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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4138578 No.4138578 [Reply] [Original]

So lately my Costco has added an ethnic food isle and they sell soy sauce among other things. I am anticipating a fat tax refund soon so I bought a bottle to check this stuff out. Right away I could tell it's something different, I opened the top and I can smell it all the way across the room.

My question to you is, is it safe to put it directly on things or do I need to cook it first? What do I add it to? I'm thinking maybe I'll cook up some rice and try it with that, but I've never made rice before.

Also, asian food general.

>> No.4138596

i don't cook with it. I think kikkomans tastes too damn salty and doesn't have much soy flavor. a dip is fine though

>> No.4138628

This guy does not get you op but I sure do!
Well done man!

>> No.4138634

soy sauce on boiled bok choy (add garlic), a staple meal with rice
also have fun cooking rice in a pot

>> No.4138636


What is bok choi? Is that the new chinese vegetable that all the hipsters are eating now?

I think eventually I may try some but it's too advanced for me now.

>> No.4138639


>> No.4138682

You think you just showed him but he was trolling you anyway.
>Never made rice
>do I need to cook soy sauce?
>never heard of bok choy but misspells it as though you said it out loud.

>> No.4138689

You'll probably still get better value and better quality by shopping at a ethnic market. I'm from a small city in the midwest but we still have about 4 Asian markets.

Soy sauce is for cooking and for a topping. That kind in the pic is pretty salty and is probably best as a condiment only, not that you can't use it otherwise. Are you not from the US? I can't imagine someone not having a basic familiarity with soy sauce.

>> No.4138690

>never made rice before
>acting like soy sauce is some foreign thing
what the hell, man. where do you live?

>> No.4138715
File: 78 KB, 800x600, 800px-Yamasa_soy_sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP, go to Asian market and get Japanese made soy sauce. It doesn't have sodium benzoate and as a result, it tastes SIGNIFICANTLY better than the stuff you bought.

I recommend Japanese made Yamasa or Kikkoman... though other brands are cool as long as they don't have the preservatives and shit that is put in American made soy sauce.

>> No.4138737


BTW, soy sauce should be used on meat or vegetables. Don't pour it on rice. Asians will think you're crazy for doing it.

>> No.4138738

Hmong people do it all the fucking time.

>> No.4138741


I've only ever bought Bok Choy once. The time I bought it, I stir fried it. and didn't like it. I am totally going to have to buy some and try boiling it. I usually love stuff like boiled cabbage or kale so it stands to reason I'd like boiled bok choy.

>> No.4138744


Yeah and the Japanese and Chines think they're weird for doing that.

>> No.4138755

Asians will think you're crazy for doing it.

Do you really sit around worrying if Asians would approve of how you eat your food? I sometimes forget what kind of people I'm surrounded by here. Creepy shit, man.

>> No.4138796


Most Chinese I've met wouldn't give a damn what Hmong might do.

And Hmong food is fucking awesome, so who cares.

>> No.4140930


Stop trying to be edgy. There are valid reasons for entire countries full of people to not eat foods certain ways. It just so happens that the nations we get soy sauce from don't pour soy sauce on rice. You put that stuff on meat or vegetables. If you pour soy sauce all over your rice you ruin it.

>> No.4140936

>blah blah blah weeb crap blah blah

Give it a rest.

>> No.4140969

>bumping this garbage thread
i sure hop a lot

>> No.4143067



>> No.4143087

What I do is get some nice smoked salmon and just lightly dip it into some sweet soy sauce or Kikkoman.

I've never actually used soy sauce in a pan though. I'm not very confident in my Asian cooking skills.

>> No.4143093
File: 9 KB, 400x267, foodeatinstix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my cuzin crafted me some of those chiney food eatin stix and I thinks i mite just try me some of that chiney cookin juice

>> No.4143109

I put a tablespoon of soy sauce in my soups. A little bit goes a long way in adding amazing color and saltiness. That funky smell boils off after about 10 minutes of cooking, so pop it in with the veg and it'll all wrap up around the same time.

>> No.4144452
File: 36 KB, 316x600, soba_tsuyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 2013
> Still using Soysauce

>> No.4144489

What do they put on rice, then?

>> No.4144506

They don't put soy sauce on rice because cooks take pride in their rice and adding anything to the rice would be taken as an insult. Also because rice and soy sauce is considered a poor person's meal.

Me? I don't give a shit. Rice + soy sauce + fried chicken + mayonnaise is awesome poverty food.

>> No.4144525


Are we talking about the retarded niponese?

>> No.4144538
File: 121 KB, 1600x1071, DSC02926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fak yuu japaaaan

>> No.4144540
File: 139 KB, 822x771, The Story of the misaki family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4144616

This is the soy sauce I get. It's dark but there is a light version too. It's been fermenting for longer. American 'soy sauce' isn't actually even made with soy beans or anything. There was a big move to try to get the name changed on the non soy product but it got shot down. The dark stuff is good to use in making different Asian dipping sauces. You don't have to cook it.

>> No.4144619

You're talking out your ass. One of the most popular snacks their is onigiri and everyone puts furikake in that

>> No.4145658

Funfact: the dark stuff they serve you in chinese take-aways is only Soysauce by name. It's not even fermented, but created by hydrolization, which takes around 3 days. Real soysauce takes months. Kikkoman doesn't do that shit though.