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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 76 KB, 800x570, 9145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4144556 No.4144556 [Reply] [Original]

How's this tray of food look to you, /ck/?

>> No.4144560

I'd eat it.

>> No.4144561

ribs check
white bread check
ice cold beer MISSING

>> No.4144562

what are the pickles for

>> No.4144563

needs sliced onions and sauce

>> No.4144564

I don't hold anything against the tradition of white bread with barbecued meat, but I've had enough of it to last a lifetime. Enough already. It was good the first thousand times.

I will need more meat, however. Let's be real about my appetite.

>> No.4144565

Ehhh sandwich pickles are gross...but those ribs and fries do look great.

I'd eat it but I'd skip the pickles. Where is the sauce?

>> No.4144567

Looks great, but I don't need the fries. Just the meat, bread, and pickles ( a little bit of sauce to put on the bread would be nice, though.)

>> No.4144569

Disgusting commercial white bread, grey meat, unpeeled potatoes. I'll pass.

>> No.4144570

>Where is the sauce?
In the middle of the table, where you may have as much as you'd like.

>> No.4144571
File: 32 KB, 500x667, 31760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope that tray is clean...

>> No.4144573

I hope it's still got some grease and drippings from the last meal eaten off of it.

>> No.4144579

I'm not a huge fan of pickles but I have to say those look better than any pickles I've ever seen.

>> No.4144580

why so much white bread?

>> No.4144592

Why do americans eat that type of bread? I see it everywhere: with food, used in sandwiches, etc. At best it tastes like nothing, usually tastes like cardboard.

Why can't you into real bread?

>> No.4144596

4 slices of white bread? Really?

>> No.4144609

makes 2 sandwiches, which there seems to be sufficient meat for. I don't see the isse.

>> No.4144610


I don't know anyone who eats that shit. I'm from New England, though. It seems to be a staple in BBQ restaurants, which are much more common in the south.

>> No.4144613

I'm in central Connecticut and we fucking suck at barbecue up here, I wouldn't trust your opinion - or mind - on what constitutes good barbecue.

>> No.4144614

Yeah, I hate it when they put that shit on my plate. Save your $.20 and keep your nasty whitebread back in your white trash kitchen.

>> No.4144615


>> No.4144617

if you're hating, you shouldn't be eating

>> No.4144621
File: 52 KB, 468x340, bbq1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4144624

Lots of white bread here is marketed as "Italian bread", actually, except for the cheapest of cheap shit and stuff like Wonderbread which markets itself on its vitamin content (really).
Not everyone in the USA eats white bread but it's not a regional thing; it's eaten everywhere. It's used for sandwiches for its lack of taste or texture which some people prefer to that of whole wheat bread for some reason.

>> No.4144630

This, but I love fries with the skin on.

6.5/10 would raid

>> No.4144631

White bread is a traditional accompaniment to barbecue. Although, I've had better white bread than that in my local bbq places. Anyway, it's tradition. It's the only time I eat white bread. (Sprouted rye master race reporting, lol.)

>> No.4144633

Nah, If I'm paying for a plate of barbecue (Southerner) then the bread is just distracting and.. a bit of an eyesore unless something is done with it. I prefer multigrain breads, but that stuff is pricey and I won't see it anywhere in our BBQ restaurants.

>> No.4144639

There's nothing wrong with white bread in general, but this particular style...soft crust, baked in a form, pre-cut, mass-produced garbage is disgusting.

>> No.4144666
File: 256 KB, 1024x765, Rudy%27s+Arlington+04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love white bread with barbecue. That soft, tender, cushiony Sunbeam bread. Mmmm!
They're like heavenly little sponges for soaking up sauce.
Also, white bread is almost like a palate cleanser when eating barbecue.

Rudy's has the best bbq evar, imo.

>> No.4144698

I was talking about people not eating white bread up here. I actually agree with you, BBQ is awful in NE. Never said otherwise.

>> No.4144699
File: 31 KB, 471x350, pollo a girarrosto da rosticceria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excepting the pickles (which look like they might be sweet pickles), I would tear that up.
ItaliAnon here, by the way.
My countrymen, however... they tend to not like that sort of thing, sadly, but I love American food.
This might be our equivalent, but it's not smoked. There are potatoes in a pan/tray directly on the heating element (coals, gas or electric) that get basted with chicken render as they turn and cook. Whereas you guys would serve pickles, we would serve wilted spinach with grated cheese. Our bread is crustier. The basic premise, though (an all-day slow-cooked meat and potatoes meal) is about the same.

