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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 112 KB, 553x415, sirloin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4135184 No.4135184 [Reply] [Original]

I know that sirloin is a poor meat to use for a steak, but it was on sale. I know it won't be tender, but I don't mind if my steak is chewy. Fuck, it's steak!

The grill is stored for the season. Has anyone ever cooked a steak in a cast iron pan?

I've read the Alton Brown method of getting the pan hot in a 500 degree oven.

Can I use extra virgin olive oil as a searing oil? Should I add the oil to the pan, or should I coat the meat with oil and add it to the hot pan?

>> No.4135191

Extra virgin will burn, you're better off using a high smoke point oil (which will probably also smoke, but not nearly as bad).

If you want a rare, you will need to use the oven, but medium rare can be achieved on the stovetop if it's gas.

It would be better to coat the meat, as you're getting the pan hot as hell before the meat even goes in. Also, remember to make sure the steak is room temperature before you cook it (can't go straight from the fridge).

>> No.4135201

yes many a time. I see you have a lodge, not the best but it will work. Place your pan in the oven. Set your oven on 400. wait until it is ready. Then pull your pan out of the oven turn your burners on high. Set the pan down on the burners. Now sear your crappy steaks on each side for 30 seconds.
Now place the pan sn the steaks in the oven for 2 miniutes. Now take them out and turn them over and cook for an additional 2 minutes. Take it out throw it on a plate and enjoy. NOW i need you to thank me for this because im an atheist and get no self enjoyment from charity.

>> No.4135202

Thanks for the (sirloin) tips LOL!

Yeah, I'm trying not to stink up the joint too.

Is corn oil a high smoke point oil? I also have canola oil.

>> No.4135208

Thanks, the pic is just a photo I found on a foodie blog, but coincidently my skillet is a Lodge. as if there is any other brand right? LOL!

>> No.4135213

How can you tell it's a lodge?

>> No.4135216

Canola, it has a higher smoke point.

>> No.4135219

the handle at the top has a hole through it and the one port grease spout.

>> No.4135220

Don't forget to cover it in foil and let it rest up for around fiveish minutes. (I usually make a simple pan sauce in that time).

>> No.4135224

>not the best but it will work
Why does it matter what brand it is. It's a big piece of iron.

>> No.4135227


Karl Marx said that, "Religion is the opium of the people"...

>> No.4135229

Shame you don't have a jaccard meat tenderizer, you could go to town on that sirloin with one and it would make it really tender. Could achieve the same effect by stabbing it with a fork over and over.

>> No.4135231

Wouldn't you have to cook it well done then, since pathogens and other nasties on the surface of the steak would be introduced to the inside of the steak?

>> No.4135234

it is not as smooth as other iron skillets therefore it conducts heat less efficiently.

>> No.4135238

Not if you use a clean fork.

Also, if you're not an infant or near the grave, then you can pretty much eat grocery ground beef raw (although I wouldn't make a habit of it).

>> No.4135239

and Karl Marks was somewhat of a sociologist. Dont you think?

>> No.4135240

What's the best brand then?

>> No.4135243

Wouldn't all the juices run out when you poke a bunch of holes through it? I don't mind a steak I have to chew, as long as it's still juicy.

>> No.4135246

But I thought the fat is what makes skillets smooth, not the brand.

>> No.4135248

I have a skillet i love that i found at a garage sale, its smooth and has a good lid to go with it unfortunately it doesn't have any markings.I would suggest trying thrift stores and garage sales for a nice smooth skillet.

>> No.4135250

I could be wrong but I think the juices are made once the meat is heated up and by that time the outside has probably closed up the holes from the tenderizing instrument. I could be wrong though, that's just my theory.

>> No.4135257

The holes are tiny. As long as the pan is good and hot when you throw the steak in, it won't be less juicy.

>> No.4135275

listen juice is lost when you see it bubbeling on the skillet that is why searing quickly is soo important.

>> No.4135284
File: 78 KB, 257x196, hramis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a tenderizer like you've mentioned, but I do have a meat hammer, it's pretty medieval. I'm sure beating my meat can't hurt

>> No.4135318

if the pan is hot enough, like 500 degrees then transferred over a high flame, wouldn't the holes cauterize themselves almost instantly?

>> No.4135333

That was my theory. Cauterize, that's the word I was looking for...

