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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4127970 No.4127970 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Epic Meal Time?

>> No.4127973

wasteful and gay

>> No.4127979

Really poor cooking presented with stupid machismo. It's really so over-compensating that it strikes me as effeminate.

>> No.4127985

A bunch of faggots who like getting sucked off by their 13 year old audience.

But if it was me I'd probably be doing it for the money too.

>> No.4128003

Destroying your own body/health is cool and edgy bro.

>> No.4128008
File: 146 KB, 600x450, haterspoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's filler bullshit to get youtube views/money now. I knew it after the first few episodes. I said they'd run out of ideas and they really have. Stuff this into that...yada...yada...etc..
It's pathetic cooking but they know it AND embrace it, so, to me, it's A-OK.

Add more liquor and it's WAY more ok with me.

They've started a battle thing now which is completely horrific but so far they've found plenty of good chefs to dick around and drink for an hour. Even some *recognizable* judges. Complete shit, it is.

Guess what? I still watch it every week, and I'm ok with them making a thirtieth of a cent, or whatever, from my view. They're fun. They'll probably lose all of the money on bacon and MTV cribs style bullshit. Call them douches or whatever. They called themselves that because they knew what they knew were portraying.

They're having fun and you should not be mad at that.

>> No.4128012

It's wasteful and unhealthy to the max.
No redeeming qualities at all.
Gross looking "food" that I wouldn't eat if you offered me money.
No wonder it appeals to amerifats, though.

>> No.4128016

I think I unsubscribed a couple of years ago, just got repetitive and they started advertising during their shows. Was fun to start off with though.

>> No.4128017

Y'know they're Canadian, right?
And all of the food gets eaten?

>> No.4128018

they're canadians

>> No.4128021

it's funny when you're new to it, but after the third video it's already repetitive.
Oh hey, they put burgers and bacon and booze into some completely unrelated shit again. Yawn.

Also, the main guy is annoying to the max

>> No.4128028
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They're untalented white shitbrains who ruin food loudly and are adored by similarly tedious teen retards.

>> No.4128030

They may be canadian but all the fatass americans I know worship them.
Doesn't matter if it's all eaten, it's still gluttony and wasteful.

>> No.4128053

There are plenty of people off camera at all times of any production, as are most youtube videos pulling some kind of decent bankroll.

Are you retarded, socially challenged, mathematically challenged, or what? Please tell me, I can refer you to a butthurt specialist.

>> No.4128063

I never said anything about people not being off set during production. I would assume there was... I don't know what you're trying to say or argue?
Maybe you should lrn2read.

>> No.4128064


I dunno bro. You kind of seem like the butthurt EMT fan here. Not even that anon, btw.

>> No.4128068

How is it gluttony if it's all getting eaten by multiple people?

>> No.4128069

cuter version of zach galifianakis

I don't see the appeal though.

>> No.4128072

Maybe you should read the Bible and then you'd know that it is, in fact, gluttony.

>> No.4128074

it's funny if you don't know regular ordinary swedish meal time which is in fact a lot funnier.
it seems like EMT tried to copy ROSMT.

>> No.4128075

JLH on my /ck/.
i thought you were busy shitposting on /r9k/.

>> No.4128086


>> No.4128087
File: 16 KB, 360x240, 1276582322004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read the Bible
That's cute.

>Oh dear Lord Jesus, If 20 people share this small hog for today and tomorrow, will that be the sin known as gluttony? YEP, ALL YE BE DAMNED FOR ETERNITY.

Makes perfect sense now. Thanks anon!

>> No.4128093

I'm Hungary, so i was looking on here for food idea
Though all I see is nothing food related
>/ck/ general

>> No.4128095

Gluttony isn't just about eating too much food. Eating fancy, intricate food is gluttony. Eating for the pleasure of taste is gluttony. Educate yourself.

>> No.4128096

you sure you even took a look at the front page?
all that shit is very much food related.

if you want food ideas, open a thread(preferably without you trip) and ask people for ideas.

>> No.4128102
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Grilling pig is neither fancy, nor intricate. It is tasty, I'll give you that. Try harder to hate. Doesn't Jesus tell you not to hate? Oh, wait, you overlooked that part.

You did.

And you get to pick and choose what to believe. That's really fucking awesome. At least you're not suicide bombing yet. Give that another 20 years.

>> No.4128103

Sorry, I meant *give that another -2050 years*

>> No.4128105

>casting stones
>telling people to read the bible.
Cute. Check the beam in your eye, bro.

>> No.4128106

I didn't tell anyone to read the bible, bro.

>> No.4128109

Don't even try and take back what you said now.

>> No.4128115


>> No.4128117

yeah, posted by you.

>> No.4128119

As you can see here:
These are the responses in my vindictive posts seen here:

>> No.4128121

Sure, sure.

