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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 147 KB, 780x623, korea-dog-meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4128453 No.4128453 [Reply] [Original]

Are dogs and cats edible ? Are they harmful to human digestion ?

>> No.4128456

It's not just cats and dogs, all meat will shorten your life.

>> No.4128454


>> No.4128459


Don't promote your vegan faggotry in my thread.

>> No.4128461

if you can name it you can't eat it
unless you're china... china can eat all kinds of shit

>> No.4128463

OP your awsome! and the problem with cat and dog meat is that they are predators... but in asia it's pretty normal just like in WW2 in holland we ate them

>> No.4128466


The truth hurts, doesn't it? Enjoy your early death.

>> No.4128468


I know we usually eat herbivorous animals. Why is predator a problem ?

>> No.4128472


After you reach a certain age, doctors recommend a diet. Then you won't eat that much meat anyway.

>> No.4128475
File: 21 KB, 400x400, breatharian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can name anything! Become a breatharian

>> No.4128477


Why on earth would I follow a diet that tells me not to eat meat just because of my age? I'd rather just eat what I want, do regular exercise and if I die a bit younger, so be it.

>> No.4128479

No it's not harmful, I've eaten dog before. It was delicious. Never had cat but it can't be that bad. Nothing wrong with a little variety.

>> No.4128481


If you're dumb enough to ask your original question you're dumb enough to have a vegan in your thread.

What would make you fucking think that eating dog or cats fully cooked do anything to you?

>> No.4128482


You got to go easy on high cholesterol meats.

>> No.4128485

Funny how scientific findings doesn't match with Vegan claims

Enjoy limiting yourself and living as much as meat eaters with similar life style and less than ocasional meat eaters, vegetarians and fish eaters.

>> No.4128486


Why do you insult those who ask questions ? Are you a veganazi ?

>> No.4128497


Reread what I typed.

Theres a fine line between a real question and common sense. Consider all of the people that eat meat in this world in poorer countries. Not everyone eats cow and chickens 24/7, many other people pull their protein from other sources, so long as an animal is cooked all the way its virtually harmless.

>> No.4128503


No. We don't eat cats because it's somehow harmful to our bodies more than herbivore meat.

>> No.4128508



>> No.4128527


8/10 would bang

>> No.4128580

We don't eat predators because predators taste like shit.

Lucky for us, dogs are omnivores and can be fed easily on corn. Mmm. Corndog.

>> No.4128585
File: 5 KB, 150x150, felix456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Mmm. Corndog


thank you

>> No.4128593

I fucking hate that OP posted that picture. I hope he'll be re-born in China as a dog.

>> No.4128602

Trufax: The primary ingredient in most commercial dog food is corn. This isn't any healthier for the dog than it is for us, but corn sure is cheap!

And yeah, it'll make your dog tender and delicious.

>> No.4128616

It's meat, from an animal. I mean, I love dogs as much as the next person, but what the fuck is your problem?

>> No.4128622

>Korean detected

>> No.4128628

>qt animals deserve to live but not a pig

Any slants can eat as many dogs/cats as they want. They're still an animal and beneath us just like any other animal.
I disagree with how they practically end up torturing the animal while trying to cook it though.

>> No.4128636
File: 33 KB, 387x345, pig2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying pigs aren't adorable as fuck

Tasty, too.

>> No.4128638

Yes and no.

Also fuck that pic. I get you can eat dog but why the uck present it as shitty as that? It probably doesn't even taste good like that

>> No.4128639

Not to mention the amount of mycotoxins in pet food is essentially unregulated. So all that corn is probably the worst of the worst and your fast-metabolizing animal is going to show the effects sooner than you would.

>> No.4128642

>your awesome

Hear hear! Preach that, girlfriend! Upvotes, for you!

Why the fuck do you say unnecessary stupid shit?

>> No.4128643

cornfed food is gross

>> No.4128646

>beneath us just like any other animal.

Christian detected.

>> No.4128644

Are you retarded? It's sociology 101. We consider dogs and cats as pets and not as food. Human meat is edible, too, doesn't mean I get hungry when I see dead people.

>> No.4128653

"We" as in the West right?
Because obviously in the East they feel differently.
And just in case you didn't know, we hold people higher than dogs.

>> No.4128670
File: 410 KB, 2304x1728, cow2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think these fucking faggots forget what they're eating

Here's a fucking cow. I sometimes forget how large a fucking cow is and what type of animals they are. The only type of creature we eat that I think is pretty disposable is a chicken. Actually, guinea fowl are some of the most stupid pieces of shit on the planet, I think they take the cake

We eat cute fucking things

>> No.4128673
File: 30 KB, 412x600, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related
What a goddamn stupid piece of shit

>> No.4128684
File: 140 KB, 626x468, RuRo0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how fucking stupid they are
They think they can handle a snake

>> No.4128694

Most animals are safe to eat
So yes you can eat dogs and cats, whatever tickles your fansy.

>> No.4128698

Eating a carnivore is more inefficient than eating a herbivore.

There is also a greater chance of parasites or pollutions with higher trophic level.

>> No.4128700

They definite can.

You have never been around livestock much. I raise both meat and laying chickens and they all have individual personalities. Obviously if you see chickens for 20 seconds or walk inside a massive poultry plant you can't pick this up.

Just another example of urbanfags not respecting what they eat out of ignorance.

>> No.4128701

Cows are fucking cute. They're also huge as shit

You're a man if you eat a cow
They're tough, like you

>> No.4128705

So you're saying guinea fowl are gentle creatures and never go apeshit?

My grandparents owned a farm and I've stayed there during summers

>> No.4128736

Gentle has nothing to do with anything.