>> No.4144705
File: 189 KB, 1024x768, Beefsteak_serving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something to be said about a classic New York Beefsteak. Only one cut of meat, but fries are optional and the bread truly isn't meant to be eaten.

>> No.4144710

those hot links *hrnnnggg*

>> No.4144712

except you know you're gonna eat the bread, because NOM

>> No.4144717

Butter- and jus-soaked day old Italian is nommy, but it's really a faux pas. It's basically saying "your meat is so shit, I'd rather get full on bread." An order of fries is acceptable under certain occasions but don't eat the bread. You're supposed to gorge yourself on beef.

>> No.4144718

this is why I hate faux pas, because who ever thought them up really needs to be drowned in a burlap sack.

>> No.4144724

If it bothers you that much, save your bread and cube it up before spicing and throwing into the oven. Day old and with the fat they've soaked up they'll make great croutons.

>> No.4144732


Take away the bread and add a salad.

>> No.4144740

that's why they have pickles

>> No.4144746

but why serve something, then be offended when someone eats it? It's like trolling in a real life situation.

>> No.4144749
File: 246 KB, 500x375, bbq fuxk yea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever have a proper BBQ plate then you'll know why there is white bread. Its more about the texture and absorb-ability than the actual taste of the bread. White bread slices are god with bbq, you use them to sop up the bbq sauce and you can make a nice bbq sandwich with it. In all other cases I like wheat bread but with a bbq dinner other breads don't cut it. It's gotta be white texas toast.

I'm sure my bbq bros can back me up here.

>> No.4144751

It catches the melted butter that's drizzled over the tenderloin before it drips all over you. Also makes it easier to pick it up from the tray. It's finger food served on a platter, not individual plated portions with a knife and fork.

>> No.4144753

white bread also makes great napkins, napkins you get to eat when they're all messed up!

>> No.4144758

Fucking a right, you've got the idea. BBQ can be a runny messy ordeal and white bread just soaks it all up and suddenly becomes delicious when its full of sauce and drippings.

>> No.4144762
File: 32 KB, 500x375, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2012 (+1)
>implying that any person without lame ass extremely high standards wouldn't eat everything on that tray and leave it empty
>ishiggtdiggydo, wtf is wrong with you

>> No.4144785

The bread looks like shit and I doubt many Europeans would eat it.

>> No.4144786


Everything about this image makes me angry.

>> No.4144789

girls fingering themselves to classical music makes you angry?

>> No.4144799


No, the presumption that classical music is for "nerds", the presumption that only classical music would be fingered to, and the general misuse of the term "nerd".

Fucks like you probably think Olivia Munn is a "nerd" because someone paid her to mention a video game while wearing glasses.

durr durr joke over head, how about you go drink bleach

>> No.4144808

Why don't she just listen to something else?

>> No.4144811


>> No.4144814

Uh-oh, someone doesn't like how his fav. video games and nerd shit is now mainstream

>*sob* I was beat up and teased for being a nerd before it was cool *sob*

>> No.4144833

have you seen what europeans eat? those fucks will eat anything.

>> No.4145725

ITT: I ate instant ramen today, but white bread is below me.

>> No.4145732

ITT: I project my own inadequacies because I'm a passive-aggressive cunt

>> No.4145737


I chuckled

>> No.4145760

The food items on that tray look like they are on a par with the white bread, they, suitably, share a tray with.

The fries look congealed. The roast looks like cheap meat, cooked for too little time at too high a temperature. The ribs look like they were prepared for a prison special dinner, which it very well might've been.

The pickles could very well be OK.

>> No.4145764

It's not fucking roast, you moron. It's smoked brisket. All the meat on the tray is smoked. Smoking is low and slow. See the red ring around the outside of the meat? That's called a smoke ring. If you're going to insult something, at least know what you're talking about.

>> No.4145768

You should know to ignore him by now.

>> No.4145774

You're right, I should, but that post just gave me instarage.

>> No.4145861

>they are on a par with the white bread, they, suitably,

Just shut the fuck up faggot.

>> No.4147310 [DELETED] 

i know that somewhere out there this is someones favorite/go-to meal n they probably eat it off a tray like that too. this makes me happy, i love people.

>> No.4147313

why are tripfags such idiots?

>> No.4147320

looking rather small, i could eat 4 trays of that food.
inb4 fatty

>> No.4147333

is it impossible for you to not speak like a pretentious thesaurus that can type?