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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4127262 No.4127262 [Reply] [Original]

Any raw vegans out there? I'm looking to become a raw vegan (vegetarian now) and I had a few questions.

How did you start?
What do you normally eat on a daily basis?
Are you happier with your current diet?

>> No.4127276

invest in a vitamix and a dehydrator unless you want to get pathologically bored with food

also i hope you don't do any sports or work out much, otherwise be prepared to spend a shit ton of money on supplements.

>> No.4127278
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>mfw you collapse walking up a flight of stairs

>> No.4127293

i'm going to assume you aren't an athlete.

your biggest dietary problems will be iron and vitamin b12. iron will be alright if you don't drink tea and coffee much (since tea and coffee block absorption specifically of non-animal based iron) since pumpkin seeds, lentils, and some other vegetables have a good amount of iron. b12 will be nearly impossible and you will have to supplement, if not directly with b12 certainly with

cholesterol and saturated fat will be of secondary importance. coconut oil and coconut milk (not light) are high in saturated fat. i'm not sure how easy it will be to incorporate these into a raw diet. frankly i have no idea where you would find cholesterol that doesn't come from a dead animal... that will take some research on your part.

again, if you aren't an athlete, protein will not be a problem. if you are an athlete, you're screwed and getting the rule-of-thumb "1g of protein per 1lb of body weight" will be nearly impossible if you aren't a 110 lb endurance runner, in which case you will still probably be very deficient in iron.

>> No.4127314

one more thing that comes to mind:

watch your ratio of omega 6 to omega 3. nuts and some cooking oils are relatively high in 6 and low in 3. you will be eating a fuck load of nuts as a raw vegan. try and hunt down omega 3's to balance this out. i take a fish oil supplement for this... not sure where else you would get it. this is a chronic problem for non-vegans, too, but if you're going raw and ignore something as critical as the omega 3/6 ratio you're a dumbass. you only have to worry about this if you're eating a modern diet and not a high-in-small-fish, low-in-red-meat diet like neolithic (not paleolithic... fuck the paleo diet) humans did. unfortunately you and i are all eating a modern diet.

olive oil, avocado, etc. are fine because their fat is mostly monounsaturated, for which as far as i'm aware your body doesn't need as specific a ratio.

in the same vein, in your modern diet you get way more sodium than potassium; before humans figured out how to cheaply produce table salt this ratio was reversed, and your body evolved to handle the reversed ratio. one of the nice things about being a raw vegan is that you tend not to eat too much salt and get way more potassium (relatively) than you otherwise would. just don't forget about salt -- you'll want it anyway because your food will be SO FUCKING LUKEWARM AND BORING

humans evolved to desire cooked food because it's much more efficient to digest cooked food than raw food. maybe that's not so important now that we eat to fill up and not to survive until our next opportunity to eat. but still, keep that in mind. natural selection favored humans that liked to cook.

>> No.4127338

Vegetarianism is fine. Don't be an idiot and fuck your health up by becoming a vegan.

>> No.4127352
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>get a bundle of bananas
>pull them into pieces and throw in a blender
>get a bag of dates
>rough chop about 10 of them and throw them in too
>add almond milk to make it easier to blend and add a bit of creaminess
>add 2 teaspoons of root beer extract or vanilla extract
>blend it smooth as fuck
>throw some extra chopped up dates in afterwards if you want some sweet chunks in there
>pour into bowls and freeze
>you've just made healthy as fuck vegan ice cream

With root beer extract it tastes like rum raisin, with vanilla extract it tastes like cookie dough ice cream. All that fruit is good energy too

>> No.4127357


>you will be eating a fuck load of nuts as a raw vegan

Raw vegans hardly eat nuts, they eat mostly fruit and starches like rice and pasta. High carb, low protein and fat

>> No.4127362

you're an idiot

>> No.4127365

How is a raw vegan going to eat rice or pasta? You have to cook rice to eat it, and pasta is, by definition, prepared.

>> No.4127372
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>> No.4127376


They allow boiling those things in water. The point of being raw is to get the enzymes from what you're eating, but rice and pasta have no enzymes anyway so it doesn't matter if you cook them. Vegetables and whatnot though, they eat raw

>> No.4127380


>every "Become a Raw Vegan" video ever on youtube
>they always say nuts and seeds should be a very low part of your diet due to all the fat

>> No.4127384

>raw is usually defined as keeping under 165 F
>~212 F

>> No.4127388


Did you respond to my post without reading it? I told you why cooking rice and pasta don't matter and what the entire point of raw food is about

>> No.4127393

what, did you watch some expertvillage videos or something?

low fat diets are dangerous, fats are a critical component of cells and hormones. the research is all within the last decade or so but in hindsight its really fucking obvious.