>> No.4135334

i dont know cauterization would take some pretty high temperatures

>> No.4135342

Or a lightsaber.

>> No.4135345

This is a good theory, although on second thought, it could also drive the juices by steam through those holes, and overcook the steak.

>> No.4135357

the steam will mostly evaporate. the heat from the steam will cook some meat.The steam will never reenter the meat.


>> No.4135361

i forgot a dash

>> No.4135365

The steak will cook quicker when you use a blade tenderizer. You just have to keep an eye on it. But the results are great, especially on cheaper cuts. Most steakhouses will use them even on prime cuts.

>> No.4135377


ok, so it'll be alright, although one must alter the cooking time, yet end up with a more tender steak.

Duly noted. Thanks!

>> No.4135502

Op here, just an update. i didn't have one of those tenderizers, but I pounded it a bit with my meat tenderizing hammer.

I drizzled the steak in canola oil and applied only kosher salt and fresh ground black pepper.

I removed the pan from the 500 degree oven and applied high heat to it o n the stovetop for 2 minutes a side and and threw it back into the oven at 500 degrees.

I removed and rested it, and it isn't tough at all. It's medium rare, surprisingly tender, and juicy; although it smoked up the house to holy hell anyways. LOL!

Thanks for all the useful tips and suggestions. I'm serving it with some leftover Stamppot (Kale and mashed potatoes), and a bit for my dog too!

Anyway, it's been a learning experience, and I'll definitely have to make this again...


>> No.4135514
File: 15 KB, 400x400, 1328313920582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying searing locks in juices

>> No.4135515

In to add that I used a dry, but seasoned cast iron skillet, the meat was removed from the fridge 3 hours prior, oiled and seasoned about 10 minutes before cooking, and I finished in the oven for another 2 minutes.

Don't be dismayed, by cheaper cuts, because this steak has turned out a lot better than anticipated.


>> No.4135518

implying it doesn't.

>> No.4135521

>although it smoked up the house to holy hell anyways. LOL!

That's what happens when you heat oil beyond its smoke point, retard.

Next time, do not set the oven any hotter than the smoke point of your oil.

Google for "smoke points of cooking oil" for a handy reference chart.

>> No.4135520



Educate yourself.

>> No.4135524

Actually it does and did for me anon. It blew up like a balloon, then settled a bit while resting.

Evenly cooked and juicy throughout, with a crisp crust and had a pink center.

>> No.4135529

Don't call me a retard, and lrn too read. I used a dry pan with pre-oiled meat fool!

>> No.4135530

Canola is bad for the heart, use Rice Bran Oil

>> No.4135536

Google "heat dissipation" dumbass...

It happens rapidly when removing the pan from the oven.

>> No.4135551
File: 37 KB, 600x827, EWLjf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steak is bad for the heart. Live a little.

>> No.4135574
File: 53 KB, 510x370, georgestare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still thinking meat is unhealthy

>> No.4135582


>>I used a dry pan with pre-oiled meat fool!

Yes, and then you put your OILED meat into the oven which was set higher than the smoke point of that oil. It's not rocket science bro. Canola oil has a smoke point of about 430 degrees. You put it in a 500 degree oven. Big suprise! It smoked!

Next time, if you use canola oil set the oven to 420 instead. Or, use something like safflower oil which can withstand 500F without smoking.


Heat and smoke are two different things, bro. Of course the heat will dissipate when you open the oven and remove the pan. However, it won't SMOKE unless you heated the oil beyond its smoke point.

>> No.4135598
File: 25 KB, 400x300, kramer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I didn't BRO! I removed the pan and cooked it on the stovetop.

Yeah, it's not rocket science, and it wasn't considering it was only a steak.

Regardless it turned out great. Fuck your smokepoints, and have a beauuutiful day.

You're spoiling my meal as you probably do with everything in your OCD life.

>> No.4135601


Chill, nobody is telling you not to enjoy your steak. We're just telling you how to avoid the smoke in the future, that's all.

>> No.4135604
File: 6 KB, 196x257, js.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and my post went right over your uncomprehending mind.

>> No.4135611

Ok, pax. I admit I was a bit defensive, but you didn't help matters by calling me a retard to begin with.

I just thought I would start a thread that would be helpful to all of us here on /ck/.