then eat your fruit salad, then chow down on the main course.

Note: the eggs are overcooked for my taste, and the sausage looks store bought. You'd do far better, (and thank me later for it) to get your butcher to mince a pork butt roast for you then season it yourself and roll sausages from that/use a sausage extruder if you have it.

Plus, as if I had to say this, all of that should be organic and grass fed/pasture raised to save you from the toxic additives/ preservatives/ GMO corn feeds(or surplus CANDY in some places.. google 'candy livestock feed') that will make you fat.

Also, you should try to buy from local producers, don't buy grass fed beef from uganda or some other garbage.

Other than that, 10/10 would nom again delicious breakfast :)

>> No.4148717

>>4148712 here

Oh and sauteed mushrooms + chives in the eggs might be nice

>> No.4148744

It's corn tamalito, popular on California. It's good as all hell if you make it right.

>> No.4148751

And what do you think about:
-Orange juice (Usually 3 oranges)
-Kornflakes (kind of integral cereals), or some biscuits, or toast+some cold meat (because i don't like neither jam nor butter)
-Soya or half-skimmed milk cup? I started drinking soya milk because it's meant to be much better for women to prevent some health issues in the future

>> No.4148778

>by the way I'm a girl
Was that necessary.

>> No.4148782

Just in case someone wanted to argue about the benefits of soya milk. There seems to be some controversies, some say it's worst than cow milk. I'm quite ignorant about food stuff

>> No.4148788

>being vegetarian
>on /ck/

>> No.4148787

Women should make an effort to either drink milk or have some kind of supplemental calcium daily in order to prevent osteoporosis. Lightweight a big deal.


>> No.4148791

Oh my god shut up. Are you all really so terrified of women that you start to instantly foam at the mouth about this shit?

This isn't even from your post alone. I've seen enough o this just today.

>> No.4148792

White knighting isn't going to get your e-penis sucked.

>> No.4148793

Call people on this shit and maybe we can make this board a little less very stupid

>> No.4148795
File: 709 KB, 745x732, American breakfast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4148798

Are you gonna cry?

>> No.4148841

>Mika Nyyssölä

Do steroids count as Vegan though?

>> No.4148859

WTF? How is that healthy?

>> No.4148884

>Why is America so fat?

>> No.4148903
File: 199 KB, 333x500, ç.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Precooked breakfast?

>> No.4148913
File: 453 KB, 160x120, galo_sengen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>231% DV cholestorol

>> No.4148915

Flamboyant gays are assholes and you know it.

>> No.4148919

Manly breakfast

>> No.4148923


How the hell is it legal to sell single portion ready meals with 200% daily recomended cholesterol?!

>> No.4148933

>Had no idea what that unsightly lump was either

captcha: muscular hoochi

>> No.4148968

The same people that make laws run big businesses that are feeding us this shit.

>> No.4150522


Eating cholesterol doesn't do shit for your blood cholesterol. Besides, the thing they measure as your "cholesterol" is actually the amount of proteins that carry cholesterol.

Cholesterol itself is vital for you. Every cell in human body has a little bit of cholesterol, as it is a major building block of cells and it is used to repair cell walls.

>> No.4150526

we got lightweights in here

op just eat like a beast and lift weights. get babes

>> No.4150529

what's with you fucking retards.
do you know nothing of nutrition?
fucking creatine and bcaa's, biotch. u wont get em

>> No.4150551
File: 124 KB, 375x288, 1356066770696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4150596

Orange juice - 120 calories
Toast - 200 calories
Eggs - 250 calories (looks like 4 eggs)
Two sausages - 200 calories
Tamalito - 100 calories? (at least)
Bacon and other shit - 350 calories

Wow, enjoy that 1170 calorie breakfast anon, I hope you're an olympic athlete not an office drone who sits on his ass all day

>> No.4150627

add vegetables
cut down on eggs and meat or die of heart disease
add more vegetables
ditch orange juice, it's loaded with sugar
add more vegetables

>> No.4150628

Do you not like your freedoms boy?

>> No.4150629
File: 41 KB, 487x365, american-flag-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Freedom. Something you wouldn't understand.

>> No.4150635

you realise you're talking to an american? you're doing your best but you're not Mother Theresa, you can't work miracles

>> No.4150639

eggs and meat cause heart disease? No, but they just taste like shit which is an actual reason to avoid them.

>> No.4150643


>> No.4150648

Dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol are two completely separate things.

>> No.4150665


>> No.4150674
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>> No.4150690

>Vegans have probably better health then meat eaters.

There's that word again.

>> No.4150699

>sausages instead of bacon
>no porridge
>iced juice

shit tier.

>> No.4150704

Germany`s strongest man is vegan, so apparently, yes. Then again, he's a notorious liar.

>call yourself vegan
>have several cartons of milk in freezer

>> No.4150712


jesus christ, how horrifying.

>> No.4150730
File: 109 KB, 400x401, poke came here to laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fruit and granola
>not healthy

>> No.4150735

>chicken abortion

Try "chicken period".

>> No.4150753


>vegetables for breakfast
>my jimmies when

>> No.4150756


What's wrong with frozen milk?

I'm a poorfag, buy it when it's reduced to clear at the end of the day and then freeze it. I've been doing this for months without any problems.

>> No.4150759


just ignore them, anon. They're being a cunt. Maybe they're content in being a cunt. But probably not.

>> No.4150769


Cool, thanks.

Sorry, he had me genuinely worried there that there was something wrong with freezing it. I'll continue buying my milk for less than 50 cents.

>> No.4150789

It's not healthy to be skinny as shit

>> No.4150793

why do people argue about inane shit like this. meat eaters vs vegans, you are not going to convince either side to change so why bother? its like arguing religion and politics, completely fucking useless.

And I'm a vegan.

Out of everything on that plate I would just cut out the bread, to be honest. Maybe take away a sausage too, but the eggs are fine.

>> No.4150795

A load of spooge from your boyfriend

>> No.4150796

I would be a vegan except that it's really hard for me to get enough calories as it is, all i would end up eating is peanut butter all the time, and it makes the stitch in my side hurt if i eat too much of it

>> No.4150811


mother if God you sound like a pussy

>> No.4150819

Where as if they were born in the wild they'd only have a life of rainbows and sunshine right? Oh that's right they wouldn't, they'd die in a huge range of horrible ways instead of a quick painless death.

>> No.4150865

Protip: grapes wrapped in bacon and dipped in maple syrup taste FABULOUS

add grapes.

>> No.4150871

Not going to say this wouldn't taste good, because I could see myself trying it and not disliking it, but.... how the fuck does one come up with that? you were at the Disney buffett one morning with a few pieces of food left and thought, "lol I'm still kinda hungry but also bored so..."

>> No.4150876

Close, it was a Shoney's

you made a damned good guess

>> No.4150884

Incidentally, some of my best food discoveries have come from fucking around.

Like when I wanted chicken but my grill plates were dirty...so I used my waffle plates.

After the chicken finished I realized the divots would be perfect for catching a sauce like waffles catch syrup so I switched from my Cajun rub to BBQ sauce and invented waffled BBQ Chicken.

double the sauce, double the flavor.

You don't want to know what the secret ingredient for my spaghetti is.