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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4138971 No.4138971 [Reply] [Original]

I used to drink tea all the time, it was mainly my source of water and I loved the rich antioxidant levels. But recently I've discovered that teas have a very high amount of fluoride in them I can can therefor not drink tea anymore.

I am now at a loss as to what I should drink. Drinking plain water to seams a little boring and I'd love something to put in it which preferable is healthy and tastes good. Does /ck/ have any tips?

>> No.4138973

lemon juice is my best suggestion for you

>> No.4138975

slice of orange or lemon in your water

then move on to using frozen grapes as ice cubes.

>> No.4138976

You could just drink less tea.

>> No.4138982


Lemon is a great idea for taste, it makes it really fresh and I love the lowered Ph. But it lacks on the healthy side I feel. Sure it's full of vitamins: http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/fruits-and-fruit-juices/1938/2

But just having a few drops in the waters won't do much for my intake of antioxidants or vitamins, something Rooibos tea was amazing at.

I guess there is nothing that holds water, really. I was very pleased when I stumbled upon Mate Tea, but sadly I later found reports of it being highly cancerous.

>> No.4138994

My grandpa drank mate everyday of his life since he could remember and ate meat everyday. He lived on a farm in southern Argentina, then moved to Quebec, where he started a farm and grew mate their until he died at 92 years old from a bear attack.

Just get exercise and avoid vices and you'll be fine. Enjoy your tea.

>> No.4138995

The cancer is from people drinking mate too hot.
It's safe.

>> No.4138997

Cook ginger tea.
Cut ginger an cover it with hot water. You can add lemon juice or whatever you want.

Also those carcinogenes will never reach the level you recieve thanks to pollution and dangerous deposits in food.

>> No.4139009


This is really intriguing. I was very interested in starting with mate, but the amounts of cancerous substances in it was supposed to be really high, even when prepared cold. I read that drinking it too hot was a major factor but they still found an alarming amount.

>When looking at the leaves of the eight commercial yerba mate products, the researchers found that they contained total PAH concentration ranging from 2 to 11 times the levels found in green tea leaves.
>Regarding the amount of PAHs found in the drinks made from yerba mate leaves, the researchers found that both hot and cold water preparations contained significant amount of PAHs.
>The researchers did not compare this directly to green tea.


It doesn't sound good, but without a good reference point 100 times something relevant could still be relevant.

>> No.4139010

You have been listening to Alex Jones again, haven't you?

>> No.4139012

You should stay inside while you're at it.
I heard there's a connection between the sun and skin cancer.

>> No.4139015


No, I am aware that he has a grudge about it too and uses his fame to demonize it but my choice to stop consuming fluoride on purpose came after reading research proving that fluoride negatively effects brain development and can decrease intelligence. At what extent fluoride does this is hard to determent and a lot of research conflict each other, but all agree that it isn't good in any way other than for teeth any bone. The negative effects are proven and even if consuming it regularly in small amounts won't do much I'd rather skip it completely.

>> No.4139018


That's a really bad correlation, we are talking highly cancerous substances in amounts equal to smoking on packet of cigarettes. You don't think that is significant?

>> No.4139023

that's the funny thing. people try to live the perfect life with the perfect diet, but no one realises it's all genetics.

my grandad is 92. He drinks 2-3 glasses of whiskey a day, along with 4-5 bottles of bear. he's eats lots of chocolate and other shitty food. he finds it hilarious that all the people in his age group that used to jog and diet etc have all died or have arthritis.

life's weird like that

>> No.4139022

Why is there flouride in tea?

>> No.4139029


What about the extra aluminum in lemon juice?

>> No.4139030


The plant naturally picks it up from the soil it grows in. Many tees does this on purpose because it's in their structure and other just do it because the soil is so fluoride rich. Camomill for example doesn't need it but stills sucks it up if it's abundant in the soil (I know Camomill isn't a tea but it's used as it).

>> No.4139032


>bottles of bear

What a badass.

>> No.4139033

>In summary yerba mate may not be the best choice of beverages for good health, but when consumed occasionally, yerba mate is very unlikely to be linked with any type of cancer.

>> No.4139035


Can you link a source where they have measured the aluminium amounts in lemon?

>> No.4139036

you've got no idea

>> No.4139039

>4-5 bottles of bear.

>> No.4139041


Neither Whiskey or chocolate is bad for your health in decent amounts.

>> No.4139045


I think this is a very good summary. But again, I'm looking for something I can drink about 1-2 liters of per day.

>> No.4139051


Okay I just researched and found the aluminum is in tea, and the citric acid in lemons makes it worse.

However, I also found this study that says the aluminum levels in your body don't change after drinking tea with lemons.


