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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4139945 No.4139945 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think of $1 frozen dinners?

Shits cheap and pretty filling.
Thats some boneless skinless chicken on the left

>> No.4139949

Michelina's are some of the best

>> No.4139954

I think their rather good, if you want to find yourself in a early grave preceded by years of anguish and painful health related complications due to a shitty diet.

>> No.4139958

those are like 2 something here. even the banquet ones are like 2 something and neither of those are filling

>> No.4140091

The Michaelangelo's Eggplant Parmesan is pretty good. If you have to do frozen, that's what's up.

>> No.4140127

It's a weird price for what you get. If you want to minimize your daily expenditure, $1 for that much food is actually a ripoff. If you want to eat quality, it only costs a little bit more to get much better quality. Those frozen things sit in the middle and suck in both situations.

If I go out of my way to *avoid* every sale and special offer, I eat for $6.50/day. So should I have two of those for a meal or something freshly cooked and healthful for the same cost?

>> No.4140132

The only frozen ones I've found to be pretty good are lean cuisine.

>> No.4140186

lol mad without even trying

>> No.4140925

Lean Cuisine master race.

>> No.4142799

Aren't Lean Cuisine frozen dinners kinda expensive?

>> No.4142807
File: 28 KB, 450x311, salt-shaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like a great deal when you buy them
then eat one or two and realize you have ingested more sodium in one meal then you have in 6 months

that's was my last experience

>> No.4142826

But you still eat ramen every day, right?

>> No.4142828

my roommate last year ate these twice a day every day. and he would just alternate between 4 different "meals" i forget what the meals were. one was chicken pot pie. but every sunday afternoon he would go to walmart and buy 14 of these and a bag of 7 bagels. he would eat a bagel with cream cheese every day for breakfast and 1 frozen dinner for lunch and 1 or dinner. maybe once a month he would buy a bag of chips and salsa as a treat or a 12 pack of soda.

the whole 9 months he lived in our apartment i never saw him make anything other than those damn frozen dinners.

what an awful existence.

>> No.4142839
File: 19 KB, 400x291, steamed hams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I occasionally eat ramen and mac and cheese
I teach college I don't go to college
so I don't have to survive on what's left after the beer and weed has been bought

being from Albany, my favorites are still steamed hams

>> No.4142841

the chicken is gross, always get pieces with disgusting veins and cartilage

>> No.4142887

$1 a meal seems cheap until you factor in hospital bills.

>> No.4142900

heuheuheuehueh it looks like a penis from afar uehuehuehuehuehueh

>> No.4142917

There's no way one of them could fill me up.
Hell, even the Hungry Man XXL's can' fill me up.

But they're good for a cheap-ass lunch.

>> No.4142922

Yeah, eating frozen dinners with about a third of you daily allowance of sodium will totally kill you. Fucking drama queen.

>> No.4142931


No, but it will contribute to you being as healthy as a poor person.

>> No.4142954

Add an egg to your ramen today?

>> No.4143666

Those are so deliciously shitty.

>> No.4143676
File: 75 KB, 382x358, you ARE the father.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Those $1 frozen bullshits are really awful for you because the food is grown using sub-standard nutrients.

There literally IS a difference health-wise between grass-fed steak and filler-fed stake.

Believe me, you don't need to eat grass-fed at all, but buy medium-grade steak/vegetables/fish/etc because you will really fell the difference.

Don't buy the 10 pound sack of poorly cleaned frozen tilapia because you are shifting the economy towards that type of foodstuffs

It's like how grocery stores have taken over baking from bakeries by selling these cheap-shit sheet cakes with shitty frosting.

>> No.4143695

pretty shit

>> No.4143706

Just take one (or a few) day/s out of a month to make a shitton of your own frozen meals. Lasagna, stuffed buns (heh), filling for breakfast burritos, or regular burritos, basically any type of casserole, or soup, bread (heavy breads in particular, haven't tried lighter stuff), and enchiladas. There's so many things that you can make huge batches of and just freeze for weeks of meals. And in the long run, yes, you pay less, and for a more filling, better tasting (and better for you) meal.

>> No.4143734

>paying more for food
>in the long run, you'll pay less

That's not how math works.

>> No.4143753

$1 meals add up, especially if you eat two of them for a meal (and if you're not a grade-school student, you likely do - these things aren't big portions). Obviously I don't know what OP does with them, but odds are he's not just eating 3 of these a day. If he is, I feel very bad for him.

>> No.4143780

Yeah, but cooking several homemade meals in a day would add up to more (and no one is going to spend their day off cooking meals to freeze). It's simple math. And who would actually warm up two of these for a meal? The added benefit of frozen dinners is portion control.

>> No.4143800

What? Holy shit, no it wouldn't.
If you factor in the time to make it as a cost, then yeah I would agree with you. But $6 a day for poor nutrition? You can have GOOD food for less than that if you're not terrible at shopping.

>> No.4143810

You probably can't undercut the cost of TV dinners that way. Moreso if you do factor in the lost productivity spent cooking your own food as a cost.
If you don't enjoy cooking there is no way someone would do that.

>> No.4143820

You can get them in Aus but not for $1.

The quality isn't good and they aren't that big. If you're poor of time and money just get a $10 rice cooker and have rice with salsa and canned tuna. It

>> No.4143825

Where did you get $6 a day from? Most people eat twice a day (and eggs are cheap, there's no reason to eat a frozen dinner), but if they did, that's $2. You'd obviously be making the meals in bulk and the ingredients obviously cost more than $2 a day.

I know it pains you, but I'm right. I, personally, only eat them when I didn't feel like cooking the previous night (my schedule is a nightmare) and I'd like something other than a sandwich between class and work.

>> No.4143836

Where the fuck do you shop? It's hard to get a meal to cost one dollar homemade.