>> No.4127396


They don't say "no fats at all," you just grossly overestimate how much fat you need. Half an avacado a day is what they take in for fat

>> No.4127399

intent doesn't matter. the point is raw is fucking raw.

also, there's way more to eating raw than enzyme content. inflammatory factors, behavioral commitment, etc. raw foods almost never contain gluten, a known inflammatory factor to which many people (probably more than we realize) have an additional specific sensitivity or allergy. raw diets avoid this.

also a lot of pasta is made with egg, so not vegan.

yes i'm samefagging all over this thread. bite me, i know more than you.


>> No.4127402

>implying too much for me to bother typing

>> No.4127407

...and my last post before i get another beer and get off /ck/ for the night


>> No.4127409


>inflammatory factors

Which you won't find in pasta or rice

>behavioral commitment

That is the most blatant attempt to grab a bullshit reason out of nowhere I have ever seen

Quit acting like a little bitch and talking about something you don't know anything about. I watch these people all the time, I know what they eat

>> No.4127414

ok, one more...


do you even google?

>> No.4127417


If you're not allergic to gluten, that's not going to do anything. Rice doesn't contain gluten either, dumb little pussy

>> No.4127451
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The god damn poster child of raw food vegans tells you to eat pasta and rice if you don't feel like eating fruit sometimes

>> No.4127469

You have come to the wrong side of town. However look up fullyrawkristina on youtube. She has a ton of helpful videos and you can email her and stuff.

>> No.4127472
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Raw vegans don't eat rice or pasta dumb ass.

>> No.4127476

This isn't true. The raw vegan I know runs five fucking miles a day and doesn't use supplements at all.

>> No.4127483

Read 80/10/10

>> No.4127595

>five fucking miles a day
shit, that kind of thing takes too long. who wants to spend a fucking hour running?

>> No.4127615

You should become breatharian. It is as scientific sounding as raw vegan but much cheapper!

>> No.4127678

I went vegan for a while (for health reasons not because of animals) and loved it. I lost a bunch of weight (was a bit chubby before) had more energy, and just generally felt healthier. I wouldn't go raw vegan just because I've heard it can be really harsh on your digestive system. What you need to keep in mind is that everyone's body is different and what worked for someone else may not work for you. I'm currently on a paleo diet and I like it better just because I missed meat and I have more options now. As far as being vegan, you can just Google a staples list. They're fucking everywhere. Make sure you're getting all your nutrients in and do research on what foods can replace the nutrients you'll be losing by cutting animal products out of your diet. I suggest also taking a multi vitamin if you don't already.

>> No.4127688

Rice is wheat, it's the fucking empotime of gluten. Also, most people have a sensitivity to gluten. Cut it out of your diet and tell me you don't feel 10x better.

>> No.4127696

The 80-10-10 Diet by Dr. Doug Graham
The Complete Book of Raw Food
Vegan Bodybuilding and Fitness

FoodnSport(Dr. Doug Graham)
easytoberaw (Megan Elizabeth)
fullyrawkristina (Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram)
ck1nsh (Chris Kendall, The Raw Advantage)
liferegenerator (Dan the Man)
RealRawResults (Chris Randall, lost ~160lbs)

Websites with useful info:

As far as the daily basis thing, on YouTube there are videos by EasyToBeRaw and FullyRawKristina of stuff like "What I eat in a day/week" and they have recipes as well.

I'm not raw yet, I've been researching it a lot and easing into it. One of my cousins eats 70%+ raw and he's lost weight from it and has tons of energy. For the past 4 years he's been making green smoothies, he consumes about 2-4 32oz mason jars full throughout the day, making a large batch in the morning for him and his fiancee to lug to work and whatnot.

There are different types of raw diets, the one with the best health benefits is typically high carb low fat raw vegan. When they eat very high amounts of nuts and seeds they sometimes get health problems in the long-run. A few of the youtube people I posted went from high fat raw to high carb and fixed health problems by going high carb. There's tons of info out there. Research it, think about it, and in the end you decide what you eat. Weather you go 100% raw vegan or not, eating more fruits and veg is great for health.

>> No.4127704

I eat 60-70% fruit. It's of the gods.

>> No.4127743

>Rice is wheat

>> No.4127754

Oh fuck. Please don't do this to yourself OP. There is a reason homo sapiens evolved the brain size we did, and that reason is that we started cooking our food.

For the love of science and your upcoming case of pellagra, don't do this.

>> No.4127770

We should be alright. They'll pass before they procreate and if not their offspring will be so underdeveloped and mentally fucked by the parents delusions, they'll die even sooner.

>> No.4127773

no, it's of latin america

>> No.4127777


We can only hope, my brother.

>> No.4127780
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>> No.4127789
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>Rice is wheat

>> No.4127838


>For the past 4 years he's been making green smoothies, he consumes about 2-4 32oz mason jars full throughout the day

I want to follow a diet like this but god damn it's expensive to get all the food you need

>> No.4128047

I've been vegan for about 7 months now. I've been doing a lot of research on going raw and what I will need to eat and what not. My biggest concern is the amount of food I will need to buy to obtain 2-3000 calories a day. That is a lot of money to spend on food especially when unemployed. But a raw food is very sustainable from what I've read and seen.

