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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4130781 No.4130781 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make the chili for these, /ck/?

>> No.4130814

It's called Wolf brand chili. You can find it on the shelf of your local grocer - unless you're a non American sleeze bag.

>> No.4130813

1) Eat at Taco Bell
2) Wait thirty minutes.

Skyline is garbage.

>> No.4130816

>skyline is garbage

Says the guy who's never tried it. I lived in and around Cincinnati for 3 years. I never - ever met anyone who didn't orgasm at the thought of eating skyline chili. You must have some fucked up taste buds.

>> No.4130824


Pick one.

>> No.4130840

Not the one you're responding too, but I would like to reinforce it is, in fact, garbage.

From the guy who's tried it. Unfortunately.

Though I shouldn't have had to, since I know full well basing your chili in tomatoes, forgetting the actually CHILI, and including bullshit like chocolate, and putting it over fucking spaghetti are all sins.

>> No.4130844

>I lived in and around Cincinnati for 3 years

Garbage people from a garbage city like garbage food. Big fucking surprise.

>> No.4130846

Stick with your chicken fingers and pb&j, junior.

>> No.4130850

Aww... did I hurt your wittle feelers?

>> No.4130856


they are pretty quick and handle well.

ive played forza, so you can go ahead and trust me.

he knows

the whiskey made me laugh.

>> No.4130859
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>Reject "Chili" that comes from a fucking can
>Chicken fingers

Skyline tastes like what licking the slime out of the bottom of a dumpster must. No wonder it's popular in a filthy run-down shithole like Cinci.

>> No.4130867

When you grow up and your taste buds develop (hopefully), your attitude will change completely.

>> No.4130877

No, I'll just have some real chili.

>> No.4130882

I wonder if the skyline defender realizes he looks hilarious.

>> No.4130886
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>> No.4130890

oh, and i bet you have some v6 mustang? ill beat you at the first turn scrub.

>> No.4130899

Skyline and Goldstar both taste like absolute garbage. I'm not sure why people like it so much. It has the consistency of moist dog food, and a taste much the same. All the times I've had it, it's had a sickeningly sweet aftertaste that just made me gaggy.

I'll stick with a thick, rich, savory chili and leave that fermented garbage juice alone.

>> No.4130902

You're also hilarious, but in a good way.

>> No.4130912
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>> No.4130911
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2 lbs ground beef
2 cups chopped onions
4 cups beef stock
2 (8 ounce) cans tomato sauce
2 -3 tablespoons chili powder
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
1/2 ounce grated unsweetened chocolate or 2 3/4 tablespoons cocoa
2 teaspoons instant minced garlic
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground red pepper or 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1 bay leaves or 1/8 teaspoon bay leaf powder


Brown ground beef and onion.
Add beef stock to beef mixture and simmer 10 minutes.
Add remaining 13 ingredients, simmer uncovered 1 hour.

>> No.4130910


Your a stoopid fool, samfag.

>> No.4130915


When you get some money and can move out of Cinci (hopefully), after you get the third arm that's growing out of your head from living in that sludge-filled thalidomide ghetto of a city amputated, you can ask the docs to cut your tongue out and install one that's not burnt out from twenty six years of eating foodstamp cheese at the downtown Cinci neighborhood block party (the fancy one)

>> No.4130923
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Who fucking eats this?

>> No.4130928


>> No.4130931

Chili has just three necessary ingredients, and only spices for subtle flavor adjustment should be added to them:


That bullshit is tomato soup with some insane additional flavors.

>> No.4130933

y'all best get on out of /ck/ before the chili aficionados get here.

>> No.4130936

that was almost eloquent. I lol'd

>> No.4130937


Beef is not a "necessary ingredient" in chili. That's why "Chili Con Carne" (Chili with Meat) is called that. If 'meat' was implied by 'chili', it'd just be 'chili'. Chili by default is bean-based; change beef to beans and you're right on the money.

>> No.4130946

Then why isn't it called chili con frijoles, you stupid fuck?

>> No.4130949

>Beef is not a "necessary ingredient" in chili.
You're wrong. Chili con carne is an unnecessary redundancy born of the horrific bastardization of chili that happened in the north once they got a hold of the concept.

Which includes beans, which are not traditionally a part of real chili.

You are either way more confident in your knowledge than you should be, or you are trolling.

>> No.4130953

Yeah, I'm going to guess you've spent way less time in the south west researching the history and foundations of chili than I have. Not even sure where you think you get off.

>> No.4130956

samefagging is fun

>> No.4130958

>You're wrong. Chili con carne is an unnecessary redundancy born of the horrific bastardization of chili that happened in the north once they got a hold of the concept.

Let's see...

>Several hundred years of linguistic tradition illustrating that people have always made a distinction between "chili" and "chili with meat"


>Some guy on 4chan whose best counter-argument is telling people who disagree with him that they're trolling

>> No.4130960

Carne means beef.

>> No.4130968
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>spent way less time in the south west researching the history and foundations of chili than I have.

you ... you really have nothing better to do with your time than travel the southwest "researching the history and foundations of chili"? Is this a joke

>> No.4130972

Very good!

