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File: 168 KB, 1504x1000, liquor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4131229 No.4131229 [Reply] [Original]

I've never really had much of an ability to hold my liquor, but as I age, even 4-5 pints of beer/the equivalent in spirits makes me vomit.

I've also just got a job that involves a lot of client entertainment and I'll be expectated to take important people out drinking.

How do I avoid making an embarrassment of myself?

>> No.4131237

Water, water, water.
It's the life blood of a binge drinker.
I can't stress enough how a glass of water between every couple of beers increases my drinking endurance.

>> No.4131244

My ability to hold down beer has gotten significantly worse with age. I can't even go past two pints without feeling tipsy (whereas before I could get to 4 without feeling any effects). Strangely enough, my ability to hold liquor has increased dramatically. What gives?

>> No.4131250

Food in stomach might be a factor. I'd also say you'd drink a beer faster than say, a whiskey on the rocks.

>> No.4131272

Order one neat vodka and then just drink water the rest of the night. They'll never know.

>> No.4131278


1. Drink water with each drink. Alternate. Hydrate.
2. Never drink on an empty stomach; it will end poorly.
3. Pace yourself. You're an adult, not a 16 year old chugging while your parents are out of town.
4. You may be entertaining clients, but still remain professional. Don't go shot for shot unless you want to hate yourself.
5. Know your limit. Count your drinks. Cut yourself off before you become a problem.
6. I can't stress water enough.

Don't be a frat bro. Drink your drinks and enjoy them. Savor, don't pound.

>> No.4131287

Maybe you're becoming homo and can only stomach a load of spooge?

>> No.4131313
File: 223 KB, 350x340, 1356663759373.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4131471
File: 82 KB, 400x300, whiskey[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, there's a few things you could do for style. I'd seriously consider just ordering a glass of some decent whiskey and nursing it with a glass of water. Just sip and savor every now and then. You can't really call out a man with a glass of hard liquor in his hand, if there's still some whiskey in it you're just reminding them what you're drinking. A proper outing will probably take at least 2 hours, so you shouldn't get too hammered.

As other people mentioned, eat a meal and be well hydrated.

>> No.4131887


Like this, arrive early. Order a gin and tonic, tip the barman and tell him to make every other one just a plain soda water with a slice of lemon/lime.

>> No.4131911

this is what i do and my friends think im the hardest drinker cause i only drink whiskey

>> No.4132113

The problem with most if these tips is that you're expected to keep up with everyone else, and what do you do when someone says let's get another round at this table?

>> No.4133509


It takes me 20 minutes to drink a beer, if I'm casually drinking with friends. A whiskey with a splash of water gets drunk in about 10.

>> No.4133553

always be the "designated driver".

>> No.4133563

lel normal people
alcohol doesn't affect me
i could literally drink until i died without getting drunk

>> No.4133575


>> No.4133584

Drink whisky straight in a whisky glass. Everyone will think you're a badass. Then when they aren't looking fill up your glass with the flask full of apple juice you packed before you left home.