>> No.4128125
File: 1.90 MB, 320x240, c3ae1350-4e78-48ef-8616-abe7df6387e6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Severely confused, you are. Take a breather from late night /ck/ and probably 4chan in general. It seems too much for you right now.

>> No.4128127

The food they make is stupid as fuck but no one watches it for the food anyway, they watch it because they're funny dudes.

>> No.4128130

Marketing geniuses, funny dudes, stupid "meals"

>> No.4128141

It gets boring fast, and their food looks like shit.

>> No.4128214

Except they're not funny at all.

>> No.4128222

They never were funny, they were slightly entertaining.

Did everyone else miss the premise as well?

>> No.4128229

I felt embarrassed watching it.

>> No.4128237

Anything which uses the word "epic" like that is guaranteed to be gay as fuck.

>ebin bacons an borgers :DDDDDD

>> No.4128239

Spaghetti fags told you you couldn't play in their basement so you came crying to the kitchen hoping mommy would make it all better with more food huh sweetheart?

>> No.4128243


they're, uh, canadian.

>> No.4128247

You feel embarassed watching some guys have fun and make money doing what they like to do with their buddies? Guys whose hobby is far more reasonable than the shit a lot of guys their age do with their buddies, like troll nightclubs for club sluts every weekend?

You must be the most awful, boring person to be around.

>> No.4128264

Feel embarrassed watching grown adults turn themselves into an over the top running joke which as far gone past it's punchline many episodes ago, recycling internet memes to stay popular?
Tearing into some bacon fistfucked roast pig with their teeth and growling into a camera for the thousandth time for attention?
A dying joke which is soon approaching it's eventual end when the internet gets bored with it and they have to go back to real lives with God forbid, a real job?
I do feel embarrassed, thanks for asking.

Clearly I must be a boring person to be around because your idea of fun doesn't match up with mine buddy

>> No.4128267

It's like you've been waiting months to say that.

>> No.4128271


I didn't ask you if you thought their idea of enjoyment was amusing to you. I didn't ask for a play by play of their business model that you don't agree with/find uninteresting.

I asked you, in no certain terms, why you feel embarassed by people having fun ***REGARDLESS OF THEIR IDEA OF FUN
when it has no impact on your life whatsoever.

Yeah, you're prolly shit to be around. Being "embarassed" by people you don't know, doing things that don't involve you, is pretentious and 2edgy4us.

>> No.4128275
File: 351 KB, 550x636, 1357022845993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.4128284

...Were you not aware that this thread is titled

Being embarrassed by large and/or trashy people eating gross food?
Shit you're right!
Doesn't sound like this board at all!

>> No.4128289

Nope, sounds like /fit/'s mantra. You should probably go there.

>> No.4128293

I get the feeling you must work with or be somehow connected to the show to be this butthurt about my simple opinion

>> No.4128294

*which [again] was the question of this thread

>> No.4128304

I actually haven't watched it in well over a year, because you're right, the formula is stale and not as amusing as it was in the beginning.

What's irritating is your "opinion" started out completely false. They aren't American. And "embarassed" is a completely outrageous descriptive for this situation. Embarassed is why you shit your pants on the subway. Or when your kid points at a fat person and remarks to them that they are fat. Way too extreme of a term to use when expressing your thoughts on an Internet TV show. If you knew these guys in real life, it would be more reasonable to use that "opinion". Maybe you knew for a fact they are douchebags that make asses of themselves on a day to day basis.

But no. That's not the case. You're just using inappropriate descriptive terms for something completely benign to your life. And incorrect facts.

>> No.4128307

They're demeaning themselves in front of the world, it's embarrassing.

>> No.4128310

Do you watch ANY TV at all? Is it your opinion that everything on TV is demeaning? Because a majority of the shit you'll see there or on the Internet, is worse than some guys pounding bacon and whiskey.

Seriously, dude. It's fine to not like something. That's all you have to say. Hell, say "I don't like it because all that grease is nasty and unhealthy". But you're being dramatic for no reason.

>> No.4128371

i stopped watching when the publicly announced about them using there youtube earnings to go to vegas and get a limo and hoes, and gamble. i even bought there shirt at spencers. i feel like a tool, i still show my friends the older eps when drunk. like fastfood lasagna and 4loko chili

>> No.4128379

I just live their transformation into fat fucks as soon as they got big (lel). Apparently muscles glasses quit his job as a personal trainer after they became successful, and it shows.

>> No.4128408
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>> No.4128410

> after the third video it's already repetitive.

Haha, over the last hour I got interested, looked it up, had a giggle or two, then about 3eps in I'm now burnt out and can't watch any more.