What's your point?

>> No.4130970

>skyline chili sucks
>It's worse than super AIDS cancer

Translation: OMG something different! I'm too scared!

>> No.4130973

>you... you

Acting like a stuttering faggot on the internet is fun.

>> No.4130975

ohhh the cheeseburger is cumming down your throat OHH OHHHH IM CUMMINGGGG ON YOUR BIG TITS BABY OHHHHHH BUrger TIT TEAts OHHHHARRGHHHHHH *splattering sounds*

>> No.4130980

Except the dish hasn't been around for several hundreds of years, and "con carne" wasn't around until it made its way north, and the people who didn't have meat needed to fill it with other bullshit. Again, do your research.

I'm not saying your trolling if you disagree. I'm saying your disagreement is so silly that I suspect you know all this and you're simply trolling. It's entirely possible you just think you know more than you do.

>> No.4130986

I have tons of things to do with my time. One of them is make chili and have people pay me for the privilege of eating it.

>> No.4130989

There are two problems with skyline, neither of which is expressly because it's different.

1. It tastes awful.
2. It calls itself chili when it is significantly closer to tomato sauce.

>> No.4131000

I should also point out that while looking in to the history and culture of southwestern food is one of my hobbies, it is not a serious time consumer.

Just something I guarantee I've spent more time on than anyone else in this thread acting like they know what they're talking about.

>> No.4131060

It's spaghetti. Skyline chili is fucking spaghetti. That's how I know none of you dumbasses has even tried it.

>> No.4131073


They call spaghetti chili? What the fuck

>> No.4131087

It's spaghetti topped with Cincinnati chili and shredded cheddar among other things..

>> No.4131096


They put it on spaghetti?

So they think "chili" means "pasta sauce" then?

>> No.4131108

I don't feel like writing it all out.


>> No.4131437
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>> No.4131453

I have no fucking idea what I'm looking at in OP's post.

>> No.4131454

What's with all the cheese?

>> No.4131457

It's america.

>> No.4131479

>Chili has just three necessary ingredients

...so real chili doesn't exist because it's recursive?

>> No.4133560

Dont knock it untill you try it.

>> No.4133570

not reading all this but the secret is cinnamon- another pro tip is to not drain the fat off of the beef- keep that shit in the chili

>> No.4133572

to make skyline chili, buy the cheapest chili you can find at the dollar store, and cinnamon. done

>> No.4133616

> goes to find a thread about a regional food I care about
> thread completely, totally derailed by haters, faggots and anal-rententive "chili means what I say it means" people
I hate this board sometimes.
The answer is buying Skyline, Gold Star, or Dixie canned Cincinnati-style chili, or following a recipe that makes a copy.
The rest is easy, except finding cheddar cheese of just the right stringiness. You need it to get up to room temperature or a little higher if you expect it to melt at all on the coney.
> put on spaghetti? must be pasta sauce
Because the only thing that people put on spaghetti is tomato-based marinara...
It's the Ohio-style coney way to put cheese on it, as opposed to the Michigan/New York style which is just chili and onions.
No, the real secret ingredients are cloves and allspice, as far as I can tell. I hear people using cocoa but honestly I don't taste it.

>> No.4133664

>thread completely, totally derailed by haters, faggots and anal-rententive "chili means what I say it means" people
This guy right here.



>anal-rententive "chili means what I say it means" people

>> No.4133798
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>mfw you food hipsters will nevr experience the mouthsex that is skyline chili

>> No.4133812

A little bit heavy on the chili there...but yeah I'd still eat it.

>> No.4133827

They sell Skyline chili packet mixes, or just cincinnati chili mixes. These are really simple as they're just the normal spice mix, and you can cook it down to the level of thickness you like, as skyline's standard chili has been getting thinner over the years. When adding the ground beef to this mix, make sure that the beef is well separated before you let it cook too long, or else you'll have to use a hand blender or something to smooth it out.

>> No.4133900

I'm going to have to try this when I next buy some ground beef.

Surprisingly nothing that I don't have except that.

>> No.4133920

its on amazon in the can

I like skylines 4 and 5 ways but goldstars coneys and chilicheese fries more

>> No.4133983

>>4133827 here, the reason I personally prefer the packet mixes rather than cans is because every time I get the cans it's watery as hell, and gives me the shits. Their packets don't do that for some reason, and their restaurants aren't usually bad, but goddamn, those cans mess with me.

>> No.4134006


And, the type of chili at skyline is that cinncinati 5 way style, which has some origins in Greek immigrants, hence the similarity to moussaka and that hint of cinnamon.>>4133570
It's also very unchunky, but rather very fine grind and well chopped up. Kraft used to sell a mix. I had to endure it when a friend from Ohio was telling me I just had to try it. I gulped it down and my immature tastebuds only knew I didn't like it as much as my Mom's chili con carne. The beans were optional on that 5 way.

>> No.4134805
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>cloves in chili

>> No.4134819

At Skyline you can get a 3-way or 4-way which have no beans.