Of course you're not gonna eat steak every day, but fuck steak when you're poor.

>> No.4143841

As I said in
If time and effort are a problem (and it is completely understandable if they are), then yeah it's not necessarily something that's possible for a lot of people.
And I suppose I assumed OP liked cooking due to being on /ck/, but there are certainly people here who just enjoy tasty food. And that's fine too.
But I did list cheap foods for a reason. They all have either ground meat (of any sort) or ingredients that can be almost any vegetable or meat.

>> No.4143859

That $6 a day was from the aforementioned "he's probably eating 2 of these for a meal" statement. The "poor nutrition" was referring to how shitty these particular frozen dinners are for you. I've read the actual label.
I'm not even saying there's anything wrong with buying frozen dinners. Just saying it's cheap to make frozen dinners in bulk yourself, and actually pretty damn easy. I personally enjoy cooking, but I realize not everyone is like that, so I get that it's not possible for everyone. Doesn't mean a helpful suggestion is something you need to argue about. If it doesn't work for you, then that's fine. None of my business though.

>> No.4143873

fucking thank you.
I work at a grocery/big box store.
Everything in the bakery comes in already made or pre-made but still frozen(baguettes/rolls) to be thrown into an oven for 15 minutes. The bakery people bitch about having to ice 400 measly cupcakes, that they didn't even have to bake or make the frosting for, it makes me laugh so much.

>> No.4143879 [DELETED] 

But it's cheaper to buy frozen dinners? What aren't you getting?

>> No.4143880

But it isn't? What aren't you getting?

>> No.4143883

But it's cheaper to buy frozen dinners. What aren't you getting? You said it would be cheaper per day to make meals in bulk, but that's clearly not the case.

>> No.4143887

Not him, but yeah, it's cheaper to make things in bulk and freeze them in portions.
Especially pasta.

>> No.4143893

The ingredients you'd buy would average more than $2 a day. That's not cheaper. You can't really be this stupid. Be an adult, admit you're wrong for once in your life and stop dragging this on. Two people have tried to explain this to you now. Move on.

>> No.4143897


Dude, just drop it. People like this are totally incapable of admitting they made a poor observation.

>> No.4143903

I wasn't that guy.
No, they wouldn't, unless I shopped in health food stores. I'm a cheap-ass bastard, I coupon and scrounge all I can, and everything I make must be 1) cheap and 2) nutritious.
Now you be an adult and start cooking your own macaroni and cheese.

>> No.4143907

I'd rather just buy some rice and frozen vegetables or whatever than those.

>> No.4143909

Maybe shitty stir fries, but nowhere near the variety you get with this particular frozen dinner. Want to know how I know you don't cook? I can spell it out for you if you'd like.

>> No.4143914

Well, aren't you exciting.

>> No.4143917

Okay, it's time to stop samefagging.
That isn't even me though. And I haven't even been trying to argue with you, this isn't even a matter of being helpful to the OP at this point. You're literally saying that you cannot freeze things in bulk and have it be cheaper in the long run than buying frozen dinners.
I mentioned the cheapest freezables I could think of for a reason. Burritos aren't expensive, lasagna isn't expensive, homemade bread isn't expensive.
Your ego can take a break. Please try to be helpful and make good suggestions rather than argue. I even conceded that time and effort are valuable enough to not be cost-effective to a busy person, and yet you continue. Just drop it already.

>> No.4143929

How I don't cook?
curry, pasta, shit-easy casserole, grain/gourd based soups, large seasoned hunks of meat, chili, beans, endless sauces.

>> No.4143935

No one is samefagging, you twit. So you're an idiot that can't understand that even when making things in bulk, the cost of the ingredients per day, will average to more than $2 a day unless you're shopping at a dollar store? Got it. Last post.

>> No.4143940


Breads, stock, meatloaf, potato-based dishes, stuffed peppers, shepherd's pie?

>> No.4143952

Good, not so filling, but if you want a meal for cheap, its decent.
I normally eat about 2 or 3 at a time if there isnt anything easier

>> No.4143972
File: 425 KB, 1680x1050, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh I find it cheaper to buy materials in bulk and make a meal than to get those ready made meals.

Buying the pasta and sauce etc I like I could make about 10x more for 10x cheaper.

Pic unrelated but the weirdest captcha I have ever had

>> No.4143983

Theyre getting wierder, only the one with the second ones font matters though.
Type nigger for the first and it will go thru.
The things you can learn from /b/

>> No.4143987

Sadly that doesn't work anymore. Was fun while it lasted.

>> No.4143993

Except it still does, I still use it.

>> No.4144001

I still do it too when I'm too lazy to log back into my 4chan pass.

>> No.4144004

How is the pass? Worth the money?

>> No.4144010

Not that guy, but yeah I'd say it is. I don't honestly care that much about the captcha, but supporting the site is pretty cool. I use adblocker so I figured it'd be a decent way of contributing instead, with some added convenience.

>> No.4144016

if it's made by banquet, I'd rather starve

>> No.4144018

Good man, same with the adblock, ill invest in it after Im out of highschool

>> No.4144167

I just get the Cafe Steamer dinners, anything with pasta in it is pretty good except that one with grilled chicken, spaghetti noodles, gravy, and what looks like a shit load of tomato shaving; you will know it when you see it.

>> No.4144172

I want to try Marie Calendars fettuccine alfredo.

>> No.4144204

There's this italian place in my town that sells frozen dinners that they make themselves. They're surprisingly good.
They also sell giant premade strombolis for 5 bucks.

>> No.4144233
File: 23 KB, 400x331, Butternut_Squash_Ravioli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best frozen meal I've ever eaten.

>> No.4144980


mah nigga

>> No.4145574

> Cheap and filling
> Not killing you
Choose one.