>> No.4139052

Every single nation on this planet that has a reputation for extremely long-lived people has a huge tea culture.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.4139056

decent amounts? loads of sugary milky shit and glasses and glasses of whiskey is shitty for you

>> No.4139058


Fluoride attacks the brain and decreases intelligence. It doesn't make you die earlier. I rather live a healthy life and take care of my brain and die early than live a long life where my intelligence is not what it could have been.

And we are talking NOTICEABLE levels of decreases IQ from fluoride use. Not just tiny amounts that you would never notice.

>> No.4139060


Well, if it's sweetened chocolate then the sugar is bad for you (while the chocolate isn't). And too much whiskey isn't good, but whiskey is shown to have positive effects in preventing heart disease.

>> No.4139063

I'm rather sure that this is the most homosexual thread ever made on /ck/

>> No.4139065

Please nuke America.

>> No.4139066

It's also carcinogenic. It's only proven to be good for heart disease in low amounts, about 2 drinks a day at most.

>> No.4139067


Because Asians are known for their low IQ.

>> No.4139068

>probably after 60-70 years

>> No.4139069

Get hand picked teas. They pick the younger leaves so the fluoride content is less.

>> No.4139070


Bad correlation. Do you accept that fluoride has negative effects on the brain? (Especially the developing brain). If not I'd love for you to read some about it.


>> No.4139071

The problem is so simple: not enough physical activity.

Eat whatever the fuck you want, though ideally stay away from shit that's not even food like cheez whiz for example, but for the love of allahujehobaweh move your fucking ass around.

I eat whatever the fuck I want, smoke weed, and drink alcohol. I work in construction 5 days a week doing framing and sheet rocking. Had my annual checkup before Christmas and I'm the healthiest I've ever been.

Go ride your bikes, play a sport, go outside, shit it's like people forget how to be human and are constantly worried about getting cancer or not eating enough of X and having to much of Y.

>> No.4139072
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reddit pls go

>> No.4139073

Do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk, ice cream? Ice cream, Mandrake? Children's ice cream!...You know when fluoridation began?...1946. 1946, Mandrake. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual, and certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works. I first became aware of it, Mandrake, during the physical act of love... Yes, a profound sense of fatigue, a feeling of emptiness followed. Luckily I — I was able to interpret these feelings correctly. Loss of essence. I can assure you it has not recurred, Mandrake. Women, er, women sense my power, and they seek the life essence. I do not avoid women, Mandrake...but I do deny them my essence.

>> No.4139075


It's almost impossible to know anything about the levels in the tea you buy, even if you buy it from a more prestigious place.


You go to your doctor, he does a check up, tells you that you're fine. You believe this and for your body, this is true. This, however doesn't say much about your brain, your mental health. And even if you feel fine and can't complain about any mental health, things could be better.

>> No.4139077
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10/10 A+
Would read again

>> No.4139079

Nothing with fluoride in your stuff. Helps teeth.

The fucking hippies up here north of Seattle all think its some huge government conspiracy and they vote it out of the public water supply.

>> No.4139081

>Do you accept that fluoride has negative effects on the brain?

No, and I am not going to bother with your retarded tinfoil hat website either. Does America STILL believe this bullshit? Holy fuck, this thread just made me lose hope in humanity a little.

>> No.4139083
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Did you know that fear and stress also causes cancer?

>> No.4139087


This isn't about tinfoil hats, as I said earlier the actual research points in the same direction. If you don't want to listen to scientific reports then you are scientifically illiterate and I don't spend my time people who ignore science.

If someone could link one single research that shows that ingesting fluoride doesn't negative effect the brain I would instantly shut up and continue drinking my tea. I love tea and have looked for research like this over and over but still I can't find it, because the science is there and it points to one single thing, fluoride is bad for you.

>> No.4139089

Dr. Anonymous or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Tea and Flouride

>> No.4139090

Yes, although I don't feel any fear, I'm just interested in diet and have made a commitment to live healthier since I haven't been doing that for the last couple of years and started seeing signs of decline in my bodies health. So now I'm trying to pick my self up, exercise and eat good.

>> No.4139091


Clever actually. But my point stands, it's very easy to avoid fluoride, so why shouldn't I?

>> No.4139092

>what is mortality
Better move to a secluded mountain somewhere to get away from smog and other peoples' germs.

>> No.4139093

>it's very easy to avoid fluoride

Evidently it's not.

>> No.4139094


How do you figure? If I stop drinking tea I have no significant sources of fluoride in my entire diet.

>> No.4139095

My mental health is fine. I don't want to hurt people, steal shit when I can just work for it, or bother anyone. I'm not depressed, angry, bipolar, and all that lot.

I'm not the smartest guy, shit that's why am doing construction, but I do know that humans aren't meant to be couch potatoes or sit in chairs all day. Which I believe is the biggest cause for most illnesses, apart from shit like HIV.