>> No.4128058

Does being vegan make you poop a lot?

>> No.4128092

>The point of being raw is to get the enzymes from what you're eating
Anyone competent with biology will tell you that eating enzymes does jack shit, since they get completely destroyed by your digestive system.

>> No.4128107


Another fish has swallowed the Big Pharma line I see. Carry on, eat your GMO meats and your mad cow spine slurry, nothing to see here.

>> No.4128146

>>this guy thinks GMO foods are bad
Next you'll tell us how flouride in the drinking water is giving us all cancer & how wearing tinfoil hats protects against the satan that is gov't/corp.

>> No.4128171


I'm going to assume you're a fat fuck who knows absolutely nothing about health with that comment. Not even into the ethical side of things, a vegan diet is the best diet for your health.

>> No.4128176

Actually, it doesn't have to be terribly expensive. Now I'm not saying you could live on $20 a week, if you tried that you'd most likely end up calorie deficient, especially if you're working out or living an active life in general. If you find a fruit & veg wholesaler in your area you can get real good deals by buying staples like bananas, mangoes, dates, etc by the case. Also farmers markets, if you go towards the end of the farmers market being up you can get discounts, or if you make friends with farmers and are a frequent buyer they'll often discount for you.

It could be about $80-$120 per week for all organic produce for one person if they eat about 2500 calories a day; if that's too high for your income a good way to do it is eat mostly raw, eating fruit for breakfast, salads for lunch, and something cheap like beans/rice for dinner.

>> No.4128184

He's a good example of a vegan athlete. But yeah, he's been 100% raw for the past 11 or so years and to his viewers who want to be mostly raw but don't think they can be 100% raw or are in transition he recommends eating beans/rice/pasta; he recommends to still eat a high carb diet essentially. Beans rice and pasta aren't raw though of course, and he doesn't eat em.

>> No.4128185

So in order to do this kind of thing efficiently, you need to have a decent income. I guess the other option would be growing your own food but where I live that option isn't available.

>> No.4128188

High carb raw vegans are common, but eating "gourmet raw vegan" or a high fat raw vegan diet is what some people do. For example, Ani Phyo's diet is made up of about 1/3 each of nuts/seeds, greens, and fruits.

>> No.4128194

Yes. Either you'd have to budget differently, such as being more frugal with non-food items and luxuries until you have a higher income (if it applies to you), grow your own food (if it were an option), or wait until you have a better income and in the mean time include cooked carbs in your diet.

>> No.4128207

vegans sure are anal

>> No.4128302

Vegan since 2007. Healthy as fuck until recently. I kind of let it slide a bit. The thing was, cooking vegan is annoying as fuck (too much preparation) and for a while I was just giving up. I'd eat those vege burgers, drink coffee and redbull (redbull is vegan now), go relaxed on the white sugar (not vegan), drink plenty of alcohol.

Anyway, I fucked up my intestines and have been seeing doctors about it the last few months.

If you are going t be vegan, it's a full time job. You really gotta do a lot of work to stay healthy. Meat and processed foods is the best way if you are lazy, maybe the long term health effects are bad, but they fortify all that shit so the retard masses don't die off.

When you are vegan, there aren't many safety nets. You're going to want to buy a multi vitimin for this. Non vegan diets are so heavily fortified people automatically connect their diet with some dogmatic health truth. The actual truth is, back in the day you ate your fucking meat, potatoes, and vegetables from the garden. Not canned crap, and microwavable pizzas and chocolate milk.

Same goes for b12. Animals don't produce b12, it's a bacteria. They have b12 because of the shitty living conditions they have. They are the middle man for b12. But it's not enough, people who eat meat still get sick because of lack of b12.

The b12 they put in milk/soymilk/etc is a shitty kind of b12 called CYANOCOBALAMIN which gets absorbed by the intestine (but it barely does). The cobalomin is attached to cyanide (yes that type of cyanide). It's way cheaper to make, so all the milk companies use that shit.

The best kind is MYTHOCOBALIMINE.

Anyway, veganism is awesome for somethings but can get really boring sometimes. I need to watch earthlings every couple of months to remind myself why I'm doing it.

>> No.4128324


It's called exercise, fatty.

>> No.4128327

Yeah, b12 is a modern day problem typically from soil degradation. We used to get it from small amounts of dirt on wild greens and now the b12 in the soil is gone and people wash produce a lot because of the chemicals and other things in the dirt. It's good you mentioned b12, it's a common misconception that vegans in specific get b12 deficiency. Meat eaters make up the majority of b12 deficients (~99%).

>> No.4128341

How did you fuck up your intestines, what happened?

>> No.4128343

Because that anonymous post on 4chan certainly represents all of us!

>> No.4128344

this ones also anal