I think its kind of a neat concept, especially from a satire perspective. If you "hate" the show, then you just don't have a well rounded sense of humor.

It does annoy me, but only because they did such a poor job of developing the concept. I've only seen 3 eps so far, but never once did they comment on how good/bad it tasted, they don't schtick-it-up enough at the restaurants, not enough kitchen fail variety, no close-up examination of the food abominations, and oddly enough, they could *maybe* offer some practical advice and create some real dishes that might actually be edible rather than just peeing on poop and saying rawwwrrr every 30 seconds. I like the guy that does all the talking... The toilet humorilevel banter has made me laugh since I was about 4yrs old, but again, I'm not really sensing the development. If they would sit down and think shit out before filming they could keep it interesting... I mean look at adam richman's show... Guy has made a whole career out of painful stomach expansion and hot sauce burns. No one would watch the show more than twice if that's all there was to see, but there's just enough yukking it up with the restaurant tours, cook interviews, and thought toward personality and presentation that it has survived, and seems to be doing pretty well.

>> No.4128413

it was funny the first 2-3 times

>> No.4128802

I found the Jack Daniels breakfast-thing genuinely funny, but that's it.
It was also nice seeing them make that bird stuffed in a bird stuffed in a pig, or whatever, but that's it.
Those are also the only two episodes that yielded actual, tasty-looking results out of the episodes I've watched.
"We gettin' drunk off breakfast" still makes me chuckle for some reason.

>> No.4128894

All of their "larger" meals get donated to soup kitchens

>> No.4128896

that's good, because the homeless aren't unhealthy enough

>> No.4128914


I don't think you have a very firm grasp on 'health'

>> No.4128926

This thread is full of people hating on EMT, but if someone here posted a similar meal, especially if made by a popular tripfag, it would be glorified.

>> No.4128965

>It's unhealthy
Who gives a shit? You're not eating it.
>It's wasteful
Agreed, but what isn't in America? Yes, I'm aware that they are Canadian.
>the humor is poor
Well, not if you're a frat boy.

>> No.4128974

some of their stuff looks and sounds tasty. I think they over the Jack Daniel's and bacon. But as far as dishes in the earlier episodes like Meatball Deathstar and Turducken-Pig look great.

Some (I mean a few) of these could be good with some modification (making it to a reasonable size and not novelty-huge, not drowning it in whiskey).

>> No.4128977

Awesome defense.

>> No.4129000

>what were Jesters
>what are clowns
>what is porn
>what is slapstick
>what is tasteless acting and comedy
>who are Justin Bieber/Katy Perry/Lil Wayne etc

Everyone who performs for the purpose of entertainment "demeans" themselves non-fans (haters gonna hate) while keeping their actual followers happy. Their fans love them, lots of other people hate them. So fucking what? Their fans are happy, keep coming back, they make money, and haters are still gonna hate.

>> No.4129028

>wasting my time actively defending something against a bunch of biased, stubborn people
Not dumb enough to do that.

>> No.4129033

Got to admit, the episode where they made stuff for the homeless shelter/soup kitchen thing was pretty amazing.

All those calories did not go to waste.

>> No.4129036

> Canadians do dumb shit that I hate
> Blame U.S.
> I'm so smart

>> No.4129045

nah ROSMT is much better

>> No.4129049
File: 62 KB, 300x300, trisomy21b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They donate the leftover food. I thought this was a pretty known fact but I guess you're a little too potato to know that

>> No.4129055

Here's why I don't have a problem with it:

>>It's wasteful
So what? It's not like you're donating food to starving Africans. Complaining about it just makes you a hypocrite.
>>It's unhealthy
It's also not your body, or mine. Be health police somewhere else.
>>They act like douchebags.
And they're well aware of it too. They call themselves douchebags on a constant basis, because it's deliberate. It's deliberate because it's COMEDY.
>>They're sell-outs/moneygrubbers/whatever term you feel like using to mean "makes money from the shit they do."
Making money from doing shit has a name: It's called a job. Besides, it's not like it's money out of your pocket.

>> No.4129079

>you don't know details about a YouTube thing
>must be stupid


>> No.4129096
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>That mac and cheese episode
Who would have thought I'd get turned on by a room of bitches eating?

>> No.4129112
File: 77 KB, 500x750, 1304232491830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're sellouts
As are any performers or celebrity who endorse a product on TV, radio, print, and the media.

Hating "sell-outs" is for hipsters.

>> No.4129113

>hating when you don't know the whole story
>not stupid

pick one

>> No.4129224

ITT: fat neckbeard haters gon' hate for never accomplishing anything while some cool ass bros found a way to turn their love of food and having a great fucking time into a money printing machine

>> No.4129232

>never accomplishing anything


>> No.4129680


They also fully embrace the fact that they're sellouts and even make a joke of it.