Maybe you need to go see a doctor, you sound like a hypochondriac. Doesn't take a genius to see that Asian people have been drinking tea all their life and are healthy. They've been doing for how many years? 2000? 3000? And many of those poor Asian people don't eat a well rounded diet.

Drink your tea, man.

>> No.4139098


It's not hard for you to view me as a hypochondriac when all you've ever heard from me originates from a thread about avoiding fluoride. This isn't even a major topic for me, all it is; is me on a quest to find something nice to drink in my spare time that preferable doesn't contain fluoride because I think it's unnecessary for me to chuck it down on purpose when I simple can avoid it be stop drinking tea.

Any who knows, maybe you would be smarter as a person if you had not been exposed to fluoride, I doubt it but I could have made a slight difference in you. The point remains, it's unnecessary to ingest fluoride when you simply can avoid it.

>> No.4139099
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Even if fluoride is a major health hazard, you shouldn't forget that there is actually a much greater danger to your health through heavy metals.
This strapping young fellow for example died in his prime through lead (!!!) poisoning. Several grams were found in his body. Obviously the government tried to cover it up.

>> No.4139100

I brew my tea in large batches then put it through a water filter to remove the fluoride. Then whenever I want tea I grab a cup full and either heat it up or sweeten with organic stevia and drink cold. It doesn't taste very good but I mostly drink it for the antioxidants anyways.

>> No.4139101


If you filter out fluoride you lose a tone of other healthy minerals and thus lose the point in drinking tea (as I view it).


And from what sources should I cautious of heavy metals? Yeah, exactly.

>> No.4139104

>And from what sources should I cautious of heavy metals? Yeah, exactly.

All of them

>> No.4139105


> If you filter out fluoride you lose a tone of other healthy minerals and thus lose the point in drinking tea (as I view it).

No I think it would just remove the bad stuff.

>> No.4139107

OP, your mindset is the reason people develop allergies.

>> No.4139109


You think so? What action of filtration do you use then?


The mindset that you shouldn't do something if it hurts your body?

>> No.4139112

You should make sure to wear your tinfoil hat everywhere you go, too.

>> No.4139114

You could switch to water or quit being a bitch about every little thing.

>> No.4139115


Have you completely missed the whole idea of the thread? It was to get tips on other things to drink. Right now I'm drinking plain water but want to find something else.

>> No.4139118

There is nothing.
Sorry, you're fucked.
The world is out to kill each and every one of us.

>> No.4139131

>>4138971 >died in his prime through lead (!!!) poisoning.
as a retired member of /k/ I see what you did there, and I lol'd.

>> No.4139159


So did everyone else, faggot.

>> No.4139161

>"I loved the rich antioxidant levels"
>"teas have a very high amount of fluoride in them I can can therefor not drink tea anymore"

I bet you can really taste those delicious antioxidants. Also you haven't died yet from overdosing on fluoride so you'll be okay.

in short you're stupid. Or you're a troll who is trying to troll people by making them look stupid, which would make me think you're stupid.

Either way you're stupid.

>> No.4139172

>And from what sources should I cautious of heavy metals? Yeah, exactly.
holy fuck man I see where you're coming from but it appears your intelligence has already taken damage.

>> No.4139232
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Is this a troll thread?

>> No.4139234

This is the only post that makes sense in this entire thread.

>> No.4139237

>fluoride, brain
I can only find articles that relate to rats.

Just like to add
>OP is a massive faggot

>> No.4139655

Hope you don't drink alcohol and caffeine and don't eat any food with sugar in it, eggs and grilled meat either. Oh and don't forget your gas mask when you go outside.

>> No.4141734

Main cause of cancer

>> No.4142024


>> No.4142055

>I want to avoid everything even remotely unhealthy
Time to give up living, OP.

>> No.4142062

LOL thank youuu

>> No.4142068


>> No.4142084

fuck yeah bear beer!

>> No.4142123

>I want to avoid everything even remotely unhealthy
> Time to give up living, OP

Anon is right. Every mofo that ever died has exactly one thing in common: the very last thing they did before they died was be alive.

Life results in death, always.

>> No.4143889
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i think you mean

>> No.4143896

water in america that comes from tap has floride...the plot thickens

>> No.4143921

>but no one realises it's all genetics.

>> No.4144206

>4-5 bottles of bear
Your grandad is now officially the most badass human to ever live.

>> No.4144212

I lol'd

>> No.4144421

Yerba Mate tea contains around 1 fifth of the flouride in green tea. Should be low enough not to cause bone problems.

>> No.4147268


>fluoride negatively effects brain development

lol no, this is untrue and stupid

also 'affects'

how could you possibly believe something so

>research proving

oh you don't even understand the scientific method, got it